909 resultados para Corpos locais (Algebra)


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This research is a study that deals with the language of the players bodies of Ciranda (a typical dance in circle in Brazil) – more specifically the one of Lia from Itamaracá. Our interest is to observe how this body dances, communicates, writes on time and space, establishing relations that complement and help to remain in construction. Thus, in a circular way and in an energy that is transmitted with the contact of the touch of the hands, in the power of song, in a circle that can be seen from many places, but by different angles, holding on that the particularities of its subjects players/dancers/observers, and that we propose ourselves to think: who are those players bodies and how do they build the circles of Ciranda? Therefore, during the pathway of the research, we were conducted by the phenomenological method and, from this, used the concepts of lived and sensible world. Our interest in this manifestation is, also, the body that dances and insert itself in the artistic expression, meaning and opening itself to the knowledge by the experience. Therefore, we assume a conception of the body that refers itself in the merleaupontyana fenomenologic approach, in this way, in its criativity in relation to the body as a fragmented being, as it is pointed by the Cartesiana theory. In this perspective, we understand the body in its relations with the culturals, sociais, economics and artistics issues that integrates it, in others words, in the relations that helped us to better understand the body as it is. This way, this research has as main objective to present the refletions about the players body, mainly, of Lia from Itamaracá and with this body to dance, to communicate, to write itself on time and space, estabilishing relations that complement and help to stay in construction. Such a statement leads us in this work, to inquire, for example: what mobilizes those subjects on this dance? We understand that elements as the place that is always in modification, the costumes, the musicality and the change in the movimentation of the players body in each new circle, those elements are factors that activate a permanente reconfiguration that are happening in the Ciranda dance nowadays. Finally, we assert that this investigation comes in reason to the big dimension that the Ciranda has achivied in Brazil, especially in the Northeast, as the existence of few references and registers of the reseach manifestation in the academic areas. It is possible to verify, in this research, that, in reason to this spreading, the nuances of the players bodies is even more diversified and that the missing of experiences on Itamaracá island - PE, its origin has putting away the original and community, becames, more and more, a dance of others stages and squares.


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This study had the goal of make a dialogue between queer theory and the thoughts of the French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty in the categories of body and sexuality. From this dialogue, other goals were designed, namely: identify possible recurrences of the experience of bodies and queer sexualities, designed under Merleau-Ponty’s perspective, to the knowledge of Physical Education and reflect on this domain of knowledge using the notions of queer epistemology and esthesia. The study had as methodology the phenomenological attitude proposed by Merleau-Ponty and use the reduction as technic of research. Trying linking these thoughts we used the cinema of the Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar as perceptive strategy, an exercise of look as possibility of reading the world and new ways of perceiving the human being. We appreciate three films, namely: All About My Mother (1999), The Skin I Live In (2011) and Bad Education (2004), which put us in touch with bodies and queer sexualities, with the body of esthesia, of the ecstasy, sensations and lived experiences, un type of art whose contours are not fixed or determinable, postulate by Merleau-Ponty. The philosopher, provide a rich conceptual view of the body and their sexual experience, extends and opens horizons of thought and reflection about queer experience, one experience indeterminate and contingent as a singular way of inhabiting the world. Those horizons opened by the philosopher and added to the queer perspective contribute to put in question the modes of knowledge production and the knowledge about body and sexuality in Physical Education. Finally, we point that this theoretical conversation give us clues to reflect about the reverberations of a queer epistemology for Physical Education usiging one type of knowledge guided by esthesia and sensitivity as marks of another scientific rationality.


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Due to the growing use of social networks people no longer just consume data, they also produce and share it. Geo-tagged information, i.e., data with geographical location, have been used in many attempts to identify popular places and help tourists that will visit unfamiliar cities. This Master Thesis presents an online strategy that uses geo-tagged photos and their metadata in order to identify places of interest inside a given geographical area and retrieve relevant related information. The whole process runs automatically in real time, returning updated information about places. The proposed strategy takes into account the inherent dynamism of social media, and thus is robust under inconsistencies and/or outdated information, a common issue in solutions that rely on previously stored data. The analysis of the results showed that our approach is very promising, returning places that present high agreement with those from a popular travel website.


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Date of Acceptance: 15/07/2015


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Date of Acceptance: 15/07/2015


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Com a aprovação do POCAL e a sua entrada em vigor, as autarquias locais ficaram obrigadas a implementar um sistema de contabilidade de custos. A implementação da contabilidade de custos é vantajosa para as autarquias locais, pois permite-lhes obter informações relacionadas com os custos que ajudam os gestores nas suas tomadas de decisão. O sistema de contabilidade de custos tem como finalidade contribuir para a melhoria do processo de tomada de decisão, nomeadamente nas questões relacionadas com a determinação dos preços e das taxas, mas também através do controlo dos custos. Atualmente, as autarquias locais deparam-se com algumas dificuldades financeiras, pelo que a escassez de recursos financeiros se mostra uma realidade tendo em consideração o acréscimo das necessidades que são verificadas ao longo do ano. Assim, a implementação de um sistema de contabilidade de custos mostra-se de extrema importância, pois permite imputar os custos às funções que os consumiram e perceber quais as funções que não se estão a mostrar rentáveis, mas também ajuda na fixação de tarifas e preços de bens e serviços. Desta forma, a elaboração deste relatório de estágio permite, por um lado, descrever o funcionamento de um sistema de contabilidade de custos e o seu enquadramento e, por outro lado, perceber como é que o sistema se encontra implementado no município de Pombal.


