994 resultados para Chiloscyllium punctatum, Crescita, Sacco vitellino, Sviluppo embrionale, Illuminamento, Acquario
La maggiore consapevolezza dell’importanza dello sfruttamento di risorse ha contribuito a favorire una transizione da un modello di economia lineare ad uno circolare, basato sulla chiusura dei cicli di risorse e l’allungamento del ciclo di vita di un prodotto o servizio. La simbiosi Industriale si colloca in questo contesto come strategia per l’ottimizzazione delle risorse e prevede il trasferimento di scarti e sottoprodotti da un’azienda output ad una input, che le utilizzerà come risorse per i loro processi. L’instaurazione di rapporti di simbiosi industriale non è così immediata e necessita di un ente esterno che faciliti la collaborazione tra le aziende e fornisca supporto tecnico per la sua implementazione. In Italia ENEA rappresenta il principale ente di riferimento per l’implementazione di progetti di simbiosi industriale e ha sviluppato un ecosistema di strumenti al fine di guidare le aziende all’interno di percorsi di simbiosi industriale. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di formulare una metodologia per la valutazione preliminare di potenziali sinergie a livello territoriale, utilizzando dati storici riguardanti sinergie e presentare uno strumento applicativo basato su di essa. La prima parte è del lavoro è dedicata ad una ricerca bibliografica sui temi della simbiosi industriale, evidenziando vantaggi e il ruolo di ENEA. Di seguito verrà illustrata la metodologia sviluppata con i suoi step operativi, il cui obiettivo è quello di valutare la presenza di potenziali sinergie a livello territoriale, partendo da un database di aziende classificate per codici Ateco e uno di sinergie già attivate in precedenza. Infine, verrà presentato lo strumento di lavoro Microsoft Excel, programmato in VBA, che permette l’applicazione della metodologia. Per mostrarne il funzionamento si utilizzano dati estratti dalla banca dati AIDA per le aziende e dati dai database MAESTI e IS-DATA per le sinergie.
Il presente lavoro di tesi si pone come obiettivo l’individuazione di modelli matematici che possano essere utilizzati per la configurazione di simulatori di volo aerei elettrici dell’aviazione generale. In particolare, sono state trovate in letteratura delle formule da utlizzare per modellare eliche, motori elettrici di varie tipologie e batterie. Per meglio comprendere l’impatto dell’adozione dei motori elettrici sui velivoli dell’aviazione generale sono stati effettuati dei confronti di dati, in cui si è preso come riferimento il motore a combustione interna Continental O-300 montato sui Cessna C172. Successivamente, sono stati implementati i modelli dinamici in Simulink di motori elettrici che potrebbero sostituire il motore a combustione interna sopra citato. Sono, poi, state eseguite alcune comparazioni tra i risultati ottenuti in termini di spinte ottenibili, potenze e autonomie, e numero di giri di rotazione dell’elica per diversi motori elettrici. Per effettuare le simulazioni è stato utilizzato il software Simulink: ambiente in cui sono stati sviluppati modelli dinamici di propulsione sia tradizionale che elettrica. Nella parte conclusiva della tesi, sono riportate alcune considerazioni volte a stimare l'autonomia di un velivolo simile al Cessna C172, in cui si sotituisce il motore a combustione interna con un motore elettrico a parità di peso massimo al decollo e l’andamento di quest'ultimo in funzione dell’autonomia per un velivolo elettrico. I risultati ottenuti da queste ultime simulazioni suggeriscono che la conversione ad elettrico è attualmente critica in quanto la ridotta densità di energia delle batterie porta ad un significativo decadimento dell'autonomia generale.
Commercio equo e sviluppo sostenibile sono importanti questioni di attualità a livello globale. Il commercio equo si concentra sulla protezione dei diritti dei lavoratori e dei contadini nel commercio internazionale, migliorando la qualità della loro vita e aumentando le opportunità di sviluppo attraverso il pagamento di un salario equo. Lo sviluppo sostenibile considera invece una prospettiva più ampia, mirando a proteggere l'ambiente, promuovere lo sviluppo sociale ed economico e fornire risorse e ambiente sostenibili per le future generazioni. Questa tesi ha come obiettivo analizzare il caso dei tè biologici della montagna DaZhang, integrando l'analisi dell'impatto del commercio equo sulla lotta alla povertà e sulla promozione della giustizia commerciale, e confrontando orizzontalmente i criteri di sviluppo sostenibile. In questo modo, verrà riassunta la relazione tra commercio equo e sviluppo sostenibile.
