967 resultados para Diachronic syntax


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A method and a corresponding tool is described which assist design recovery and program understanding by recognising instances of design patterns semi-automatically. The approach taken is specifically designed to overcome the existing scalability problems caused by many design and implementation variants of design pattern instances. Our approach is based on a new recognition algorithm which works incrementally rather than trying to analyse a possibly large software system in one pass without any human intervention. The new algorithm exploits domain and context knowledge given by a reverse engineer and by a special underlying data structure, namely a special form of an annotated abstract syntax graph. A comparative and quantitative evaluation of applying the approach to the Java AWT and JGL libraries is also given.


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This paper presents a Java-based hyperbolic-style browser designed to render RDF files as structured ontological maps. The program was motivated by the need to browse the content of a web-accessible ontology server: WEB KB-2. The ontology server contains descriptions of over 74,500 object types derived from the WordNet 1.7 lexical database and can be accessed using RDF syntax. Such a structure creates complications for hyperbolic-style displays. In WEB KB-2 there are 140 stable ontology link types and a hyperbolic display needs to filter and iconify the view so different link relations can be distinguished in multi-link views. Our browsing tool, OntoRama, is therefore motivated by two possibly interfering aims: the first to display up to 10 times the number of nodes in a hyperbolic-style view than using a conventional graphics display; secondly, to render the ontology with multiple links comprehensible in that view.


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The Meta-Object Facility (MOF) provides a standardized framework for object-oriented models. An instance of a MOF model contains objects and links whose interfaces are entirely derived from that model. Information contained in these objects can be accessed directly, however, in order to realize the Model-Driven Architecture@trade; (MDA), we must have a mechanism for representing and evaluating structured queries on these instances. The MOF Query Language (MQL) is a language that extends the UML's Object Constraint Language (OCL) to provide more expressive power, such as higher-order queries, parametric polymorphism and argument polymorphism. Not only do these features allow more powerful queries, but they also encourage a greater degree of modularization and re-use, resulting in faster prototyping and facilitating automated integrity analysis. This paper presents an overview of the motivations for developing MQL and also discusses its abstract syntax, presented as a MOF model, and its semantics


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In this paper we describe an approach to interface Abstract State Machines (ASM) with Multiway Decision Graphs (MDG) to enable tool support for the formal verification of ASM descriptions. ASM is a specification method for software and hardware providing a powerful means of modeling various kinds of systems. MDGs are decision diagrams based on abstract representation of data and axe used primarily for modeling hardware systems. The notions of ASM and MDG axe hence closely related to each other, making it appealing to link these two concepts. The proposed interface between ASM and MDG uses two steps: first, the ASM model is transformed into a flat, simple transition system as an intermediate model. Second, this intermediate model is transformed into the syntax of the input language of the MDG tool, MDG-HDL. We have successfully applied this transformation scheme on a case study, the Island Tunnel Controller, where we automatically generated the corresponding MDG-HDL models from ASM specifications.


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DeVilliers and DeVilliers (2000, 2005) propose that deaf and hearing children acquire a theory of mind (or the understanding that human behaviour is the product of psychological states like true and false beliefs) as a consequence of their linguistic mastery of a rule of syntax. Specifically, they argue that the syntactic rule for sentential complementation with verbs of speech (e.g., “say”) precedes syntactic mastery of complementation for cognition (e.g., “think”) and both of these developmentally precede and promote conceptual mastery of a theory of mind (ToM), as indexed via success on standard false belief tests. The present study examined this proposition in groups of primary-school-aged deaf children and hearing preschoolers who took false belief tests and a modified memory for complements test that included control questions. Guttman scaling techniques indicated no support either for the prediction that syntactic skill precedes ToM understanding or for the earlier emergence of complementation for “say” than for “think”. Methodological issues and implications for deaf children's ToM development are discussed.


