895 resultados para Descriptive statistics


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Antecedentes De las complicaciones crónicas de la diabetes, la más destacada es la neuropatía. Esta produce disminución en la calidad de vida, ya que conlleva al paciente a tener dificultades como: dolor, parestesias, ulceraciones, e incluso alteración en la deambulación. Objetivos Determinar la prevalencia de neuropatía simétrica distal en pacientes que integran los clubes de diabéticos del distrito 01D01 y su relación con sus estilos de vida. Materiales y Métodos Es un estudio transversal con una muestra de 162 pacientes, seleccionados al azar, sobre la base del 30% de prevalencia de neuropatía, con un nivel de confianza del 95% y error de inferencia del 5%. Fueron aplicados dos cuestionarios avalados (NSS+NDS). Para el análisis, usamos el programa SPSS 15. Las variables demográficas, se analizaron por estadística descriptiva. La relación entre las variables dependientes y variables independientes se evaluó a través de la razón de prevalencia, con un intervalo de confianza del 95%, chi cuadrado y valor de p. Resultados La prevalencia de neuropatía diabética es del 54.9%, en hombres 73.7% y en mujeres 49.2%. Los factores protectores son: Recibir indicaciones sobre cuidado de los pies con 66.7% (RP 2 y valor de p 0.033), y el buen control de glucosa en sangre con el 95.9% (RP 2.3 y valor de p 0.001). Conclusiones La neuropatía diabética simétrica distal se presenta más en hombres que en mujeres. Además se encontró que el buen control de glucosa en sangre y recibir indicaciones sobre cuidado de los pies, disminuyen el riesgo de neuropatía.


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Introducción: En la actualidad existe un incremento de la población adulta mayor en el Ecuador, donde las tres principales causas de muerte son: diabetes, enfermedades hipertensivas, enfermedades cerebrovasculares. Las mismas que se relacionan etiopatológicamente con el síndrome metabólico. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia del síndrome metabólico (SM) en adultos mayores en el cantón Cuenca, 2015. Método y materiales: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, que se realizó en 387 adultos de ambos sexos mayores de 65 años, en las parroquias urbanas del cantón Cuenca. Se excluyó a los adultos mayores con deficiencia mental, alteraciones del estado de conciencia, impedimento físico o con evidencia de diabetes. Para el levantamiento de los datos se utilizó una encuesta y se realizó pruebas de glicemia en ayunas, colesterol, triglicéridos, lípidos de alta densidad (HDL, high density lipids) y medidas antropométricas, los datos obtenidos fueron analizados estadísticamente mediante EpiInfo, Microsoft Excel 2010 y el software SPSS, y se presentó mediante tablas y gráficos de estadística descriptiva de porcentajes y frecuencias. Resultados: La media de edad fue de 73 años, el 63.57% fueron mujeres y el 36.43% hombres y la mayoría 35.4% tenía un nivel de instrucción de primaria completa. La prevalencia del síndrome metabólico fue del 54.01%, en las mujeres 61.38% y en los hombres 41.13%, la mayoría entre 65 y 74 años con un 53.2% y un 58.14% con estudios incompletos. Según el IMC la mayoría de adultos mayores con SM tenían sobrepeso 49.72% y obesidad. El criterio ATP III más encontrado fue la obesidad abdominal 78.81%, seguido por la disminución sérica de colesterol HDL, 74.42% y presión arterial elevada, 48.32%.


