979 resultados para Disciplines graphiques


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L'Institut de police scientifique de l'Université de Lausanne s'est installé dans les milieux académiques il y a 100 ans. L'Ecole des sciences criminelles résulte de son histoire riche et peuplée de personnages atypiques. Elle intègre aujourd'hui des disciplines qui relèvent au moins de la criminologie, du droit pénal et de la science forensique dans une démarche interdisciplinaire. Ce numéro spécial inscrit une partie substantielle des recherches doctorales actuelles dans les évolutions successives présentées par le directeur de l'Ecole, le professeur Pierre Margot. Un projet de thèse concerne justement l'histoire de la police scientifique et utilise l'Institut comme point de repère.


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[eng] After first analysing the definitions of catalogue and inventory, the article highlights differences between the two and reviews the use of both terms throughout history. Likewise, it emphasises the importance of delving into the history of the book and of libraries from the perspectives of different disciplines, such as History of written culture. Taking as an example the inventory of the Convent library of the Order of Mercy of Barcelona, an outline of work is suggested based on the study of catalogues and inventories from the point of view of Library sciences


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[eng] After first analysing the definitions of catalogue and inventory, the article highlights differences between the two and reviews the use of both terms throughout history. Likewise, it emphasises the importance of delving into the history of the book and of libraries from the perspectives of different disciplines, such as History of written culture. Taking as an example the inventory of the Convent library of the Order of Mercy of Barcelona, an outline of work is suggested based on the study of catalogues and inventories from the point of view of Library sciences


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The evaluation of the quality and impact of journals as a starting point to systematise the quality of research is an indirect method commonly used for obtaining information for systematic and major evaluation efforts, such as those needed for public tenders to aid projects and research groups. Nevertheless, this method runs into an important obstacle: preparing rankings of journals in the humanities and social sciences is considerably more complex than for those on experimental, biomedical or technological sciences. Cultural, linguistic and territorial components of research in the humanities and social sciences radically question the international rankings. Within this context, the article presents the experience of a study-in-progress whose intention is to evaluate the rankings of journals in the humanities and social sciences published in 1997 by the Generalitat de Catalunya. Even thought an attempt was made to bring this type of titles closer to the Catalan community of researchers, the initiative has been frequently surrounded by controversy and criticism and, at the present, does not enjoy the needed recognition of the Catalan academic sector.


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Introduction. This paper studies the situation of research on Catalan literature between 1976 and 2003 by carrying out a bibliometric and social network analysis of PhD theses defended in Spain. It has a dual aim: to present interesting results for the discipline and to demonstrate the methodological efficacy of scientometric tools in the humanities, a field in which they are often neglected due to the difficulty of gathering data. Method. The analysis was performed on 151 records obtained from the TESEO database of PhD theses. The quantitative estimates include the use of the UCINET and Pajek software packages. Authority control was performed on the records. Analysis. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the sample and the distribution of responses to each question. Sex differences on key questions were analysed using the Chi-squared test. Results. The value of the figures obtained is demonstrated. The information obtained on the topic and the periods studied in the theses, and on the actors involved (doctoral students, thesis supervisors and members of defence committees), provide important insights into the mechanisms of humanities disciplines. The main research tendencies of Catalan literature are identified. It is observed that the composition of members of the thesis defence committees follows Lotka's Law. Conclusions. Bibliometric analysis and social network analysis may be especially useful in the humanities and in other fields which are lacking in scientometric data in comparison with the experimental sciences.


