925 resultados para Doing-Business-Reports, Banque Mondiale
This leaflet explains the dangers of smoking and why you should stop. It also provides information on nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and non-nicotine treatments as well as other sources of help and advice.
This poster highlights that binge drinking is dangerous, even if you don't get drunk.
This booklet explains how the 'Breastfeeding welcome here' scheme works and includes the membership agreement for businesses to sign.
This second corporate business plan explains the purpose of the PHA and focuses on health improvement, health protection and addressing health inequalities. The business plan is available to download below.
Specimens of elasmobranch fishes, captured in the states of Paraná and Santa Catarina, of the southern coast off Brazil, represented by three families, four genera, and four species, were parasitized with otobothrioid trypanorhynch cestodes: Heptranchias perlo (Bonnaterre, 1788), Squalus sp. and Carcharhinus signatus (Poey, 1868) were parasitized with Progrillotia dollfusi Carvajal & Rego,1987; Prionace glauca (Linnaeus, 1758) with Molicola horridus (Goodsir, 1841) Dollfus, 1942. Details of internal morphology and/or scolex and/or proglottids surface ultrastructure, that expanded the description of M. horridus, through observations with lightfield, and/or scanning eletronic microscopy, are provided. The known geographical distribution for the species M. horridus is enlarged. P. dollfusi is reported for the first time in elasmobranchs.
This review provides an update on the fruit and vegetable review conducted in 2007. It collates and considers the information available – academic, regulatory, public health – on the health and food safety implications of fruit and vegetables. It focuses on ready-to-eat (RTE) fresh fruit and vegetables which are consumed raw, whether whole or prepared, and includes products packaged under vacuum or in a modified atmosphere that have not undergone any treatment (chemical, physical or biological) to ensure preservation, other than chilling. The key finding was that 75% of Irish consumers are now able to identify that they should eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, but only a third (36%) of consumers say they are doing so. The average intake of fruit and vegetables is currently less than half that recommended, at 2.4 portions per day. Issues to do with cost, shelf life, preparation time and habit were seen by consumers as barriers to buying and consuming more fruit and vegetables. his review provides an update on the fruit and vegetable review conducted in 2007. It collates and considers the information available – academic, regulatory, public health – on the health and food safety implications of fruit and vegetables. - See more at: http://www.safefood.eu/Publications/Research-reports/Consumer-Focused-Review-of-Fruit-and-Vegetables.aspx#sthash.T98zN2UU.dpuf This review provides an update on the fruit and vegetable review conducted in 2007. It collates and considers the information available – academic, regulatory, public health – on the health and food safety implications of fruit and vegetables. It focuses on ready-to-eat (RTE) fresh fruit and vegetables which are consumed raw, whether whole or prepared, and includes products packaged under vacuum or in a modified atmosphere that have not undergone any treatment (chemical, physical or biological) to ensure preservation, other than chilling. The key finding was that 75% of Irish consumers are now able to identify that they should eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, but only a third (36%) of consumers say they are doing so. The average intake of fruit and vegetables is currently less than half that recommended, at 2.4 portions per day. Issues to do with cost, shelf life, preparation time and habit were seen by consumers as barriers to buying and consuming more fruit and vegetables. This review provides an update on the fruit and vegetable review conducted in 2007. It collates and considers the information available – academic, regulatory, public health – on the health and food safety implications of fruit and vegetables. It focuses on ready-to-eat (RTE) fresh fruit and vegetables which are consumed raw, whether whole or prepared, and includes products packaged under vacuum or in a modified atmosphere that have not undergone any treatment (chemical, physical or biological) to ensure preservation, other than chilling. The key finding was that 75% of Irish consumers are now able to identify that they should eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, but only a third (36%) of consumers say they are doing so. The average intake of fruit and vegetables is currently less than half that recommended, at 2.4 portions per day. Issues to do with cost, shelf life, preparation time and habit were seen by consumers as barriers to buying and consuming more fruit and vegetables. - See more at: http://www.safefood.eu/Publications/Research-reports/Consumer-Focused-Review-of-Fruit-and-Vegetables.aspx#sthash.T98zN2UU.dpuf This review provides an update on the fruit and vegetable review conducted in 2007. It collates and considers the information available – academic, regulatory, public health – on the health and food safety implications of fruit and vegetables. It focuses on ready-to-eat (RTE) fresh fruit and vegetables which are consumed raw, whether whole or prepared, and includes products packaged under vacuum or in a modified atmosphere that have not undergone any treatment (chemical, physical or biological) to ensure preservation, other than chilling. The key finding was that 75% of Irish consumers are now able to identify that they should eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, but