957 resultados para Crosscutting logistics
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) identifies object by using the radio frequency which is a non-contact automatic identification technique. This technology has shown its powerful practical value and potential in the field of manufacturing, retailing, logistics and hospital automation. Unfortunately, the key problem that impacts the application of RFID system is the security of the information. Recently, researchers have demonstrated solutions to security threats in RFID technology. Among these solutions are several key management protocols. This master dissertations presents a performance evaluation of Neural Cryptography and Diffie-Hellman protocols in RFID systems. For this, we measure the processing time inherent in these protocols. The tests was developed on FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) platform with Nios IIr embedded processor. The research methodology is based on the aggregation of knowledge to development of new RFID systems through a comparative analysis between these two protocols. The main contributions of this work are: performance evaluation of protocols (Diffie-Hellman encryption and Neural) on embedded platform and a survey on RFID security threats. According to the results the Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol is more suitable for RFID systems
In recent years, the radio frequency identification technology (RFID) has gained great interest both industrial communities as scientific communities. Its ability to locate and monitor objects, animals and persons with active or passive tags allows easy development, with good cost-benefice and still presents undeniable benefits in applications ranging from logistics to healthcare, robotics, security, among others. Within this aspect what else comes excelling are RFID tags and the antennas used in RFID readers. Most tags have antennas omnidirectional and are usually manufactured as dipoles modified printed. The primary purpose of a project of antenna for tag is to achieve the required input impedance to perform a good marriage impedance with the load impedance of the chip. Already the objective principal in project of antennas for readers is to achieve reduced sizes and structures with good data transmission capacity. This work brings the numerical characterization of antennas for RFID applications, being these divided into tags RFID and antennas for RFID readers. Three tags RFID and two antennas for RFID readers, found in literature, are analyzed. The analysis of these structures is made using the Method of Waves - WCIP. Initial results found in the literature are compared with those obtained through simulations in WCIP with objective to show that the Method of Waves is able to analyze such structures. To illustrate the results obtained in simulations is presented the behavior of electric and magnetic fields. It also performed a literature review on the characteristics and principles of RFID technology. Suggestions for continuity to this work are presented
This work study of solar distillation feasibility in effluent of petroleum industry: produced water, making possible your reuse for irrigation of oleaginous cultures or fodder crops or in steam generation, as well the transport phenomena involved. The methodology for development of this project was to characterize the effluent to be treated and to accomplish physical and chemical analysis in the distilled, to build distillation equipment, concomitant operation of both equipments and implementation of data processing and economical evaluation. The methodology used for all parameters is outlined in APHA (1998) and sampling of the type compound. The feeding of distillation equipment was performed with treated effluent from UTPF of Guamaré. The temperature was monitored throughout the distillers and during the time of operation. The distillers feed occur, as a rule, for sifon. The distillers were operated by a period of 17 months between July 2007 and February 2009, in which 40 experiments were performed. The radiation and temperature datas were acquired in the INPE s site and the temperature inside of the distillers was registered by DATALOGGER Novus. The rates of condensation (mL / min) were determined by measuring of the flow in a graduate test tube of 10 mL and a chronometer. We used two simple solar effect distillers of passive type with different angles in coverage: 20 ° and 45 °. The results obtained in this study and the relevant discussions are divided into six topics: sample characterization and quality of distilled; construction of distillers; operation (data, temperature profile), climatic aspects, treatment of data and economical analysis. Results obtained can be inferred that: the energy loss by the adoption of vessel glass was not significant, however, complicates the logistics of maintenance the equipment on a large scale. In the other hand, the surface of the tub with a glass shield on the equipment deterioration, both devices showed similar performance, so there is not justified for use of equipment 450. With regard to the climatological study it was verified that the Natal city presents monthly medium radiation varying in a range between 350 and 600 W/m2, and medium of wind speed of 5 m / s. The medium humidity is around 70% and rainfall is very small. The regime of the system is transient and although it has been treated as a stationary system shows that the model accurately represents the distillers system's 20 degrees. The quality of the distilled with regard to the parameters evaluated in this study is consistent with the Class 3 waters of CONAMA (Resolution 357). Therefore we can conclude that solar distillation has viability for treat oilfield produced water when considered the technical and environmental aspects, although it is not economically viable