Chibo, è una parola nuova apparsa su Internet cinese negli ultimi anni. Da quando è stato introdotto nella Cina dalla Corea del Sud nel 2014, ha rapidamente occupato un posto nel cyberspazio cinese, innescando l'ondata di febbre chibo nazionale. Con lo sviluppo della tecnologia di Internet mobile, la domanda di tutti i tipi di applicazioni di Internet mobile viene gradualmente stimolata. L'Internet mobile plasma costantemente una nuova forma di vita sociale e cambia impercettibilmente la vita quotidiana degli utenti di Internet mobile. Il sviluppo rapido delle piattaforme di streaming live e di video in formato breve gettano le basi per il sviluppo rapido della tendenza di chibo in Cina. Nella società cinese odierna, il miglioramento della produttività porta una crescita economica rapida, il tenore di vita delle persone è stato notevolmente migliorato e i bisogni materiali sono stati pienamente soddisfatti. Tuttavia, i bisogni spirituali ed emotivi dell'intera società sono in una fase che non è in armonia con il livello materiale. La solitudine e l'ansia sono esperienze psicologiche comuni tra i gruppi giovanili cinesi, che è uno dei motivi più importanti per cui chibo può diventare popolare tra i giovani. La prevalenza di chibo riflette la solitudine dei gruppi urbani giovani nell'onda dello sviluppo rapido sociale ed economico. Oltre ai fattori psicologici, i fattori culturali e mediatici nell'ambiente dei nuovi media, i fattori economici sono anche uno dei motivi importanti per promuovere lo sviluppo rapido e la diffusione di chibo. Spinta da interessi enormi dietro chibo, la piattaforma di commercio elettronico raggiunge un rapporto di cooperazione con la piattaforma di live streaming e la piattaforma di video breve, e la combinazione delle due parti promuove efficacemente l'innovazione del modello di vendita dell'economia alimentare online.
Background: It is known that when barefoot, gait biomechanics of diabetic neuropathic patients differ from nondiabetic individuals. However, it is still unknown whether these biomechanical changes are also present during shod gait which is clinically advised for these patients. This study investigated the effect of the participants own shoes on gait biomechanics in diabetic neuropathic individuals compared to barefoot gait patterns and healthy controls. Methods: Ground reaction forces and lower limb EMG activities were analyzed in 21 non-diabetic adults (50.9 +/- 7.3 yr, 24.3 +/- 2.6 kg/m(2)) and 24 diabetic neuropathic participants (55.2 +/- 7.9 yr, 27.0 +/- 4.4 kg/m(2)). EMG patterns of vastus lateralis, lateral gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior, along with the vertical and antero-posterior ground reaction forces were studied during shod and barefoot gait. Results: Regardless of the disease, walking with shoes promoted an increase in the first peak vertical force and the peak horizontal propulsive force. Diabetic individuals had a delay in the lateral gastrocnemius EMG activity with no delay in the vastus lateralis. They also demonstrated a higher peak horizontal braking force walking with shoes compared to barefoot. Diabetic participants also had a smaller second peak vertical force in shod gait and a delay in the vastus lateralis EMG activity in barefoot gait compared to controls. Conclusions: The change in plantar sensory information that occurs when wearing shoes revealed a different motor strategy in diabetic individuals. Walking with shoes did not attenuate vertical forces in either group. Though changes in motor strategy were apparent, the biomechanical did not support the argument that the use of shoes contributes to altered motor responses during gait.