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Neste trabalho sobre A Influência das Mulheres Clânicas no Pensamento Profético do Pós-Exílio. Um Estudo de Isaías 57,1-21, propomos apresentar uma pesquisa para demonstrar fundamentalmente quem eram os três grupos de mulheres clânicas, que surgem no Isaías 57,3-9, a saber: hn+n>[o(agoureira),aEßnm. (adultério, significando adúltera - tp,a(nm.) e hnAz(prostituta). E daí desenvolver que influência tiveram na profecia, no período do pós-exílio. Para tal tarefa utilizamos dois métodos: o primeiro, um método diacrônico no qual o texto demonstrou uma visão muito negativa dessas mulheres, já que o pano de fundo onde estaria estabelecido o texto é de forte influência patriarcal. Mas, ao aplicarmos um segundo, o método sincrônico e intertextual, o resultado se mostrou diferente, pois o conjunto de textos onde está incluso, a saber: Isaías 56,1-12; 58,1-14 e 61,1-11, demonstram um programa inclusivo. Assim, no Isaías 56,3-4 - rkªNEh;-!B, (filho do estrangeiro) e syrIêSh; (os eunucos), são admitidos na comunidade; no Isaías 58, 1 bqoß[]y: tybeîl.W (e para casa de Jacó), essa casa representada por um grupo de homens é repreendida por causa do jejum; e no Isaías 61,5-6 ~yrIêz (estranhos) e rkênE ynEåb.W (e filhos de estrangeiro), serão os que alimentarão a comunidade. Devido a isto, surgiu uma hipótese de que uma visão negativa sobre elas não poderia ser aceita dentro de um projeto inclusivo. No entanto a questão deve ser respondida. Partirmos para fazer um mapeamento do modo de vida clânico no Gênesis, um conjunto de textos que fala principalmente da família/clã. Ao estudarmos algumas mães míticas: Eva, Sara, Agar, filhas de Ló e Tamar, e ao compará-las com as de Isaías 57,3-9, muitas das características se mostram semelhantes. Pudemos assim perceber que todas essas mulheres clânicas por possuírem conhecimentos do reino animal e vegetal, exerceram influência na vida e morte das famílias/clãs, assim elas tiveram que serem combatidas pelos grupos de homens ao longo do tempo. Ainda outra característica importante no Pós-Exílio, é a movimentação que as famìlias/clãs realizam, mas, essa ‗saìda é sempre carregada de abundância de fertilidade e resolução de conflito pela solidariedade. Devemos estar na profecia, já que ao cristalizar-se um texto ‗desfavorável contra um grupo de mulheres, na verdade se está denunciando uma violência contra elas.


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Esta pesquisa se dedica ao debate em torno da redação e composição do livro de Amós, e pretende, primeiramente, apresentar e criticar algumas hipóteses sobre as camadas literárias, que poderiam pertencer ao próprio profeta, e os acréscimos tardios. Como primeiro passo para uma abordagem do problema redacional, este estudo examina algumas contribuições de especialistas estrangeiros e de estudiosos brasileiros, e tenta fazer um julgamento crítico de suas hipóteses sobre a redação do livro de Amós. A questão do processo redacional do livro de Amós tem sido, na verdade, objeto de uma animada discussão entre muitos estudiosos. Em segundo lugar, a leitura diacrônica é complementada com o estudo sincrônico do livro, isto é, com o debate em torno da estrutura não só da composição em Amós 6,1-14, mas também do livro todo. Em terceiro lugar, a partir da avaliação do resultado da pesquisa e com a utilização do método histórico-crítico, a composição em Amós 6,1-14 é analisada como uma unidade literária de sentido. Para tal análise são, indubitavelmente, relevantes algumas considerações prévias sobre o gênero literário da lamentação, a denúncia profética da injustiça social e a instituição do banquete do marzeah. Em seqüência, esta tese analisa o fenômeno literário dos panfletos proféticos e da organização social, que poderia estar por detrás de sua autoria. Por isso, e levando em conta o desafio de novas propostas metodológicas, esta pesquisa visa dar uma contribuição específica ao estudo de Amós. Ela se empenha em demonstrar que, em relação a Amós 6,1-14, o leitor está diante de uma criação coletiva. De fato, a mencionada composição é o resultado não só da pregação oral do próprio profeta, mas também, em razão de sua forma compósita, das vozes proféticas de pessoas oprimidas, que, impulsionadas pelo Espírito, confirmaram a denúncia severa de Amós e até a completaram com suas próprias experiências e sofrimentos. Finalmente, um despretensioso excursus examina o livro de Amós em um contexto literário mais amplo, para dar uma visão geral do debate em torno do processo redacional do Livro dos Doze Profetas, particularmente a partir de sua perspectiva escatológica mediante a categoria teológica do Dia do Senhor.(AU)


