896 resultados para Destinació turística intel·ligent


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This paper proposes a new memetic evolutionary algorithm to achieve explicit learning in rule-based nurse rostering, which involves applying a set of heuristic rules for each nurse's assignment. The main framework of the algorithm is an estimation of distribution algorithm, in which an ant-miner methodology improves the individual solutions produced in each generation. Unlike our previous work (where learning is implicit), the learning in the memetic estimation of distribution algorithm is explicit, i.e. we are able to identify building blocks directly. The overall approach learns by building a probabilistic model, i.e. an estimation of the probability distribution of individual nurse-rule pairs that are used to construct schedules. The local search processor (i.e. the ant-miner) reinforces nurse-rule pairs that receive higher rewards. A challenging real world nurse rostering problem is used as the test problem. Computational results show that the proposed approach outperforms most existing approaches. It is suggested that the learning methodologies suggested in this paper may be applied to other scheduling problems where schedules are built systematically according to specific rules.


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En este Trabajo Fin de Grado se ha realizado un análisis de la organización de la fiesta Ronda Romántica que tuvo lugar en la ciudad de Ronda entre los días 15, 16 y 17 de mayo de 2015, así como el impacto turístico de la misma. La correcta organización de este evento es de gran importancia ya que actúa como transmisor de la identidad histórica de Ronda.


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O turismo nasce a partir de viagens organizadas com objetivos relacionados com o lazer, a partir do século XIX, e tendo a viagem como conceito fundador e ao mesmo tempo contrastante. O conceito de viajante foi construído de várias formas e sob vários aspetos e a literatura teve um papel imprescindível nessa construção, nomeadamente a estesia romântica. O Romantismo traz consigo a voga da viagem a Espanha. Este artigo propõe uma abordagem geocrítica do relato de viagens de Inácio Francisco Teixeira da Mota, Viagens na Galiza, publicado em 1889, pela tipografia lisboeta de A.M. Pereira. Pretende-se sobretudo destacar, além do itinerário turístico, a construção de uma retórica sobre o espaço que se plasmará nas imagens e nas narrativas que ainda hoje perduram na nossa memória e que consubstancia no conceito de lugar turístico, i.e. “lugares em que há turistas, onde fomos precedidos e onde seremos seguidos por muitos outros” (Knafou, 2001: 64).


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The central motif of this work is prediction and optimization in presence of multiple interacting intelligent agents. We use the phrase `intelligent agents' to imply in some sense, a `bounded rationality', the exact meaning of which varies depending on the setting. Our agents may not be `rational' in the classical game theoretic sense, in that they don't always optimize a global objective. Rather, they rely on heuristics, as is natural for human agents or even software agents operating in the real-world. Within this broad framework we study the problem of influence maximization in social networks where behavior of agents is myopic, but complication stems from the structure of interaction networks. In this setting, we generalize two well-known models and give new algorithms and hardness results for our models. Then we move on to models where the agents reason strategically but are faced with considerable uncertainty. For such games, we give a new solution concept and analyze a real-world game using out techniques. Finally, the richest model we consider is that of Network Cournot Competition which deals with strategic resource allocation in hypergraphs, where agents reason strategically and their interaction is specified indirectly via player's utility functions. For this model, we give the first equilibrium computability results. In all of the above problems, we assume that payoffs for the agents are known. However, for real-world games, getting the payoffs can be quite challenging. To this end, we also study the inverse problem of inferring payoffs, given game history. We propose and evaluate a data analytic framework and we show that it is fast and performant.


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Intelligent agents offer a new and exciting way of understanding the world of work. In this paper we apply agent-based modeling and simulation to investigate a set of problems in a retail context. Specifically, we are working to understand the relationship between human resource management practices and retail productivity. Despite the fact we are working within a relatively novel and complex domain, it is clear that intelligent agents could offer potential for fostering sustainable organizational capabilities in the future. The project is still at an early stage. So far we have conducted a case study in a UK department store to collect data and capture impressions about operations and actors within departments. Furthermore, based on our case study we have built and tested our first version of a retail branch simulator which we will present in this paper.


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El presente trabajo consistió en el diseño de la propuesta urbana para la Ciudad de Suchitoto, basado en el Plan Artístico Cultural de dicha ciudad, para potenciar el turismo, la imagen histórica como patrimonio cultural, además de contribuir a los aspectos sociales y económicos. El documento contiene una parte teórica-diagnóstico de la ciudad y una parte de planos como propuesta a la temática de la ruta turística del anteproyecto


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This paper introduces two ongoing research projects which seek to apply computer modelling techniques in order to simulate human behaviour within organisations. Previous research in other disciplines has suggested that complex social behaviours are governed by relatively simple rules which, when identified, can be used to accurately model such processes using computer technology. The broad objective of our research is to develop a similar capability within organisational psychology.


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This paper proposes a new memetic evolutionary algorithm to achieve explicit learning in rule-based nurse rostering, which involves applying a set of heuristic rules for each nurse's assignment. The main framework of the algorithm is an estimation of distribution algorithm, in which an ant-miner methodology improves the individual solutions produced in each generation. Unlike our previous work (where learning is implicit), the learning in the memetic estimation of distribution algorithm is explicit, i.e. we are able to identify building blocks directly. The overall approach learns by building a probabilistic model, i.e. an estimation of the probability distribution of individual nurse-rule pairs that are used to construct schedules. The local search processor (i.e. the ant-miner) reinforces nurse-rule pairs that receive higher rewards. A challenging real world nurse rostering problem is used as the test problem. Computational results show that the proposed approach outperforms most existing approaches. It is suggested that the learning methodologies suggested in this paper may be applied to other scheduling problems where schedules are built systematically according to specific rules.


