930 resultados para Confusion bias


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The amorphous silicon photo-sensor studied in this thesis, is a double pin structure (p(a-SiC:H)-i’(a-SiC:H)-n(a-SiC:H)-p(a-SiC:H)-i(a-Si:H)-n(a-Si:H)) sandwiched between two transparent contacts deposited over transparent glass thus with the possibility of illumination on both sides, responding to wave-lengths from the ultra-violet, visible to the near infrared range. The frontal il-lumination surface, glass side, is used for light signal inputs. Both surfaces are used for optical bias, which changes the dynamic characteristics of the photo-sensor resulting in different outputs for the same input. Experimental studies were made with the photo-sensor to evaluate its applicability in multiplexing and demultiplexing several data communication channels. The digital light sig-nal was defined to implement simple logical operations like the NOT, AND, OR, and complex like the XOR, MAJ, full-adder and memory effect. A pro-grammable pattern emission system was built and also those for the validation and recovery of the obtained signals. This photo-sensor has applications in op-tical communications with several wavelengths, as a wavelength detector and to execute directly logical operations over digital light input signals.


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In observational studies, identification of associations within particular subgroups is the usual method of investigation. As an exploratory method, it is the bread and butter of epidemiological research. Nearly everything that has been learned in epidemiology has been derived from the analysis of subgroups. In a randomized clinical trial, the entire purpose is the comparison of the test subjects and the controls, and when there is particular interest in the results of treatment in a certain section of trial participants, a subgroup analysis is performed. These subgroups are examined to see if they are liable to a greater benefit or risk from treatment. Thus, analyzing patient subsets is a natural part of the process of improving therapeutic knowledge through clinical trials. Nevertheless, the reliability of subgroup analysis can often be poor because of problems of multiplicity and limitations in the numbers of patients studied. The naive interpretation of the results of such examinations is a cause of great confusion in the therapeutic literature. We emphasize the need for readers to be aware that inferences based on comparisons between subgroups in randomized clinical trials should be approached more cautiously than those based on the main comparison. That is, subgroup analysis results derived from a sound clinical trial are not necessarily valid; one must not jump to conclusions and accept the validity of subgroup analysis results without an appropriate judgment.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the recent scientific research progress on homeopathy. METHODOLOGY: Homeopathy was evaluated in terms of its clinical research; in vitro research, and physical foundations. The Medline database was the main reference source for the present research, concerning data of approximately the last 10 years. Secondary references (not available in this database) were obtained by means of direct requests to authors listed in the primary references. RESULTS: Clinical studies and in vitro research indicate the inefficacy of homeopathy. Some few studies with positive results are questionable because of problems with the quality and lack of appropriate experimental controls in these studies. The most recent meta-analyses on the topic yielded negative results. One of the few previous meta-analyses with positive results had serious publication bias problems, and its results were later substantially reconsidered by the main authors. The sparse in vitro homeopathic research with positive results has not been replicated by independent researchers, had serious methodological flaws, or when replicated, did not confirm the initial positive results. A plausible mechanism for homeopathic action is still nonexistent, and its formulation, by now, seems highly unlikely. CONCLUSIONS: As a result of the recent scientific research on homeopathy, it can be concluded that ample evidence exists to show that the homeopathic therapy is not scientifically justifiable.


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Gastrointestinal mesenchymal tumors comprise a rare group of gastrointestinal tract wall tumors that have long been a source of confusion and controversy, especially in terms of pathological classification, preoperative diagnosis, management strategies, and prognosis. This report describes the clinical manifestations and management of 2 rectal leiomyomas and reviews the pertinent literature. Case 1: A 44-year-old woman was admitted reporting a nodule in the right para-anal region for the previous 2 years. At proctological examination, a 4-cm diameter fibrous mass situated in the para-anal region that produced an arch under the smooth muscle on the right rectal wall just above the anorectal ring was noted. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the abdomen and pelvis showed the lesion and detected no other abnormalities. Surgical treatment consisted of wide local resection of the tumor through a para-anal incision, with no attempts to perform lymphadenectomy. Case 2: A 40-year-old male patient was admitted reporting constant anal pain for 4 months. He presented a 3-cm submucosal nodule at the anterior rectal wall just above the dentate line. After 2 inconclusive preoperative biopsies, transanal resection of the tumor was performed. Histological analysis of the specimen showed a benign leiomyoma. A review of the literature is presented, emphasizing some clinical and therapeutic aspects of this unusual rectal tumor.


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The study investigates the impact of the managerial overconfidence bias on the capital structure of a sample of 78 firms from Chile, Peru and Colombia, during the years 1996-2014. We infer that there is a positive relation between the leverage ratio and a) the overconfidence; b) the experience and c) the male gender of the executive. Overconfidence is measured according to the status of the CEO (entrepreneur or not-entrepreneur) and the hypotheses are tested through dynamic panel data model. The empirical results show a highly significant positive correlation between overconfidence and leverage ratio and between gender and leverage ratio while, in contrast, the relation between experience and leverage ratio is negative.