The current natural gas production of 52 Mm3d-1 and the large projects for its expansion has been setting new boundaries for the Brazilian industry of oil and gas. So far, one of the biggest challenges regards to the logistics for gas transportation from offshore fields. Therefore, the transformation of natural gas into gasoline, diesel and/or olefins via Fischer-Tropsch synthesis would be an alternative to this matter. In this work, the production of hydrocarbons by Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in a slurry reactor was investigated and a perovskite-type catalyst (LayCu0,4Fe0,6O3 ± d) was used with y varying from 0 to 1 on a molar basis. In addition, Nb2O5 support was also applied in order to observe the selectivity of the produced hydrocarbons by the Fischer-Tropsch process. It is shown that the hydrogen conversion was influenced by the support as well as the different phases of the samples. The kinetic results for the CO2 production suffered great influence with the introduction of the Nb2O5 support throughout the series of samples studied. The catalysts allowed obtaining welldefined cuts of hydrocarbons in the range of C1-C6 and C17-C28, and these results were clearly influenced by the support and the lanthanum content. The higher olefin/paraffin ratio obtained was 1.8 when using a non-supported perovskite with y equal to 0.8. This would indicate the suitability of using this material for the production of olefins
Objective. - To describe the distribution of frequency of the injuries during adventure competition.Material and methods. - Fifty-five participants who underwent to the second stage of the Caloi Adventure Camp competition answered to a questionnaire about their personal characteristics, training status and injuries.Results. - The age of the athletes was 32 +/- 10 years old and the body mass index (BMI) 23.3 +/- 2.2 kg/m(2). The most frequent injuries occurred during trekking (61%), followed by mountain bike (24%). Abrasions (36.7%) and cuts (24.5%) were the most frequent injuries mentioned. Tissue level lesions occurred in 61.2% of the episodes. The most frequent injuries were contusions (16.3%) at muscular level, and sprain (6.1%) and fracture (6.1%) at osteoarticular system. Related to the body structure, the lower limb was the most affected (49%), mainly ankle (14.3%) and knee (12.2%). In the upper limb (30.6%), arm and forearm were more affected with cuts and abrasions. Neck and trunk were responsible for 20.4% of the injuries. Cramps (31%) and tendinitis (11%) were also mentioned.Conclusion. - The data suggest that it is necessary to create one training approach including prevention and logistics for participants rescue and rapid attendance during the tournament. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.
The inventory management in hospitals is of paramount importance, since the supply materials and drugs interruption can cause irreparable damage to human lives while excess inventories involves immobilization of capital. Hospitals should use techniques of inventory management to perform replenishment in shorter and shorter intervals, in order to reduce inventories and fixed assets and meet citizens requirements properly. The inventory management can be an even bigger problem for public hospitals, which have restrictions on the use of resources and decisionmaking structure more bureaucratized. Currently the University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL) uses a periodic replacement policy for hospital medical supplies and medicines, which involves one moment surplus stock replenishment, the next out of stock items. This study aims to propose a system for continuous replenishment through order point for inventory of medical supplies and medicines to the hospital HUOL. Therefore, a literature review of Federal University Hospitals Management, Logistics, Inventory Management and Replenishment System in Hospitals was performed, emphasizing the demand forecast, classification or ABC curve and order point system. And also, policies of inventory management and the current proposal were described, dealing with profile of the mentioned institution, the current policy of inventory management and simulation for continuous replenishment order point. For the simulation, the sample consisted of 102 and 44 items of medical and hospital drugs, respectively, selected using the ABC classification of inventory, prioritizing items of Class A, which contains the most relevant items in added value, representing 80 % of the financial value in 2012 fiscal year. Considering that it is a public organization, subject to the laws, we performed two simulations: the first, following the signs for inventory management of Instruction No. 205 (IN 205 ), from Secretary of Public Administration of the Presidency ( SEDAP / PR ), and the second, based on the literature specializing in inventory management hospital. The results of two simulations were compared to the current policy of replenishment system. Among these results are: an indication that the system for continuous replenishment reorder point based on IN 205 provides lower levels of safety stock and maximum stock, enables a 17% reduction in the amount spent for the full replenishment of inventories, in other words, decreasing capital assets, as well as reduction in stock quantity, also the simulation made from the literature has indicated parameters that prevent the application of this technique to all items of the sample. Hence, a change in inventory management of HUOL, with the application of the continuous replenishment according to IN 205, provides a significant reduction in acquisition costs of medical and hospital medicine
