937 resultados para Crystal-Growth Process
Tissue growth and regeneration are autonomous, stem-cell-mediated processes in which stem cells within the organ self-renew and differentiate to create new cells, leading to new tissue. The processes of growth and regeneration require communication and interplay between neighboring cells. In particular, cell competition, which is a process in which viable cells are actively eliminated by more competitive cells, has been increasingly implicated to play an important role. Here, we discuss the existing literature regarding the current landscape of cell competition, including classical pathways and models, fitness fingerprint mechanisms, and immune system mechanisms of cell competition. We further discuss the clinical relevance of cell competition in the physiological processes of tissue growth and regeneration, highlighting studies in clinically important disease models, including oncological, neurological, and cardiovascular diseases.
This thesis project focused on understanding the basic process controlling cell proliferation in sex-steroid hormone dependent cancers. The availability of inculture models using cloned cell lines offers the greatest advantage for studying the control of this event. Incubation of cloned sex-hormone sensitive cells in medium containing increasing concentrations of sex-hormone stripped serum, results in a dose dependent growth inhibition; this inhibition is reversed by the addition of physiological concentrations of steroid hormones. The mechanisms explaining this phenomenon are not yet fully understood, but different theories propose the existence in serum of a sex hormone binding protein with growth inhibitory properties. We were able to identify a protein that specifically binds sex hormones in rat and horse serum with affinities 10-fold lower to the ones observed with the classic sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG) in humans. Purification of this protein on a large scale Lowed a more detailed analysis. The putative sex-hormone binding protein has an apparent molecular weight of 386 KDa. SDS-PAGE with commassie staining of the purified product, displayed a pattern non-characteristic of SMG, but all bands cross-reacted with a commercial anti-SMG antibody in western analysis. Titrations of the purified product on cell proliferation assays using sex-hormone dependent lines, resulted in a dose dependent growth inhibition. This inhibition was reversed by the addition of sex hormones. Our results indicate that we have identified and purified a sex-hormone binding protein in serum with characteristics similar to SHBG and with cell growth inhibitory properties. ^
This study examines the effect of the Great Moderation on the relationship between U.S. output growth and its volatility over the period 1947 to 2006. First, we consider the possible effects of structural change in the volatility process. In so doing, we employ GARCH-M and ARCH-M specifications of the process describing output growth rate and its volatility with and without a one-time structural break in volatility. Second, our data analyses and empirical results suggest no significant relationship between the output growth rate and its volatility, favoring the traditional wisdom of dichotomy in macroeconomics. Moreover, the evidence shows that the time-varying variance falls sharply or even disappears once we incorporate a one-time structural break in the unconditional variance of output starting 1982 or 1984. That is, the integrated GARCH effect proves spurious. Finally, a joint test of a trend change and a one-time shift in the volatility process finds that the one-time shift dominates.
Vasculogenesis is the process by which Endothelial Precursor Cells (EPCs) form a vasculature. This process has been traditionally regarded as an embryological process of vessel formation. However, as early as in the 60's the concept of postnatal vasculogenesis was introduced, with a strong resurface of this idea in recent years. Similarly, previous work on a mouse skin tumor model provided us with the grounds to consider the role of vasculogenesis during tumor formation. ^ We examined the contribution of donor bone marrow (BM)-derived cells to neovascularization in recipient nude mice with Ewing's sarcoma. Ewing's sarcoma is a primitive neuroectodermal tumor that most often affects children and young adults between 5 and 30 years of age. Despite multiple attempts to improve the efficacy of chemotherapy for the disease, the 2-year metastases-free survival rate for patients with Ewing's sarcoma has not improved over the past 15 years. New therapeutic approaches are therefore needed to reduce the mortality rate. ^ The contribution of BM endothelial precursor cells in the development of Ewing's sarcoma was examined using different strategies to track the donor-derived cells. Using a BMT model that takes advantage of MHC differences between donor and recipient mice, we have found that donor BM cells were involved in the formation of Ewing's sarcoma vasculature. ^ Cells responsible for this vasculogenesis activity may be located within the stem cell population of the murine BM. These stem cells would not only generate the hematopoietic lineage but they would also generate ECs. Bone marrow SP (Side Population) cells pertain to a subpopulation that can be identified using flow cytometric analysis of Hoechst 33342-stained BM. This population of cells has HSC activity. We have tested the ability of BM SP cells to contribute to vasculogenesis in Ewing's sarcoma using our MHC mismatched transplant model. Mice transplanted with SP cells developed tumor neovessels that were derived from the donor SP cells. Thus, SP cells not only replenished the hematopoietic system of the lethally irradiated mice, but also differentiated into a non-hematopoietic cell lineage and contributed to the formation of the tumor vasculature. ^ In summary, we have demonstrated that BM-derived cells are involved in the generation of the new vasculature during the growth of Ewing's sarcoma. The finding that vasculogenesis plays a role in Ewing's sarcoma development opens the possibility of using genetically modified BM-derived cells for the treatment of Ewing's sarcomas. ^
Standard macroeconomic models that assume an exogenous stochastic process for multifactor productivity offer the interpretation that recessions are the result of ''bad news'' (technological regress) and expansions are the result of ''good news'' (technological advancement). The view taken here is that both expansions and recessions are the result of ''good news'' in the sense that in both cases, aggregate production possibilities have increased. Recessions can be thought of as the transition from one technological frontier to the next.
