960 resultados para Contagem de células somáticas


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The platelet blood count in laboratorial routine provides to the clinician important information about the hemostasis of the patient. There are many techniques described, however the gold standard techniques realized in hemocytometer spent a lot of time, making this technique impracticable in great routines. This research had the intent to evaluate if the automatic veterinary blood counter QBC Vet Autoread (R), whose results get five minutes to be ready, is capable to offer a trustworthy platelet count number. To this end, were evaluated the correlations among three different forms of platelets count in dogs: count in automatic blood counter QBC Vet Autoread (R), estimative in blood smear and the gold standard method by manual count in hemocytometer. The viability and confidence use of automatic blood counters of the medicine veterinary routine. Seventeen dogs were chosen randomly way, in the medical and surgical routine of HOVET-USP. The analysis revel high correlation between the hemocytometer and the estimative in blood smear (r=0,875) and between the hemocytometer and automatic blood count by QBC Vet Autoread (R) (r=0,939). Conclude that the platelet blood cont by QBC Vet Autoread (R), in addition to be fast, it's more truthful when compared with estimative in blood smear, although the latter one also had elevated correlation. However, morphological analysis through the smears cannot be dismissed because none of the other two techniques evaluated have the ability to assess platelet morphological changes.


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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are a heterogeneous population of cells that proliferate in vitro as plastic-adherent cells, have fibroblast-like morphology and can differentiate into bone, cartilage and fat cells. Therapeutic potential of MSCs have been studied in experimental models, such as rabbit, in Laboratory of Cell Engineering of Botucatu. However, no specific markers have been reported for expanded rabbit MSCs, which hampers the isolation of pure MSC populations by immunophenotypic characterization. Thus, the objective of this study was to produce monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to rabbit MSCs. MSCs derived from rabbit bone marrow (BM) were isolated, cultured, expanded ex vivo, and immunized into three BALB/c mices, and spleen cells subsequently harvested were used to generate hibridoma cell lines secreting antibodies against MSCs. Hybridoma cells were screened by flow cytometry and antibody-producing cells were subjected to subsequent rounds of retests. MSC1-160 obtained the best positivity for IgG expression and was cloned by limiting dilutions and micromanipulation. Ascitic fluid from ten best clones was purified by affinity chromatography in Protein A-sepharose CL-4B column and purification control was performed by electrophoresis in agarose gels. The purified IgG were tested against rabbit MSCs, obtaining high positivity by flow Cytometry. In conclusion, we developed 10 mAbs, MSC1-160 A20, A30, A41, A47, A55, A60, A63, A69, A81, and A82, that recognize rabbit MSC cell surface antigens showing potential for immunophenotypic characterization of rabbit MSC cell lines


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Brazil has the fourth largest horse herd in the world, this is due the recognition and appreciation that the different equestrian games are having within the country. Injuries of the tendon, especially in the digital flexor tendon, are the main cause of athletic life reduction among horses. The treatment of tendinitis in horses seeks full recovery of the damage tissue reestablishing the function previously lost, however conventional treatments have proven to be ineffective when considered the quality of the scar tissue and the rate of recurrence. Due to this, the use of adult stem cells to the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries of horses has been studied for some time. This method of treatment consists of aspiration of bone marrow or removal of subcutaneous fat tissue and implantation of these cells in the injured tissue. After obtaining the bone marrow the implantation can be performed with total bone marrow, with the mononuclear fraction of MSC or with cells cultured in vitro. From the fat tissue is used the stromal vascular fraction obtained by collagenase digestion, followed or not by cell culture. According to some studies, cell therapy with material obtained from bone marrow or adipose tissue has shown to be viable, given that these materials are abundant in repair components such as mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), growth factors and other components of the collagen matrix. Several studies using both types of cells have shown great potential and promising clinical results. However, knowledge of the biology and characterization of these cells remain largely unknown, and therefore is needed great care and caution when using stem cells for the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders in horses


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Neoplasias malignas da pele são os cênceres mais comuns da espécie humana. No entanto há tipos raros como o Carcinoma de células de Merkel (CCM), cuja incidência tem aumentado em todo mundo. O CCM possui curso agressivo, com freqüente envolvimento de nódulos linfáticos regionais e metástases à distância. Adicionalmente, afeta predominantemente idosos e imunocomprometidos, fato que levou-se a suspeita de uma possível etiologia infecciosa para essa neoplasia. Nesse foi-se isolado e descrito o MCPyV, um novo poliomavirus humano, diretamente de células tumorais do CCM. O objetivo do presente trabalho é dar continuidade à pesquisa desse novo vírus apresentando dados iniciais da pesquisa do MCPyV em número significativo de casos de CCM de pacientes brasileiros. Para tanto, foram analisadas 24 biópsias de CCM fixadas e incluídas em parafina, das quais foram extraído o material genômico e o produto submetido à PCR convencional com três pares de iniciadores descritos pela literatura (LT1, LT3 e VP1), com a finalidade de se detectar segmentos do vírus. No presente estudo o genoma viral foi detectado em 11/24 (45,8%) das amostras avaliadas, sendo que a positividade para cada par de iniciadores foi de 4/24 (16,7%) para LT1, 11/24 (45,8%) para LT3 e 4/24 (16.7%) para VP1. Essas freqüências são menores do que a relatada pela literatura e essa diferença pode ser devida a diferença nas amostras analisadas e nas técnicas empregadas. Outros estudos são necessários para comprovar a relação de causalidade, assim como desvendar o ciclo do MCPyV


