998 resultados para Cobertura Vacinal
Introducción. Las discusiones sobre la necesidad de conservación del virus de la viruela en 1999 pusieron de actualidad una enfermedad erradicada veinte años atrás. El escenario de alarma internacional creado tras los incidentes del 11-S en EE.UU vino a resituar a la viruela como potencial candidata para ser utilizada como arma bioterrorista. La consecuencia directa fue la reactivación de una vacuna que permanecía en el olvido y cuyos destinatarios iniciales eran los cuerpos de seguridad estadounidenses. España también se interesó por adquirir la vacuna antivariólica. El objetivo de este estudio es valorar la cobertura mediática que la viruela obtuvo en nuestro país. Métodos. Revisión sistemática en la base documental Dow Jones Factiva de las noticias publicadas durante el periodo 1999-2004 en los cuatro diarios de mayor tirada nacional (ABC, El Mundo, El País y La Vanguardia), utilizando como palabra clave “viruela”. Se efectuó un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de los datos obtenidos. Resultados. Se analizaron 416 noticias. El Mundo, con un total de 158 (37.98%), fue el diario con más publicaciones. El mayor número de noticias (152, 36,5%) se editaron en 2003, coincidiendo con la adquisición de vacunas por España. El tipo de mensajes emitidos fue variable a lo largo del sexenio, predominando los relacionados con “diplomacia y política”, “riesgo epidemiológico”, “bioterrorismo” y “vacuna”, concentrados en años diferentes. Conclusiones. La alarma creada en torno a la vacunación antivariólica fue un fenómeno mediático que obedeció a cuestiones de estrategia política más que a un problema real de salud pública.
Description based on: 1996; title from cover.
O tema desta dissertação é a cobertura jornalística especializada em política em portais na internet durante as eleições municipais de 2012 em Palmas, capital do estado do Tocantins. A importância do estudo está na abordagem da cobertura política regional em período de campanha eleitoral, pouco estudada em algumas cidades como na capital do Tocantins, e de um pleito recente, ocorrido no ano passado. Além disso, o estado (criado com a divisão de Goiás em 1988) possui um perfil político peculiar, com grupos rivais que se perpetuam no poder. O objetivo principal aqui é analisar as rotinas produtivas nesses suportes digitais em tempos de eleições, e como se dão as relações entre fontes e jornalistas especializados em cobertura política. Como referenciais teóricos são apresentados os conceitos do newsmaking, agenda-setting e gatekeepers no cenário da internet e do jornalismo político. Para a pesquisa houve a necessidade de utilizar abordagens quantitativa e qualitativa, com o uso das técnicas de análise de conteúdo e entrevistas semiabertas (ou semiestruturadas) com os jornalistas responsáveis pelos dois principais portais de notícias especializados em política, T1 Notícias e Portal CT, durante o período eleitoral municipal em 2012. O conteúdo analisado abrange as publicações nos portais no período de 19 de outubro a 08 de novembro, momento em que a campanha eleitoral foi mais acirrada entre os candidatos à prefeitura de Palmas. As principais conclusões são que as rotinas produtivas dos veículos sofreram grandes mudanças, com a criação de editoria especial para a cobertura, além de contratação de profissionais de redação para a produção de um volume expressivo de informações sobre as eleições. Alguns aspectos que influenciaram na produção noticiosa, por se tratar de veículos digitais, foram a necessidade de rapidez na geração da informação, além da concorrência entre os portais - e consequentemente da verba publicitária. A quantidade de fontes oficiais e o prestígio dos jornalistas responsáveis pelos portais estudados também interferiram na cobertura, especialmente porque as relações de poder na cidade se dão de maneira mais intensa e mais próxima. Outro destaque na conclusão é que os portais exploram pouco as características do webjornalismo, restringindo-se basicamente a textos, e deixando de usar a linguagem multimídia, a interatividade e o hipertexto.
