990 resultados para Differentiation Strategies


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Fisheries legislation in Uganda has not been feasibly applicable to all Uganda water bodies and species therein. Failure to make appropriate legislation to regulate fishing gears and methods has led to the decline or near collapse of some fisheries. Most fisheries have been damaged by destructive fishing gears and methods. Selectivity characteristics of several gears and fishing methods were therefore examined for different commercially important fish species in major and minor lakes and recommendations made on suitable types of gears, gear sizes and fishing methods for exploitation of the fisheries resource.


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Over the past decade, a variety of user models have been proposed for user simulation-based reinforcement-learning of dialogue strategies. However, the strategies learned with these models are rarely evaluated in actual user trials and it remains unclear how the choice of user model affects the quality of the learned strategy. In particular, the degree to which strategies learned with a user model generalise to real user populations has not be investigated. This paper presents a series of experiments that qualitatively and quantitatively examine the effect of the user model on the learned strategy. Our results show that the performance and characteristics of the strategy are in fact highly dependent on the user model. Furthermore, a policy trained with a poor user model may appear to perform well when tested with the same model, but fail when tested with a more sophisticated user model. This raises significant doubts about the current practice of learning and evaluating strategies with the same user model. The paper further investigates a new technique for testing and comparing strategies directly on real human-machine dialogues, thereby avoiding any evaluation bias introduced by the user model. © 2005 IEEE.


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The study revealed 125 species of fishes in Manipur of which 95 species belonging to 48 genera and 22 families have ornamental value. Fifty percent of these belonged to the family Cyprinidae, 7% to Cobitidae, 5% to Sisoridae 7% to Balitoridae, 3% to Channidae, 8% to Bagridae, 2% each to Chandidae and Mastacembelidae. Species representation in other families (16%) includes 1.6% each in Belonidae, Nandidae, Notopteridae, Psilorhynchidae, Schilbeidae and 0.8% each in Amblydpitidae, Anabantidae, Aplocheilidae, Belonidae,Chacidae, Clupeidae, Mugilidae, Symbranchidae, Siluridae and Tetradontidae. The conservation status of fishes showed that 25.6% of them have not been evaluated, 21.6% are vulnerable, 16.0% are endangered and 2.4% are critically endangered. "Low risk near threatened" category amounted to 25.6% and only 6.4% in "low risk least concern" category. Hence a cautious and regulated approach needs to be adopted while promoting ornamental fish trade. Suitable strategies for developing a viable ornamental fish trade in the state are discussed.


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The sustainable translation of scientific and technical innovation into global products and services is key to capturing value from emerging industries. For industrial practitioners, choosing the appropriate entry mode into these industries will often determine their level of success in sharing in this value capture. © 2011 IEEE.


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Regulation of neuronal gene expression is critical to nervous system development. REST (RE1-silencing transcription factor) regulates neuronal gene expression through interacting with a group of corepressor proteins including REST corepressors (RCOR). Here we show that Xenopus RCOR2 is predominantly expressed in the developing nervous system. Through a yeast two-hybrid screen, we isolated Xenopus ZMYND8 (Zinc finger and MYND domain containing 8) as an XRCOR2 interacting factor. XRCOR2 and XZMYND8 bind each other in co-immunoprecipitation assays and both of them can function as transcriptional repressors. XZMYND8 is co-expressed with XRCOR2 in the nervous system and overexpression of XZMYND8 inhibits neural differentiation in Xenopus embryos. These data reveal a RCOR2/ZMYND8 complex which might be involved in the regulation of neural differentiation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Mass mortality of Thai pangas (Pangasius hypophthalmus) is reported to be a big threat to monoculture of the species in Bangladesh. Twenty affected and twenty control Thai pangas ponds were investigated around Mymensingh district in order to identify the causes of pangas mortality. Sixty affected and sixty unaffected fish samples were examined and compared to find the fish-level variables associated with the disease. A range of haemorrhagic signs on snout, skin and fins were recorded during examination with naked eyes. Aeromonas spp. and Edwardsiella spp. were isolated from 87% and 80% of the affected fish, respectively. Even 4% of the seemingly healthy fish carried Aeromonas spp. on their skin. Among the four water quality parameters monitored, remarkably higher total ammonia (1.5 ppm) was found in water of the affected ponds compared to that of the unaffected ones (0.4 ppm). High ammonia in affected water caused by excessive organic decomposition and poor pond management might have reduced the immunity of fish, which predisposed them for bacterial invasion and consequent disease outbreak.