The present essay has how I aim to analyse the memories of the ex-combatants of Parelhas-RN, specially of the components of the Força de Vigilância e Segurança do Litoral - FVSL, protagonists of the Brazilian participation in the scenery of the Second World war. Along this we looked to understand in which surrounding geographicalpartner these men were living before the War and what were the consequences of a brusque change of space owing to the convocation for the Armed Brazilian Strength in that historical context. The defense of the Brazilian coast during the War was not a so simple task, I have in mind the precariedade logistics of the Armed Strength, the attacks of submarines of the Axle that killed hundreds of civilians and Brazilian soldiers and the net of espionage mounted by Germany in Brazil. Leaving from the notion of collective memory and estrangement in Maurice Halbwachs, we will use the oral history like principal methodology, with the end of rescue these underground memories what also will make possible us the vision realizes that the protagonists themselves have of the event, besides the use of documents, photos, maps and any sort of fountains that make possible us to rebuild the scenery of Parelhas in the beginning of the War and the trajectory of life of his veterans
This article aims to analyse the introduction of environmental issues in the context of the production function, which has been referred to as the organisational area to lead corporate environmental management. With that purpose, the theoretical references for corporate environmental management and the necessary alterations in production function have been organised to include environmental aspects, especially in terms of product and process development, quality management, and logistics. Considering that this research field still lacks empirical evidence for Brazilian companies, four case studies were conducted using companies located in the country. The environmental management maturity level of those companies tends to follow the rate with which the environmental issue is introduced in production sub-areas, especially in the product development process. However, in most cases we found that the companies had difficulties in structuring the insertion of the environmental dimension in logistics. The final notes point out the distance observed between what is recommended by international literature and the reality of Brazilian companies in the challenge of making the production function environmentally friendly.
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to verify if Brazilian companies are adopting environmental requirements in the supplier selection process. Further, this paper intends to analyze whether there is a relation between the level of environmental management maturity and the inclusion of environmental criteria in the companies' selection of suppliers.Design/methodology/approach - A review of mainstream literature on environmental management, traditional criteria in the supplier selection process and the incorporation of environmental requirements in this context. The empirical study's strategy is based on five Brazilian case studies with industrial companies. Face-to-face interviews and informal conversations are to be held, explanations made by e-mail with representatives from the purchasing, environmental management, logistics and other areas, and observation and the collection of company documents are also employed.Findings - Based on the cases, it is concluded that companies still use traditional criteria to select suppliers, such as quality and cost, and do not adopt environmental requirements in the supplier selection process in a uniform manner. Evidence found shows that the level of environmental management maturity influences the depth with which companies adopt environmental criteria when selecting suppliers. Thus, a company with more advanced environmental management adopts more formal procedures for selecting environmentally appropriate suppliers than others.Originality/value - This is the first known study to verify if Brazilian companies are adopting environmental requirements in the supplier selection process.
Este trabalho apresenta uma aplicação da Logística Reversa numa empresa multinacional que atua na área de laminação de vidros no Brasil. Na empresa estudada, a sucata gerada pelos seus clientes pode ser usada para realimentar o seu processo de produção. Inicialmente, são discutidos os principais aspectos relacionados ao tema, tais como, definição de Logística Reversa, ciclo de vida do produto, motivos e destinos do retorno, além dos fatores que influenciam a eficiência de um processo de Logística Reversa. A seguir, ilustradas pelo estudo de caso, são apresentadas e comentadas as etapas para uma implementação de um sistema de Logística Reversa ser bem sucedida. Finalmente, comentam-se as dificuldades, ganhos e vantagens competitivas obtidas por empresas que adotaram soluções da Logística Reversa, em particular na empresa em que o estudo de caso foi desenvolvido.
