999 resultados para Determinação de cuidados de saúde
Dentro do contexto de assegurar à população dietas equilibradas em relação aos elementos essenciais e uma monitoração dos elementos tóxicos, este trabalho teve por objetivo a determinação dos níveis desses elementos, em refeições servidas no restaurante da Faculdade de Saúde Pública/USP freqüentada pelos estudantes universitários e funcionários, durante uma semana. Foram analisadas refeições servidas no almoço. Os alimentos foram recolhidos em bandejas completas em número de 3 por refeição, tomando-se por base as porções servidas, consideradas como análise em duplicata. Foram feitas análises para determinação da composição centesimal das refeições utilizando-se os métodos preconizados pela AOAC. As amostras foram submetidas também a análise multielementar utilizando-se a técnica de análise por ativação neutrônica, onde os seguintes elementos puderam ser determinados: Ba, Br, Ca, Ce, Cl, Co, Cr, Cs, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se e Zn, níveis de m g/g a ng/g. Os resultados de ingestão por refeição obtidos no presente trabalho foram comparados com os valores diários recomendados pelo RDA, WHO e Homem Padrão. Salienta-se em relação aos macronutrientes, uma alta adequação protéica e excesso de lípides em algumas refeições, interferindo no valor calórico total. Dentre as causas de maior variação dos resultados a dieta entre os diferentes dias é a que mais contribui. Em relação à fração fibra alimentar, os valores obtidos foram adequados. Quanto aos micronutrientes, observa-se adequação quanto a Br, Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, Rb, Se e Zn, entretanto, níveis acima do recomendado para K, Mo, Na, Cl e Cr. Para os elementos Ba, Co, Cs e Sb os níveis de ingestão foram comparados com os dados de ingestão diária para Homem Padrão. Os demais elementos traço determinados como Ce e Sc, observa-se que não existe recomendação, tendo-se observado grandes variações nos valores obtidos para estes elementos nos dias estudados.
Resumo não disponível
One of the basic principles of the Brazilian Public Health System (SUS) is integral assistance, which considers the integrality of the individual, of service and care, which should necessarily include end of life care. Our aim was to analyze the work process of health professionals at the Family Health Strategy / Primary Care that already cared for people in the dying process to propose viable contributions to the Public Health area as regards the implementation of Palliative Care in Primary Care. We present data referring to the following themes: Singular Therapeutic Project (PTS); death quality as PTS goal (work purpose); the team's ways of doing (bonding as a pact condition). Eleven health professionals (four nurses and seven physicians) linked to the Family Health Strategy (ESF) of Campinas (São Paulo) participated on this research. From the interviews, data analysis followed the Socio-Historical Psychology theoretical and methodological approach. The professionals' activity was analyzed in articulation with the specificities of caring for people in the dying process. We found that action planning in health is oriented by the Singular Therapeutic Project (PTS), with an emphasis in social diagnosis and the need of a bond for attaining a pact. It is understood that the purpose of health professionals' activity is to promote dignity and life quality in the dying process, but integral care should include not only individual and family care, but also the defence of full human development during all phases of life.
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
O uso de plantas medicinais especialmente na América do Sul contribui significativamente para os cuidados básicos com a saúde. Para o tratamento de infecções comuns, muitas plantas são utilizadas no Brasil na forma de extrato bruto, infusões ou emplastros, sem nenhuma evidência científica de sua eficácia (PESSINI et al., 2003). AYRES et al. (2008) afirma que a busca de substâncias com atividades antimicrobianas tem direcionado a atenção sobre os produtos naturais e, entre estes, os derivados das plantas superiores têm, nos últimos anos, despertado a investigação para o potencial da flora brasileira. Byrsonima pachyphylla Griseb é uma árvore típica do cerrado. Na medicina popular, a casca é utilizada como antifebril, contra tosses e doenças pulmonares, os ramos com folhas são diuréticos e os frutos são laxantes brandos (SILVA JÚNIOR et al., 2005). Levantamento no NAPRALERT indicou que espécies deste gênero são comumente empregadas como antiasmáticas, contra a febre e infecção de pele (MENDES et al., 1999). Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar qual o melhor método de extração, sendo eles a maceração, a maceração dinâmica, a digestão e a digestão + maceração dinâmica, visando à obtenção de extratos brutos de folhas de Byrsonima pachyphylla Griseb., considerando sua atividade biológica frente a bactéria Gram-positiva: Staphylococcus aureus; as bactérias Gram-negativas: Escherichia coli e Pseudomonas aeruginosa, e a levedura Cândida albicans, testada pelo método de diluição seriada de extratos em microplacas; além de comparar perfis cromatográficos dos extratos obtidos em cromatografia de camada delgada (CCD), bem como pesquisar as principais classes de metabólitos secundários nos extratos. Os resultados obtidos na cromatografia em camada delgada e na triagem fitoquímica preliminar possibilitaram sugerir a presença de taninos, flavonoides, terpenos e saponinas na espécie ...
