984 resultados para Cloud application
En el siguiente documento podrá encontrar de una forma clara y entendedora, a través de la creación de un sencillo aplicativo, el mecanismo para la creación de una aplicación J2EE basada en el framework de desarrollo Yakarta Struts. En el mismo partirá desde cero, desde el inicio en la captación de requerimientos, pasando por la etapa de análisis y diseño y la posterior implementación.
Résumé: Dans le cadre d'une étude rétrospective au sein d'une unité de réhabilitation ,nous avons cherché à examiner le degré de respect de recommandations de pratique clinique (RPC) abordant le traitement pharmacologique au long cours de la schizophrénie, par des médecins qui n'en ont qu'une connaissance indirecte. « The Expert Consensus Guideline for the treatment of schizophrenia » (« ECGTS ») a été retenu comme référence sur la base d'une comparaison avec cinq autres RPC principales. Sur un collectif de 20 patients, les recommandations de «l'ECGTS» sont totalement respectées dans 65 % des cas, partiellement respectées dans 10% et non respectées dans 25 %, démontrant ainsi que la pratique clinique est clairement perfectible (principalement dans le traitement des symptômes psychotiques et dépressifs). Cependant, le respect des RPC ne garantit pas forcément la résolution de tous les problèmes cliniques rencontrés : 12 patients sur 20 présentent des effets secondaires à l'évaluation clinique, et pour 8 d'entre eux, les recommandations à ce niveau sont respectées. Notre étude montre cependant que le choix et l'application d'une RPC n'est pas simple. Les RPC actuelles donnent peu ou pas d'instrument de mesure, ni de critère précis pour évaluer les problèmes cliniques auxquels elles font référence. L'avenir appartient donc à des RPC qui proposent, outre les recommandations cliniques elles-mêmes, les moyens de leur vérification et de leur application sur le terrain.
This paper examines how appropriately to attribute economic impact to consumption expenditures. Consumption expenditures are often treated as either wholly endogenous or wholly exogenous, following a distinction from Input-Output analysis. For many applications, such as those focusing on the impacts of tourism or benefits systems, such binomial assumptions are not satisfactory. We argue that consumption is neither wholly endogenous nor wholly exogenous but that the degree of this distinction is rather an empirical matter. We set out a general model for the treatment of consumption expenditures and illustrate its application through the case of university students. We examine individual student groups and how the impacts of students at particular institutions. Furthermore we take into account the binding budget constraint of public expenditures (as is the case for devolved regions in the UK)and examine how this affects the impact attributed to students' consumption expenditures.
Two practical field methods for indirect detection of simuliid populations resistant to temephos are proposed. The first is based on high esterase activity in resistant larvae and involves adaptations of a filter paper test in which faintly stained spots indicate susceptible populations and strongly stained ones reveal populations resistant to temephos. The second is based on the resistance to the larvicide when adults are topically exposed, and involves the use of diagnostic doses obtained by the comparison between the LD50 for susceptible and resistant populations. The relevance of such methods is discussed in order to help resistance detection in Simulium pertinax Kollar control programmes.
The paper proposes and applies statistical tests for poverty dominance that check for whether poverty comparisons can be made robustly over ranges of poverty lines and classes of poverty indices. This helps provide both normative and statistical confidence in establishing poverty rankings across distributions. The tests, which can take into account the complex sampling procedures that are typically used by statistical agencies to generate household-level surveys, are implemented using the Canadian Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) for 1996, 1999 and 2002. Although the yearly cumulative distribution functions cross at the lower tails of the distributions, the more recent years tend to dominate earlier years for a relatively wide range of poverty lines. Failing to take into account SLID's sampling variability (as is sometimes done) can inflate significantly one's confidence in ranking poverty. Taking into account SLID's complex sampling design (as has not been done before) can also decrease substantially the range of poverty lines over which a poverty ranking can be inferred.
This paper develops a methodology to estimate the entire population distributions from bin-aggregated sample data. We do this through the estimation of the parameters of mixtures of distributions that allow for maximal parametric flexibility. The statistical approach we develop enables comparisons of the full distributions of height data from potential army conscripts across France's 88 departments for most of the nineteenth century. These comparisons are made by testing for differences-of-means stochastic dominance. Corrections for possible measurement errors are also devised by taking advantage of the richness of the data sets. Our methodology is of interest to researchers working on historical as well as contemporary bin-aggregated or histogram-type data, something that is still widely done since much of the information that is publicly available is in that form, often due to restrictions due to political sensitivity and/or confidentiality concerns.
The remarkable increase in trade flows and in migratory flows of highly educated people are two important features of globalization of the last decades. This paper extends a two-country model of inter- and intraindustry trade to a rich environment featuring technological differences, skill differences and the possibility of international labor mobility. The model is used to explain the patterns of trade and migration as countries remove barriers to trade and to labor mobility. We parameterize the model to match the features of the Western and Eastern European members of the EU and analyze first the effects of the trade liberalization which occured between 1989 and 2004, and then the gains and losses from migration which are expected to occur if legal barriers to labor mobility are substantially reduced. The lower barriers to migration would result in significant migration of skilled workers from Eastern European countries. Interestingly, this would not only benefit the migrants and most Western European workers but, via trade, it would also benefit the workers remaining in Eastern Europe. Key Words: Skilled Migration, Gains from Variety, Real Wages, Eastern-Western Europe. JEL Codes: F12, F22, J61.