only a third (36%) of consumers say they are doing so. The average intake of fruit and vegetables is currently less than half that recommended, at 2.4 portions per day. Issues to do with cost, shelf life, preparation time and habit were seen by consumers as barriers to buying and consuming more fruit and vegetables. - See more at: http://www.safefood.eu/Publications/Research-reports/Consumer-Focused-Review-of-Fruit-and-Vegetables.aspx#sthash.T98zN2UU.dpuf This review provides an update on the fruit and vegetable review conducted in 2007. It collates and considers the information available – academic, regulatory, public health – on the health and food safety implications of fruit and vegetables. It focuses on ready-to-eat (RTE) fresh fruit and vegetables which are consumed raw, whether whole or prepared, and includes products packaged under vacuum or in a modified atmosphere that have not undergone any treatment (chemical, physical or biological) to ensure preservation, other than chilling. The key finding was that 75% of Irish consumers are now able to identify that they should eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, but only a third (36%) of consumers say they are doing so. The average intake of fruit and vegetables is currently less than half that recommended, at 2.4 portions per day. Issues to do with cost, shelf life, preparation time and habit were seen by consumers as barriers to buying and consuming more fruit and vegetables. - See more at: http://www.safefood.eu/Publications/Research-reports/Consumer-Focused-Review-of-Fruit-and-Vegetables.aspx#sthash.T98zN2UU.dpuf This review provides an update on the fruit and vegetable review conducted in 2007. It collates and considers the information available – academic, regulatory, public health – on the health and food safety implications of fruit and vegetables. - See more at: http://www.safefood.eu/Publications/Research-reports/Consumer-Focused-Review-of-Fruit-and-Vegetables.aspx#sthash.T98zN2UU.dpuf
La Suisse de 1939 à 1945 se caractérise par une relative tolérance envers l'homosexualité. Depuis 1942, le Code pénal suisse dépénalise les relations entre adultes consentant·e·s dans l'ensemble de la Confédération. Zurich accueille la seule association homosexuelle existant au monde durant ces années.¦Cette image d'Épinal a longtemps rendu invisibles les vécus quotidiens de l'homosexualité. Cet ouvrage offre un regard inédit en se fondant sur des sources jusqu'alors inexplorées provenant de la justice militaire. Le Code pénal militaire punit en effet les relations sexuelles entre hommes depuis 1928, et la mobilisation générale amène à un paroxysme permettant de dévoiler un ordinaire habituellement masqué. Quelque 120 affaires sont instruites par la justice militaire avec le concours des polices militaires et civiles, des autorités communales et, parfois, du Service sanitaire de l'armée ou de médecins civils. Ces affaires permettent de mettre en évidence, au-delà de l'interdiction de l'homosexualité au sein de la troupe, une marge de liberté dans les grandes villes, mais aussi la surveillance policière et un opprobre social tenace.¦La relative tolérance envers l'homosexualité s'inscrit comme un compromis entre un progressisme et un conservatisme politique, juridique, voire médical, qui diffère selon les régions du pays ou l'origine sociale des prévenus.
Microglia are often found near damaged tissue in Alzheimer's disease patients, but whether the brain's innate immune cells are helpful or harmful in the disease has been an open question. Now, German researchers have evidence that both camps got it right. A pair of studies reveals that microglia play opposing roles in AD pathogenesis: they not only eliminate �_-amyloid aggregates via phagocytosis but also kill nearby neurons by causing inflammation and the release of neurotoxic proteases.Importantly, the reports suggest that the two functions of microglia are controlled by different cell-surface receptors, thus providing a road map for how to clear �_-amyloid (A�_) plaques without destroying healthy neurons that are in close proximity. A full report is available here
Inequality reports from the London Health Observatory from 1996 to 2010.
This poster highlights the fact that smoking while pregnant increases the risk of low birth weight, premature birth, stillbirth and cot death, and directs women to the Smokers' Helpline.
This poster was produced as part of the PHA's public information campaign on smoking.
This Business Plan sets out the key priorities and actions that will be progressed by the Public Health Agency (PHA) in 2012/13. The PHA believes that these actions will have the biggest impact on improving levels of health and social wellbeing, protecting the health of the community, and ensuring patients continue to receive high quality and safe treatment and care services.The business plan is available to download below.
This Business Plan sets out the key priorities and actions that will be progressed by the Public Health Agency (PHA) in 2013/14. The PHA believes that these actions will have the biggest impact on improving levels of health and social wellbeing, protecting the health of the community, and ensuring patients continue to receive high quality and safe treatment and care services.The business plan is available to download below.
This Business Plan sets out the key priorities and actions that will be progressed by the Public Health Agency (PHA) in 2014/15. The PHA believes that these actions will have the biggest impact on improving levels of health and social wellbeing, protecting the health of the community, and ensuring patients continue to receive high quality and safe treatment and care services.The business plan is available to download below.