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La prise en charge des patients souffrant de douleurs chroniques, à l'interface entre corps et psyché, nécessite une approche globale et souvent un réseau de soins coordonnés, contenant et stable. La psychiatrie de liaison a naturellement trouvé sa place dans ce réseau de soins spécifiques auprès des différents soignants impliqués. Les réflexions issues de cette expérience ont pour objectif de mieux comprendre le rôle thérapeutique des soignants et font émerger la notion de Moi auxiliaire comme élément clé dans le traitement de ces patients. Dans cet article, nous reprendrons les fondements historiques et conceptuels de la fonction de Moi auxiliaire pour nous intéresser à ses différentes applications dans ces prises en charge : consultation médicale, psychothérapie individuelle ou de groupe, colloque interdisciplinaire. The management of the patient suffering from chronic pain, situated on the interface between body and psyche, necessitates a global approach and often a coordinated, stable and containing network of care. Liaison psychiatry has become part of this network, together with various health care professionals from somatic disciplines. Based on these experiences, this article aims to better understand the therapeutic role of those who take care of the chronic pain patient by identifying the auxiliary ego as a key element of care. The historical development and conceptual framework of the auxiliary ego are utilized to highlight its roles in the different aspects of care of these patients:in the medical consultation, individual psychotherapy, group psychotherapy and in the interdisciplinary meetings.


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Background:  The relationship between phoneme awareness, rapid automatized naming (RAN), verbal short-term/working memory (ST/WM) and diagnostic category is investigated in control and dyslexic children, and the extent to which this depends on orthographic complexity. Methods:  General cognitive, phonological and literacy skills were tested in 1,138 control and 1,114 dyslexic children speaking six different languages spanning a large range of orthographic complexity (Finnish, Hungarian, German, Dutch, French, English). Results:  Phoneme deletion and RAN were strong concurrent predictors of developmental dyslexia, while verbal ST/WM and general verbal abilities played a comparatively minor role. In logistic regression models, more participants were classified correctly when orthography was more complex. The impact of phoneme deletion and RAN-digits was stronger in complex than in less complex orthographies. Conclusions:  Findings are largely consistent with the literature on predictors of dyslexia and literacy skills, while uniquely demonstrating how orthographic complexity exacerbates some symptoms of dyslexia.


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Des techniques de visualisation sont exploitées dans les enquêtes judiciaires afin de faciliter le traitement d'affaires d'envergure. Les éléments pertinents de l'enquête sont représentés par des schémas décrivant les relations entre les évènements et les entités d'intérêt. Les exploitations classiques de ces techniques qui s'apparentent à la construction de graphes sont par exemple : la représentation de réseaux criminels, de trafics de marchandises, de chronologies d'évènements, ainsi que la visualisation de relations téléphoniques et financières. Dans ce contexte, la visualisation soutient un nombre important d'objectifs, tels qu'analyser les traces et les informations collectées, évaluer à posteriori une investigation, aider à qualifier les infractions, faciliter l'appréhension d'un dossier et la prise de décisions au cours d'une enquête, voire soutenir une argumentation lors du procès. La pratique intègre des outils logiciels simples qui produisent des graphiques élégants et souvent percutants. Cette recherche tend à montrer qu'il existe des disparités étonnantes lors de l'exploitation de ces techniques. Des biais de raisonnement et de perception peuvent être induits, allant jusqu'à provoquer des décisions aux conséquences parfois désastreuses. Pour mettre en évidence ces difficultés, des évaluations ont été effectuées avec des praticiens et des étudiants. Elles ont permis d'établir une image empirique de l'étendue des variations de conception et d'interprétation des représentations, ainsi que de leurs impacts sur la prise de décision. La nature et la diversité des concepts à représenter, l'absence de consensus sur la manière de représenter les données, la diversité des solutions visuelles envisageables, les contraintes imposées par les outils exploités et l'absence d'une formalisation claire du langage, sont autant de causes supposées des difficultés. Ce constat révèle la nécessiter de consolider les méthodes pratiquées.


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[eng] There is a vast literature on intergenerational mobility in sociology and economics. Similar interest has emerged for the phenomenon of over-education in both disciplines. There are no studies, however, linking these two research lines. We study the relationship between social mobility and over-education in a context of educational expansion. Our framework allows for the evaluation of several policies, including those affecting social segregation, early intervention programs and the power of unions. Results show the evolution of social mobility, over-education, income inequality and equality of opportunity under each scenario.


