980 resultados para Displacement.


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In linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), Irwin's crack closure integral (CCI) is one of the signficant concepts for the estimation of strain energy release rates (SERR) G, in individual as well as mixed-mode configurations. For effective utilization of this concept in conjunction with the finite element method (FEM), Rybicki and Kanninen [Engng Fracture Mech. 9, 931 938 (1977)] have proposed simple and direct estimations of the CCI in terms of nodal forces and displacements in the elements forming the crack tip from a single finite element analysis instead of the conventional two configuration analyses. These modified CCI (MCCI) expressions are basically element dependent. A systematic derivation of these expressions using element stress and displacement distributions is required. In the present work, a general procedure is given for the derivation of MCCI expressions in 3D problems with cracks. Further, a concept of sub-area integration is proposed which facilitates evaluation of SERR at a large number of points along the crack front without refining the finite element mesh. Numerical data are presented for two standard problems, a thick centre-cracked tension specimen and a semi-elliptical surface crack in a thick slab. Estimates for the stress intensity factor based on MCCI expressions corresponding to eight-noded brick elements are obtained and compared with available results in the literature.


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Notched three point bend specimens (TPB) were tested under crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) control at a rate of 0.0004 mm/s and during the fracture process acoustic emissions (AE) were simultaneously monitored. It was observed that AE energy could be related to fracture energy. An experimental study was done to understand the behavior of AE energy with parameters of concrete like its strength and size. In this study, AE energy was used as a quantitative measure of size independent specific fracture energy of concrete beams and the concepts of boundary effect and local fracture energy were used to obtain size independent AE energy from which size independent fracture energy was obtained. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A simple one dimensional inertial model is presented for transient response analysis of notched beams under impact, and extracting dynamic initiation toughness values. The model includes the effects of striker mass interactions, and contact deformations of the beam. Displacement time history of the striker mass is applied to the model as forcing function. The model is validated by comparison with the experimental investigation on ductile aluminium 6061 alloy and brittle polymer, PMMA.


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The Modified Crack Closure Integral (MCCI) technique based on Irwin's crack closure integral concept is very effective for estimation of strain energy release rates G in individual as well as mixed-mode configurations in linear elastic fracture mechanics problems. In a finite element approach, MCCI can be evaluated in the post-processing stage in terms of nodal forces and displacements near the crack tip. The MCCI expressions are however, element dependent and require a systematic derivation using stress and displacement distributions in the crack tip elements. Earlier a general procedure was proposed by the present authors for the derivation of MCCI expressions for 3-dimensional (3-d) crack problems modelled with 8-noded brick elements. A concept of sub-area integration was proposed to estimate strain energy release rates at a large number of points along the crack front. In the present paper a similar procedure is adopted for the derivation of MCCI expressions for 3-d cracks modelled with 20-noded brick elements. Numerical results are presented for centre crack tension and edge crack shear specimens in thick slabs, showing a comparison between present results and those available in the literature.


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Structure comparison tools can be used to align related protein structures to identify structurally conserved and variable regions and to infer functional and evolutionary relationships. While the conserved regions often superimpose well, the variable regions appear non superimposable. Differences in homologous protein structures are thought to be due to evolutionary plasticity to accommodate diverged sequences during evolution. One of the kinds of differences between 3-D structures of homologous proteins is rigid body displacement. A glaring example is not well superimposed equivalent regions of homologous proteins corresponding to a-helical conformation with different spatial orientations. In a rigid body superimposition, these regions would appear variable although they may contain local similarity. Also, due to high spatial deviation in the variable region, one-to-one correspondence at the residue level cannot be determined accurately. Another kind of difference is conformational variability and the most common example is topologically equivalent loops of two homologues but with different conformations. In the current study, we present a refined view of the ``structurally variable'' regions which may contain local similarity obscured in global alignment of homologous protein structures. As structural alphabet is able to describe local structures of proteins precisely through Protein Blocks approach, conformational similarity has been identified in a substantial number of `variable' regions in a large data set of protein structural alignments; optimal residue-residue equivalences could be achieved on the basis of Protein Blocks which led to improved local alignments. Also, through an example, we have demonstrated how the additional information on local backbone structures through protein blocks can aid in comparative modeling of a loop region. In addition, understanding on sequence-structure relationships can be enhanced through our approach. This has been illustrated through examples where the equivalent regions in homologous protein structures share sequence similarity to varied extent but do not preserve local structure.


