990 resultados para Costa de Beauregard, marquis, 1835-1909.


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El presente artículo se enfoca en las contradicciones del proyecto nacional ecuatoriano de principios del siglo XX en cuanto pretende subsanar identidades en conflicto dentro de las nuevas configuraciones sociales y espaciales. Para ello se examina la forma en la que Luis A. Martínez reconoce la ambivalencia de la modernidad al punto de confeccionar sus obras como alegorías de fallidas comunidades imaginadas. Tanto sus catecismos de agricultura como su novela A la costa (1905), además de contribuir a los debates intelectuales de la época sobre la participación del país en el moderno sistema-mundo capitalista, testimonian las contradicciones existentes dentro del liberalismo como ideología hegemónica. De ahí que los textos arriba mencionados sean considerados como bisagras que vislumbran lo nacional en lo liminar aunque todavía sin subvertir los desencuentros entre la clase dominante y la subalterna.


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This article explains how the colonial economic system was set up on the what is now the Ecuadorian coast. It also shows how social and precolonial economic forms funcioned and its articulation with the colonial economy. In this geographic zone where merchandise was exchanged and where people mingled and information was shared linking the distant mother country with the viceroyalty, the production and circulation of a wide array of goods provided the cornerstone for crestfallen indigenas societies. The sources provide evidence on the methods used by local rulers, who were essential actors in colonial implantation.


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Using topographic data collected by radar interferometry, stereo-photogrammetry, and field survey we have measured the changing surface of Volcan Arenal in Costa Rica over the period from 1980 to 2004. During this time this young volcano has mainly effused basaltic andesite lava, continuing the activity that began in 1968. Explosive products form only a few percent of the volumetric output. We have calculated digital elevation models for the years 1961, 1988 and 1997 and modified existing models for 2000 and 2004. From these we have estimated the volume of lava effused and coupled this with the data presented by an earlier study for 1968-1980. We find that a dense rock equivalent volume of 551 M m(3) was effused from 1968 to 2004. The dense rock equivalent effusion rate fell from about 2 m(3) s(-1) to about 0.1-0.2 m(3) s(-1) over the same period, with an average rate of about 0.5 m(3) s(-1). Between 1980 and 2004, the average effusion rate was 0.36 m(3) s(-1), a similar rate to that measured between 1974 and 1980. There have been two significant deviations from this long-term rate. The effusion rate increased from 1984 to 1991, at the same time as explosivity increased. After a period of moderate effusion rates in the 1990s, the rate fell to lower levels around 1999. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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From 1997 onward, the strobilurin fungicide azoxystrobin was widely used in the main banana-production zone in Costa Rica against Mycosphaerella fijiensis var. difformis causing black Sigatoka of banana. By 2000, isolates of M. fijiensis with resistance to the quinolene oxidase inhibitor fungicides were common on some farms in the area. The cause was a single point mutation from glycine to alanine in the fungal target protein, cytochrome b gene. An amplification refractory mutation system Scorpion quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay was developed and used to determine the frequency of G 143A allele in samples of M. fijiensis. Two hierarchical surveys of spatial variability, in 2001 and 2002,found no significant variation in frequency on spatial scales <10 in. This allowed the frequency of G143A alleles on a farm to be estimated efficiently by averaging single samples taken at two fixed locations. The frequency of G 143A allele in bulk samples from I I farms throughout Costa Rica was determined at 2-month intervals. There was no direct relationship between the number of spray applications and the frequency of G143A on individual farms. Instead, the frequency converged toward regional averages, presumably due to the large-scale mixing of ascospores dispersed by wind. Using trap plants in an area remote from the main producing area, immigration of resistant ascospores was detected as far as 6 km away both with and against the prevailing wind.


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In many lower-income countries, the establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs) involves significant opportunity costs for artisanal fishers, reflected in changes in how they allocate their labor in response to the MPA. The resource economics literature rarely addresses such labor allocation decisions of artisanal fishers and how, in turn, these contribute to the impact of MPAs on fish stocks, yield, and income. This paper develops a spatial bio-economic model of a fishery adjacent to a village of people who allocate their labor between fishing and on-shore wage opportunities to establish a spatial Nash equilibrium at a steady state fish stock in response to various locations for no-take zone MPAs and managed access MPAs. Villagers’ fishing location decisions are based on distance costs, fishing returns, and wages. Here, the MPA location determines its impact on fish stocks, fish yield, and villager income due to distance costs, congestion, and fish dispersal. Incorporating wage labor opportunities into the framework allows examination of the MPA’s impact on rural incomes, with results determining that win-wins between yield and stocks occur in very different MPA locations than do win-wins between income and stocks. Similarly, villagers in a high-wage setting face a lower burden from MPAs than do those in low-wage settings. Motivated by issues of central importance in Tanzania and Costa Rica, we impose various policies on this fishery – location specific no-take zones, increasing on-shore wages, and restricting MPA access to a subset of villagers – to analyze the impact of an MPA on fish stocks and rural incomes in such settings.


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Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur en fackförening på en liten ort i Dalarna upplevt den stora arbetsmarknadskonflikt hösten 1909, känd som storstrejken. Hur dess medlemmar upplevde de påfrestningar de drabbades av och hur de klarade strejken och dess följder. Materialet består av mötesprotokoll från avdelningen samt den korrespondens som förekom mellan fackföreningen och förbundsledningen, och LO:s landssekretariat. I centrum för undersökningen står den under 1907 startade fackföreningen vid J.H. Munktells pappersbruk AB i Grycksbo, avdelning 332, tillhörande Grov- och Fabriksarbetarförbundet. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att fackföreningen kände en mycket begränsad entusiasm för storstrejken, beroende på dålig ekonomi och bristande tilltro till den egna förmågan. Vid strejkens början gick fackföreningen lojalt ut i strejk. Den fortsatta utvecklingen ledde till den inte ovanliga bilden med blockad och fridlysning av arbetsplatsen, strejkbryteri och ett med tiden ökande antal arbetare som gav upp strejken och sitt fackliga engagemang. För några få arbetare blev konsekvensen avsked. För fackföreningen blev konsekvensen ett drastiskt minskande medlemsantal.


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Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka den mediala debatten i början av 1900-talet gällande sekula-riseringen, i detta fall folkskolans skiljande från kyrkan, utifrån två folkskollärartidningar. Källmaterialet utgörs av Sveriges allmänna folkskollärareförenings tidning Svensk läraretid-ning, samt Svenska folkskolans vänners tidning Folkskolans vän. Det tidningsmaterial som studerats är årgång 1903 och 1909. För att besvara syftet har sekulariseringsbegreppet delats in i två avdelningar, dels med fokus på debatten om folkskolans administrativa skiljande från kyrkan, samt dels synen på kristendomsundervisningens innehåll och utformning. Resultatet visar att båda folkskollärartidningarna hävdade att lärarkåren borde få mer administrativt in-flytande över folkskolan, även om Svensk läraretidning är något mer aggressiv i sin kritik mot svenska kyrkans administrativa folkskoleauktoritet. Tidningarnas syn på kristendomsämnet skiljer sig, då Folkskolans vän önskar att behålla den konfessionella undervisningen med fokus på katekesen, till skillnad från Svensk läraretidning som kräver en mer allmän kristen-domsundervisning. Detta får även betydelse för tidningarnas syn på vad som var folkskolans huvudsakliga uppgift.