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Enregistrement : 00-00-1858 - 00-00-1885


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PURPOSE: Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) pathways have significantly reduced complications and length of hospital stay after colorectal procedures. This multimodal concept could probably be partially applied to major urological surgery. OBJECTIVES: The primary objective was to systematically assess the evidence of ERAS single items and protocols applied to cystectomy patients. The secondary objective was to address a grade of recommendation to each item, based on the evidence and, if lacking, on consensus opinion from our ERAS Society working group. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: A systematic literature review was performed on ERAS for cystectomy by searching EMBASE and Medline. Relevant articles were selected and quality-assessed by two independent reviewers using the GRADE approach. If no study specific to cystectomy was available for any of the 22 given items, the authors evaluated whether colorectal guidelines could be extrapolated. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: Overall, 804 articles were retrieved from electronic databases. Fifteen articles were included in the present systematic review and 7 of 22 ERAS items were studied. Bowel preparation did not improve outcomes. Early nasogastric tube removal reduced morbidity, bowel recovery time and length of hospital stay. Doppler-guided fluid administration allowed for reduced morbidity. A quicker bowel recovery was observed with a multimodal prevention of ileus, including gum chewing, prevention of PONV and minimally invasive surgery. CONCLUSIONS: ERAS has not yet been widely implemented in urology and evidence for individual interventions is limited or unavailable. The experience in other surgical disciplines encourages the development of an ERAS protocol for cystectomy.


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This paper reports on the purpose, design, methodology and target audience of E-learning courses in forensic interpretation offered by the authors since 2010, including practical experiences made throughout the implementation period of this project. This initiative was motivated by the fact that reporting results of forensic examinations in a logically correct and scientifically rigorous way is a daily challenge for any forensic practitioner. Indeed, interpretation of raw data and communication of findings in both written and oral statements are topics where knowledge and applied skills are needed. Although most forensic scientists hold educational records in traditional sciences, only few actually followed full courses that focussed on interpretation issues. Such courses should include foundational principles and methodology - including elements of forensic statistics - for the evaluation of forensic data in a way that is tailored to meet the needs of the criminal justice system. In order to help bridge this gap, the authors' initiative seeks to offer educational opportunities that allow practitioners to acquire knowledge and competence in the current approaches to the evaluation and interpretation of forensic findings. These cover, among other aspects, probabilistic reasoning (including Bayesian networks and other methods of forensic statistics, tools and software), case pre-assessment, skills in the oral and written communication of uncertainty, and the development of independence and self-confidence to solve practical inference problems. E-learning was chosen as a general format because it helps to form a trans-institutional online-community of practitioners from varying forensic disciplines and workfield experience such as reporting officers, (chief) scientists, forensic coordinators, but also lawyers who all can interact directly from their personal workplaces without consideration of distances, travel expenses or time schedules. In the authors' experience, the proposed learning initiative supports participants in developing their expertise and skills in forensic interpretation, but also offers an opportunity for the associated institutions and the forensic community to reinforce the development of a harmonized view with regard to interpretation across forensic disciplines, laboratories and judicial systems.


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La notion d'intersubjectivité est au coeur des débats contemporains dans le champ de la psychologie. L'intersubjectivité traverse en effet les différentes approches de la psychologie, des neurosciences à la psychologie sociale, des perspectives développementales aux approches psychoaffectives de la personnalité, des contextes de l'apprentissage à ceux du soin. Cet ouvrage collectif, premier volume de la collection Actualités psychologiques, se propose de faire le point sur cette notion et d'apporter des pistes actuelles de compréhension aux enjeux de la place de l'autre et de l'altérité dans la construction du sujet. Des chercheurs de renommée internationale, de Suisse et de différents pays européens, apportent ici leur contribution, dans différents domaines de la psychologie, invitant au dialogue entre les modèles théoriques qui sous-tendent la notion d'intersubjectivité et entre les méthodologies qui permettent d'en appréhender la dynamique. Contribution exceptionnelle, cet ouvrage est à destination de tous, psychologues praticiens et professionnels de la relation, chercheurs et étudiants en psychologie ou dans des disciplines connexes. Il permet d'approcher l'intersubjectivité comme une notion tout à la fois familière et complexe, au service de la rencontre de l'autre.


