994 resultados para DIGESTION


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In this paper, we report on a field experiment being carried out in a Typic Eutrorthox. The experiment was initiated in the 1997-98 agricultural season as a randomized block design with four treatments (0, 5, 10, and 20 t ha -1) of sewage sludge and five replicates. Compound soil samples were obtained from 20 subsamples collected at depths of 0-0.1 and 0.1-0.2 m. Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn concentrations were extracted with DTPA pH 7.3; 0.1 mol L -1 HCl, Mehlich-I, Mehlich-III, and 0.01 mol L-1 CaCl 2. Metal concentrations were determined via atomic absorption spectrometry. Diagnostic leaves and the whole above-ground portion of plants were collected to determine Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn concentrations extracted by nitric-perchloric digestion and later determined via atomic absorption spectrometry. Sewage sludge application caused increases in the concentrations of soil Cu, Fe, and Mn in samples taken from the 0-0.1 m depth evaluated by the extractants Mehlich-I, Mehlich-III, 0.01 mol L-1 HCl and DTPA pH 7.3. None of the extractants provided efficient estimates of changes in Mn concentrations. The acid extractants extracted more Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn than the saline and chelating solutions. The highest concentrations of Cu, Fe, and Zn were obtained with Mehlich-III, while the highest concentrations of Mn were obtained with HCl. We did not observe a correlation between the extractants and the concentrations of elements in the diagnostic leaves nor in the tissues of the whole maize plant (Zea mays L.). © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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The morphologically undivided ventricle of the heart in non-crocodilian reptiles permits the mixing of oxygen-rich blood returning from the lungs and oxygen-poor blood from the systemic circulation. A possible functional significance for this intra-cardiac shunt has been debated for almost a century. Unilateral left vagotomy rendered the single effective pulmonary artery of the South American rattlesnake, Crotalus durissus, unable to adjust the magnitude of blood flow to the lung. The higher constant perfusion of the lung circulation and the incapability of adjusting the right-left shunt in left-denervated snakes persisted over time, providing a unique model for investigation of the long-term consequences of cardiac shunting in a squamate. Oxygen uptake recorded at rest and during spontaneous and forced activity was not affected by removing control of the cardiac shunt. Furthermore, metabolic rate and energetic balance during the post-prandial metabolic increment, plus the food conversion efficiency and growth rate, were all similarly unaffected. These results show that control of cardiac shunting is not associated with a clear functional advantage in adjusting metabolic rate, effectiveness of digestion or growth rates. © 2013. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.


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The use of biofertilizers is interesting for agriculture as being an economical alternative as well as it is environmentally friendly by using organic waste and reducing the application of mineral fertilizers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of biofertilizer doses of bovine origin (biodigester effluent) applied on the ground and two levels of irrigation on lettuce. The experiment was conducted under protection of a greenhouse in pots, applying to the soil different doses of biofertilizer of bovine origin obtained from anaerobic reactor (10, 20, 40 and 60 m3 ha-1) and mineral fertilizer as a witness in two irrigation levels calculated at 50 and 100% of reference evapotranspiration. The lettuce plants were analyzed in their: Height, leaves number, crown diameter, fresh weight and dry weight of shoots. The biofertilizer treatments showed better results than the mineral fertilizer and has increased with increasing doses of biofertilizer, the highest dose (60 m3 ha-1) showed the best results in all variables. For dry, mineral fertilization showed higher values. The irrigation levels had no effect on plant growth.


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Anaerobic digestion applied to stillage usually results in treatment performances. However, effluents from anaerobic reactors still present a residual polluting load due to the presence of organic recalcitrant compounds. Additional treatment methods, such as coagulation-flocculation, may be utilized to improve the final effluent quality. In this study, we assessed the processes of coagulation and flocculation for sugarcane stillage samples previously submitted to anaerobic digestion, aiming to obtain optimal conditions for the physicochemical treatment. Natural corn starch and ferric chloride were tested as coagulants. While starch was considered as not suitable for the treatment for the tested conditions, ferric chloride assays presented satisfactory results. The investigated parameters included coagulant solution dose, rapid mixing gradient and time, flocculation gradient and time, and sedimentation time. Their adjusted values at which better performances obtained were, respectively, 1.6 g L-1, 325 rpm, 10 s, 65 rpm, 20 and 20 min. The best color, turbidity, and chemical oxygen demand removal efficiencies were 95, 97, and 65%, respectively. Stillage pH variation to alkaline conditions did not result in improved removal efficiencies. Although relatively high removal efficiencies of constituents were obtained, the final effluent characteristics did not fit regulations of water reuse in the agriculture through fertigation. However, stillage can definitely become more easily managed if better final effluent quality control parameters are achieved, enabling for example effluents discharge in water bodies. © 2013 Copyright Balaban Desalination Publications.