The objective of this work was, from a bibliographical survey, to discuss the relationship between the subjects “Mental Health” and “Death”, in order to analyze possible contributions of the Psychiatric Reformation tied with the sphere of Palliative Cares. The characterization of madness as a social problem is related to the development of the capitalist mode of production. Unable to fulfill the requirements imposed by capital, insane persons are excluded from society and locked in psychiatric hospitals in order to be treated. In the same way, death is incompatible with the capitalist principles of accumulation of goods. Dying people are then transferred to the hospital in order to hide their invalidity, non-production and felt inexistence of wealth. Some principles for care in mental health that could be shared in the palliative cares are: deinstitutionalization; organization of assistance in a network; psychosocial assistance; interdisciplinarity and construction of the autonomy of family members and users. In this sense, some challenges are distinguished, between them, professional training.
O presente estudo objetivou verificar a relevância e a utilização de estratégias de comunicação em cuidados paliativos. Estudo quantitativo multicêntrico, realizado entre agosto/2008 e julho/2009, junto a 303 profissionais de saúde que trabalhavam com pacientes sob cuidados paliativos, por meio da aplicação de questionário. Os dados foram submetidos a tratamento estatístico descritivo. A maioria (57,7%) não foi capaz de citar ao menos uma estratégia de comunicação verbal e apenas 15,2% mencionaram cinco sinais ou estratégias não verbais. As estratégias verbais mais citadas foram as de cunho interrogativo sobre a doença/tratamento e, dentre as não verbais, destacaram-se o toque afetivo, olhar, sorriso, proximidade física e escuta ativa. Embora os profissionais tenham atribuído alto grau de relevância para a comunicação em cuidados paliativos, evidenciaram escasso conhecimento de estratégias de comunicação. Faz-se necessária a capacitação dos profissionais no que tange à comunicação em cuidados paliativos.
Este trabalho de pesquisa ocorre na área de concentração de Práxis Religiosa e Sociedade, no campo de conhecimento das Ciências da Religião, e versa sobre a saúde dos líderes religiosos no contexto atual, lançando um olhar de cuidados sobre este grupo, de forma que eles vivam sua vocação em sintonia com a saúde pessoal, exercendo-a em patamares seguros de saúde. Assim, no primeiro capítulo o conceito de saúde é desenvolvido através da história, abordando-o na esfera médica, teológica, filosófica e psicológica, fazendo uma avaliação da mudança de visão da saúde com o desenvolvimento da sociedade até os dias atuais. No segundo capítulo, a partir do desenvolvimento do conceito vocação, estabelece-se uma vinculação entre a preservação da saúde como preservação da vocação. Por fim, o terceiro capítulo aborda o olhar de cuidados sobre os líderes religiosos, propondo elementos para a melhora da saúde espiritual, emocional e física destes líderes, de forma a que o seu exercício vocacional seja realizado de forma plena e integral, englobando o líder religioso em toda a complexidade de seu ser.
This study aims to understand the significance of palliative care for the elder health care professionals working in primary health care. Descriptive study of qualitative approach. Conducted in three health units of the Family and a core of support for Health, the Felipe Camarão neighborhood, District of Natal Health West, RN. Of the 25 participants, 19 are professionals of the Family Health Strategy and six of the Center for Support to Health, the majority being women, with minimal professional work experience, a year in primary health care. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, under CAAE no. 43895815.4.0000.5537. There were individual interviews between July and September 2015, with the use of questionnaire containing open and closed questions on the topic of study. Our results were recorded in MP4 and transcribed into written language, and analyzed using the open coding process medium in which the categories were interpreted and identified, followed by axial coding, where categories were developed and systematically related. Three categories emerged: enhancement of elder health professionals in palliative care, behavioral health professionals across care in palliative care in primary care and disjointed Meaning between palliative care and health professionals. The categories were interpreted and analyzed by the theoretical framework of social phenomenology of Alfred Schütz. Regarding the valuation of subjective perception of professionals, it is clear the issue of the complexity of multiple relationships through various aspects of his central task: focus a philosophy of the world's reality, namely a phenomenology of natural attitude; Before the professional behavior were identified: the discovery and depth of assumptions through the structure, and meaning in a common sense, and at the meaning of the disconnection between the health professionals-including that reality imminent can be represented by individuality special interest of the experience. It follows that health professionals understand there is a difficulty facing the assistance in palliative care to the elderly in primary care, and this difficulty, characterized by the complexity of social interactions across the joint teamwork. Although, I believe that the articulation between the teams, work and family, is essential for the subsequent improvement of care in palliative care favoring the health context surrounding the Elder.
