998 resultados para Conflito de interesses (Serviço público) - Brasil
Thinking about improving public education in Brazil means thinking not just what we wish to develop competencies and skills in individuals, but understands clearly identify the type of citizens who are training and what kind of society we want for the future. So if there are social and cultural changes they should have their comtraponto within the classroom considering education steeped in culture and therefore in the forms of modern communication. The challenge for school education is to show the students inside the classroom, as will be outside.
Thinking about improving public education in Brazil means thinking not only on what we wish to develop, skills and abilities in individuals, but understand and clearly identify the type of citizens we are devoloping and what kind of society we want for the future. In this context it is important to note that the practice in the classroom today can not be considered without regard to education steeped in culture and, therefore, in the forms of modern communication. So if there is a crisis in education, it can not be solved only within the classroom. The challenge for school education is to show students within the classroom how they will be out of school. Quality education is a blueprint for the future, to the unknown, to a world we do not know now. In this sense, to direct the education only for the labor market is a mistake, because the market is so today, but may be another in ten or fifteen years. Precisely because we do not know what are the requirements for citizens of the future, we must focus on what is essential in the formation of our youth. Is essential then to understand the ideas, learn to discuss them, argue and learn to recognize the role of technology in social and cultural evolution of mankind.
The objective of this study is a explanation about the action possibilities of the Public Relations professional as a manager of communication between the musical celebrity and his publics. For this purpose, a bibliographical research was made about Internet question like his history, the evolution of Web 2.0 and even about different kinds of virtualization, introducing with interactivity. Other researches was been made like social culture topics and even the studies of Public Relations actions in the artistic scene, acting like a manager of different publics relationships in the virtual contacts. A study case with the virtual communication tools employed in the career of Hugo e Tiago, one of the country artists in Brazil, is also in this studies. Otherwise, the study explains about the different ways of Public Relations actions, his upgrades along with the new communication tools and his new types of making relations with more and more different publics. Working with new strategies and keeping his objectives in the organization and public relationship, Public Relations brands a new vision to this type of communication professional, who becomes even more important in the actual organizations scenario
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
The paper analyzes the regulatory framework for the Media in Brazil in the Federal Constitution and the nexus between democratization and constitutional process, interpreting relevant actors (government, political parties, civil society) and figured as the themes of communication and institutional political agenda. The obstacles to the regulation of many of the statements remain constitutional (right of communication; seal monopolies / oligopolies; regionalization of cultural production; nationalist character in control of broadcasting; compatibility between segments state, public and commercial; Social Communication Council), that replaces debate on the very principle of the right to communication regulation by analyzing the corresponding decisionmaking processes. This conflictual agenda-setting involves multiple interests, from strictly commercial aspirations of companies operating in this market, going by the increasing share of religious institutions who also want to expand upon practices of proselytizing until the interests of policy makers who also have control over a slice of that business.
For decades the Companhia Tróleibus de Araraquara was a national reference in public transportion, but in recent years it is in a process of bankruptcy and scrapping, characteristics of privatizing processes that has been occurring worldwide since the rise of neoliberal ideas. This monography is centered on the finance analysis of CTA to investigate what reasons led the public company to come in the current financial scenario, what are the interests that exist to privatize a public company and which consequences the sale of the of public companies have for a country of subordinate capitalism like Brazil. Most Brazilian cities are in an urban collapse due to the lack of public policies for public transportation and bulky incentives for private transportation. Furthermore, this monography aims to contribute for the study of urban mobility and point out if privatization is a way to improve life in the cities
Education is a basic right of every citizen guaranteed by the Federal Constitution of 1988, so that everyone is able to exercise their civil, political, economic and social. But in Brazil, this right has not yet been effected in all its concreteness and current privatization strategy have brought change to the right to education. Recent research from GREPPE (Group of Studies and Research in Educational Policy) identify different modalities of privatization of basic education, with emphasis on the privatization of supply, management and organization of the pedagogical work through the adoption of private educational systems. This study aimed to identify and discuss how the issue of privatization of education in Brazil is currently being treated in journal articles contained in the database SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online. SciELO is an electronic library covering a selected collection of Brazilian scientific journals. The research is qualitative and the same descriptors privatization were used + education
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Anestesiologistas são os mais representados em serviços de atendimento a médicos com transtornos por uso de substâncias psicoativas. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um estudo descritivo sobre o perfil clínico e sociodemográfico de uma amostra de anestesiologistas dependentes químicos atendidos em um serviço de referência, bem como elencar comorbidades psiquiátricas, drogas frequentemente utilizadas e repercussões psicossociais e profissionais do consumo. MÉTODO: Realizou-se estudo transversal, prospectivo, tendo sido aplicadas entrevistas estruturadas para diagnóstico de transtornos mentais e transtornos por uso de substâncias psicoativas, com base na Classificação Internacional de Doenças - Versão 10 - e questionário sócio-ocupacional, aplicados por dois pesquisadores treinados. RESULTADOS: Cinquenta e sete anestesiologistas foram entrevistados, em sua maioria do sexo masculino (77,2%), idade média de 36,1 anos (DP = 8,5). Observou-se uma alta prevalência de uso de opioides (59,6%), benzodiazepínicos (35,1%) e álcool (35,1%). Usuários de opioides procuraram tratamento mais precocemente comparado aos não usuários desta substância e, geralmente, sob influência da pressão de colegas ou do conselho regional de medicina. O uso de drogas como automedicação foi elevado dentro deste subgrupo. CONCLUSÕES: Anestesiologistas podem apresentar um perfil distinto de risco de uso de opioides. O padrão de início de consumo, associado aos anos de residência médica ou aos primeiros anos da prática médica, reforça a hipótese de dependência de opioides como problema ocupacional entre anestesiologistas.
Quality of municipal public spending on primary education in Brazil. The focus of this paper was to analyze the relationship between municipal public education spending and students' academic achievement, evaluated according to IDEB (Index of Basic Education Development) of 2005. The following databases were used: School Census 2005, Brazil Exam (mathematics evaluation applied to students from fourth grade of elementary school) and Finance of Brazil (FINBRA). A multilevel model was estimated and the results suggest that simply increasing the percentage of municipal expenditures on education or the percentage of spending on primary education in relation to municipal expenditures on education do not automatically guarantee improvements in the quality of education.
Este artigo apresenta evidências das mudanças que estão se processando no aparato atacadista público de alimentos no Brasil abordando a evolução, as características atuais e as funções da estrutura atacadista do sistema brasileiro de abastecimento. O texto aborda algumas considerações sobre o contexto histórico vivido no momento de criação do Sistema Nacional de Abastecimento (Sinac) nos anos 70 e a emergência de novos modelos para os mercados atacadistas a partir dos anos 80. É realizada uma análise com base na observação dos dados coletados junto a 29 centrais de abastecimento públicas brasileiras em 2009 com informações sobre origem e destino dos hortigranjeiros comercializados nesses entrepostos a partir de uma amostra significativa. Os padrões sistêmicos podem ser observados através de dois aspectos: o desempenho da atividade econômica dos principais entrepostos atacadistas brasileiros e as funções remanescentes de reunião e distribuição da produção local e regional. Pretendemos demonstrar que o grupo de centrais públicas de abastecimento é bastante heterogêneo e que, de maneira geral, a dinâmica do seu crescimento é estabelecida de fora para dentro , sendo que muitos destes equipamentos não mais exercem papéis centrais como executores de políticas públicas voltadas para o abastecimento.
Pesquisa epidemiológica descritiva que objetivou descrever o perfil demográfico das famílias de pacientes em Tratamento Diretamente Observado em um serviço de saúde de Ribeirão Preto-SP, analisar o contexto em que estavam inseridas, no que refere ao grau de parentesco e aspectos clínico-epidemiológicos do familiar portador da tuberculose, e avaliar o conhecimento e a percepção dessas famílias em relação à tuberculose. Os dados foram coletados em julho de 2010, utilizando-se um questionário semiestruturado com 16 familiares, sendo analisados por meio da estatística descritiva. O perfil demográfico dos familiares corrobora com a associação da tuberculose às condições de pobreza e má distribuição de renda. Verificou-se um número substancial de comunicantes no domicílio, sendo a tuberculose pulmonar a forma clínica predominante. O conhecimento das famílias foi satisfatório, entretanto, alguns sujeitos associam a transmissão da doença, ao uso compartilhado de utensílios domésticos. Os resultados apontam fragilidades relacionadas à gestão do cuidado às famílias.
En esta artículo realizamos un análisis comparativo de los sistemas de servicio de transporte público de pasajeros en las ciudades de Curitiba, Brasil; Santiago de Chile, Chile y Rosario, Argentina para poder comparar las similitudes, diferencias y dificultades que presentan estos sistemas en la etapa de implementación de las políticas públicas; como así también presentar una sistematización de las políticas, instrumentos y acciones que permitieron gestionar con éxito las reestructuraciones de los sistemas de transporte y sus aportes para el desarrollo de una Política pública de transporte en el Gran Mendoza.
The research presented in this article aims to identify and to analyze the cases of environmental conflicts in the microrregião de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil. For this were performed data surveys were conducted in the archives of the Ministério Público regarding the municipalities of microrregião in study and a workshop with various social movements of the mesorregião da Zona da Mata. From this survey on we check the conflict established between environmental legislation and farm workers, and also the concentration of the penalty on small cases of violations of environmental legislation. Thus, we conclude that to think about environmental conflicts is require the recognition of inequalities of power and the different types of knowledge and rationalities involved in the appropriation of natural resources by society.