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The Modified Crack Closure Integral (MCCI) technique based on Irwin's crack closure integral concept is very effective for estimation of strain energy release rates G in individual as well as mixed-mode configurations in linear elastic fracture mechanics problems. In a finite element approach, MCCI can be evaluated in the post-processing stage in terms of nodal forces and displacements near the crack tip. The MCCI expressions are however, element dependent and require a systematic derivation using stress and displacement distributions in the crack tip elements. Earlier a general procedure was proposed by the present authors for the derivation of MCCI expressions for 3-dimensional (3-d) crack problems modelled with 8-noded brick elements. A concept of sub-area integration was proposed to estimate strain energy release rates at a large number of points along the crack front. In the present paper a similar procedure is adopted for the derivation of MCCI expressions for 3-d cracks modelled with 20-noded brick elements. Numerical results are presented for centre crack tension and edge crack shear specimens in thick slabs, showing a comparison between present results and those available in the literature.


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This paper deals with the evaluation of the component-laminate load-carrying capacity, i.e., to calculate the loads that cause the failure of the individual layers and the component-laminate as a whole in four-bar mechanism. The component-laminate load-carrying capacity is evaluated using the Tsai-Wu-Hahn failure criterion for various layups. The reserve factor of each ply in the component-laminate is calculated by using the maximum resultant force and the maximum resultant moment occurring at different time steps at the joints of the mechanism. Here, all component bars of the mechanism are made of fiber reinforced laminates and have thin rectangular cross-sections. They could, in general, be pre-twisted and/or possess initial curvature, either by design or by defect. They are linked to each other by means of revolute joints. We restrict ourselves to linear materials with small strains within each elastic body (beam). Each component of the mechanism is modeled as a beam based on geometrically nonlinear 3-D elasticity theory. The component problems are thus split into 2-D analyses of reference beam cross-sections and nonlinear 1-D analyses along the three beam reference curves. For the thin rectangular cross-sections considered here, the 2-D cross-sectional nonlinearity is also overwhelming. This can be perceived from the fact that such sections constitute a limiting case between thin-walled open and closed sections, thus inviting the nonlinear phenomena observed in both. The strong elastic couplings of anisotropic composite laminates complicate the model further. However, a powerful mathematical tool called the Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM) not only enables such a dimensional reduction, but also provides asymptotically correct analytical solutions to the nonlinear cross-sectional analysis. Such closed-form solutions are used here in conjunction with numerical techniques for the rest of the problem to predict more quickly and accurately than would otherwise be possible. Local 3-D stress, strain and displacement fields for representative sections in the component-bars are recovered, based on the stress resultants from the 1-D global beam analysis. A numerical example is presented which illustrates the failure of each component-laminate and the mechanism as a whole.


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An exact three-dimensional elasticity solution has been obtained for an infinitely long, thick transversely isotropic circular cylindrical shell panel, simply supported along the longitudinal edges and subjected to a radial patch load. Using a set of three displacement functions, the boundary value problem is reduced to Bessel's differential equation. Numerical results are presented for different thickness to mean radius ratios and semicentral angles of the shell panel. Classical and first-order shear deformation orthotropic shell theories have been examined in comparison with the present elasticity solution.


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A single step solid phase radioimmunoassay (SS-SPRIA) has been developed for human chorionic,gonadotropin (hCG) using monoclonal antibodies (MAb) from culture media adsorbed immunochemically on plastic tubes. The assays have been found to be very simple in terms of operation and do not demand purification of MAbs. Several MAbs which do not show any displacement in liquid phase RIA and ELISA provide a satisfactory SS-SPRIA. Our investigations revealed that the assumption regarding the stability of the primary Mab-Ag complex during incubation and washing steps in ELISAs is not strictly valid for dissociable MAbs. A comparison of different assay systems suggests that the single step SPRIA offers additional advantages over conventionally used multistep ELISA procedures and provides a quantitative probe for the analysis of epitope-paratope interactions.


