952 resultados para Colby student interaction with Waterville Jews


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Vsx-1 is a paired-like:CVC homeobox gene whose expression is linked to bipolar cell differentiation during zebrafish retinogenesis. We used a yeast two-hybrid screen to identify proteins interacting with Vsx-1 and isolated Ubc9, an enzyme that conjugates the small ubiquitin-like modifier SUMO-1. Despite its interaction with Ubc9, we show that Vsx-1 is not a substrate for SUMO-1 in COS-7 cells or in vitro. When a yeast two-hybrid assay is used, deletion analysis of the interacting domain on Vsx-1 shows that Ubc9 binds to a nuclear localization signal (NLS) at the NH2 terminus of the homeodomain. In SW13 cells, Vsx-1 localizes to the nucleus and is excluded from nucleoli. Deletion of the NLS disrupts this nuclear localization, resulting in a diffuse cytoplasmic distribution of Vsx-1. In SW13 AK1 cells that express low levels of endogenous Ubc9, Vsx-1 accumulates in a perinuclear ring and colocalizes with an endoplasmic reticulum marker. However, NLS-tagged STAT1 protein exhibits normal nuclear localization in both SW13 and SW13 AK1 cells, suggesting that nuclear import is not globally disrupted. Cotransfection of Vsx-1 with Ubc9 restores Vsx-1 nuclear localization in SW3 AK1 cells and demonstrates that Ubc9 is required for the nuclear localization of Vsx-1. Ubc9 continues to restore nuclear localization even after a C93S active site mutation has eliminated its SUMO-1-conjugating ability. These results suggest that Ubc9 mediates the nuclear localization of Vsx-1, and possibly other proteins, through a nonenzymatic mechanism that is independent of SUMO-1 conjugation.


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Dystrobrevin is a component of the dystrophin-associated protein complex and has been shown to interact directly with dystrophin, α1-syntrophin, and the sarcoglycan complex. The precise role of α-dystrobrevin in skeletal muscle has not yet been determined. To study α-dystrobrevin's function in skeletal muscle, we used the yeast two-hybrid approach to look for interacting proteins. Three overlapping clones were identified that encoded an intermediate filament protein we subsequently named desmuslin (DMN). Sequence analysis revealed that DMN has a short N-terminal domain, a conserved rod domain, and a long C-terminal domain, all common features of type 6 intermediate filament proteins. A positive interaction between DMN and α-dystrobrevin was confirmed with an in vitro coimmunoprecipitation assay. By Northern blot analysis, we find that DMN is expressed mainly in heart and skeletal muscle, although there is some expression in brain. Western blotting detected a 160-kDa protein in heart and skeletal muscle. Immunofluorescent microscopy localizes DMN in a stripe-like pattern in longitudinal sections and in a mosaic pattern in cross sections of skeletal muscle. Electron microscopic analysis shows DMN colocalized with desmin at the Z-lines. Subsequent coimmunoprecipitation experiments confirmed an interaction with desmin. Our findings suggest that DMN may serve as a direct linkage between the extracellular matrix and the Z-discs (through plectin) and may play an important role in maintaining muscle cell integrity.


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The transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) comprises two subunits, TAP1 and TAP2, each containing a hydrophobic membrane-spanning region (MSR) and a nucleotide binding domain (NBD). The TAP1/TAP2 complex is required for peptide translocation across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. To understand the role of each structural unit of the TAP1/TAP2 complex, we generated two chimeras containing TAP1 MSR and TAP2 NBD (T1MT2C) or TAP2 MSR and TAP1 NBD (T2MT1C). We show that TAP1/T2MT1C, TAP2/T1MT2C, and T1MT2C/T2MT1C complexes bind peptide with an affinity comparable to wild-type complexes. By contrast, TAP1/T1MT2C and TAP2/T2MT1C complexes, although observed, are impaired for peptide binding. Thus, the MSRs of both TAP1 and TAP2 are required for binding peptide. However, neither NBD contains unique determinants required for peptide binding. The NBD-switched complexes, T1MT2C/T2MT1C, TAP1/T2MT1C, and TAP2/T1MT2C, all translocate peptides, but with progressively reduced efficiencies relative to the TAP1/TAP2 complex. These results indicate that both nucleotide binding sites are catalytically active and support an alternating catalytic sites model for the TAP transport cycle, similar to that proposed for P-glycoprotein. The enhanced translocation efficiency of TAP1/T2MT1C relative to TAP2/T1MT2C complexes correlates with enhanced binding of the TAP1 NBD-containing constructs to ATP-agarose beads. Preferential ATP interaction with TAP1, if occurring in vivo, might polarize the transport cycle such that ATP binding to TAP1 initiates the cycle. However, our observations that TAP complexes containing two identical TAP NBDs can mediate translocation indicate that distinct properties of the nucleotide binding site per se are not essential for the TAP catalytic cycle.