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This thesis proposes a Monte Carlo valuation method for Worst-of Auto-callable equity swaps. The valuation of this type of swap usually requires complex numerical methods which are implemented in “black-box” valuation systems. The method proposed is an alternative benchmark tool that is relatively simple to implement and customize. The performance of the method was evaluated according to the variance and bias of the output and to the accuracy when compared to a leading valuation system in the market.


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As transformações operadas no mundo contemporâneo, em especial no que respeita às estruturas do poder, à sua maior autonomização e diferenciação, tiveram particulares reflexos ao nível dos Parlamentos e das funções que prosseguem. Desde a sua origem, no passado século XIII, à atualidade, grandes acontecimentos, clivagens e factos históricos estão presentes na sua linha evolutiva. A democratização do regime parlamentar e a legitimidade outorgada através de eleições democráticas e concorrenciais são um marco ímpar na sua história. A complexidade das sociedades hodiernas catapultou o Poder Executivo em detrimento do Parlamento, enquanto órgão legislativo por excelência. Tal circunstancialismo levou, não ao proclamado declínio dos Parlamentos, mas a reformas estruturantes. Outras e mais importantes funções seriam prosseguidas. Se as iniciativas legislativas e a definição das políticas públicas passaram a ser quase um exclusivo do Governo, havia que desenvolver e ampliar, por parte dos Parlamentos, os instrumentos de controlo, fiscalização e escrutínio da ação governativa. Entre os clássicos instrumentos de controlo avulta o Inquérito Parlamentar, materializado em Comissões Parlamentares de Inquérito, dotadas de poderes especiais para recolha de informação e para investigação. No seu percurso parlamentar, também as Comissões de Inquérito foram sendo alvo de constantes aperfeiçoamentos, de ordem constitucional, legal e regimental. A excessiva partidarização da atividade parlamentar de outrora e sobretudo a confusão entre o governo e o partido que o sustentava a nível parlamentar, o confronto desequilibrado de meios entre as maiorias e as minorias, levaram a um reposicionamento do inquérito parlamentar enquanto garante do direito das minorias. Não sendo expectável que as grandes iniciativas de controlo sejam tomadas pelo partido maioritário, cabe à oposição esse papel. Em Portugal, diminuta era a tradição do instituto do inquérito parlamentar, razão porque foi efémera e sem resultado a sua utilização no tempo da monarquia constitucional. O regime democrático, abraçado com o 25 de abril de 1974, relançou o órgão de soberania Parlamento e estabeleceu prioridades. Até ao amadurecimento da democracia viveram-se tempos mais conturbados mas de grande aprendizagem. O inquérito Parlamentar, a partir da revisão constitucional de 1982, passou conceptualmente a integrar um dos meios mais relevantes da fiscalização política. É, pois, o levantamento exaustivo e a análise das Comissões Parlamentares de Inquérito no Portugal democrático, período de 1976-2015, o objetivo a que nos propomos neste estudo.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Finanças


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The occupational risks in the nanotechnology research laboratories are an important topic since a great number of researchers are involved in this area. The risk assessment performed by both qualitative and quantitative methods is a necessary step for the management of the occupational risks. Risk assessment could be performed by qualitative methods that gather consensus in the scientific community. It is also possible to use quantitative methods, based in different technics and metrics, as indicative exposure limits are been settled by several institutions. While performing the risk assessment, the information on the materials used is very important and, if it is not updated, it could create a bias in the assessment results. The exposure to TiO2 nanoparticles risk was assessed in a research laboratory using a quantitative exposure method and qualitative risk assessment methods. It was found the results from direct-reading Condensation Particle Counter (CPC) equipment and the CB Nanotool seem to be related and aligned, while the results obtained from the use of the Stoffenmanager Nano seem to indicate a higher risk level.


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There is considerable confusion in the literature regarding the systematic position and distribution of two pseudothelphusid crabs originally described as Potamocarcinus reflexifrons Ortmann, 1897 and Potamocarcinus reflexifrons fittkaui Bott, 1967, and now included in the genus Fredius Pretzman, 1965, as F. reflexifrons and F. fittkaui. Study of numerous specimens from recent collections, together with a critical analysis of the data published in the literature, shows that both taxa could be easily separated by gonopodal characters. The two species occupy discrete areas of distribution along the main axis of the Amazon River and in the upper Rio Negro Basin, respectively, with an overlap in the Atlantic Guianas. It is postulated that they originated from a common ancestor, through a process of vicariance, in the two areas observed at present. Permeability of barriers allowed their further occupancy of the Atlantic Guianas after the marine regressions in this area.