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Êxodo 23,1-9 se insere no universo jurídico do antigo Israel não como lei a maneira das formulações em estilo casuístico e apodítico, mas como instrução ética. A estrutura, sintaxe e estilo desse texto revelam que não estamos diante de leis, mas de parênese. Sendo assim, a pergunta pelo seu lugar vivencial, data e conteúdos é significativa. Também o é a pergunta pelos processos sociais que viabilizaram os conflitos indicados indiretamente entre homens livres proprietários de terra e fora do estado de empobrecimento e homens livres donos de terra, mas a caminho de perdê-la por conta das dívidas in natura adquiridas. Para verificarmos a plausibilidade sociológica de Êxodo 23,1-9, verificamos, através da história social, que tipo de sociedade era Israel no tempo do tribalismo e depois na monarquia, e as consequências sociais que cada um desses sistemas promoveu na sociedade israelita. Com isso, pretendemos conhecer o pano de fundo histórico-sociológico que tece o nosso texto.(AU)


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The meaning is involved all levels of language analysis. Located in the heart of phenomena such as the polysemy, the grammaticalisation, the role for interpretation of the syntax, the organisation of the metonymy, the structuring of the metaphor. It is subject to synchroniques and historical typological and social variations. These events allow you to reveal when they are considered under the representations that they involve, the Organization of the linguistic meaning report. It is this organisation that attach themselves to identify the contributions in this book. From the empirical study of problems typical semantics and prag-matique offer answers provide the most current approaches to questions the nature of the sense of the patterns they render account representations and constraints that shape.


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This article focuses on the empirical domain of the solidarity uses of certain insults in different varieties of French (standard, Quebec, Burgundy) from diachronic and synchronic points of view. Solidarity uses refers to the usage of axiological terms as terms of endearment to mark social proximity between subjects. This value is signalled by morphosyntactic, prosodic and mimeo-gestural features indicating the speaker's disposition towards the addressee. These psychological and social parameters conspire to attenuate the axiological term's argumentative program, which however can never be entirely evacuated. This argumentative program is nevertheless subordinated to pragmatics, which remains necessary in order to evaluate the extent to which the conventional lexical meaning is maintained in these uses. The attenuation of conventional meaning under solidarity uses shows the relevance of relational and attitudinal notions for the negotiation of meaning. It further establishes that at least in some cases, the analysis of linguistic interpretation require a multidisciplinary approach, most specifically where the relation between Semantics and Pragmatics is concerned.


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The different aspects of language are, we know structured by systematic relationships and recent research suggests that the meaning is no exception to this rule. Languages let talking topics to return to their experience of the universe, this reference in is no less the result of the value that characterizes the signs as an integral part of a system of representation. This article contains representations which substantiates the grammatical value of words define in topological terms. This conceptual topology to realise the noun syntax and interpretation. It is therefore suggested that spatialisantes representations intervene as a condition of the Organization referential and structural language sequences.


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As any language French transformed over time. The evolution of French is marked by many phenomena at all organization levels. For syntax, these phenomena include from the medieval State to current state the assertive sentence of second verb schema change (where the verb should be preceded by a constituent, XVY) to SVO (where it is the subject that precedes the verb) and the passage of the optional expression required expression of the subject. The mandatory presence of the subject in current French is all the more remarkable that it distinguishes it from most other major contemporary romance languages that require explicit subject. This last group includes catalan, Spanish, Italian literary, some occitans, Portuguese, Romanian, and Sardinian, dialects French hugging with the florentin franco-provençal, some other occitans dialects Mediterranean Italian dialects and the ladin following Vanelli, Renzi and Beninca (1985/1985).


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Our study discusses the ability of the présent historique, a tense « plus abstrait et donc plus difficile à comprendre » [more abstract and therefore more difficult to understand] (Béguin 1998, p. 36), to replace the passé simple (PS) in historical narration. It is based on a diachronic corpus of extracts taken from history books on the French Revolution, ranging from the beginning of the 19th century to the end of the 20th century. Firstly, we justify the primacy of the passé simple for historical narrative, while considering the wider areas of tense and aspect. After a description of the corpus and a summary of the hypotheses under study, we present our quantitative results with the aim of assessing the use of the présent historique in the corpus in comparison with other tenses. Finally, we study our corpus from a qualitative perspective and we try to conclude upon our initial hypotheses. © Revue Romane.