The final disposal of municipal solid waste in unsuitable areas without an infrastructure that meets the health measures and environmental protection, coupled with the lack of technical criteria in phase and decommissioning of the dump can promote environmental degradation. Alternatively to minimize the impacts of this activity for the stabilization of the area by isolating the massive waste with implementation of an adequate and finished by a layer of soil for plant growth final cover system. In this context, the present study aimed to evaluate the quality of the final cover in the area of a disabled dump the tropical semi-arid region in order to assist the process of recovery of these areas. The study area is located in the tropical semi-arid region in São João do Sabugi /RN. Soil samples were collected in the dump area and bushland as a benchmark of quality. To which they were subjected to analysis of physical attributes (particle density, bulk density, grain size and porosity), chemical properties (pH, K + , Na+ , Ca2 + , Mg2 + and Al3 + exchangeable, potential acidity, available phosphorus, sum of bases, CEC, base saturation, aluminum saturation, saturation Na + and adsorption ratio sodium, total organic carbon and total nitrogen) and total and soluble concentrations of heavy metals (Mn, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, Mo, Co, Cr, Ba and Ni). The differences between physical and chemical soil under native forest and final cover showing reduction of soil quality in the area off to the dump, which hinders the development of native vegetation and the recovery of the area. The absence of superior waterproofing to allow vertical transfer between the solid waste and the final cover promoted enrichment by chemical elements and heavy metals in excess can impair revegetation. Deficiencies found in the construction process of the final cover point to the need for intervention to accelerate the process of stabilization and recovery of the area of the local ecosystem
Diseases and disorders related to work sets up an important public health problem in Brazil and worldwide. However, the reality of these diseases still constitutes a gap with regard to its characterization and epidemiological situation, especially in Brazil. In this context, this study aims to analyze the magnitude of morbidity related to work from the injuries and illnesses reported by Health the Diseases Notifiable of Health of the State Public River Health Department worker Reference Center Information System services Grande do Norte from 2007 to 2014. It is ecological study, quantitative cross-sectional study in which the analysis unit of the municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte. Data were collected from the state base of Diseases Notifiable Information System Centre of the Secretariat of State Workers' Health Reference Public Health of Rio Grande do Norte, between March and June 2015, after the approval of the Committee of Ethics in Research of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Opinion 014/2014. The population was represented by the universe of cases of diseases and disorders related to work that were reported and shut down the system from 2007 to 2014. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, presented in tables, graphs, charts and figures. For this, we used the Microsoft Excel 2007 and SPSS version 20.0. To check the significance level we opted for the application of the chi-square or Fisher tests. We adopted the significance level of p <0.05. Of the 10,161 cases of diseases related to the reported work, the biological work accidents had the highest percentage (52.84%) followed by serious occupational accidents (37.49%). For diseases, the highlights were musculoskeletal (4.82%), mental disorders (2.19%) and exogenous intoxication (1.97%). Among men, there was a predominance of major accidents (91.80%), mental disorders (70.00%) and exogenous poisoning (52.84%). Women were most affected by biological accidents (77.50%) and musculoskeletal diseases (64.10%). Among workers who have suffered injuries predominated mulatto (%), mean age of 35.86 years, low education (%) and workers in the formal sector (%). Among the accidents, biological (n = 5,369) accounted for 52.84% of cases occurred predominantly among nursing professionals (48.31%). The percutaneous exposure was the most frequent (73.05%) and the occurrence of circumstances was improper disposal of sharps (45.28%), the needle the most common agent (66.62%) and the organic material was blood (72.99%). Most injured workers were vaccinated against hepatitis B (68.13%), but no information as to the assessment of the vaccine response. In the course of the disease predominated ignored the situation with loss of monitoring of clinical follow-up (55.62%). There was also an increase in the notification of serious industrial accidents predominantly male (91.80%) workers aged 25-44 years (54.3%) and typical accidents (76.3%). The temporary disability was the most common outcome (55.53%) and hand the most affected part (33.00%); the mining and construction industry had the highest number of cases (25.1%) in registered employee (34.2%). The findings of this study show a positive result in relation to increased mandatory reporting of injuries and illnesses related to work together to health services that meet victimized workers, towards the occurrence of knowledge of these accidents for decision making in public plans and policies of health. However, the information system still needs improvement in both the coverage and the quality of the data to demonstrate with greater reliability the magnitude of events to support the planning of workers' health into shares in the state.