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A simple hybrid synthesis processing method was developed to synthesize γ-MnO2 nanocrystalline particles. The polyol method was modified by the addition of nitric acid in order to allow the synthesizing of single-phase Mn3O4 in a large scale. In the sequence, the acid digestion technique was used to transform Mn3O4 into γ-MnO2. Structural and morphological characterization was carried out by X-ray diffractometry, Infrared and Raman spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, nitrogen adsorption isotherm, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. The electrochemical properties were investigated by cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge-discharge measurements. The synthesized material exhibits a specific capacitance of 125.1 F g-1 at a mass loading of 0.98 mg cm-2. The relation between structural features and electrochemical activity is discussed by comparing the synthesized material with commercial electrolytic manganese dioxide. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Advances in DNA technology have created biotechnological tools that can be used in animal selection and new strategies for increasing herd productivity and quality. The objective of the present work was to associate the genotypes of leptin gene exon 2 polymorphisms with productive traits in Nellore cattle. Blood was collected from Nellore males and PCR-RFLP reactions were performed with the restriction enzymes ClaI and Kpn2I. The gene frequencies resulting from digestion by ClaI were 0.60 and 0.40 for allele A and T, respectively; the genotypic frequencies were AA = 0.20 and AT = 0.80. The gene frequencies from digestion by Kpn2I were 0.81 for allele C and 0.194 for allele T; the genotypic frequencies were CC = 0.62 and CT = 0.38. The populations in both cases were not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (p > 0.05), and the TT genotype was not found. Significant associations were noted between leptin gene exon 2 polymorphisms and five productive traits in Nellore cattle: carcass fat distribution, the intensity of red muscle coloration, pH, marbling, and post-slaughter fat thickness. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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We examined the effects of meal size on the postprandial metabolic response of the lancehead Bothrops alternatus (Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1894), fed mice equaling to 5, 10, 20, and 40% of the snake's body mass. The maximum O2 consumption rates measured during digestion increased with meal size, reaching levels up to 2.8-7.8-fold higher than the metabolic rate measured during fasting. Specific Dynamic Action (SDA) duration also increased with meal size, lasting from 54 to 212 hours to complete. Under our experimental conditions, 30°C, the majority of our snakes failed to completely digest prey with a relative size of 40%. The SDA coefficient ranged from 17 to 27% of the energy content of the meal and was not affected by meal size. © 2013 Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia All rights reserved.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to study the interactions of sedimentary humic substances (SHS) from a sugarcane cultivation area with Cu(II) and Cr(III) and to evaluate the occurrence of these metals in the pore water and SHS. Materials and methods: For this study, the northwestern region of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, which is considered the region with the highest production of sugar cane in the state, was selected. Samples of sediment were collected from four sampling sites in the Preto, Turvo, and Grande rivers. The SHS and pore water were extracted from the sediment using the method suggested by the International Humic Substances Society and centrifugation, respectively. The complexing capacity (CC) of the SHS for Cu(II) and Cr(III) was determined by individually titrating these metals with an ultrafiltration system using tangential flow. The total concentrations of Cr and Cu were determined for the pore water, sediments, and humic substances with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry and Zeeman background correction after an acid digestion, according to the methods described in US EPA Method 3050B. Results and discussion: The SHS from a site in the Turvo River, which is typically cultivated with sugarcane, possessed the highest concentration of Cu bound to SHS (25.0%), the largest CC (0.63 mmol Cu g-1 HS) and the highest concentration of this metal in the pore water (1.38 mg Cu Kg-1 sed.). For Cr, the SHS collected from a location on the Preto River dam had the largest CC (0.90 mmol Cr g-1 HS) and the lowest Cr content in the pore water (0.29 mg Cr Kg-1 sed.), indicating that there was an inverse relationship between the CC and the concentration of metal available in the pore water. Conclusions: Sedimentary humic substances might be one of the regulatory factors controlling the availability of Cu and Cr in the sediments found in a typical region that has been planted with sugarcane. Distinct behaviors were observed between the two elements investigated; higher CC and a larger fraction of Cu(II) were found in the pore water of samples originating from sugarcane crops. The opposite behavior was observed for the Cr(III) species. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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We evaluated the ability of dogs naturally infected with Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi to transfer the parasite to the vector and the factors associated with transmission. Thirty-eight infected dogs were confirmed to be infected by direct observation of Leishmania in lymph node smears. Dogs were grouped according to external clinical signs and laboratory data into symptomatic (n= 24) and asymptomatic (n= 14) animals. All dogs were sedated and submitted to xenodiagnosis with F1-laboratory-reared Lutzomyia longipalpis. After blood digestion, sand flies were dissected and examined for the presence of promastigotes. Following canine euthanasia, fragments of skin, lymph nodes, and spleen were collected and processed using immunohistochemistry to evaluate tissue parasitism. Specific antibodies were detected using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Antibody levels were found to be higher in symptomatic dogs compared to asymptomatic dogs (p= 0.0396). Both groups presented amastigotes in lymph nodes, while skin parasitism was observed in only 58.3% of symptomatic and in 35.7% of asymptomatic dogs. Parasites were visualized in the spleens of 66.7% and 71.4% of symptomatic and asymptomatic dogs, respectively. Parasite load varied from mild to intense, and was not significantly different between groups. All asymptomatic dogs except for one (93%) were competent to transmit Leishmania to the vector, including eight (61.5%) without skin parasitism. Sixteen symptomatic animals (67%) infected sand flies; six (37.5%) showed no amastigotes in the skin. Skin parasitism was not crucial for the ability to infect Lutzomyia longipalpis but the presence of Leishmania in lymph nodes was significantly related to a positive xenodiagnosis. Additionally, a higher proportion of infected vectors that fed on asymptomatic dogs was observed (p= 0.0494). Clinical severity was inversely correlated with the infection rate of sand flies (p= 0.027) and was directly correlated with antibody levels (p= 0.0379). Age and gender did not influence the transmissibility. Our data show that asymptomatic dogs are highly infective and competent for establishing sand fly infection, indicating their role in maintaining L. (L.) infantum chagasi cycle as well as their involvement in VL spreading in endemic areas. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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The recalcitrance in grasses varies according to cell type and maturation. The origin of the recalcitrance in different regions from sugar cane internodes with varied lignin contents was evaluated. The efficiency of enzymatic hydrolysis was correlated with the chemical, micromorphological and microspectrophotometric characteristics of the samples. The internodes of three sugar cane hybrids were dissected into four different fractions. The outermost fraction and the rind were the most recalcitrant regions, whereas the pith-rind interface and the pith were less recalcitrant. Cellulose conversion reached 86% after 72h of enzymatic digestion of the pith from the hybrid with the lowest lignin content. There was an inversely proportional correlation between the area occupied by vascular bundles and the efficiency of cellulose hydrolysis. High cellulose and low lignin or hemicellulose contents enhanced the efficiency of enzymatic hydrolysis of the polysaccharides. The critical evaluation of the results permitted to propose an empirical parameter for predicting cellulose conversion levels that accounts for the positive effect of high cellulose and low lignin plus hemicellulose and the detrimental effect of abundant vascular bundles. The cellulose conversion levels fit well to this calculated parameter, following a second order polynomial with an r2 value of 0.96. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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The study is aimed to evaluate the efficiency of ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) as a simple strategy focused on sample preparation for metal determination in biological samples. The extraction of sodium and potassium extraction was carried out from swine feed followed by determination of the concentration of these metals by flame atomic emission spectrometry (FAES). The experiment was performed to cover the study of the variables influencing the extraction process and its optimal conditions (sample mass, particle size, acid concentration, sonication time and ultrasound power); the determination of these analytical characteristics and method validation using certified reference material; and the analysis of pre-starter diets. The optimal conditions established conditions were as follows: mass: 100 mg, particle size:<60 μm, acid concentration: 0.10 mol L-1 HCl, sonication time: 50 s and ultrasound power: 102 W. The proposed method (UAE) was applied in digestibility assays of those nutrients present in different piglet pre-starter feeds and their results proved to be compatible with those obtained from mineralized samples (P < 0.05). The ultrasound extraction method was demonstrated to be an excellent alternative for handless sampling and operational costs and the method also has the advantage of does not generating toxic residues that may negatively affect human health and contaminate the environment. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Free films were obtained by the solvent casting method from retrograded starch-pectin dispersions at different polymer proportions and concentrations with and without plasticizer. Film forming dispersions were characterized according to their hardness, birefringence and rheological properties. The polymer dispersions showed a predominantly viscous behavior (G″ > G′) and the absence of plasticizers lead to building of stronger structures, while the occurrence of Maltese crosses in the retrograded dispersions indicates the occurrence of a crystalline organization. Analyses of the films included mechanical properties, thickness, superficial and cross sectional morphology, water vapor permeability, liquid uptake ability, X-ray diffractometry, in vitro dissolution and enzymatic digestion. The high resistant starch content (65.8-96.8%) assured the resistance of materials against enzymatic digestion by pancreatin. Changes in the X-ray diffraction patterns indicated a more organized and crystalline structure of free films in relation to isolated polymers. Increasing of pectin proportion and pH values favored the dissolution and liquid uptake of films. Films prepared with lower polymer concentration presented better barrier function (WVP and mechanical properties). © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV