975 resultados para Curriculum subject
The use of museum collections as a path to learning for university students is fast becoming a new pedagogy for higher education. Despite a strong tradition of using lectures as a way of delivering the curriculum, the positive benefits of ‘active’ and ‘experiential learning’ are being recognised in universities at both a strategic level and in daily teaching practice. As museum artefacts, specimens and art works are used to evoke, provoke, and challenge students’ engagement with their subject, so transformational learning can take place. This unique book presents the first comprehensive exploration of ‘object-based learning’ as a pedagogy for higher education in a broad context. An international group of authors offer a spectrum of approaches at work in higher education today. They explore contemporary principles and practice of object-based learning in higher education, demonstrating the value of using collections in this context and considering the relationship between academic discipline and object-based learning as a teaching strategy.
This paper reports on a research project designed to discover what schools are teaching in Religious Education in Northern Ireland and what procedures are in place to maintain standards in the delivery of the subject. A search through literature shows that little research has been carried out to determine what is being taught in Religious Education in Northern Ireland. It also indicates that there are very weak systems of control to measure the effectiveness or quality of what is delivered. A survey of the websites of all Post-Primary schools in the region was used to provide some answers to the basic question of what is being taught in RE. Using content and discourse analysis of these alongside supporting documentary sources (textbooks and exam specifications), it is possible to get a clearer picture of how the Northern Ireland Core Syllabus for Religious Education and any additional curricular elements are delivered in schools. The findings show that a significant minority of schools do not publicly articulate what pupils do in religious education. In situations where the content of religious education is made clear, some definite trends are evident. Despite the existence of a statutory core syllabus, there is significant variation in what is taught in schools. The content is most divergent from the syllabus in relation to the teaching of World Religions at Key Stage 3 and at Key Stage 4 whole elements of the syllabus are neglected due to limited conformity between the syllabus and exam specifications. These results raise important questions about the systems of regulation and control of the subject in the region. In law the subject is exempt from formal inspection by the local inspection authority; instead, a form of inspection is allowed for by the Christian churches who design the syllabus, but it is a process that is either entirely neglected or entirely unreported in situations where it does occur. It is argued that these findings raise questions of more general concern for this and other regions in Europe where the teaching of religious education is largely unregulated. For example, to what extent should states take an interest in what is taught in religious education, how it is delivered, what values it promotes and how standards of teaching and learning in the subject are upheld?
In this paper we investigate the small-scale fading characteristics of body-to-body communications channels in an urban environment at 2.45 GHz. The experiments considered body-to-body channels between devices positioned on two persons on either side of a busy road. The Ricean-K factors estimated from the measurements suggest that a significant dominant component existed in the majority of the channels.
This toolkit was collated by social work academics at Queen’s University Belfast (QUB), United Kingdom in collaboration with social work educators nationally and internationally who are committed to the internationalisation of the social work curriculum. The information and examples contained in this document offer a practical guide for the development and evaluation of international opportunities for students and academics. The resources were designed with diverse educational settings in mind for the enhancement of social work learning and teaching.
Personal response systems using hardware such as 'clickers' have been around for some time, however their use is often restricted to multiple choice questions (MCQs) and they are therefore used as a summative assessment tool for the individual student. More recent innovations such as 'Socrative' have removed the need for specialist hardware, instead utilising web-based technology and devices common to students, such as smartphones, tablets and laptops. While improving the potential for use in larger classrooms, this also creates the opportunity to pose more engaging open-response questions to students who can 'text in' their thoughts on questions posed in class. This poster will present two applications of the Socrative system in an undergraduate psychology curriculum which aimed to encourage interactive engagement with course content using real-time student responses and lecturer feedback. Data is currently being collected and result will be presented at the conference.
The first application used Socrative to pose MCQs at the end of two modules (a level one Statistics module and level two Individual Differences Psychology module, class size N≈100), with the intention of helping students assess their knowledge of the course. They were asked to rate their self-perceived knowledge of the course on a five-point Likert scale before and after completing the MCQs, as well as their views on the value of the revision session and any issues that had with using the app. The online MCQs remained open between the lecture and the exam, allowing students to revisit the questions at any time during their revision.
This poster will present data regarding the usefulness of the revision MCQs, the metacognitive effect of the MCQs on student's judgements of learning (pre vs post MCQ testing), as well as student engagement with the MCQs between the revision session and the examination. Student opinions on the use of the Socrative system in class will also be discussed.
The second application used Socrative to facilitate a flipped classroom lecture on a level two 'Conceptual Issues in Psychology' module, class size N≈100). The content of this module requires students to think critically about historical and contemporary conceptual issues in psychology and the philosophy of science. Students traditionally struggle with this module due to the emphasis on critical thinking skills, rather than simply the retention of concrete knowledge. To prepare students for the written examination, a flipped classroom lecture was held at the end of the semester. Students were asked to revise their knowledge of a particular area of Psychology by assigned reading, and were told that the flipped lecture would involve them thinking critically about the conceptual issues found in this area. They were informed that questions would be posed by the lecturer in class, and that they would be asked to post their thoughts using the Socrative app for a class discussion. The level of preparation students engaged in for the flipped lecture was measured, as well as qualitative opinions on the usefulness of the session. This poster will discuss the level of student engagement with the flipped lecture, both in terms of preparation for the lecture, and engagement with questions posed during the lecture, as well as the lecturer's experience in facilitating the flipped classroom using the Socrative platform.
AIM: To incorporate basic aspects of acute care into the undergraduate nursing programme by providing an opportunity for the development of knowledge and skills in the early recognition and assessment of deteriorating patients on general hospital wards.
BACKGROUND: Acute care initiatives implemented in the hospital setting to improve the identification and management of 'at risk' patients have focused on the provision of education for trained or qualified staff. However, to ensure student nurses are 'fit to practice' at the point of registration, it has been recommended that acute care theory and skills are incorporated into the undergraduate nursing curriculum.
PRACTICE DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE: An 'Integrated Nursing Care' module was incorporated into year 3 of the undergraduate nursing programme to introduce students to acute care theory and practice. Module content focuses on the early detection and management of acute deterioration in patients with respiratory, cardiac, neurological or renal insufficiencies. We used a competency-based framework to ensure the application of theory to practice through the use of group seminars. High-fidelity patient-simulated clinical scenarios were a key feature. The United Kingdom Resuscitation Council Intermediate Life Support course is also an important component of the module.
CONCLUSIONS: Incorporating the Integrated Nursing Care module into the undergraduate nursing curriculum provides pre-registration students the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills in acute care.
RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: The provision of undergraduate education in care of the acutely ill patient in hospital is essential to improve nurses' competence and confidence in assessing and managing deteriorating patients in general wards at the point of registration.
Neste trabalho apresenta-se um quadro teórico de referência para a avaliação do ensino online, que pretende situar as actividades definidas e desenvolvidas pelos docentes no que respeita às Dimensões da Aprendizagem, da Interacção e da Tecnologia. O referencial teórico que baliza este estudo foi desenvolvido tendo em linha de conta directrizes e orientações nacionais e europeias no que diz respeito ao Ensino Superior (ES), em especial em relação à questão da qualidade do ensino e da integração das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação no currículo. Desta forma, pretendeu-se cumprir um dos objectivos desta investigação, ou seja, contribuir para o desenvolvimento de um quadro conceptual enquadrador do pensamento sobre a avaliação do eLearning no ES e, em particular, das actividades de ensino online. Com base nos pressupostos teóricos definidos, desenvolveram-se dois instrumentos de avaliação que permitem perspectivar as percepções de docentes e de alunos em relação às actividades de ensino desenvolvidas online. No sentido de se definir um público-alvo para testar estes instrumentos, levou-se a cabo um estudo empírico que compreende três fases. A Fase I foi de cariz eminentemente exploratório, uma vez que se inquiriram todos os Estabelecimentos de Ensino Superior (EES) portugueses, com vista a caracterizar o panorama nacional no que releva da utilização de plataformas de eLearning por parte dos EES portugueses, outro objectivo deste trabalho. A Fase II constituiu o momento em que se aplicou pela primeira vez o instrumento de avaliação, apenas dirigido aos docentes, uma vez que universo de respondentes, a considerar-se também os alunos, seria de difícil gestão. Na Fase III seleccionou-se um universo mais reduzido (os quatro cursos de 3.º ciclo ministrados em bLearning em Portugal no ano lectivo de 2009/10), o que permitiu efectivar uma avaliação destes cursos na perspectiva dos docentes e também dos alunos (segundo instrumento de avaliação). Analisados os resultados obtidos nestas três fases, termina-se com a convicção de que se trata de um modelo de avaliação do ensino online passível de ser aplicado ao ES. Isto porque permite não só caracterizar os vários cenários de ensino online através das dimensões de avaliação estabelecidas, como também ter uma percepção bastante clara da forma como as directrizes nacionais e europeias relativas ao ES estão a ser implementadas. Por fim, são feitas propostas para investigação futura, em especial no que se refere à disponibilização online dos instrumentos de avaliação criados e ao desenvolvimento de estudos de investigação-acção que permitam a emergência de eventuais ajustes dos instrumentos e a identificação dos efeitos da sua utilização no aperfeiçoamento das práticas de ensino online.
Este trabalho de investigação centra-se na importância do conhecimento da inter (ligação) entre a Biblioteca Escolar/Centro de Recursos Educativos e o currículo. A problemática da investigação é lançada pela questão que constitui o ponto de partida deste trabalho: “ De que forma é que a Biblioteca Escolar/Centro de Recursos Educativos interage com o Currículo como um recurso do processo de ensino-aprendizagem? “ Tendo como base esta problemática, o corpo da dissertação é constituída por duas panes. A primeira respeitante ao quadro teórico e a segunda referente ao estudo empírico. No quadro teórico procedemos a uma aproximação conceptual à problemática em estudo. Tecemos considerações acerca da evolução da biblioteca escolar, conhecendo igualmente os princípios e as formas de atuar do Programa Rede de Bibliotecas Escolares e a principal legislação sobre este assunto. Refletimos acerca do currículo do ensino pré-escolar e do 1° ciclo do ensino básico, níveis com os quais realizámos a componente empírica do trabalho, identificando a Biblioteca Escolar/Centro de Recursos Educativos como constituindo um recurso fundamental no processo de ensino aprendizagem, no contexto da diferenciação curricular, chamando igualmente a atenção para a importância das parcerias no âmbito da articulação entre o ambiente educacional e o território. A dimensão empírica da pesquisa envolveu a conceção e a testagem de instrumentos de recolha de dados, nomeadamente a análise documental, a observação direta em contexto de Biblioteca Escolar, a realização de entrevistas semi-directivas e a aplicação de um inquérito por questionário aos alunos do 1° ciclo do ensino básico. O conhecimento produzido permitiu-nos responder à problemática objetivada no início da investigação, evidenciando que a Biblioteca Escolar/Centro de Recursos Educativos interage com o Currículo como um recurso do processo de ensino aprendizagem, constituindo-se como um centro de motivação da comunidade educativa que potencia um conjunto de aprendizagens das quais se destacam a leitura e a escrita e as atividades de pesquisa, através da metodologia de projeto. A BE/CRE complementa e enriquece o trabalho da sala de aula, quer ao nível das áreas curriculares disciplinares, quer ao nível das áreas curriculares não disciplinares. Com base nas conclusões resultantes da investigação empírica, terminámos com a formulação de algumas sugestões e recomendações que a evolução do estudo nos foi aconselhando. /ABSTRACT - This research work focuses the importance of the school library/educational resource centre and its connection with the school curriculum. The research was focussed on the following question: “How can the school library/educational resource Centre interact with the curriculum as a teaching resource?” Based on this question, the dissertation includes two distinctive parts. The former concerns the theoretical framework and the latter the empirical study case. As far as the theoretical framework is concerned, we have studied the conceptual facts and drew some major conclusions about the evolution of the school library, taking into account the rules and proceedings of the School Library Network Programme and the legislation on the issue. We went through the curriculum of the kindergarten and the primary school on which we developed our study case. The school library/educational resource centre was, therefore, identified as a fundamental resource in the learning/teaching process for the curricula differentiation. We also emphasized the importance of partnerships to enhance the articulation between the educational environment and school territory. The empirical research included both the conception and the testing of some important data collecting techniques, namely the documentary analysis, direct observation in a School Library, half-directed interviews and a questionnaire which was answered by primary school students. The knowledge acquired allowed us to find possible answers for the question we have asked at the beginning of our research. We can conclude that the School Library/Educational Resource Centre does interact with the curriculum as motivation to improve the process of learning, such as reading and writing, of the educational community. The project work also gains a new perspective as the school library/educational resource centre enriches and complements the classroom work both on the curriculum subjects and non- subject curricular areas. Based on the conclusions we drew from our study case, we make suggestions and recommendations for further research.
A Globalização a que assistimos actualmente traz consigo exigências que a Sociedade deve responder de forma efectiva e adequada. O eLearning constitui, assim, uma realidade capaz de congregar esforços no sentido de permitir a construção de comunidades empenhadas em adquirir as competências necessárias para enfrentar os desafios propostos pela Globalização. É nesta perspectiva que apresentamos este estudo que procura, na sua essência, compreender o processo de interacção num ambiente de aprendizagem colaborativo a distância entre alunos de Línguas Clássicas. Cientes da importância de promover uma aprendizagem com significado para os alunos, foram desenvolvidos conteúdos que representaram o conhecimento segundo os pressupostos pedo-didácticos da Teoria da Flexibilidade Cognitiva de forma a serem trabalhados colaborativamente pelos participantes no fórum de discussão online Scaena. O trabalho desenvolvido pelos alunos decorreu ao longo de três sessões e foi integrado na disciplina de Tecnologia Educativa constante do programa curricular do 2º Semestre do 4º Ano da Licenciatura de Português, Latim e Grego, no ano lectivo de 2004-05. De índole qualitativa, a investigação efectuada privilegiou a análise de conteúdo a fim de proceder ao tratamento de dados. Para o efeito foi, ainda, utilizado o software de análise NUD*IST. Os resultados relevaram a ocorrência de padrões de interacção em todas as dimensões de análise, assim como tornaram evidente o processo de construção de conhecimento flexível numa plataforma de ensino online. Por último, os resultados apurados confirmam as mais-valias da utilização das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação para os Estudos Clássicos em contexto educativo. São, ainda, apresentadas sugestões para futuros estudos. ABSTRACT: The Globalisation we witness nowadays brings with it demands to which Society has to answer effectivelly and adequatelly. eLearning constitutes, therefore, a reality capable of congregating efforts towards allowing for the construction of communities involved in acquiring the necessary competences to face the challenges proposed by Globalisation. It is against this background that we present this study which aims, in its essence, at understanding the process of interaction in a collaborative distance learning environment between Classical Languages students. Being aware of the importance of promoting learning that is meaningful for the students, contents were developed representing knowledge according to Cognitive Flexibility Theory pedagogical and didactic principles. These would have to be worked on collaboratively by the participants in the study in the online discussion fórum Scaena. The work developed by the students evolved along three sessions and was integrated in the subject Educational Technology, which was part of the curriculum of the Portuguese, Latin and Greek Teacher Education Degree, 2nd Semestre, 4th year, in the academic year of 2004-05. Of a qualitative nature, the study conducted priviledged content analysis of data. For this effect the analysis software NUD*IST was used. Results revealed the occurrence of interaction patterns in all dimensions of analysis as well as the evidence of the process of flexible construction of knowledge in an oline learning platform. Finally the results obtained confirm the added value of the use of Information and Communication Technologies for Classical Studies in the educational context. Suggestions for future studies are put forward.