The aim of this work is to evaluate the capabilities and limitations of chemometric methods and other mathematical treatments applied on spectroscopic data and more specifically on paint samples. The uniqueness of the spectroscopic data comes from the fact that they are multivariate - a few thousands variables - and highly correlated. Statistical methods are used to study and discriminate samples. A collection of 34 red paint samples was measured by Infrared and Raman spectroscopy. Data pretreatment and variable selection demonstrated that the use of Standard Normal Variate (SNV), together with removal of the noisy variables by a selection of the wavelengths from 650 to 1830 cm−1 and 2730-3600 cm−1, provided the optimal results for infrared analysis. Principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical clusters analysis (HCA) were then used as exploratory techniques to provide evidence of structure in the data, cluster, or detect outliers. With the FTIR spectra, the Principal Components (PCs) correspond to binder types and the presence/absence of calcium carbonate. 83% of the total variance is explained by the four first PCs. As for the Raman spectra, we observe six different clusters corresponding to the different pigment compositions when plotting the first two PCs, which account for 37% and 20% respectively of the total variance. In conclusion, the use of chemometrics for the forensic analysis of paints provides a valuable tool for objective decision-making, a reduction of the possible classification errors, and a better efficiency, having robust results with time saving data treatments.
Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. L’objectiu d’aquest treball de recerca és la creació d’un dispositiu encarregat de centralitzar totes les necessitats multimèdia de casa nostra i distribuir aquest contingut a tots els terminals de la xarxa local d’una manera senzilla i automatitzada. Aquest dispositiu s’ha dissenyat per estar connectat a una televisió d’alta definició, que permetrà la reproducció i l’organització de tot el nostre multimèdia d’una manera còmoda i fàcil. El media center s’encarrega de gestionar la nostra filmoteca, fototeca, biblioteca musical i sèries de TV de manera transparent i automàtica. A més a més, l’usuari pot accedir a tot el multimèdia emmagatzemat al media center des de qualsevol dispositiu de la xarxa local a través de protocols com CIFS o UPnP, en un intent de replicar el cloud computing a escala local. El dispositiu ha estat dissenyat per a suportar tot tipus de formats i subtítols, assegurant la compatibilitat total amb arxius lliures de DRM. El seu disseny minimalista i silenciós el fa perfecte per a substituir el reproductor de DVD de la sala. Tot això sense oblidar el seu baix consum, de l’ordre d’un 75% inferior al d’un PC convencional.
Este proyecto tiene como finalidad ofrecer un servicio de computación en forma de máquina virtual, utilizando los recursos internos de Atos Research & Innovation. Además, se pretende implementar este servicio sobre os excendentes de máquinas del propio departamento. La prestación de este servicio se realiza mediante un gestor de la infraestructura de forma centralizada. Para la implantación de este entorno se ha definido la adopción en fases y profundizado en dos de los gestores más activos en la investigación del modelo Cloud Computing (Open Nebula, Eucalyptus).
Puropse/Aim: To learn about the developement of post mortem CT angiography, its indications, benefits, pitfalls and practical application. Content Organization: A. Developement of post mortem CT angiography B. Technical prerequisites C. Practical application of post mortem CT angiography (preparation of the body, injection of contrast agent, examination protocol) D. Indications and benefits (including a comparison with conventional autopsy) E. Interpretation of imaging data (with case demonstrations) F. Artifacts, pitfalls and limitations G. Current and potential future use. Summary: This exhibit demonstrates the developement, application and interpretation of post mortem CT angiography. Teaching points: 1. post mortem CT angiography is feasible and useful for identification of the cause of death 2. depending on the indication it can be superior to autopsy 3. limitations and artifacts need to be known for interpreta
Some bacteria have the capacity to reduce incidence and severity of plant diseases either by inhibiting the pathogen or by modulating the resistance response of the plant. Plants dispose of different resistance mechanisms that are influenced by the biotic and abiotic environment. The present experiments explored the effects of biocontrol strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens on the resistance of wheat varieties against brown rust disease caused by Puccinia triticina. Root inoculation with biocontrol pseudomonads reduced the disease severity on the leaves. The plant response depended on the genotype of both the microbes and the wheat varieties, suggesting a straight interaction at the molecular level.
Application of standard and refined heat balance integral methods to one-dimensional Stefan problems
The work in this paper concerns the study of conventional and refined heat balance integral methods for a number of phase change problems. These include standard test problems, both with one and two phase changes, which have exact solutions to enable us to test the accuracy of the approximate solutions. We also consider situations where no analytical solution is available and compare these to numerical solutions. It is popular to use a quadratic profile as an approximation of the temperature, but we show that a cubic profile, seldom considered in the literature, is far more accurate in most circumstances. In addition, the refined integral method can give greater improvement still and we develop a variation on this method which turns out to be optimal in some cases. We assess which integral method is better for various problems, showing that it is largely dependent on the specified boundary conditions.
This paper investigates vulnerability to poverty in Haiti. Research in vulnerability in developing countries has been scarce due to the high data requirements of vulnerability studies (e.g. panel or long series of cross-sections). The methodology adopted here allows the assessment of vulnerability to poverty by exploiting the short panel structure of nested data at different levels. The decomposition method reveals that vulnerability in Haiti is largely a rural phenomenon and that schooling correlates negatively with vulnerability. Most importantly, among the different shocks affecting household's income, it is found that meso-level shocks are in general far more important than covariate shocks. This finding points to some interesting policy implications in decentralizing policies to alleviate vulnerability to poverty.