Los cultivos de cobertura (CC) constituyen una práctica conservacionista actualmente revalorizada a nivel local e internacional. En la Región Pampeana surgen como una alternativa para compensar, al menos parcialmente, los efectos negativos del monocultivo de soja. En siembra directa aún se desconocen los efectos de esta práctica sobre algunas propiedades y procesos físico-químicos y biológicos del suelo. En esta tesis se llevaron a cabo experimentos de campo en el Oeste de la Región Pampeana para evaluar la descomposición de biomasa y liberación de distintas fracciones de fósforo (P) desde los residuos y las propiedades físicas de suelo en distintos momentos de la secuencia Soja/CC. Los CC incrementaron el carbono orgánico, la actividad y biomasa microbiana (13-53 por ciento) de la capa superficial del suelo y estimularon la descomposición de residuos de soja (7,3 por ciento). Los residuos de los CC liberaron cantidades agronómicamente significativas de P (5-16 kg ha-1) durante el período de crecimiento de soja, a la vez que mantuvieron elevados niveles de cobertura (1200 - 4500 kg ha-1). Una parte importante del P liberado inicialmente (53-100) proviene de la fracción inorgánica, cuya liberación estaría parcialmente desacoplada del proceso de descomposición. Las tasas empíricas de liberación de las fracciones de P podrían ser incorporadas en modelos de predicción de la contribución del P de los residuos a la disponibilidad del P del suelo. Los CC cuyas raíces fueron más gruesas incrementaron la macroporosidad y la tasa de infiltración del suelo. Las propiedades físicas presentaron variaciones temporales independientemente del efecto de los tratamientos. La cantidad y calidad de los residuos aéreos, así como las características del sistema radical de cada especie de CC regularían su efectividad en el mantenimiento de la cobertura y el mejoramiento de las propiedades físicas del suelo, que, en última instancia, contribuyen a la conservación del recurso.
El balance de agua de ecosistemas situados sobre planicies áridas y semiáridas se encuentra determinado por la precipitación (principal entrada de agua) y la evapotranspiración (principal salida de agua). La fracción de la precipitación que ingresa en el suelo y su redistribución espacial son los principales controles del funcionamiento de dichos ecosistemas, como por ejemplo de su productividad primaria neta. En esta tesis se exploró la dinámica superficial del agua en planicies semiáridas dedicadas a la ganadería extensiva, evaluando el papel de las precipitaciones y de la cobertura vegetal a distintas escalas espaciales. En el centro de Argentina, la distribución relativa de tamaño de eventos de precipitación resultó constante en el espacio (sitios dispuestos a lo largo de un gradiente de precipitación de ~1000 mm/año) y en el tiempo (50 años); encontrándose que el 10 por ciento de los eventos de precipitación de mayor tamaño explicó casi la mitad de la precipitación anual. El reemplazo de bosques secos nativos por pasturas en el Chaco Árido, por un lado, aumentó la evaporación potencial del suelo y el escurrimiento superficial a escala de parcela (~1 ha); por otro lado, redujo a la mitad la conductividad hidráulica saturada y generó una reducción de la variabilidad espacial del agua del suelo a escala de parche (0,25 m2). La intensidad de los eventos de precipitación resultó el factor determinante para explicar los procesos de redistribución de agua del suelo de los bosques secos nativos; parches menos vegetados capturaron más agua en eventos de precipitación poco intensos (mayor a 10 mm/h), mientras que parches más vegetados capturaron más agua en eventos más intensos ((menor a 20 mm/h). La cosecha de agua de lluvia en represas o tajamares representó menos del 1 por ciento de la precipitación anual, desempeñando un papel menor en el balance de agua regional (~20000 km2); sin embargo, a escala de parcela o lote (1-100 ha) puede afectar profundamente la partición de flujos de agua, por ejemplo generando recarga inducida como resultado de las pérdidas por infiltración de las represas. Los resultados obtenidos en esta tesis aportan nuevas perspectivas para entender la dinámica superficial del agua en sistemas ganaderos semiáridos, y por lo tanto, para mejorar la producción primaria y secundaria de los mismos.
La presente investigación estudia a través de un análisis cuantitativo el efecto del uso de derivados de cobertura de moneda en el valor de las firmas no financieras. La muestra está conformada por 51 empresas que cotizan en la Bolsa de Valores de Lima (BVL) y que reportan la posición de descalce de moneda no funcional en los estados financieros, para el periodo del primer trimestre del 2007 al segundo trimestre del 2015. Utilizando un modelo con datos de panel con estimación de efectos fijos se encontró evidencia que el uso de derivados tiene un efecto positivo sobre el valor de las empresas, para ello se utilizó como variable dependiente a la Q de Tobin como proxy del valor de la empresa, y como variable independiente relacionada al uso de derivados se utilizó una variable inédita, no considerada en investigaciones anteriores, que es el peso relativo de la posición neta de derivados de moneda sobre la posición de descalce de balance. También se incorporaron variables de control como tamaño de la empresa, apalancamiento, rentabilidad, entre otras.
The use of cover crops is a fundamental strategy to the weed management in Southern Brazil. In highly infested areas, the herbicides use is increasing, which increases the costs of the crops production as well as the environmental contamination. Oat and velvet bean plants havecontrasting characteristics regarding to residues decomposition speed and the capacity to immobilize Nitrogen in the soil, providing distinct results of weeds suppression throughout the time, and therefore, requiring distinct management strategies before, during, and after the corn crop establishment. The general objective of the experiment was to evaluate the environmental dynamics of the herbicide atrazine, the corn grain yield, and the efficiency of the weed control, considering areas with distinct history regarding the use of mulching, levels of straw and rates of atrazine. For this, the experiment was carried out in two parts: in the first part, two trials with the corn crop were established, one using oat and the other using velvet bean as cover crops. The experimental design used for both field trials was randomized complete blocks arrangement with four replications. The factor A was constituted by four levels of straw (0; 0.75x; 1.5x; 3x) and the factor B was constituted by four rates of the herbicide atrazine (0; 2100; 4200; 8400 g a i. ha-1). Soil samples were collected for greenhouse trialsto determine the persistence. Atrazine leaching evaluation was performed by chromatography using samples collected over the soil profile.In the field, the weed density, the fresh and dry weight and the yield of the corn were evaluated. In the greenhouse trials, the main variables evaluated were plant height and injury caused by the herbicide toxicity. In the second part, soils with distinct covering history were sampled, and the mineralization and sorption studies, both with 14C-atrazine, were conducted in the laboratory. The experimental design was randomized complete blocks arrangement with four replications. The results from the field experiment show that the high levels of straw above ground, isolated, were not efficient to control completely the weeds, and that high levels of velvet bean`s straw decreased the corn potential yield. The greenhouse trials showed that high levels of oat straw prevent the scape of atrazine to soil, this effect of oat straw upon the herbicide availability on soil was detected up to 12 days after spraying. The half-life of atrazine sprayed over oat straw varied from 7 to 14 days after spraying, while the half-life of atrazine sprayed over velvet bean varied from 5 to 14 days after spraying. Increasing oat straw levels presents the capacity to reduce the lixiviation of atrazine in the soil profile, however, this effect was not verified when using velvet bean straw, because the herbicide was not detected in the soil profile, at 21 days after spraying. The chromatographic analysis indicate thatthe atrazine concentrates closer to the soil surface regardless of amount of straw, not being detected deeper than 8 cm in the soil. The accumulated mineralization of 14C-arazine sprayed over V. sativa is superior if compared to soils with S. cereale or non-covered soils. The sorption coefficient of atrazine is superior when sprayed over straw than over the soil.