Model-oriented strategies have been used to facilitate products customization in the software products lines (SPL) context and to generate the source code of these derived products through variability management. Most of these strategies use an UML (Unified Modeling Language)-based model specification. Despite its wide application, the UML-based model specification has some limitations such as the fact that it is essentially graphic, presents deficiencies regarding the precise description of the system architecture semantic representation, and generates a large model, thus hampering the visualization and comprehension of the system elements. In contrast, architecture description languages (ADLs) provide graphic and textual support for the structural representation of architectural elements, their constraints and interactions. This thesis introduces ArchSPL-MDD, a model-driven strategy in which models are specified and configured by using the LightPL-ACME ADL. Such strategy is associated to a generic process with systematic activities that enable to automatically generate customized source code from the product model. ArchSPLMDD strategy integrates aspect-oriented software development (AOSD), modeldriven development (MDD) and SPL, thus enabling the explicit modeling as well as the modularization of variabilities and crosscutting concerns. The process is instantiated by the ArchSPL-MDD tool, which supports the specification of domain models (the focus of the development) in LightPL-ACME. The ArchSPL-MDD uses the Ginga Digital TV middleware as case study. In order to evaluate the efficiency, applicability, expressiveness, and complexity of the ArchSPL-MDD strategy, a controlled experiment was carried out in order to evaluate and compare the ArchSPL-MDD tool with the GingaForAll tool, which instantiates the process that is part of the GingaForAll UML-based strategy. Both tools were used for configuring the products of Ginga SPL and generating the product source code
Middleware platforms have been widely used as an underlying infrastructure to the development of distributed applications. They provide distribution and heterogeneity transparency and a set of services that ease the construction of distributed applications. Nowadays, the middlewares accommodate an increasing variety of requirements to satisfy distinct application domains. This broad range of application requirements increases the complexity of the middleware, due to the introduction of many cross-cutting concerns in the architecture, which are not properly modularized by traditional programming techniques, resulting in a tangling and spread of theses concerns in the middleware code. The presence of these cross-cutting concerns limits the middleware scalability and aspect-oriented paradigm has been used successfully to improve the modularity, extensibility and customization capabilities of middleware. This work presents AO-OiL, an aspect-oriented (AO) middleware architecture, based on the AO middleware reference architecture. This middleware follows the philosophy that the middleware functionalities must be driven by the application requirements. AO-OiL consists in an AO refactoring of the OiL (Orb in Lua) middleware in order to separate basic and crosscutting concerns. The proposed architecture was implemented in Lua and RE-AspectLua. To evaluate the refactoring impact in the middleware architecture, this paper presents a comparative analysis of performance between AO-OiL and OiL
Many challenges have been imposed on the middleware to support applications for digital TV because of the heterogeneity and resource constraints of execution platforms. In this scenario, the middleware must be highly configurable so that it can be customized to meet the requirements of applications and underlying platforms. This work aims to present the GingaForAll, a software product line developed for the Ginga - the middleware of the Brazilian Digital TV (SBTVD). GingaForAll adds the concepts of software product line, aspect orientation and model-driven development to allow: (i) the specification of the common characteristics and variables of the middleware, (ii) the modularization of crosscutting concerns - both mandatory and concepts variables - through aspects, (iii) the expression of concepts as a set of models that increase the level of abstraction and enables management of various software artifacts in terms of configurable models. This work presents the architecture of the software product line that implements such a tool and architecture that supports automatic customization of middleware. The work also presents a tool that implements the process of generating products GingaForAll
The approach Software Product Line (SPL) has become very promising these days, since it allows the production of customized systems on large scale through product families. For the modeling of these families the Features Model is being widely used, however, it is a model that has low level of detail and not may be sufficient to guide the development team of LPS. Thus, it is recommended add the Features Model to other models representing the system from other perspectives. The goals model PL-AOVgraph can assume this role complementary to the Features Model, since it has a to context oriented language of LPS's, which allows the requirements modeling in detail and identification of crosscutting concerns that may arise as result of variability. In order to insert PL-AOVgraph in development of LPS's, this paper proposes a bi-directional mapping between PL-AOVgraph and Features Model, which will be automated by tool ReqSys-MDD. This tool uses the approach of Model-Driven Development (MDD), which allows the construction of systems from high level models through successive transformations. This enables the integration of ReqSys-MDD with other tools MDD that use their output models as input to other transformations. So it is possible keep consistency among the models involved, avoiding loss of informations on transitions between stages of development
When crosscutting concerns identification is performed from the beginning of development, on the activities involved in requirements engineering, there are many gains in terms of quality, cost and efficiency throughout the lifecycle of software development. This early identification supports the evolution of requirements, detects possible flaws in the requirements specification, improves traceability among requirements, provides better software modularity and prevents possible rework. However, despite these several advantages, the crosscutting concerns identification over requirements engineering faces several difficulties such as the lack of systematization and tools that support it. Furthermore, it is difficult to justify why some concerns are identified as crosscutting or not, since this identification is, most often, made without any methodology that systematizes and bases it. In this context, this paper proposes an approach based on Grounded Theory, called GT4CCI, for systematizing and basing the process of identifying crosscutting concerns in the initial stages of the software development process in the requirements document. Grounded Theory is a renowned methodology for qualitative analysis of data. Through the use of GT4CCI it is possible to better understand, track and document concerns, adding gains in terms of quality, reliability and modularity of the entire lifecycle of software