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观察了新近发现于我国云南的果蝇属暗果蝇种组( Drosophila obscura species group ) 种类 D1luguensis 、D1 dianensis 和D1limingi 的有丝分裂中期核型, 并将3 个种的核型与各自的近缘种类进行了比较。 D1luguensis 具2n = 12 条染色体, 包括3 对中央着丝粒(V 形) 染色体、2 对近端着丝粒(棒状) 染色体以及1 对微小(点状) 染色体。其中X 和Y染色体均为中央着丝粒染色体。D1 dianensis 和D1limingi 具2n = 10 条染 色体, 包括1 对大的V 形常染色体, 1 对小的V 形常染色体, 2 对J 形(亚中着丝粒型) 常染色体和1 对点状染 色体。其中X 染色体为J 形, Y染色体为短棒状。基于核型比较的结果以及D1sinobscura 亚组地理分布的资料, 结合种间系统发育关系研究结果, 认为D1 luguensis 可能保留了该亚组祖先种类的核型。D1sinobscura 的核型(2n = 12 : 2V , 1J , 2R , 1D) 可能由一个pre2“sinobscura2hubeiensis”谱系的一个分支通过臂间倒位演化而来, 而D1 hubeiensis 的核型(2n = 10 : 4V , 1D) 可能由该谱系的另一分支通过着丝粒融合(2 对近端着丝粒常染色 体的融合) 而形成。推测在D1 dianensis 和近缘欧洲种D1subsilvestris (2n = 12 : 3V , 2R , 1D) 间、D1limingi 和 东亚近缘种D1tsukubaensis (2n = 12 : 3V , 2R , 1D) 间的物种分化过程中, 可能有相似的染色体变异类型发生。


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We compared partial sequences (402 bp) of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene in 68 individuals of martens (Martes), weasels (Mustela) and their relatives from the Northern Hemisphere to identify the modes of geographic differentiation in each species. We then compared complete sequences (1140 bp) of the gene in 17 species of the family Mustelidae to know the spatial and temporal modes of speciation, constructing linearized trees with transversional substitutions for deeper lineage divergences and with transversions and transitions for younger lineages. Our data suggested that these lineages of Martes and Mustela differentiated in a stepwise fashion with five radiation stages from the generic divergences (stage I) to the intraspecific divergences (stage V), during the last 10 or 20 million years as the fossil evidence suggests. In the lineage of Martes, the first offshoots are of Martes flavigula, M. pennanti, and Gulo gulo (stage II), the second is M. foina (stage III), and the third are M. americana, M. martes, M. melampus, and M. zibellina (stage IV). The divergence of the lineages of Mustela is likely to have taken place concurrently with the radiations of the Martes. These divergence processes are attributable in part to the geographic allocation along the two continents, North America and Eurasia, as well as among peripheral insular domains, such as Taiwan and the Japanese Islands. In addition, the Eurasian continent itself was shown to have been involved in the species diversification in the martens and weasels.


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To characterize the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in Han Chinese from several provinces of China, we have sequenced the two hypervariable segments of the control region and the segment spanning nucleotide positions 10171-10659 of the coding region,


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Drosophila lacertosa, an Oriental member of the robusta species group in the virilis-repleta radiation, has a wide distribution from northern India throughout China to the Far East. Phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial ND2 gene sequences revealed two ge


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The Global Invasive Species Database, GISD, comprises 27 species of the most significant invasive alien insects in the world (through November, 2005), 6 of which are originally native to China, 11 are established in China, and 10 have a potential invasion


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During the course of evolution, the human skeletal system has evolved rapidly leading to an incredible array of phenotypic diversity, including variations in height and bone mineral density. However, the genetic basis of this phenotypic diversity and the relatively rapid tempo of evolution have remained largely undocumented. Here, we discover that skeletal genes exhibit a significantly greater level of population differentiation among humans compared with other genes in the genome. The pattern is exceptionally evident at amino acid-altering sites within these genes. Divergence is greater between Africans and both Europeans and East Asians. In contrast, relatively weak differentiation is observed between Europeans and East Asians. SNPs with higher levels of differentiation have correspondingly higher derived allele frequencies in Europeans and East Asians. Thus, it appears that positive selection has operated on skeletal genes in the non-African populations and this may have been initiated with the human colonization of Eurasia. In conclusion, we provide genetic evidence supporting the rapid evolution of the human skeletal system and the associated diversity of phenotypes.