Os factores que levam os alunos, no final da escolaridade obrigatória, a escolher o seu percurso escolar são vários. Neste estudo procurou-se saber em que medida a frequência de Clubes na área das Ciências influenciam essa decisão e, ainda, estudar como potenciar a sua organização no sentido de que estes possam contribuir positivamente para as escolhas dos alunos por percursos escolares na área das Ciências. A investigação decorreu em duas fases. Na primeira fase, foi avaliada a influência dos Clubes de Ciências na decisão do percurso escolar dos alunos, no final da escolaridade básica. Nesta fase foram realizados os seguintes procedimentos: -Entrevista semi-estruturada realizada a sete professoras responsáveis de Clubes na área das Ciências Físicas e Naturais, de 7 Escolas Secundárias da região de Aveiro. -Administração de um questionário, construído com questões maioritariamente fechadas, a uma amostra de 106 alunos, do 10ºAno, provenientes de 11 Escolas Secundárias da região de Aveiro, que frequentaram Clubes na área das Ciências Físicas e Naturais, no 3º Ciclo. -Tratamento estatístico das questões do questionário, com recurso ao programa SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science) e análise de conteúdo das questões abertas do questionário e das entrevistas, recorrendose para o efeito à construção de categorias de resposta. Na segunda fase concebeu-se e implementou-se um Clube de Ciências. Nesta fase surgiu a criação do Clube: ”Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável”, no qual foi desenvolvido o projecto: “Construção e dinamização de uma Estação Meteorológica”, numa Escola Básica do 2º e 3º Ciclos do Concelho de Aveiro. Os resultados obtidos na primeira fase do estudo são reveladores da importância que é atribuída às experiências vivenciadas pelos alunos nos Clubes de Ciências que frequentaram. Os temas/assuntos abordados foram essencialmente conteúdos ligados a áreas do conhecimento das disciplinas de Ciências. Predominaram as estratégias com base em trabalho de projecto e em actividades experimentais. Indicadores nacionais e internacionais têm evidenciado um decréscimo no número de jovens que, na sua escolaridade, optam por estudos nas áreas das Ciências e da Tecnologia. Este decréscimo tem sido um factor de preocupação ao nível das políticas educativas, nomeadamente europeias, tornando-se urgente, por um lado, compreender o porquê desse facto e, por outro, encontrar formas de o minimizar. Os Clubes na perspectiva das responsáveis entrevistadas: (a) Surgem como uma oportunidade para melhorar as competências dos alunos ao nível do saber fazer; (b) Permitem confirmar e reforçar a motivação e o gosto pelas Ciências; (c) Podem, também, dar-lhes orientações para o futuro, embora esta não tenha sido uma preocupação explícita; (d) São do agrado dos alunos devido a apresentarem actividades não meramente académicas e formais. Os Clubes, na perspectiva dos alunos respondentes: (a) Aumentaram a motivação para estudar Ciências; (b) Permitiram relacionar as Ciências com o dia-a-dia; (c) Ajudaram na escolha do curso que frequentam no Ensino Secundário; (d) Contribuíram para querer exercer uma profissão na área das Ciências. Na segunda fase do estudo, foi desenvolvido um trabalho de projecto que envolveu alunos do 3º Ciclo. O tema do projecto, proposto e implementado, coincidiu com os dois temas menos abordados, nos Clubes frequentados pelos respondentes da primeira fase do estudo, Meteorologia e Temáticas com Impacto Social. Por outro lado o Clube pretendeu contribuir para a Década da Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentado, instituída pelas Nações Unidas, para fazer frente à actual situação de emergência planetária. Uma estratégia privilegiada para formar cidadãos capazes de assumir atitudes e valores com vista ao desenvolvimento sustentável, passa pela Educação em todas as suas vertentes, nomeadamente a do ensino não formal, na qual se incluem os Clubes de Ciências. ABSTRACT: National and international indicators have showed a decrease in the number of youngsters that, during their school course make their choices in the study areas of Science and Technology. This decreasing tendency has been a motive of concern as far as the European educational policies are concerned. Thus, it is urgent to understand the reason behind that situation and find ways to minimize it. There are various factors that make students choose their study areas in the end of their school course. This study aimed to find out how the Science Clubs can influence their decisions as well as to study new ways to improve their organization in such a way that they may contribute positively to the students’ choices of their school careers in the area of Science. The investigation was divided in two parts: in the first part, it was evaluated the level of the influence of the Science Clubs in the students’ school careers at the end of the elementary education. At this stage it was adopted the following procedure: -A semi-structured interview was applied