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As células granulares do giro denteado do hipocampo são continuamente geradas na zona subgranular em mamíferos. Condições como epilepsia e envelhecimento podem alterar a proliferação celular e também certas características morfológicas das células granulares, como a formação de dendritos basais. Através da imunohistoquímica para doublecortin, marcador neuronal de células granulares imaturas, o estudo visa avaliar a proliferação destas células e quantificar o número de dendritos basais em animais epilépticos crônicos usando o modelo de Epilepsia de Lobo Temporal induzido por pilocarpina. Contatamos que a relação de células granulares com dendritos basais permanece constante no decorrer da vida do animal epiléptico de forma que esta alteração plástica das células granulares não seja fator determinante na patologia


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O Brasil apresenta regiões com grande diversidade geográfica proporcionando o desenvolvimento de diferentes espécies vegetais, favorecendo a busca por bioativos com fins terapêuticos. Nos últimos anos, fungos endofíticos vêm sendo considerados fontes importantes de produtos naturais, demonstrando atividades biológicas de interesses terapêuticos. Pesquisas apontam que extratos brutos oriundos de fungos endofíticos da Eugenia jambolana demonstram atividades antineoplásicas e antimicrobianas. No presente estudo verificou-se a atividade citotóxica e genotóxica de extratos brutos provenientes do metabolismo secundários dos fungos endofíticos isolados de partes da planta da Eugenia jambolana, como caule (Ej- c), folhas (Ej-f), fruto verde (Ej-fv) e fruto maduro (Ej-fm) por meio de experimentos in vitro, utilizando células de hepatocarcinoma murino selvagem (Hepa-1c1c7). Para avaliar a citotoxicidade dos extratos brutos foi realizado o teste do MTT, podendo ser observados diferentes perfis citotóxicos de acordo com a parte da planta e o tempo de exposição de 24 e 48 horas. No tempo de exposição de 24 horas as amostras de Ej-fv(1) e Ej-fv(3) apresentaram CI50 de 65,57 μg/ml e 85,75 μg/ml, respectivamente. Já para amostra Ej-fm(1) houve CI50= 46,53 μg/ml . Nas análises que correspondem o tempo de exposição de 48 horas os extratos brutos do caule Ej-c ( Ej-c(3) e Ej-c(5)) apresentaram CI50 nas concentrações de 84,65 μg/ml e 95,35 μg/ml, respectivamente. O composto Ej-c(1) também foi observado uma menor citotoxicidade na concentração de 100,0 μg/ml. A atividade citotóxica também foi observada nas amostras da folha Ej-f (Ej-f(1), Ej-f(2), Ej-f(3)) atingindo o CI50 nas concentrações de 95,54 μg/ml, 90,8, μg/ml e 26,91 μg/ml, respectivamente. O composto Ej-f(3) também apresentou atividade citotóxica de menor na concentração de 33,3 μg/ml. As amostras do fruto verde Ej-fv(1), Ej-fv(2), Ej-fv(3), Ej-fv(4) e ...


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Mammary cancer is a multifactorial disease that is believed to be caused by genetic and environmental factors. Among the environmental factors, pyrethroids appear to be able to participate in carcinogenesis through several mechanisms, and have been shown to be associated to mammary tumors in canines. In order to investigate the possible rule of pyrethroid on DNA lesion in mammary tissue we compare the comet assay results between mammary tumor bearing dogs with and without pyrethroid associated to the peri mammary adipose tissue or the tumor itself. The pyrethroids presence was assessed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and the DNA damage was assessed by the comet assay as previously described. Despite of correlation between DNA damage and tumor histologic aggressiveness, association between the severity of DNA damage and different types of mammary carcinoma was not found. Although pyrethroids were present in 22% of tumors and peritumoral adipose tissue, no difference in the degree DNA damage between the exposed and non exposed cells to pyrethroids were found. As future perspectives for this work, our group will evaluate the relationship of pyrethroids presence in tumors with its angiogenic potential. Angiogenesis evaluation will be based on presence of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the tumor cells, and microvessel counts


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O estágio supervisionado no Laboratório de Engenharia Celular/Divisão Hemocentro - FMB teve por objetivo oportunizar ao aluno o exercício dos conhecimentos adquiridos em cultura de células, por meio de atuação prática em laboratório, bem como proporcionar o desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências pessoais e profissionais. A presente monografia descreve o tratamento de nanopartículas estruturadas de manganês em culturas de células humanas tumorais prostáticas após 24 e 48 horas, buscando identificar, de uma forma bem simples, possíveis propriedades antitumorais destas nanopartículas, através de análises de viabilidade celular por coloração de Azul de Tripan