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The inactivation of phosphorylated nitrate reductase (NR) by the binding of 14-3-3 proteins is one of a very few unambiguous biological functions for 14-3-3 proteins. We report here that serine and threonine residues at the +6 to +8 positions, relative to the known regulatory binding site involving serine-543, are important in the interaction with GF14ω, a recombinant plant 14-3-3. Also shown is that an increase in ionic strength with KCl or inorganic phosphate, known physical effectors of NR activity, directly disrupts the binding of protein and peptide ligands to 14-3-3 proteins. Increased ionic strength attributable to KCl caused a change in conformation of GF14ω, resulting in reduced surface hydrophobicity, as visualized with a fluorescent probe. Similarly, it is shown that the 5′ isomer of AMP was specifically able to disrupt the inactive phosphorylated NR:14-3-3 complex. Using the 5′-AMP fluorescent analog trinitrophenyl-AMP, we show that there is a probable AMP-binding site on GF14ω.


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Ethylene-responsive element-binding proteins (EREBPs) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) bind to the GCC box of many pathogenesis-related (PR) gene promoters, including osmotin (PR-5). The two GCC boxes on the osmotin promoter are known to be required, but not sufficient, for maximal ethylene responsiveness. EREBPs participate in the signal transduction pathway leading from exogenous ethylene application and pathogen infection to PR gene induction. In this study EREBP3 was used as bait in a yeast two-hybrid interaction trap with a tobacco cDNA library as prey to isolate signal transduction pathway intermediates that interact with EREBPs. One of the strongest interactors was found to encode a nitrilase-like protein (NLP). Nitrilase is an enzyme involved in auxin biosynthesis. NLP interacted with other EREBP family members, namely tobacco EREBP2 and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) Pti4/5/6. The EREBP2-EREBP3 interaction with NLP required part of the DNA-binding domain. The specificity of interaction was further confirmed by protein-binding studies in solution. We propose that the EREBP-NLP interaction serves to regulate PR gene expression by sequestration of EREBPs in the cytoplasm.


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The infected cell protein 0 (ICP0) of herpes simplex virus 1, a promiscuous transactivator shown to enhance the expression of genes introduced into cells by infection or transfection, interacts with numerous cellular proteins and has been linked to the disruption of ND10 and degradation of several proteins. ICP0 contains a RING finger domain characteristic of a class of E3 ubiquitin ligases. We report that: (i) in infected cells, ICP0 interacts dynamically with proteasomes and is bound to proteasomes in the presence of the proteasome inhibitor MG132. Also in infected cells, cdc34, a polyubiquitinated E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, exhibits increased ICP0-dependent dynamic interaction with proteasomes. (ii) In an in vitro substrate-independent ubiquitination system, the RING finger domain encoded by exon 2 of ICP0 binds cdc34, whereas the carboxyl-terminal domain of ICP0 functions as an E3 ligase independent of the RING finger domain. The results indicate that ICP0 can act as a unimolecular E3 ubiquitin ligase and that it promotes ubiquitin-protein ligation and binds the E2 cdc34. It differs from other unimolecular E3 ligases in that the domain containing the RING finger binds E2, whereas the ligase activity maps to a different domain of the protein. The results also suggest that ICP0 shuttles between nucleus and cytoplasm as a function of its dynamic interactions with proteasomes.


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The absence of the fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP), encoded by the FMR1 gene, is responsible for pathologic manifestations in the Fragile X Syndrome, the most frequent cause of inherited mental retardation. FMRP is an RNA-binding protein associated with polysomes as part of a messenger ribonucleoprotein (mRNP) complex. Although its function is poorly understood, various observations suggest a role in local protein translation at neuronal dendrites and in dendritic spine maturation. We present here the identification of CYFIP1/2 (Cytoplasmic FMRP Interacting Proteins) as FMRP interactors. CYFIP1/2 share 88% amino acid sequence identity and represent the two members in humans of a highly conserved protein family. Remarkably, whereas CYFIP2 also interacts with the FMRP-related proteins FXR1P/2P, CYFIP1 interacts exclusively with FMRP. FMRP–CYFIP interaction involves the domain of FMRP also mediating homo- and heteromerization, thus suggesting a competition between interaction among the FXR proteins and interaction with CYFIP. CYFIP1/2 are proteins of unknown function, but CYFIP1 has recently been shown to interact with the small GTPase Rac1, which is implicated in development and maintenance of neuronal structures. Consistent with FMRP and Rac1 localization in dendritic fine structures, CYFIP1/2 are present in synaptosomal extracts.


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In self-processing biochemical reactions, a protein or RNA molecule specifically modifies its own structure. Many such reactions are regulated in response to the needs of the cell by an interaction with another effector molecule. In the system we study here, specific cleavage of the Escherichia coli LexA repressor, LexA cleaves itself in vitro at a slow rate, but in vivo cleavage requires interaction with an activated form of RecA protein. RecA acts indirectly as a coprotease to stimulate LexA autodigestion. We describe here a new class of lexA mutants, lexA (Adg-; for autodigestion-defective) mutants, termed Adg- for brevity. Adg- mutants specifically interfered with the ability of LexA to autodigest but left intact its ability to undergo RecA-mediated cleavage. The data are consistent with a conformational model in which RecA favors a reactive conformation capable of undergoing cleavage. To our knowledge, this is the first example of a mutation in a regulated self-processing reaction that impairs the rate of self-processing without markedly affecting the stimulated reaction. Had wild-type lexA carried such a substitution, discovery of its self-processing would have been difficult; we suggest that, in other systems, a slow rate of self-processing has prevented recognition that a reaction is of this nature.


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We identified a novel human homologue of the rat FE65 gene, hFE65L, by screening the cytoplasmic domain of beta-amyloid precursor protein (beta PP) with the "interaction trap." The cytoplasmic domains of the beta PP homologues, APLP1 and APLP2 (amyloid precursor-like proteins), were also tested for interaction with hFE65L. APLP2, but not APLP1, was found to interact with hFE65L. We confirmed these interactions in vivo by successfully coimmunoprecipatating endogenous beta PP and APLP2 from mammalian cells overexpressing a hemagglutinin-tagged fusion of the C-terminal region of hFE65L. We report the existence of a human FE65 gene family and evidence supporting specific interactions between members of the beta PP and FE65 protein families. Sequence analysis of the FE65 human gene family reveals the presence of two phosphotyrosine interaction (PI) domains. Our data show that a single PI domain is sufficient for binding of hFE65L to the cytoplasmic domain of beta PP and APLP2. The PI domain of the protein, Shc, is known to interact with the NPXYp motif found in the cytoplasmic domain of a number of different growth factor receptors. Thus, it is likely that the PI domains present in the C-terminal moiety of the hFE65L protein bind the NPXY motif located in the cytoplasmic domain of beta PP and APLP2.


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The yeast SIN1 protein is a nuclear protein that together with other proteins behaves as a transcriptional repressor of a family of genes. In addition, sin1 mutants are defective in proper mitotic chromosome segregation. In an effort to understand the basis for these phenotypes, we employed the yeast two-hybrid system to identify proteins that interact with SIN1 in vivo. Here we demonstrate that CDC23, a protein known to be involved in sister chromatid separation during mitosis, is able to directly interact with SIN1. Furthermore, using recombinant molecules in vitro, we show that the N terminal of SIN1 is sufficient to bind a portion of CDC23 consisting solely of tetratrico peptide repeats. Earlier experiments identified the C-terminal domain of SIN1 to be responsible for interaction with a protein that binds the regulatory region of HO, a gene whose transcription is repressed by SIN1. Taken together with the results presented here, we suggest that SIN1 is a chromatin protein having at least a dual function: The N terminal of SIN1 interacts with the tetratrico peptide repeat domains of CDC23, a protein involved in chromosome segregation, whereas the C terminal of SIN1 binds proteins involved in transcriptional regulation.


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The catalytic, or third domain of Pseudomonas exotoxin A (PEIII) catalyzes the transfer of ADP ribose from nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) to elongation factor-2 in eukaryotic cells, inhibiting protein synthesis. We have determined the structure of PEIII crystallized in the presence of NAD to define the site of binding and mechanism of activation. However, NAD undergoes a slow hydrolysis and the crystal structure revealed only the hydrolysis products, AMP and nicotinamide, bound to the enzyme. To better define the site of NAD binding, we have now crystallized PEIII in the presence of a less hydrolyzable NAD analog, beta-methylene-thiazole-4-carboxamide adenine dinucleotide (beta-TAD), and refined the complex structure at 2.3 angstroms resolution. There are two independent molecules of PEIII in the crystal, and the conformations of beta-TAD show some differences in the two binding sites. The beta-TAD attached to molecule 2 appears to have been hydrolyzed between the pyrophosphate and the nicotinamide ribose. However molecule 1 binds to an intact beta-TAD and has no crystal packing contacts in the vicinity of the binding site, so that the observed conformation and interaction with the PEIII most likely resembles that of NAD bound to PEIII in solution. We have compared this complex with the catalytic domains of diphtheria toxin, heat labile enterotoxin, and pertussis toxin, all three of which it closely resembles.