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BACKGROUND: In 2004, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) was offered by physicians in one-third of Swiss hospitals. Since then, CAM health policy has changed considerably. This study aimed to describe the present supply and use of CAM in hospitals in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, and to explore qualitatively the characteristics of this offer. METHODS: Between June 2011 and March 2012, a short questionnaire was sent to the medical directors of hospitals (n = 46), asking them whether CAM was offered, where and by whom. Then, a semi-directive interview was conducted with ten CAM therapists. RESULTS: Among 37 responses (return rate 80%), 19 medical directors indicated that their hospital offered at least one CAM and 18 reported that they did not. Acupuncture was the most frequently available CAM, followed by manual therapies, osteopathy and aromatherapy. The disciplines that offered CAM most frequently were rehabilitation, gynaecology and obstetrics, palliative care, psychiatry, and anaesthetics. In eight out of ten interviews, it appeared that the procedures for introducing a CAM in the hospital were not tightly supervised by the hospital and were mainly based on the goodwill of the therapists, rather than clinical/scientific evidence. CONCLUSION: The number of hospitals offering CAM in the French-speaking part of Switzerland seemed to have risen since 2004. The selection of a CAM to be offered in a hospital should be based on the same procedure of evaluation and validation as conventional therapy, and if the safety and efficiency of the CAM is evidence-based, it should receive the same resources as a conventional therapy.


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Aquest article és fruit de la recerca duta a terme en el marc del projecte conjunt REDICE08, PID08, PID09 'Com motivar, com adequar l"avaluació continuada i com mesurar el treball a les assignatures de Matemàtiques' durant els cursos 2008 2009 i 2009-2010. El projecte aborda temes relacionats amb els resultats de les enquestes sobre l"actuació docent del professorat a l"ensenyament de Matemàtiques de la Universitat de Barcelona (UB), en què l"alumnat posa de manifest, en general, un baixa motivació del professorat i un elevat volum de feina en les assignatures. Com a resultat de l"estudi i de la pràctica docent en les assignatures involucrades en el projecte citat abans, es desprèn que la motivació de l"alumnat s"aconsegueix sumant esforços en diferents direccions: d"una banda, cal una tria adequada i una bona comunicació dels continguts, que fomenti el diàleg amb l"alumnat; d"altra banda, cal que l"avaluació continuada presenti un esglaonament progressiu en la dificultat de les activitats no presencials i una atenció continuada a l"alumnat mentre les duu a terme. Finalment, cal quantificar la dedicació de l"alumnat a les diferents activitats no presencials, ja que serveix de gran ajuda al professorat a l"hora d"adequar-les a la dedicació requerida, i ponderar les diferents activitats d"avaluació acreditativa en la qualificació de forma proporcional a aquesta dedicació. La motivació pren molta força com a element clau que cal tenir en compte en el bon desenvolupament de la docència universitària. L"alumnat motivat respon amb una més gran dedicació, cosa que comporta la integració de l"alumnat en les assignatures, millors resultats acadèmics i una millor motivació del professorat. Aquest cicle de motivació es va realimentant i va produint efectes molt positius tant en el professorat com en l"alumnat. Una consideració final és que el camí per millorar la docència a Matemàtiques és, segurament, llarg. Tot i així, les reflexions i les actuacions fetes per un nombre considerable de professors de diferents disciplines i departaments de la Facultat de Matemàtiques són experiències que segurament serviran en moltes assignatures de Matemàtiques i d"altres ensenyaments.