Background: Diabetic neuropathy leads to progressive loss of sensation, lower-limb distal muscle atrophy, autonomic impairment, and gait alterations that overload feet. This overload has been associated with plantar ulcers even with consistent daily use of shoes. We sought to investigate and compare the influence of diabetic neuropathy and plantar ulcers in the clinical history of diabetic neuropathic patients on plantar sensitivity, symptoms, and plantar pressure distribution during gait while patients wore their everyday shoes. Methods: Patients were categorized into three groups: a control group (CG; n = 15), diabetic patients with a history of neuropathic ulceration (DUG; n = 8), and diabetic patients without a history of ulceration (DG; n = 10). Plantar pressure variables were measured by Pedar System shoe insoles in five plantar regions during gait while patients wore their own shoes. Results: No statistical difference between neuropathic patients with and without a history of plantar ulcers was found in relation to symptoms, tactile sensitivity, and duration of diabetes. Diabetic patients without ulceration presented the lowest pressure-time integral under the heel (72.1 +/- 16.1 kPa x sec; P=.0456). Diabetic patients with a history of ulceration presented a higher pressure-time integral at the midfoot compared to patients in the control group (59.6 +/- 23.6 kPa x sec x 45.8 +/- 10.4 kPa x sec; P = .099), and at the lateral forefoot compared to diabetic patients without ulceration (70.9 +/- 17.7 kPa sec x 113.2 +/- 61.1 kPa x sec, P = .0193). Diabetic patients with ulceration also presented the lowest weight load under the hallux (0.06 +/- 0.02%, P = .0042). Conclusions: Although presenting a larger midfoot area, diabetic neuropathic patients presented greater pressure-time integrals and relative loads over this region. Diabetic patients with ulceration presented an altered dynamic plantar pressure pattern characterized by overload even when wearing daily shoes. Overload associated with a clinical history of plantar ulcers indicates future appearance of plantar ulcers. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 99(4): 285-294, 2009)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of a polyclonal antibody preparation (PAP) against specific ruminal bacteria on the in situ degradability of dry-grounded maize grain (DMG), high moisture maize silage (HMMS) starch and citrus pulp (CiPu) pectin. Nine ruminally cannulated cows were used in a 3 x 3 Latin square design, replicated three times in a factorial arrangement of treatments of two rumen modifiers represented by monensin and PAP plus a control group, and the three energy sources (DMG, HMMS and CiPu). Each period had 21 days, where 16 were used for adaptation to treatment and five for data collection. The group treated with PAP showed an effect on the soluble fraction (""a"") of DMG starch, decreasing it by respectively 45.3% and 45.4% compared to the CON and MON groups. No effect of PAP was observed for any in situ degradability parameters of starch from HMMS or pectin of CiPu. It was concluded that the polyclonal antibody preparation had limited effect on the in situ degradability of the tested energy sources.
Two in sacco experiments were conducted to evaluate the impact on the nutritive value of rhodes grass hay (Chloris gayana cv. Callide) of treatment with alkalis or oxidants. In Experiment 1, three alkalis (Ca(OH)(2), NaOH, CaO) and two oxidants (NaOCl and H2O2) were applied at levels of 0, 20, 40, 60 or 80 g/kg of dry matter (DM). NaOH, Ca(OH)(2) and CaO had negative linear effects (P < 0.05) on the neutral detergent fibre (NDF) content and positive linear effects (P < 0.05) on the 48 h in sacco disappearances of DM, organic matter (OM), NDF and acid detergent fibre (ADF). NaOCl reduced (P < 0.05) NDF content but had no effect (P > 0.05) on the in sacco disappearances. H2O2 had no effect (P > 0.05) on the composition or digestibility of rhodes grass hay. In Experiment 2, effects of urea (0, 20, 40, 60 and 80 g urea/kg DM) and water (250, 500 and 750 g/kg DM) treatment of rhodes grass hay were examined in a 5 x 3 factorial experiment. Significant interactions between water and urea (P < 0.05) occurred for concentrations of crude protein (CP) and NDF, and 48 h in sacco disappearances of DM, OM (OMD) and NDE The combinations of water (g/kg DM) and urea (g/kg DM) that resulted in the highest concentrations of CP (281 g/kg DM) and OMD (747 g/kg DM) were 250 + 80 and 500 + 80, respectively. NaOH, Ca(OH)(2), CaO and urea significantly alter the NDF content and digestibility of rhodes grass hay, and urea also increases its CP content. Overall, NaOH was the most efficacious, followed by Ca(OH)(2), CaO, urea, NaOCl and H2O2. Crown Copyright (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The effect of sheep digestion and mastication on Malva parviflora L. seed transmission, viability and germination was investigated. Mature M. parviflora seeds were subjected to 2 seed treatments: 'scarified', where the hard seed coat was manually cut to allow inhibition, and 'unscarified', where the hard seed coat was not cut. Seeds were placed directly into the rumen of fistulated sheep and removed at 0, 12, 24, 36 and 48 h of rumen digestion. After 12 h of in sacco exposure to digestion in the rumen, the germination of seeds that were initially scarified dropped from 99.2 to 1.4% and longer exposure periods produced no germinable seeds. In contrast, seeds that were unscarified when placed in the rumen produced over 92% germination regardless of in sacco digestion time, although manual scarification after retrieval was essential to elicit germination. In a second experiment, unscarified seeds (29000) were fed in a single meal to fistulated sheep and feces were collected at regular intervals between 6 and 120 h after feeding. Fecal subsamples were taken to determine number of seeds excreted, seed germination on agar and seed germination from feces. Major seed excretion in the feces commenced after 12 h and continued until 144 h, with peaks between 36 and 72 h after consumption. Although mastication and gut passage killed the majority of unscarified seeds, about 20% were recovered intact and over 90% of these recovered seeds were viable and could, thus, potentially form an extensive seed bank. A few excreted seeds (1%) were able to germinate directly from feces, which increased to a maximum of 10% after subsequent dry summer storage (3 months). Through information gained in this study, there is a potential to utilise livestock in an integrated weed management program for the control of M. parviflora, provided additional measures of weed control are in place such as holding periods (> 7 days) for movement of livestock from weed infested areas.
