969 resultados para Differential equations, Partial -- Numerical solutions -- Computer programs
We study an one-dimensional nonlinear reaction-diffusion system coupled on the boundary. Such system comes from modeling problems of temperature distribution on two bars of same length, jointed together, with different diffusion coefficients. We prove the transversality property of unstable and stable manifolds assuming all equilibrium points are hyperbolic. To this end, we write the system as an equation with noncontinuous diffusion coefficient. We then study the nonincreasing property of the number of zeros of a linearized nonautonomous equation as well as the Sturm-Liouville properties of the solutions of a linear elliptic problem. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We generalize the theory of Kobayashi and Oliva (On the Birkhoff Approach to Classical Mechanics. Resenhas do Instituto de Matematica e Estatistica da Universidade de Sao Paulo, 2003) to infinite dimensional Banach manifolds with a view towards applications in partial differential equations.
Mathematical modeling has been extensively applied to the study and development of fuel cells. In this work, the objective is to characterize a mechanistic model for the anode of a direct ethanol fuel cell and perform appropriate simulations. The software Comsol Multiphysics (R) (and the Chemical Engineering Module) was used in this work. The software Comsol Multiphysics (R) is an interactive environment for modeling scientific and engineering applications using partial differential equations (PDEs). Based on the finite element method, it provides speed and accuracy for several applications. The mechanistic model developed here can supply details of the physical system, such as the concentration profiles of the components within the anode and the coverage of the adsorbed species on the electrode surface. Also, the anode overpotential-current relationship can be obtained. To validate the anode model presented in this paper, experimental data obtained with a single fuel cell operating with an ethanol solution at the anode were used. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper we describe a new protocol that we call the Curry-Howard protocol between a theory and the programs extracted from it. This protocol leads to the expansion of the theory and the production of more powerful programs. The methodology we use for automatically extracting “correct” programs from proofs is a development of the well-known Curry-Howard process. Program extraction has been developed by many authors, but our presentation is ultimately aimed at a practical, usable system and has a number of novel features. These include 1. a very simple and natural mimicking of ordinary mathematical practice and likewise the use of established computer programs when we obtain programs from formal proofs, and 2. a conceptual distinction between programs on the one hand, and proofs of theorems that yield programs on the other. An implementation of our methodology is the Fred system. As an example of our protocol we describe a constructive proof of the well-known theorem that every graph of even parity can be decomposed into a list of disjoint cycles. Given such a graph as input, the extracted program produces a list of the (non-trivial) disjoint cycles as promised.
This work presents closed-form solutions to Lucasís (2000) generalequilibrium expression for the welfare costs of ináation, as well as to the di§erence between the general-equlibrium measure and Baileyís (1956) partial-equilibrium measure. In Lucasís original work only numerical solutions are provided.
Na modelagem de sistemas complexos, abordagens analíticas tradicionais com equações diferenciais muitas vezes resultam em soluções intratáveis. Para contornar este problema, Modelos Baseados em Agentes surgem como uma ferramenta complementar, onde o sistema é modelado a partir de suas entidades constituintes e interações. Mercados Financeiros são exemplos de sistemas complexos, e como tais, o uso de modelos baseados em agentes é aplicável. Este trabalho implementa um Mercado Financeiro Artificial composto por formadores de mercado, difusores de informações e um conjunto de agentes heterogêneos que negociam um ativo através de um mecanismo de Leilão Duplo Contínuo. Diversos aspectos da simulação são investigados para consolidar sua compreensão e assim contribuir com a concepção de modelos, onde podemos destacar entre outros: Diferenças do Leilão Duplo Contínuo contra o Discreto; Implicações da variação do spread praticado pelo Formador de Mercado; Efeito de Restrições Orçamentárias sobre os agentes e Análise da formação de preços na emissão de ofertas. Pensando na aderência do modelo com a realidade do mercado brasileiro, uma técnica auxiliar chamada Simulação Inversa, é utilizada para calibrar os parâmetros de entrada, de forma que trajetórias de preços simulados resultantes sejam próximas à séries de preços históricos observadas no mercado.
LINS, Filipe C. A. et al. Modelagem dinâmica e simulação computacional de poços de petróleo verticais e direcionais com elevação por bombeio mecânico. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE PESQUISA E DESENVOLVIMENTO EM PETRÓLEO E GÁS, 5. 2009, Fortaleza, CE. Anais... Fortaleza: CBPDPetro, 2009.
This work aims presenting the development of a model and computer simulation of a sucker rod pumping system. This system take into account the well geometry, the flow through the tubing, the dynamic behavior of the rod string and the use of a induction motor model. The rod string were modeled using concentrated parameters, allowing the use of ordinary differential equations systems to simulate it s behavior
The present work has the main goal to study the modeling and simulation of a biphasic separator with induced phase inversion, the MDIF, with the utilization of the finite differences method for the resolution of the partial differencial equations which describe the transport of contaminant s mass fraction inside the equipment s settling chamber. With this aim, was developed the deterministic differential model AMADDA, wich was admensionalizated and then semidiscretizated with the method of lines. The integration of the resultant system of ordinary differential equations was realized by means of a modified algorithm of the Adam-Bashfort- Moulton method, and the sthocastic optimization routine of Basin-Hopping was used in the model s parameter estimation procedure . With the aim to establish a comparative referential for the results obtained with the model AMADDA, were used experimental data presented in previous works of the MDIF s research group. The experimental data and those obtained with the model was assessed regarding its normality by means of the Shapiro-Wilk s test, and validated against the experimental results with the Student s t test and the Kruskal-Wallis s test, depending on the result. The results showed satisfactory performance of the model AMADDA in the evaluation of the MDIF s separation efficiency, being possible to determinate that at 1% significance level the calculated results are equivalent to those determinated experimentally in the reference works
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This paper shows the insertion of corona effect in a transmission line model based on lumped elements. The development is performed considering a frequency-dependent line representation by cascade of pi sections and state equations. Hence, the detailed profile of currents and voltages along the line, described from a non-homogeneous system of differential equations, can be obtained directly in time domain applying numerical or analytic solution integration methods. The corona discharge model is also based on lumped elements and is implemented from the well-know Skilling-Umoto Model.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This work presents simulations of the Electrofluid Dynamic energy conversion process in slender channel devices having very small particles (in both micro and nano scales) as charge carriers. Solutions are discussed for a system composed by coupled differential equations, which includes the equation for the total current along the channel, the equations for total energy and momentum of the mixture (gas and solid particles), the continuity equation and the equations for energy and momentum of a single particle. Results for suspended particles of higher diameters have been previously published in the Literature, but the simulations here presented exhibit an appreciable increase in the values for output currents.
This work presents simulations of the Electrofluid Dynamic energy conversion process in slender channel devices having very small particles (in both micro and nano scales) as charge carriers. Solutions are discussed for a system composed by coupled differential equations, which includes the equation for the total current along the channel, the equations for total energy and momentum of the mixture (gas and solid particles), the continuity equation and the equations for energy and momentum of a single particle. Results for suspended particles of higher diameters have been previously published in the Literature, but the simulations here presented exhibit an appreciable increase in the values for output currents.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)