to 7 female teachers that are responsible for the Natural and Physics Science Clubs, in secondary schools, in the region of Aveiro; -A mainly close-question questionnaire was applied to a sample of 106 students, in the 10th grade, in 11 secondary schools, in the region of Aveiro. These students have attended some Natural and Physics Science Clubs, during the 7th, 8th and 9th grades; -Statistical work of the questionnaire was done with the help of the SPSS programme (Statistical Package for the Social Science) as well as the analysis of the contents of the open-questions of the questionnaire and the interviews by means of the answer-category method. In the second part, a Science Club was planned and implemented. At this stage, a club was created - “Education for the Sustainable Development” - within which the following project was developed – “Building and Development of a Meteorological Observatory”, at a 2nd and 3rd Ciclos (Stages) Elementary School, in Aveiro. The results of the first part of this study case have showed clearly the importance given to the experiences of the students while attending the Science Clubs. The themes/subjects studied were mainly science knowledgerelated contents. The strategies adopted were based on project work and experimental activities. A view of the Clubs by the people who are responsible for them: (a)The Clubs mean an opportunity for students to learn the know-how process; (b)They have provided the reinforcement of the motivation and preference for Science; (c)Although it was not the main concern with the clubs, the truth is that they can also give the students a sense of awareness for the future; (d)Students like to make part of the clubs because of their experimental character. A view of the Clubs by the students who make part of them: (a)The clubs have increased the level of motivation to study Science; (b)They have allowed a close perspective of the daily life reality; (c)They have helped with the choice of the Secondary School courses; (d)They have made students want a future professional career in the area of Science. In the second part of this study case, a project work was carried out involving 7th, 8th and 9th grade students. The subject of the project, considered and implemented, coincided with the two less boarded subjects, in the Clubs attended a course for the respondents of the first phase of the study, Meteorology and Thematic with Social Impact. The Club also aimed to contribute to the decade of the “Education for the Sustained Future” as settled by the United Nations in order to face the present emergency situation of the planet. The last but not the least, it is believed that, the best strategy to teach future citizens who are able to take the responsibility of their values and attitudes towards a sustainable future, is to provide them a type of Education that can teach them both the formal curriculum aspects and the informal ones, as it is the case of the Science Clubs.
Partindo do objeto de estudo: a gestão do currículo para a diversidade cultural é nossa intenção compreender a forma como o discurso do multiculturalismo se encontra presente nos principais documentos definidores de uma política de escola e na postura desta e dos professores, através das decisões e práticas adotadas perante uma realidade diversificada, na presença de culturas de imigrantes. A construção do saber e a análise que fazemos da forma como o currículo é gerido, seguiram um percurso assente num quadro teórico nos campos curricular e da educação intercultural, bem como nas opções metodológicas em que o estudo assenta, e às quais recorremos para a realização da componente empírica. Nesta, analisamos a forma como as escolas-alvo de estudo e os professores respondem à presença dos alunos imigrantes através das representações dos próprios alunos, seus professores e responsáveis pelas escolas; ou seja, analisamos a forma como é gerido o currículo para a diversidade cultural. /ABSTRACT - Taking the subject under study: curricular management for cultural diversity, as our starting point, our aim is to gain an understanding of the nature of multiculturalism as portrayed in the main documents that define school policy as well as in the position taken both by the school and the teachers, in the light of the decisions and practices adopted in the presence of a culturally diverse reality, immigrant cultures. The construction of a body of knowledge and the assessment we make of how the curriculum is managed, has been based on a theoretical framework in the areas of intercultural curricula and education, as well as on the choice of methodology for the study used in carrying out the empirical component In the latter, We have analysed the way in which the schools and the teachers under study responded to the presence of immigrant pupils, seen in the descriptions given by the pupils themselves, their teachers and those responsible for the schools, that is to say, we have analysed the way in which the curriculum for cultural diversity has been managed.