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Introducción: En la actualidad existe un incremento de la población adulta mayor en el Ecuador, donde las tres principales causas de muerte son: diabetes, enfermedades hipertensivas, enfermedades cerebrovasculares. Las mismas que se relacionan etiopatológicamente con el síndrome metabólico. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia del síndrome metabólico (SM) en adultos mayores en el cantón Cuenca, 2015. Método y materiales: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, que se realizó en 387 adultos de ambos sexos mayores de 65 años, en las parroquias urbanas del cantón Cuenca. Se excluyó a los adultos mayores con deficiencia mental, alteraciones del estado de conciencia, impedimento físico o con evidencia de diabetes. Para el levantamiento de los datos se utilizó una encuesta y se realizó pruebas de glicemia en ayunas, colesterol, triglicéridos, lípidos de alta densidad (HDL, high density lipids) y medidas antropométricas, los datos obtenidos fueron analizados estadísticamente mediante EpiInfo, Microsoft Excel 2010 y el software SPSS, y se presentó mediante tablas y gráficos de estadística descriptiva de porcentajes y frecuencias. Resultados: La media de edad fue de 73 años, el 63.57% fueron mujeres y el 36.43% hombres y la mayoría 35.4% tenía un nivel de instrucción de primaria completa. La prevalencia del síndrome metabólico fue del 54.01%, en las mujeres 61.38% y en los hombres 41.13%, la mayoría entre 65 y 74 años con un 53.2% y un 58.14% con estudios incompletos. Según el IMC la mayoría de adultos mayores con SM tenían sobrepeso 49.72% y obesidad. El criterio ATP III más encontrado fue la obesidad abdominal 78.81%, seguido por la disminución sérica de colesterol HDL, 74.42% y presión arterial elevada, 48.32%.


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Purpose: To assess Pharmacists’ Perceptions and Experiences of Topical Antibacterial Drug Dispensing in Community Pharmacy Setting in Kedah State, Malaysia in order to minimize drug resistance issues. Methods: A cross-sectional study involving a pre-validated questionnaire was conducted in community pharmacies within Kedah State, Malaysia. Descriptive statistics and Spearman’s correlation coefficient were used for data analysis. The collected were analysed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 18.0. Results: The result shows that, 53.4 % of CPs in Kedah State perceived that topical antibacterial is not necessary for every topical bacterial infection. Fusidic acid was the most frequently dispensed topical antibacterial drug while superficial wound was reported to be the most frequently encountered topical bacterial infection. CPs (12.60 %) encountered antibacterial resistance cases but none reported them. The drug that had resistance issue was neomycin. Conclusion: CPs in Kedah State, Malaysia generally have the right perceptions on the dispensing of topical antibacterial drugs. However, their knowledge on the rational use of topical antibacterial drugs and vigilance on antibacterial resistance issue need improvement.


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Antecedentes: La infección de vías urinarias corresponde a la invasión de microorganismos a los tejidos que conforman el tracto urinario, a cualquier nivel, la sintomatología depende del sitio y localización de la infección (1). Las mujeres debido a que su uretra es más corta que en los hombres tienen mayor probabilidad de contraer una Infección de vías urinarias (IVU) (2). Objetivo: Identificar la infección de vías urinarias, mediante el examen elemental y microscópico de orina, en los habitantes de la comunidad de Caguanapamba Tambo Cañar. Metodología: El estudio fue de tipo descriptivo de corte transversal, se realizó en la comunidad de Caguanapamba perteneciente al Cantón El Tambo, el universo lo constituyeron los 361 habitantes de la comunidad, según el documento de planificación territorial del cantón, la muestra estuvo representada por 186 personas quienes firmaron el consentimiento informado en donde se informó todo el proceso a seguir en la investigación, luego se aplicó una encuesta, que recopiló información relacionada con los datos de filiación y las variables consideradas de estudio. Las muestras fueron recolectadas bajo normas de calidad y bioseguridad a fin de garantizar los resultados. El procesamiento de las mismas se realizó en el Laboratorio del Centro de Diagnóstico de la Universidad de Cuenca. Para el análisis de resultados se utilizó los programas SPSS V22 Y Microsoft Excel, para la estadística descriptiva se utilizaron tablas y gráficos


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Objective: determine the effect on the disability index of adult patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) using vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) and human movement. Subjects: six subjects with an average age of 49.5 ± 14.22 years who have been diagnosed with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo by an otolaryngologist. Instruments: the Dizziness Handicap Inventory and a questionnaire to determine impact on the quality of life of patients with this pathology (Ceballos and Vargas, 2004). Procedure: subjects underwent vestibular therapy for four weeks together with habituation and balance exercises in a semi-supervised manner. Two measurements were performed, one before and one after the vestibular therapy and researchers determined if there was any improvement in the physical, functional, and emotional dimensions. Statistical analysis: descriptive statistics and Student’s t-test of repeated measures were applied to analyze results obtained. Results: significant statistical differences were found in the physical dimension between the pre-test (19.33 ± 4.67 points) and post-test (13 ± 7.24 points) (t = 2.65; p < 0.05).  In contrast, no significant statistical differences were found in the functional (t = 2.44; p>0.05), emotional (t = 2.37; p>0.05) or general dimensions (t = 2.55; p>0.05). Conclusion: vestibular therapy with a semi-supervised human movement program improved the index of disability due to vertigo (physical dimension) in BPPV subjects.


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OBJETIVO GENERAL: Establecer las características sociodemográficas del adulto mayor con deterioro auditivo en el centro de atención del IESS. Cuenca 2015. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio de tipo descriptivo transversal. El universo compuesto por 1800 personas que se encontraron inscritos en el centro de atención del adulto mayor, en la ciudad de Cuenca, 2015. Se trabajó con una muestra de 317 adultos mayores. Este proyecto se realizó mediante: encuestas y audiometrías. Los datos que se obtuvieron fueron analizados en SPSS 20.00 y Excel 2010; para el análisis se utilizó la estadística descriptiva; además personal capacitado realizó la audiometría de tipo tonal, en el Centro de diagnóstico de la Universidad de Cuenca. RESULTADOS: Los resultados obtenidos de las encuestas y de las audiometrías realizadas son los siguientes. De los 317 encuestados (248 (78%) femeninos, 69 (22%) masculinos), las audiometrías realizadas a 160 adultos mayores, presentan algún tipo de deterioro auditivo destacando el grado de audición normal 11% (34), hipoacusia conductiva leve 7% (22), hipoacusia conductiva moderada 3% (11), hipoacusia mixta leve 8% (25), hipoacusia mixta moderada 3% (8), hipoacusia sensorioneural leve 9% (29), hipoacusia sensorioneural moderada 9% (27), hipoacusia sensorioneural severa 1% (3). La información obtenida de la investigación permite establecer una evaluación general del estado actual del grado de audición de los adultos mayores, permite evidenciar la importancia de una atención adecuada a partir de los 60 o más años, para evitar la pérdida de audición por envejecimiento


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Introduction: Breast Phyllodes tumors are rare breast tumors present in less than 1% of new cases of breast cancer, usually occurring among middle-aged women (40-50 yrs). Objective: This study shows diagnostic experience, surgical management and follows up of patients with this disease during a period of ten years in a oncology referral center. Methods: Retrospectively, breast cancer registries at the institution were reviewed, identifying 77 patients with Phyllodes tumors between 2002 and 2012, who had been operated on at the Instituto de Cancerología – Clínica Las Américas, in Medellín (Colombia). Clinical and histopathological data belonging to these cases was captured and analyzed and descriptive statistics were used. Results: The follow up median was 22.5 months (IQR: 10.5-60.0), average age was 47.2 yrs (SD: 12.4), mean tumor size was 3.6 cm (SD: 4.6), 88.3% of the patients (68 cases) presented negative margins and none of them received adjuvant chemotherapy. Of the patients with Phyllodes tumors; 33.8% had benign, 31.2% had borderline and 35.0% had malignant tumor. Disease-free survival was 85.8% and overall survival was 94.5%. Discussion: Reported data in this article is in accordance with what has been reported in worldwide literature. In our cohort even the high mean size of the tumors, the risk of local relapse and metastatic disease is low than previously reported in literature. Trials with longer follow up and molecular trials in Phyllodes tumors are necessary to understand the behavior of these tumors in Hispanics population.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.