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Eukaryotic homologs of Escherichia coli Rec-A protein have been shown to form nucleoprotein filaments with single-stranded DNA that recognize homologous sequences in duplex DNA. Several recent reports in four widely diverse species have demonstrated the association of RecA homologs with meiotic prophase chromatin. The current immunocytological study on mouse spermatocytes and oocytes shows that a eukaryotic homolog, Rad5l, associates with a subset of chromatin sites as early as premeiotic S phase, hours before either the appearance of precursors of synaptonemal complexes or the initiation of synapsis. When homologous chromosomes do begin to pair, the Rad5l-associated sequences are sites of initial contact between homologues and of localized DNA synthesis. Distribution of Rad5l foci on the chromatin of fully synapsed bivalents at early pachynema corresponds to an R-band pattern of mitotic chromosomes. R-bands are known to be preferred sites of both synaptic initiation and recombination. The time course of appearance of Rad51 association with chromatin, its distribution, and its interaction with other Rad5l-associated sequences suggests that it plays an important role preselection of sequences and synaptic initiation.


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Adenovirus E1A 243-amino acid protein can repress a variety of enhancer -linked viral and cellular promoters. This repression is presumed to be mediated by its interaction with and sequestration of p3OO, a transcriptional coactivator. Type IV 72-kDa collagenase is one of the matrix metalloproteases that has been implicated in differentiation, development, angiogenesis, and tumor metastasis. We show here that the cell type-specific transcription factor AP-2 is an important transcription factor for the activation of the type IV 72-kDa collagenase promoter and that adenovirus E1A 243-amino acid protein represses this promoter by targeting AP-2. Glutathione S-transferase-affinity chromatography studies show that the E1A protein interacts with the DNA binding/dimerization region of AP-2 and that the N-terminal amino acids of E1A protein are required for this interaction. Further, E1A deletion mutants which do not bind to p3OO can repress this collagenase promoter as efficiently as the wildtype E1A protein. Because the AP-2 element is present in a variety of viral and cellular enhancers which are repressed by E1A, these studies suggest that E1A protein can repress cellular and viral promoter/enhancers by forming a complex with cellular transcription factors and that this repression mechanism may be independent of its interaction with p3OO.


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In a previous study we showed that the murine homeodomain protein Msx-1 is a potent transcriptional repressor and that this activity is independent of its DNA binding function. The implication of these findings is that repression by Msx-1 is mediated through its association with certain protein factors rather than through its interaction with DNA recognition sites, which prompted investigation of the relevant protein factors. Here we show that Msx-1 interacts directly with the TATA binding protein (TBP) but not with several other general transcription factors. This interaction is mediated by the Msx-1 homeodomain, specifically through residues in the N-terminal arm. These same N-terminal arm residues are required for repression by Msx-1, suggesting a functional relationship between TBP association and transcriptional repression. This is further supported by the observation that addition of excess TBP blocks the repressor action of Msx-1 in in vitro transcription assays. Finally, DNA binding activity is separable from both TBP interaction and repression, which further shows that these other activities of the Msx-1 homeodomain are distinct. Therefore, these findings define a role for the Msx-1 homeodomain, particularly the N-terminal arm residues in protein-protein interaction and transcriptional repression, and implicate a more complex role overall for homeodomains in transcriptional regulation.


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The Tat-responsive region (TAR) element is a critical RNA regulatory element in the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) long terminal repeat, which is required for activation of gene expression by the transactivator protein Tat. Recently, we demonstrated by gel-retardation analysis that RNA polymerase II binds to TAR RNA and that Tat prevents this binding even when Tat does not bind to TAR RNA. These results suggested that direct interactions between Tat and RNA polymerase II may prevent RNA polymerase II pausing and lead to Tat-mediated increases in transcriptional elongation. To test this possibility, we performed protein interaction studies with RNA polymerase II and both the HIV-1 and the closely related HIV-2 Tat protein. These studies indicated that both the HIV-1 and HIV-2 Tat proteins could specifically interact with RNA polymerase II. Mutagenesis of both HIV-1 and HIV-2 Tat demonstrated that the basic domains of both the HIV-1 and HIV-2 Tat proteins were required for this interaction. Furthermore, "far Western" analysis suggested that the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II was the site for interaction with Tat. The interactions between Tat and RNA polymerase II were of similar magnitude to those detected between RNA polymerase II and the cellular transcription factor RAP30, which stably associates with RNA polymerase II during transcriptional elongation. These studies are consistent with the model that RNA polymerase II is a cellular target for Tat resulting in Tat-mediated increases in transcriptional elongation from the HIV long terminal repeat.