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Svenska elever har presterat dåligt i internationella undersökningar en längre tid när det gäller algebraområdet i matematik. Elevernas begreppsförståelse har pekats ut som en faktor som spelar in i de dåliga resultaten för svenska elever del. Syftet med denna studie har därför varit att ta reda på den roll som begrepp och begreppsförmåga spelar vid inlärning av algebra samt vilken begreppsförståelse elever i årskurs 4-6 har. Genom en systematisk litteraturstudie har frågeställningarna besvarats. Resultaten visar att brister i begreppsförståelse i algebra också leder till brister i kunskap i algebra. Undervisning med fokus på begrepp leder till bättre förståelse för begrepp samtidigt som det även leder till procedurell kunskap. Elever i årskurs 4-6 kan hantera variabler och använda dem i matematiska uttryck. Fördelar med en tidig introduktion av variabelbegreppet är att elever bygger en bättre förståelse för begreppet.


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Svenska elever har presterat dåligt i internationella undersökningar en längre tid när det gäller algebraområdet i matematik. Elevernas begreppsförståelse har pekats ut som en faktor som spelar in i de dåliga resultaten för svenska elever del. Syftet med denna studie har därför varit att ta reda på den roll som begrepp och begreppsförmåga spelar vid inlärning av algebra samt vilken begreppsförståelse elever i årskurs 4-6 har. Genom en systematisk litteraturstudie har frågeställningarna besvarats. Resultaten visar att brister i begreppsförståelse i algebra också leder till brister i kunskap i algebra. Undervisning med fokus på begrepp leder till bättre förståelse för begrepp samtidigt som det även leder till procedurell kunskap. Elever i årskurs 4-6 kan hantera variabler och använda dem i matematiska uttryck. Fördelar med en tidig introduktion av variabelbegreppet är att elever bygger en bättre förståelse för begreppet.


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The inclusion of local suppliers in production chains has considerable impact on its performance, but most notably in its main actors. The results of this process may be of different kinds and can be analyzed from economic or institutional approaches. This study aimed to verify the existence of different performances of Petrobras due to the inclusion of local suppliers in the oil and gas production chain in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, from the viewpoints of transaction costs and the Institutional Theory. In order to this, were made the characterization of the PROMINP, the description of its actions and results, the mapping of its institutional context of reference, and identification of results obtained by Petrobras in terms of transaction costs and legitimacy. The theoretical framework is based on authors dealing with industrial concentration, as like Marshall, Krugman, Porter and Schmitz, from the sociological perspective of neoinstitucional theory, as like DiMaggio and Powell and Scott and Meyer, and transaction costs, as like Williamson. This is a qualitative research, with data collection done by consulting secondary fonts and semi-structured interviews with nineteen actors of three groups, namely: actors involved in actions of the program, representatives of enterprises and representative of Petrobras. To analyze the content was used the Suchman s model (1995) for categories associated with strategies of legitimation and fourteen variables associated with the three variables assets specificity, bounded rationality and opportunism (Williamson, 1995, 1989) in the case of transaction costs. The results indicate that PROMINP has achieved its objectives by encouraging the increased participation of local companies in the oil and gas production chain, reflecting in the economic development of the state. The Redepetro/RN, fostered and built upon the interaction of the participants, is presented as a solution of continuity to the participation of enterprises in the chain, after the closure of the actions of the program. PROMINP demands responses to coercive, legislative and regulatory pressures of the organizational field, whose institutional context of reference is wide. From the point of view of legitimacy, through strategies to gain cognitive legitimacy and maintaining pragmatic legitimacy, Petrobras can manipulate the environment, ensuring the compliance of the constituents to their technical and institutional demands. Enterprises, in turn, respond to the demands through compliance with technical demands, mainly through the certification of processes, and cultural changes. There aren t clear gains related to the transaction costs, however, gains in legitimacy can be seen as a cumulative capital that can serve as a competitive differential that generates economic gains. In terms of theoretical findings, it was found that, due to its explanatory power for actions that are difficult to explain only in economic terms, Institutional Theory may be used as theoretical support concurrent with other theories. TCE model has limitations in explaining the program actions. In the case, it s emphasized that Petrobras doesn t seek only economic efficiency, but has in its mission the commitment to social development.