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Mestrado (dissertação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva, 2016.


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AIM: To test the hypothesis that computed tomography (CT)-based signs might precede symptomatic malignant spinal cord compression (MSCC) in men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A database was used to identify suitable mCRPC patients. Staging CT images were retrospectively reviewed for signs preceding MSCC. Signs of malignant paravertebral fat infiltration and epidural soft-tissue disease were defined and assessed on serial CT in 34 patients with MSCC and 58 control patients. The presence and evolution of the features were summarized using descriptive statistics. RESULTS: In MSCC patients, CT performed a median of 28 days prior to the diagnostic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated significant epidural soft tissue in 28 (80%) patients. The median time to MSCC from a combination of overt malignant paravertebral and epidural disease was 2.7 (0-14.6) months. Conversely, these signs were uncommon in the control cohort. CONCLUSIONS: Significant malignant paravertebral and/or epidural disease at CT precede MSCC in up to 80% of mCRPC patients and should prompt closer patient follow-up and consideration of early MRI evaluation. These CT-based features require further prospective validation.


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This study investigated the role of self-esteem, social (need to belong, loneliness, competitiveness, and shyness), and health (smoking, drinking) behaviors in Hungarian adolescents' psychosomatic symptoms. Our sample of 490 students (ages 14-19 years) from Debrecen (Hungary) completed the questionnaires. Besides descriptive statistics, correlation and multiple regression analyses were applied to test interrelationships. Frequency analysis revealed that fatigue was the most commonly experienced psychosomatic symptom in this sample, followed by sleeping problems and (lower) back pain. Girls reported experiencing more symptoms. Multiple regression analyses suggested that (1) need to belong, shyness, and competitiveness may serve as social behavioral risk factors for adolescents' psychosomatic symptomatology, whereas (2) self-esteem may play a protective role. The role of social and health behaviors was modified when analyzed by gender: the psychosomatic index score was positively related to smoking and shyness among girls, and need to belong among boys. Self-esteem provided protection for both sexes. CONCLUSION: We conclude that problems with social relationships (namely, unmet need to belong, competitiveness, and shyness) may lead to psychosomatic health complaints, whereas self-esteem may serve as a protection. Findings suggest that social skills training and strengthening self-esteem should be an important part of children's health promotion programs in schools to improve their psychosomatic health and well-being.


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The investment in learning required to reach benefit with weightlifting training is currently not well understood in elite athletes. The purpose of this investigation was to quantify changes in vertical jump power production and kinematic variables in hang power clean (HPC) performance during the learning process from a naive state in a multiple single-subject research design. Four elite athletes undertook HPC learning for approximately 20-30 minutes twice per week over a 169-day period. Changes in parameters of vertical power production during squat jump (SJ) and countermovement jump (CMJ) were monitored from baseline (day 0) and at 3 additional occasions. Hang power clean movement kinematics and bar path traces were monitored from day 35 and at 3 additional occasions particular to the individual's periodized training plan. Descriptive statistics were reported within athletes as mean ± SD. We observed a 14.1-35.7% (SJ) and a -14.4 to 20.5% (CMJ) gain in peak power across the 4 jump testing occasions with improvements over the first 4 weeks (SJ: 9.2-32.6%; CMJ: -2.91 to 20.79%). Changes in HPC movement kinematics and barbell path traces occurred for each athlete indicating a more rearward-directed center of pressure over the concentric phase, greater double knee bend during the transition phase, decreased maximal plantar flexion, and minimal vertical displacement of body mass with HPC learning. Considering the minimal investment of 4 weeks to achieve increases in vertical power production, the benefits of training with HPC justified the associated time costs for these 4 elite athletes.