Colorectal cancer is the forth most common diagnosed cancer in the United States. Every year about a hundred forty-seven thousand people will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer and fifty-six thousand people lose their lives due to this disease. Most of the hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) and 12% of the sporadic colorectal cancer show microsatellite instability. Colorectal cancer is a multistep progressive disease. It starts from a mutation in a normal colorectal cell and grows into a clone of cells that further accumulates mutations and finally develops into a malignant tumor. In terms of molecular evolution, the process of colorectal tumor progression represents the acquisition of sequential mutations. ^ Clinical studies use biomarkers such as microsatellite or single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to study mutation frequencies in colorectal cancer. Microsatellite data obtained from single genome equivalent PCR or small pool PCR can be used to infer tumor progression. Since tumor progression is similar to population evolution, we used an approach known as coalescent, which is well established in population genetics, to analyze this type of data. Coalescent theory has been known to infer the sample's evolutionary path through the analysis of microsatellite data. ^ The simulation results indicate that the constant population size pattern and the rapid tumor growth pattern have different genetic polymorphic patterns. The simulation results were compared with experimental data collected from HNPCC patients. The preliminary result shows the mutation rate in 6 HNPCC patients range from 0.001 to 0.01. The patients' polymorphic patterns are similar to the constant population size pattern which implies the tumor progression is through multilineage persistence instead of clonal sequential evolution. The results should be further verified using a larger dataset. ^
Ubiquitination is an essential process involved in basic biological processes such as the cell cycle and cell death. Ubiquitination is initiated by ubiquitin-activating enzymes (E1), which activate and transfer ubiquitin to ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (E2). Subsequently, ubiquitin is transferred to target proteins via ubiquitin ligases (E3). Defects in ubiquitin conjugation have been implicated in several forms of malignancy, the pathogenesis of several genetic diseases, immune surveillance/viral pathogenesis, and the pathology of muscle wasting. However, the consequences of partial or complete loss of ubiquitin conjugation in multi-cellular organisms are not well understood. Here, we report the characterization of nba1, the sole E1 in Drosophila. We have determined that weak and strong nba1 alleluias behave genetically different and sometimes in opposing phenotypes. For example, weak uba1 alleluias protect cells from cell death whereas cells containing strong loss-of-function alleluias are highly apoptotic. These opposing phenotypes are due to differing sensitivities of cell death pathway components to ubiquitination level alterations. In addition, strong uba1 alleluias induce cell cycle arrest due to defects in the protein degradation of Cyclins. Surprisingly, clones of strong uba1 mutant alleluias stimulate neighboring wild-type tissue to undergo cell division in a non-autonomous manner resulting in severe overgrowth phenotypes in the mosaic fly. I have determined that the observed overgrowth phenotypes were due to a failure to downregulate the Notch signaling pathway in nba1 mutant cells. Aberrant Notch signaling results in the secretion of a local cytokine and activation of JAK/STAT pathway in neighboring cells. In addition, we elucidated a model describing the regulation of the caspase Dronc in surviving cells. Binding of Dronc by its inhibitor Diap1 is necessary but not sufficient to inhibit Dronc function. Ubiquitin conjugation and Uba1 function is necessary for the negative regulation of Dronc. ^
c-Met is the protein tyrosine kinase receptor for hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) and mediates several normal cellular functions including proliferation, survival, and migration. Overexpression of c-Met correlates with progression and metastasis of human colorectal carcinoma (CRC). The goals of this study were to determine if overexpression of c-Met directly contributes to tumorigenicity and liver metastatic potential of colon cancer, and what are the critical pathways regulated by c-Met in this process. The studies used two colon tumor cell lines, KM12SM and KM20, which express high levels of constitutively active c-Met and are highly metastatic in nude mice. To examine the effects of c-Met overexpression, subclones of theses lines with reduced c-Met expression were obtained following transfection with a c-Met specific targeting ribozyme. Reduction of c-Met in KM12SM cells abolished liver metastases when cells were injected intrasplenically in an experimental metastasis assay. However, c-Met downregulation in theses clones was unstable. Three stable KM20 clones with a 25–35% reduction in c-Met protein levels but 60–90% reduction in basal c-Met autophosphorylation and kinase activity were obtained. While HGF increased c-Met kinase activity in the clones with reduced c-Met, the activity was less than that observed in parental or control transfected cells. Correlating with the reduction in c-Met kinase activity, subclones with reduced c-Met expression had significantly reduced in vitro growth rates, soft-agar colony forming abilities, and increased apoptosis. HGF/SF treatment did not affect anchorage-dependent growth or soft-agar colony forming abilities. Further, c-Met downregulation significantly impaired the ability of HGF/SF to induce migration. To examine the effects of reduced c-Met on tumor formation, parental and c-Met reduced KM20 cells were grown subcutaneously and intrahepatically in nude mice. c-Met downregulation delayed, but did not abolish growth at the subcutaneous site. When these cells were injected intrahepatically, both tumor incidences and size were significantly reduced. To further understand the molecular basis of c-Met in promoting tumor growth, the activation of several signaling intermediates that have been implicated in c-Met mediated growth, survival and migration were compared between KM20 parental cells and subclones with reduced c-Met expression levels. The expression and activity (as determined by phosphorylation) of AKT and Erk1/2 were unaltered. In contrast, Src kinase activity, as measured by immune complex kinase assay, was reduced 2–5 fold following c-Met downregulation. As Src has been implicated in growth, survival and migration, Src activation in c-Met overexpressing lines is likely contributing to the tumorigenic and metastatic capabilities of colon tumor cell lines that overexpress c-Met. Collectively, these results suggest that c-Met overexpression plays a causal role in the development of CRC liver metastases, and that c-Src and c-Met inhibitors may be of potential therapeutic benefit for late-stage colon cancer. ^