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Automotive producers are aiming to make their order fulfilment processes more flexible. Opening the pipeline of planned products for dynamic allocation to dealers/ customers is a significant step to be more flexible but the behaviour of such Virtual-Build-To-Order systems are complex to predict and their performance varies significantly as product variety levels change. This study investigates the potential for intelligent control of the pipeline feed, taking into account the current status of inventory (level and mix) and of the volume and mix of unsold products in the planning pipeline, as well as the demand profile. Five ‘intelligent’ methods for selecting the next product to be planned into the production pipeline are analysed using a discrete event simulation model and compared to the unintelligent random feed. The methods are tested under two conditions, firstly when customers must be fulfilled with the exact product they request, and secondly when customers trade-off a shorter waiting time for compromise in specification. The two forms of customer behaviour have a substantial impact on the performance of the methods and there are also significant differences between the methods themselves. When the producer has an accurate model of customer demand, methods that attempt to harmonise the mix in the system to the demand distribution are superior.


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Tesis (Maestría en Estudios y Gestión del Desarrollo).-- Universidad de La Salle. Maestria en Estudios y Gestión del Desarrollo, 2014


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This study has been presented for the Master in business of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, the objectives are evaluate the social impacts of the tourism in the community of Tibau do Sul in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The research is a study of case and the analysis is qualitative and quantitative. The tourism is considerate for many people as an important source of richness, job and an important economic activity. However, for being an activity that involves as main element people, It can cause impacts, could these are beneficial or malign. To evaluate the community's perception about these impacts, it was applied a questionnaire returned to the perceptions of them about the next social indicators: health, job, security, education and life quality. Considering the advent of the tourist activity in a period fifteen year. Through the research could conclude that, of general form the population realizes the changes occurred in the municipal district of positive way. Except for some indicators that receive negative evaluation


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Este documento, refiere al trabajo realizado para la Alcaldía Municipal de San Vicente, con el propósito de ayudar a la promoción del turismo en el Municipio de San Vicente y en toda la Zona paracentral, se desarrolló una aplicación web que se compone de tres módulos principales a los cuales se puede acceder desde un dispositivo móvil con acceso a internet y un módulo para administradores del sistema para la gestión de centros turísticos y turistas los cuales serán operados desde un administrador principal, el sistema se desarrolló para poder contribuir a la promoción del turismo en El Salvador. Esta herramienta se desarrolló usando las tecnologías existentes para dispositivos móviles de HTML5 y PHP. Al finalizar el aplicativo web se han logrado obtener beneficios para los dueños de destinos turísticos ya que pueden promocionarse de manera gratuita, además la Institución beneficiaria cuenta con un recurso más para poder catalogar y mapear destinos existentes y así sugerirlos. Al finalizar este trabajo se logró cumplir con el objetivo planteado que fue ayudar a la promoción del turismo en El Salvador. SUMMARY This document refers to work done for the Municipality of San Vicente, in order to help promote tourism in the municipality of San Vicente and throughout the paracentral area, is developing a web application that consists of three main modules to which can be accessed from a mobile device with internet access and a module for system administrators to manage resorts and tourists which will be operated from a main administrator, the system development to contribute to the promotion of tourism in El Salvador. This tool was developed using existing technologies for mobile devices HTML5 and PHP. At the end of the web application has been made a profit for the owners of tourist destinations because they can promote themselves for free, also the beneficiary institution has a resource to catalog and map existing and destinations and suggest them. Upon completion of this work failed to meet the stated objective was to help the promotion of tourism in El Salvador.


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Presentaciones de la asignatura Interfaces para Entornos Inteligentes del Máster en Tecnologías de la Informática/Machine Learning and Data Mining.


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La presente investigación se verá enfocada en el análisis del impacto económico generado por los Expats en la planta turística de la ciudad de Cuenca durante el período 2012 - 2015. Para el desarrollo de este proyecto de análisis se comparó información de los establecimientos registrados y no registrados en el catastro turístico del Ministerio de Turismo. Se complementó esta investigación con salidas de campo en donde se realizaron entrevistas a varios especialistas e investigadores además de varios expatriados que residen en Cuenca. Se obtuvieron datos estadísticos, los cuales fueron tabulados y comparados entre los años que enmarcan este sondeo. Los valores obtenidos nos demostraron que la planta turística de la ciudad tuvo un incremento del 4,05%, dentro de los 61 nuevos locales en la ciudad, existen 3 nuevos proyectos en el área de alojamiento, 55 nuevos establecimientos en el área de alimentos y bebidas o restauración. En lo que a transporte turístico se refiere tan solo un local fue puesto al servicio de la comunidad cuenca y extranjera. Finalmente la planta Turística de Cuenca cuenta con tan solo un nuevo establecimiento en lo que a ocio y entretenimiento se refiere. Muchos locales, la gran mayoría de ellos ubicados en el centro histórico de la ciudad y dedicados al servicio de restauración vieron afectados sus ingresos mensuales además de que su promedio semanal de clientes ha disminuido.