This study aims to understand the significance of palliative care for the elder health care professionals working in primary health care. Descriptive study of qualitative approach. Conducted in three health units of the Family and a core of support for Health, the Felipe Camarão neighborhood, District of Natal Health West, RN. Of the 25 participants, 19 are professionals of the Family Health Strategy and six of the Center for Support to Health, the majority being women, with minimal professional work experience, a year in primary health care. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, under CAAE no. 43895815.4.0000.5537. There were individual interviews between July and September 2015, with the use of questionnaire containing open and closed questions on the topic of study. Our results were recorded in MP4 and transcribed into written language, and analyzed using the open coding process medium in which the categories were interpreted and identified, followed by axial coding, where categories were developed and systematically related. Three categories emerged: enhancement of elder health professionals in palliative care, behavioral health professionals across care in palliative care in primary care and disjointed Meaning between palliative care and health professionals. The categories were interpreted and analyzed by the theoretical framework of social phenomenology of Alfred Schütz. Regarding the valuation of subjective perception of professionals, it is clear the issue of the complexity of multiple relationships through various aspects of his central task: focus a philosophy of the world's reality, namely a phenomenology of natural attitude; Before the professional behavior were identified: the discovery and depth of assumptions through the structure, and meaning in a common sense, and at the meaning of the disconnection between the health professionals-including that reality imminent can be represented by individuality special interest of the experience. It follows that health professionals understand there is a difficulty facing the assistance in palliative care to the elderly in primary care, and this difficulty, characterized by the complexity of social interactions across the joint teamwork. Although, I believe that the articulation between the teams, work and family, is essential for the subsequent improvement of care in palliative care favoring the health context surrounding the Elder.
This research aimed to analyse the effect of different territorial divisions in the random fluctuation of socio-economic indicators related to social determinants of health. This is an ecological study resulting from a combination of statistical methods including individuated and aggregate data analysis, using five databases derived from the database of the Brazilian demographic census 2010: overall results of the sample by weighting area. These data were grouped into the following levels: households; weighting areas; cities; Immediate Urban Associated Regions and Intermediate Urban Associated Regions. A theoretical model related to social determinants of health was used, with the dependent variable Household with death and as independent variables: Black race; Income; Childcare and school no attendance; Illiteracy; and Low schooling. The data was analysed in a model related to social determinants of health, using Poisson regression in individual basis, multilevel Poisson regression and multiple linear regression in light of the theoretical framework of the area. It was identified a greater proportion of households with deaths among those with at least one black resident, lower-income, illiterate, who do not attend or attended school or day-care and less educated. The analysis of the adjusted model showed that most adjusted prevalence ratio was related to Income, where there is a risk value of 1.33 for households with at least one resident with lower average personal income to R$ 655,00 (Brazilian current). The multilevel analysis demonstrated that there was a context effect when the variables were subjected to the effects of areas, insofar as the random effects were significant for all models and with different prevalence rates being higher in the areas with smaller dimensions - Weighting areas with coefficient of 0.035 and Cities with coefficient of 0.024. The ecological analyses have shown that the variable Income and Low schooling presented explanatory potential for the outcome on all models, having income greater power to determine the household deaths, especially in models related to Immediate Urban Associated Regions with a standardized coefficient of -0.616 and regions intermediate urban associated regions with a standardized coefficient of -0.618. It was concluded that there was a context effect on the random fluctuation of the socioeconomic indicators related to social determinants of health. This effect was explained by the characteristics of territorial divisions and individuals who live or work there. Context effects were better identified in the areas with smaller dimensions, which are more favourable to explain phenomena related to social determinants of health, especially in studies of societies marked by social inequalities. The composition effects were better identified in the Regions of Urban Articulation, shaped through mechanisms similar to the phenomenon under study.
Health promotion is opposed directly to the biomedical model and established by intersectoral action, with collective and interdisciplinary approaches, considering the subject in their life contexts. Build healthy territories is to promote health, which necessarily includes intersectoral coordination and community mobilization. The health and education sectors can work together to promote health, developing so articulate actions and practices involving the subject in its territory of life and work. This study aimed to design and experience of health promotion strategies in school and Basic Health Units Family in Uberlândia - MG, from intersectoral relationship and community mobilization. The methodological research route was action research, or research intervention, because while researching already applied the ideas to solve problems through collective action. The research began in the Municipal School of Basic Education Prof. Eurico Silva, with the Health Centre's deployment to carry out surveillance and health promotion with active participation of students, involving all subjects of the school, students, teachers and other staff in the context of everyday life, which extrapolates the school walls, reaching the family and social groups in the community to which they belong. The health observatory has the objective existence with the establishment of the working groups, which at first were "healthy eating" and "drug-free world" and later, "dengue". The themes were chosen by the participants of the Health Centre, in which each is involved preferably. The second part of the research started with the approach between the Centre for Health and the health units (UBS and BFHU). The proposal was that the schools and the health nurse unit together should undertake prevention and health promotion, combating Aedes aegypti with intersectoral coordination and community mobilization. For it was crucial the involvement of ACS, ACE, ASE and the nurse coordinator of the Health Unit in creating community networks in the territory. home visits, community mobilization and intersectoral coordination: a training course in all BFHU and UBS teams with the following subjects was conducted. At this stage, were the Health Units that should approach the schools, in order to provide community networks to fight Aedes aegypti in each territory. The results and the scope of this experiment could only be brought to fruition because the Board of Health Surveillance and Care Coordination council of Basic embraced the proposal and helped in its implementation. It remains to continue consolidating this process of work in health units of primary care and the elementary schools, replicate the Health Centre's experience at school. The conclusion of this work is that schools and care facilities to health together with intersectoral coordination and community mobilization supported by community networks, can carry out prevention and health promotion, from a health model that considers the social determinants of health and overcoming hygienist model / sanitarian.