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This study has the objective examine the mechanisms of programs oriented fort cluster development, focusing on the analysis of the effectiveness of Procompi on support to APL of Mineral Water in Natal/RN. Search on the theory on public policy and support on apps for the theoretical and methodological reasons for the success of the program. In the document analysis was used reports from SEBRAE, IEL and SINCRAMIRN and was realized survey in the companies. The research indicates that not reaching the goals set. It is concluded that a poor definition of objectives and lack of orientation to the external economies are the causes of the failure


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Ce travail est une contribution aux études anthropologiques conduites sur Ia beauté et le corps dans des segments moyens urbains. Il cherche à analyser le processus de construction du corps et sa relation avec le individualisme et Ia beauté et la réalisation de chirurgies plasticiennes esthétiques, à partir d'une approche de la construction sociale. En ce sens, la ligne directrice de cette discussion sont le concept de corps comme une construction sociale et culturelle spécifique de chaque société et les différentes utilisations et les représentations que les divers segments font de celui-ci. A cette fin, une recherche de caractere ethnographique a été réalisé aupres des femmes âgés de vingt à quarante et cinq ans, résidents des quartiers Tirol et Petrópolis de Ia ville de Natal-RN (Brésil), dans Ia période d'avril à novembre 2006. Le travail de terrain a mêlé observation directe et entretiens avec des femmes et des médecins chirurgiens plasticiens


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Las políticas de salud destinadas a las mulheres de la comunidad quilombola de Boa Vista son, de manera general, las mismas políticas destinadas al resto de las mujeres de la región rural del Seridó norterriograndense y también las que se corresponden con regiones marginales del Brasil entero. Aquí, el cuerpo femenino es concebido bajo parámetros universalizantes que lo toman como una entidad homogénea y comparable con otros cuerpos femeninos a partir de su traducción en índices, tasas y estadísticas. En este sentido, decimos que son cuerpos desnudos, cuya intervención no considera los rasgos exteriores, aquellos llamados de culturales, como marcadores de identidad. Por otro lado, la noción de Salud de la Mujer Negra propuesta por recientes políticas de Estado a nivel nacional, se muestra inexistente en la comunidad. El cuerpo que se se exalta hoy a partir de los parámetros de reivindicación étnica es un cuerpo negro, pero también bello, jovem e sobre todo, fuerte; donde la noción de salud no penetra. De esta forma, las dos políticas conciben sujetos sociales diferentes. Sin embargo, existe otro espacio, que es el espacio de las prácticas vernáculas, en el que las mujeres experimentan la articulación entre feminilidad y negritud, pero a partir de otros parámetros local e históricamente delineados. Aquí, tanto las trayectorias de las mujeres como las redes de parentesco y cuidado locales se muestran especialmente significativas, ayudando a comprender las concepciones particulares sobre el cuerpo que imaginan y practican las mujeres de esta comunidad, y revelando la importancia de la maternidad como principio ordenador de identidades sociales. Para eso, hemos realizado un trabajo de observación participante, una serie de 30 entrevista com mujeres de Boa Vista y un estudio de las redes de parentesco organizadas alrededor del término mãe. Con esto, demostramos que existe un espacio cargado de significados sobre el cuerpo femenino y la feminilidad que es construido a partir de una interpretación local de la triple condición de mulher, de mãe y de negra


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Auditoria


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This article describes the design and implementation of computer-aided tool called Relational Algebra Translator (RAT) in data base courses, for the teaching of relational algebra. There was a problem when introducing the relational algebra topic in the course EIF 211 Design and Implementation of Databases, which belongs to the career of Engineering in Information Systems of the National University of Costa Rica, because students attending this course were lacking profound mathematical knowledge, which led to a learning problem, being this an important subject to understand what the data bases search and request do RAT comes along to enhance the teaching-learning process.It introduces the architectural and design principles required for its implementation, such as: the language symbol table, the gramatical rules and the basic algorithms that RAT uses to translate from relational algebra to SQL language. This tool has been used for one periods and has demonstrated to be effective in the learning-teaching process.  This urged investigators to publish it in the web site: www.slinfo.una.ac.cr in order for this tool to be used in other university courses.


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There is a long history of debate around mathematics standards, reform efforts, and accountability. This research identified ways that national expectations and context drive local implementation of mathematics reform efforts and identified the external and internal factors that impact teachers’ acceptance or resistance to policy implementation at the local level. This research also adds to the body of knowledge about acceptance and resistance to policy implementation efforts. This case study involved the analysis of documents to provide a chronological perspective, assess the current state of the District’s mathematics reform, and determine the District’s readiness to implement the Common Core Curriculum. The school system in question has continued to struggle with meeting the needs of all students in Algebra 1. Therefore, the results of this case study will be useful to the District’s leaders as they include the compilation and analysis of a decade’s worth of data specific to Algebra 1.