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Purpose - This paper aims to present a survey of the perceptions of the barriers to implementing reverse logistics (RL) practices in South Australian (SA) construction organisations. Despite the extensive research on forward logistics and RL, there is a paucity of studies that examine the barriers to implementing RL particularly within the Australian construction industry. This study builds on the ongoing research being undertaken by the authors, entitled “Designing for reverse logistics (DfRL) within the building life cycle: practices, drivers and barriers”, which is examining the best practices and drivers that could be used as a “road map” for developing appropriate solutions for the successful implementation of RL. Design/methodology/approach - Data were collected by utilising a triangulated data collection approach, a literature review and 49 questionnaires. The review of the literature identified 16 barriers to implementing RL. The quantitative survey data were subjected to descriptive and inferential statistics with correlation analysis to examine the relationships between different pairs of variables comprising RL’s critical barriers. Findings - The following barriers were indicated as most significant: lack of incorporation of salvaged materials by designers; regulation restrictions to usage of recovered materials and components; potential legal liabilities; higher costs; and longer-time association with deconstructing buildings. The least ranked barriers were mostly drawn from the operational and industrial categories as being: organisational lack of support for deconstruction due to incompatible design; lack of organisational support for deconstructing buildings due to higher health and safety risks; and inadequate skills and experience for deconstruction (operational). The industrial barrier was related to “higher costs of salvaged materials in comparison to virgin products”. Research limitations/implications - First, the reported findings are focussed on one study that used questionnaire surveys within the construction industry; therefore, the results may not be generalisable to other contexts. Further, studies should be conducted and extended to other industrial sectors beyond the construction industry. Second, the quantitative study (n 49) used a smaller sample, and the survey items were based on the review of the literature. Practical implications - The identified barriers could be used as a “road map” for the development of appropriate solutions for the successful implementation of RL, and to improve the environment-related decision-making processes of contractors. Originality/value - This study makes a contribution to the body of knowledge on the subject of RL within a previously unexplored SA context. In addition, the study provides some insights on the contributory effects of the barriers to the implementation of RL. It is the first work undertaken to determine the barriers to the adoption of RL within the SA construction industry.


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BACKGROUND: High-fidelity simulation pedagogy is of increasing importance in health professional education; however, face-to-face simulation programs are resource intensive and impractical to implement across large numbers of students. OBJECTIVES: To investigate undergraduate nursing students' theoretical and applied learning in response to the e-simulation program-FIRST2ACT WEBTM, and explore predictors of virtual clinical performance. DESIGN AND SETTING: Multi-center trial of FIRST2ACT WEBTM accessible to students in five Australian universities and colleges, across 8 campuses. PARTICIPANTS: A population of 489 final-year nursing students in programs of study leading to license to practice. METHODS: Participants proceeded through three phases: (i) pre-simulation-briefing and assessment of clinical knowledge and experience; (ii) e-simulation-three interactive e-simulation clinical scenarios which included video recordings of patients with deteriorating conditions, interactive clinical tasks, pop up responses to tasks, and timed performance; and (iii) post-simulation feedback and evaluation. Descriptive statistics were followed by bivariate analysis to detect any associations, which were further tested using standard regression analysis. RESULTS: Of 409 students who commenced the program (83% response rate), 367 undergraduate nursing students completed the web-based program in its entirety, yielding a completion rate of 89.7%; 38.1% of students achieved passing clinical performance across three scenarios, and the proportion achieving passing clinical knowledge increased from 78.15% pre-simulation to 91.6% post-simulation. Knowledge was the main independent predictor of clinical performance in responding to a virtual deteriorating patient R(2)=0.090, F(7, 352)=4.962, p<0.001. DISCUSSION: The use of web-based technology allows simulation activities to be accessible to a large number of participants and completion rates indicate that 'Net Generation' nursing students were highly engaged with this mode of learning. CONCLUSION: The web-based e-simulation program FIRST2ACTTM effectively enhanced knowledge, virtual clinical performance, and self-assessed knowledge, skills, confidence, and competence in final-year nursing students.