The no-tillage system is the predominant model in the agricultural scenario of southern Brazil. Thus, the use of cover crops is significant due to the addition of biomass to protect the soil surface, and contribute to the cycling and/or fixing of nutrients, and in particular nitrogen (N) with liberation for the subsequent culture. Among the cool season species, it was found predominant use of oat to obtain straw to system. Though large quantities input of residue is not the preferred species to precede the corn, cereal with relevant importance in the Paraná Southwest region. It was aimed to evaluate the productivity capacity of corn in no-tillage, in the absence or presence of nitrogen fertilization, on waste of winter cover crops on soil and climatic conditions of the Paraná Southwest region. The installation of no-tillage was held in 2010 in the experimental area belonging to UTFPR, Campus Dois Vizinhos, on a Red Latosol. For the present study, we used data relating to three agricultural years (2012/2013, 2013/2014 and 2014/2015). The experimental design was randomized block design with split plots with three replications. The main plots consisted of systems composed by cover crops (black oat, ryegrass, rye, turnip, vetch, white lupine, aot+vetch consortium and oat+vetch+turnip), preceding corn. In the subplots were used two doses of nitrogen fertilization (0 and 180 kg ha N) coverage in maize.The biggest coverage rates occurred in the consortium with 95% at 62 days after sowing. The residual effect of 180 kg ha cool season plants following year. The residual effect of 180 kg ha systems, reduced in 21% the C/N ratio of poaceae. The common vetch accumulated 32 kg N per ton of MS added. The oat and rye keeps more than 50% waste to the land cover, after 120 days, while the ryegrass and vetch provide low soil protection. Consortium oat+vetch+turnip, vetch and white lupine, released the largest amounts of N, between 52 and 59 kg ha brassica and consortia positively influencing the diameter and length of cobs, number of kernels per row and, total number of grains per ear of corn, in the absence of mineral N. The weight of a thousand grains was increased by 12.4% by the addition of 180 kg ha increase in productivity of grain by the addition of 180 kg ha N, was 2.1 Mg ha 5.6 Mg ha 6.4 Mg ha components when cultivated on vetch. Systems containing fabaceae, brassica and consortium oat+vetch+turnip, predating the corn, in the absence of mineral N, provided similar grain yelds inrelation to the systems with the addition of 180 kg ha Keywords: Cover crops. No-tillage. Grain yield. Zea mays - 1 -1 N, increased 4.8% coverage rate in the of N in corn/cover crops -1 -1 . Fabaceae, -1 N mineral. The average N, in relation to dose 0 kg ha corn kernels on fabaceae, brassica and consortium oat+vetch+turnip, and poaceae the grains in succession. The consortium added amount between 4.0 the DM in the years of study. There was no effect of mineral N rate for corn yield components when cultivated on vetch. Systems containing fabaceae, brassica and consortium oat+vetch+turnip, predating the corn, in the absence of mineral N, provided similar grain yelds inrelation to the systems with the addition of 180 kg ha-1 N.
The increasing advancement of agriculture makes providing adequate conditions for the growth and development of plants is the primary purpose of soil management systems. Much of the success of PD is attributed to cultural remains left by cover crops that do not require high nitrogen inputs and can thus be used to reduce nitrogen input in the agro- ecosystem. The nitrogen is one of the elements applied in agriculture, it is absorbed in higher quantities and limiting the yield of grain crops such as corn. Thus, there has been the influence of the no-till and conventional tillage combined with different crops of winter cover and bare soil when in succession to corn, on mineral nitrogen content. The experimental work was made at the experimental station of the Agronomic Institute of Paraná - Iapar. The implemented design was blocks at random split plot with three replications in factorial 6 x 2 x 3 x 5. The main plots were as treatment, beyond the bare soil, 5 winter species (ryegrass, vetch, vetch + oat, oat and radish), while in the subplots were used two tillage systems (No-till and conventional tillage). Three collections made were (before management, the urea before and after the urea), these being held in 5 depths (0-5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm). So a layer 0-5 cm and a que presents increased amount to NH4 + ion. The use of associated PD system in the presence of winter cover crops decreased as NO3 - losses in soil profile.