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Ochroma pyramidale, Bombacaceae, conhecida popularmente como pau-de-balsa, é utilizada para construção de jangadas, balsas, salva-vidas, bóias, brinquedos e na fabricação de papel e celulose. O objetivo deste estudo foi definir um método de acondicionamento de sementes de O. pyramidale, visando a conservação da viabilidade e vigor destas para sua utilização e comercialização em épocas de baixa produção. Sementes de O. pyramidale foram embaladas em sacos de papel tipo kraft e sacos de plástico (0,10 mm) e armazenadas em ambiente de laboratório (22ºC e 65% U.R.), câmara úmida (5ºC e 86% U.R.) e câmara seca (15ºC e 40% U.R.). A percentagem de germinação, teor de água e vigor das sementes foram avaliados no início e após períodos de armazenamento. Todos os tratamentos testados foram favoráveis para manutenção do vigor das sementes por 120 dias de armazenamento. As melhores condições de armazenamento para manter a viabilidade por até 400 dias foram: sacos de papel (76,5% de germinação) e sacos plásticos (65,5% de germinação) em câmara seca, e sacos plásticos em condições de laboratório (63,5% de germinação).


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Measurements of the centrality and rapidity dependence of inclusive jet production in sNN−−−√=5.02 TeV proton--lead (p+Pb) collisions and the jet cross-section in s√=2.76 TeV proton--proton collisions are presented. These quantities are measured in datasets corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 27.8 nb−1 and 4.0 pb−1, respectively, recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider in 2013. The p+Pb collision centrality was characterised using the total transverse energy measured in the pseudorapidity interval −4.9<η<−3.2 in the direction of the lead beam. Results are presented for the double-differential per-collision yields as a function of jet rapidity and transverse momentum (pT) for minimum-bias and centrality-selected p+Pb collisions, and are compared to the jet rate from the geometric expectation. The total jet yield in minimum-bias events is slightly enhanced above the expectation in a pT-dependent manner but is consistent with the expectation within uncertainties. The ratios of jet spectra from different centrality selections show a strong modification of jet production at all pT at forward rapidities and for large pT at mid-rapidity, which manifests as a suppression of the jet yield in central events and an enhancement in peripheral events. These effects imply that the factorisation between hard and soft processes is violated at an unexpected level in proton--nucleus collisions. Furthermore, the modifications at forward rapidities are found to be a function of the total jet energy only, implying that the violations may have a simple dependence on the hard parton--parton kinematics.


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The transverse polarization of Λ and Λ¯ hyperons produced in proton--proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV is measured. The analysis uses 760 μb−1 of minimum bias data collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC in the year 2010. The measured transverse polarization averaged over Feynman xF from 5×10−5 to 0.01 and transverse momentum pT from 0.8 to 15 GeV is −0.010±0.005(stat)±0.004(syst) for Λ and 0.002±0.006(stat)±0.004(syst) for Λ¯. It is also measured as a function of xF and pT, but no significant dependence on these variables is observed. Prior to this measurement, the polarization was measured at fixed-target experiments with center-of-mass energies up to about 40 GeV. The ATLAS results are compatible with the extrapolation of a fit from previous measurements to the xF range covered by this mesurement.


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Films of BaFe12O19/P(VDF-TrFE) composites with 5, 10 and 20 %wt Barium ferrite content have been fabricated. BaFe12O19 microparticles have the shape of thin hexagonal platelets, the easy direction of magnetization remaining along the c axis, which is perpendicular to the plates. This fact allows for ferrite particles orientation in-plane and out-of-plane within the composite films, as confirmed by measured hysteresis loops. While the in-plane induced magnetoelectric effect (ME) is practically zero, these composite films show a good out-of-plane magnetoelectric effect. with maximum ME coupling coefficient changes of 3, 17 and 2 mV/cm.Oe for the 5, 10 and 20%wt Barium ferrite content films, respectively. We infer that this ME behavior appears as driven by the magnetization process arising when we applied the external magnetic field. We have also measured linear and reversible magnetoelectric effect for low applied bias field, when magnetization process is still reversible.


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Extreme value theory (EVT) deals with the occurrence of extreme phenomena. The tail index is a very important parameter appearing in the estimation of the probability of rare events. Under a semiparametric framework, inference requires the choice of a number k of upper order statistics to be considered. This is the crux of the matter and there is no definite formula to do it, since a small k leads to high variance and large values of k tend to increase the bias. Several methodologies have emerged in literature, specially concerning the most popular Hill estimator (Hill, 1975). In this work we compare through simulation well-known procedures presented in Drees and Kaufmann (1998), Matthys and Beirlant (2000), Beirlant et al. (2002) and de Sousa and Michailidis (2004), with a heuristic scheme considered in Frahm et al. (2005) within the estimation of a different tail measure but with a similar context. We will see that the new method may be an interesting alternative.