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We have carried out Brownian dynamics simulations of binary mixtures of charged colloidal suspensions of two different diameter particles with varying volume fractions phi and charged impurity concentrations n(i). For a given phi, the effective temperature is lowered in many steps by reducing n(i) to see how structure and dynamics evolve. The structural quantities studied are the partial and total pair distribution functions g(tau), the static structure factors, the time average g(<(tau)over bar>), and the Wendt-Abraham parameter. The dynamic quantity is the temporal evolution of the total meansquared displacement (MSD). All these parameters show that by lowering the effective temperature at phi = 0.2, liquid freezes into a body-centered-cubic crystal whereas at phi = 0.3, a glassy state is formed. The MSD at intermediate times shows significant subdiffusive behavior whose time span increases with a reduction in the effective temperature. The mean-squared displacements for the supercooled liquid with phi = 0.3 show staircase behavior indicating a strongly cooperative jump motion of the particles.


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A molecular dynamics calculation of argon in NaCaA zeolite at 393 K and 1 atom per cage is reported. Equilibrium properties such as guest-host interaction energy, guest-guest dimerization and bonding energy, various guest-host and guest-guest radial distribution functions and dynamical properties such as the mean-square displacement, power spectra and diffusion coefficient have been obtained.


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A new formulation of the stability of boundary-layer flows in pressure gradients is presented, taking into account the spatial development of the flow and utilizing a special coordinate transformation. The formulation assumes that disturbance wavelength and eigenfunction vary downstream no more rapidly than the boundary-layer thickness, and includes all terms nominally of order R(-1) in the boundary-layer Reynolds number R. In Blasius flow, the present approach is consistent with that of Bertolotti et al. (1992) to O(R(-1)) but simpler (i.e. has fewer terms), and may best be seen as providing a parametric differential equation which can be solved without having to march in space. The computed neutral boundaries depend strongly on distance from the surface, but the one corresponding to the inner maximum of the streamwise velocity perturbation happens to be close to the parallel flow (Orr-Sommerfeld) boundary. For this quantity, solutions for the Falkner-Skan flows show the effects of spatial growth to be striking only in the presence of strong adverse pressure gradients. As a rational analysis to O(R(-1)) demands inclusion of higher-order corrections on the mean flow, an illustrative calculation of one such correction, due to the displacement effect of the boundary layer, is made, and shown to have a significant destabilizing influence on the stability boundary in strong adverse pressure gradients. The effect of non-parallelism on the growth of relatively high frequencies can be significant at low Reynolds numbers, but is marginal in other cases. As an extension of the present approach, a method of dealing with non-similar flows is also presented and illustrated. However, inherent in the transformation underlying the present approach is a lower-order non-parallel theory, which is obtained by dropping all terms of nominal order R(-1) except those required for obtaining the lowest-order solution in the critical and wall layers. It is shown that a reduced Orr-Sommerfeld equation (in transformed coordinates) already contains the major effects of non-parallelism.


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Flexible-link mechanisms are those linkage mechanisms (or structures) which are capable of motion by virtue of elastic deformation of one or more;links. In such mechanisms a single flexible link; can replace several rigid links and joints resulting in fewer links, fewer pin joints, reduced overall weight and reduced mechanical error. In spite of such clear advantages, contributions toward flexible-link mechanisms remain very scarce. The area of flexible-link mechanisms offers much scope for further exploration. This paper attempts to show the potential of flexible-link mechanisms in accomplishing a kinematic task like path generation. Synthesis of a four-bar mechanism with a flexible rocker for circular and straight line path generation is carried out. Displacement analysis of the structure is carried out using finite element method (FEM) and synthesis is formulated and solved as an optimization problem. Several numerical examples are presented for illustration. Based on the results obtained with these examples, the flexible-link mechanism considered shows good promise for-path generation.


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Some conventional finite elements suffer from drawbacks, such as shear locking, membrane locking, etc. To overcome them researchers have developed various techniques, termed as tricks by some and variational crimes by others. Many attempts have been made, but satisfactory explanations for why some of these techniques work have not been obtained, especially in the case of solid elements. This paper attempts a simple non-conforming solid element using assumed displacement fields which satisfy the Navier equation exactly. Its behaviour under simple loadings like bending, torsion and tension is examined and comparisons are made with existing elements.


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To evaluate the parameters in the two-parameter fracture model, i.e. the critical stress intensity factor and critical crack tip opening displacement for the fracture of plain concrete in Mode 1 for the given test configuration and geometry, considerable computational effort is necessary. A simple graphical method has been proposed using normalized fracture parameters for the three-point bend (3PB) notched specimen and the double-edged notched (DEN) specimen. A similar graphical method is proposed to compute the maximum load carrying capacity of a specimen, using the critical fracture parameters both for 3PB and DEN configurations.