Background: Plantar fasciitis is the third most frequent injury in runners. Despite its high prevalence, its pathogenesis remains inconclusive. The literature reports overload as the basic mechanism for its development. However, the way that these plantar loads are distributed on the foot surface of runners with plantar fasciitis and the effects of pain on this mechanical factor has not yet been investigated. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the plantar pressure distributions during running in runners with symptom or history of plantar fasciitis and runners without the disease. Methods: Forty-five recreational runners with plantar fasciitis (30 symptomatic and 15 with previous history of the disease) and 60 runners without plantar fasciitis (control group) were evaluated. Pain was assessed by a visual analogue scale. All runners were evaluated by means of the Pedar system insoles during running forty meters at a speed of 12(5%) km/h, using standard sport footwear. Two-way ANOVAS were employed to investigate the main and interaction effects between groups and plantar areas. Findings: No interaction effects were found for any of the investigated variables: peak pressure (P=0.61), contact area (P=0.38), contact time (P=0.91), and the pressure-time integral (P=0.50). Interpretation: These findings indicated that the patterns of plantar pressure distribution were not affected in recreational runners with plantar fasciitis when compared to control runners. Pain also did not interfere with the dynamic patterns of the plantar pressure distributions. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Introduction: Changes in gait cadence caused by challenging situations in daily life might induce higher demand for strength and propulsion in diabetic neuropathic (DN) subjects. Methods: Forty-six subjects (healthy and DN) walked at two cadences (self-selected and 25% higher). Kinematic and electromyographic data were obtained from lower limbs and compared across the gait cycle. Results: DN subjects showed a delayed peak in plantarflexor activity along the whole cycle (irrespective of cadence) compared with healthy subjects. However, during the imposed cadence, DN individuals showed reduced ankle range of motion along the entire cycle compared with the self-selected condition and healthy individuals walking at both cadences (P = 0.002). Conclusions: These findings suggest that when diabetic individuals face a new challenging situation that induces a higher demand for muscle strength and propulsion, the necessary range of motion and neuromuscular control around distal joints are insufficient. Muscle Nerve 44: 258-268, 2011
The type of surface used for running can influence the load that the locomotor apparatus will absorb and the load distribution could be related to the incidence of chronic injuries. As there is no consensus on how the locomotor apparatus adapts to loads originating from running Surfaces with different compliance, the objective of this study was to investigate how loads are distributed over the plantar surface while running on natural grass and on a rigid surface-asphalt. Forty-four adult runners with 4 3 years of running experience were evaluated while running at 12 km/h for 40 m wearing standardised running shoes and Pedar insoles (Novel). Peak pressure, contact time and contact area were measured in six regions: lateral, central and medial rearfoot, midfoot, lateral and media] forefoot. The Surfaces and regions were compared by three ANOVAS (2 x 6). Asphalt and natural grass were statistically different in all variables. Higher peak pressures were observed on asphalt at the central (p < 0.001) [grass: 303.8(66.7) kPa; asphalt: 342.3(76.3) kPa] and lateral rearfoot (p < 0.001) [grass: 312.7(75.8) kPa: asphalt: 350.9(98.3) kPa] and lateral forefoot (p < 0.001) [grass: 221.5(42.9) kPa asphalt: 245.3(55.5) kPa]. For natural grass, contact time and contact area were significantly greater at the central rearfoot (p < 0.001). These results suggest that natural grass may be a Surface that provokes lighter loads on the rearfoot and forefoot in recreational runners. (C) 2008 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this study was to describe, interpret and compare the EMG activation patterns of ankle muscles - tibialis anterior (TA), peroneus longus (PL) and gastrocnemius lateralis (GL) - in volleyball players with and without ankle functional instability (FI) during landing after the blocking movement. Twenty-one players with FI (IG) and 19 controls (CG) were studied. The cycle of movement analyzed was the time period between 200 ms before and 200 ms after the time of impact determined by ground reaction forces. The variables were analyzed for two different phases: pre-landing (200 ms before impact) and post-landing (200 ms after impact). The RMS values and the timing of onset activity were calculated for the three studied muscles, in both periods and for both groups. The co-activation index for TA and PL, TA and GL were also calculated. Individuals with FI presented a lower RMS value pre-landing for PL (CG = 43.0 perpendicular to 22.0; IG = 26.2 perpendicular to 8.4, p < 0.05) and higher RMS value post-landing (CG = 47.5 perpendicular to 13.3; IG = 55.8 perpendicular to 21.6, p < 0.10). Besides that, in control group PL and GL activated first and simultaneously, and TA presented a later activation, while in subjects with FI all the three muscles activated simultaneously. There were no significant differences between groups for co-activation index. Thus, the rate of contraction between agonist and antagonist muscles is similar for subjects with and without FI but the activation individually was different. Volleyball players with functional instability of the ankle showed altered patterns of the muscles that play an important role in the stabilization of the foot-ankle complex during the performance of the blocking movement, to the detriment of the ligament complex, and this fact could explain the usual complaints in these subjects. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: To describe and compare foot anthropometry in healthy and diabetic subjects using Medial Longitudinal Arch (MLA) classificatory indexes: Arch Index (AI), Chippaux-Smirak Index (CSI) and (A) over cap Angle ((A) over cap), as well as to compare the classification of these methods in each group. Materials and Methods: Control Group (CG) composed by 21 healthy subjects and Diabetic Group (DG), with 46 diabetic neuropathy subjects. The indexes were calculated from footprints. Results: A larger proportion of flat feet was seen in DG for the three indexes (At: 32,2%, CSI: 59,7%, A: 17,5%), while highly arched feet acted oppositely. The groups were statistically different for the proportion of flat feet in (A) over cap (p=0,0080) and CSI (p=0,0000) and high feet in A (p=0,0036). There were significant differences when compared GC and GD in the three indexes: IA (p 0,0027), CSI (p=0,0064), (A) over cap (p=0,0296). Conclusion: Data showed motor and orthopedic changes originated by peripheral neuropathy, which is responsible for foot changes, causing longitudinal arch crumbling. It was seen that A Angle strongly disagreed when compared with the arch classification made by the other two indexes and therefore, its application needs care.
Background. We aimed at investigating the influence of diabetic neuropathy and previous history of plantar ulcers on electromyography (EMG) of the thigh and calf and on vertical ground reaction forces during gait. Methods. This study involved 45 adults divided into three groups: a control group (n = 16), diabetic neuropathic group (n = 19) and diabetic neuropathic group with previous history of plantar ulceration (it = 10). EMG of the right vastus lateralis, lateral gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior were studied during the stance phase. The peaks and time of peak occurrence were determined and a co-activation index between tibialis anterior and lateral gastrocnemius. In order to represent the effect of the changes in EMG, the first and second peaks and the minimum value of the vertical ground reaction force were also determined. Inter-group comparisons of the electromyographical and ground reaction forces variables were made using three MANCOVA (peaks and times of EMG and peaks of force) and one ANCOVA (co-activation index). Findings. The ulcerated group presented a delayed in the time of the lateral gastrocnemius and vastus lateralis peak occurrence in comparison to control`s. The lateral gastrocnemius delay may be related to the lower second vertical peak in diabetic subjects. However, the delay of the vastus lateralis did not cause any significant change on the first vertical peak. Interpretations. The vastus lateralis and lateral gastrocnemius delay demonstrate that ulcerated diabetic neuropathic patients have a motor deficit that could compromise their ability to walk, which was partially confirmed by changes on ground reaction forces during the push-off phase. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.