957 resultados para Children of Men


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In developing countries, infection and malnutrition, and their interaction effects, account for the majority of childhood deaths and chronic deficits in growth and development. To promote child health, the causal determinants of infection and malnutrition and cost-effective interventions must be identified. To this end, medical examinations of 988 children (age two weeks to 14 years) living at three altitudes (coastal < 300m; sierra (TURN) 3,000m; and altiplano > 4,000m) in Chile's northermost Department of Arica revealed that 393 (40%) of the youngsters harbored one or more infections. When sorted by region and ethnicity, indigenous children of the highlands had infection rates 50% higher than children of Spanish descent living near the coast.^ An ecological model was developed and used to examine the causal path of infection and measure the effect of single and combined environmental variables. Family variables significantly linked to child health included maternal health, age and education. Significant child determinants of infection included the child's nutrient intake and medical history. When compared to children well and free of disease, infected youngsters reported a higher incidence of recent illness and a lower intake of basic foodstuffs. Traditional measures of child health, e.g. birth condition, weaning history, maternal fertility, and family wealth, did not differentiate between well and infected children.^ When height, weight, arm circumference, and subcapular skinfold measurements were compared, infected children, regardless of age, had smaller arm circumferences, the statistical difference being the greatest for males, age nine to eleven. Height and weight, the traditional growth indices, did not differentiate between well and infected groups.^ Infection is not determined by a single environmental factor or even a series of variables. Child health is ecological in nature and cannot be improved independent of changes in the environment that surrounds the child. To focus on selected child health needs, such as feeding programs or immunization campaigns, without simultaneously attending to the environment from which the needs arose is an inappropriate use of time, personnel, and money. ^


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In the United States, dental caries is the most common chronic illness in children, occurring five to eight times as frequently as asthma. 11 Dental caries is an unmet health need, disproportionately affecting minority groups and individuals with low socio-economic status.15,34,36 School-Based Sealant Programs were developed to target children at risk, to provide dental services in a closer geographic area, to offer low cost preventive dental services, and to educate families about oral health and prevention.1 There is scientific, evidence based literature that shows the effectiveness of dental sealants preventing dental decay. 13^ Currently, there is no central source for cataloging School-Based Sealant Programs (SBSPs). Information is scattered around publications and documents. For instance, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) does not have information about all the existing SBSPs. ^ This literature review determined which are the most common characteristics of SBSPs in the U.S. and determined the extent to which these programs provide sealants to children of low socio-economic status. The method utilized was an electronic database search. Pubmed and EBESCO host databases were searched with Mesh terms like “dental school sealant programs”, “community dentistry”, “school based sealant programs” and “oral preventive programs”. Results were organized in terms of location, population served, providers, funding source and data shared. ^ The searches produced 77 studies, from which 40 were included in this work. Only 18 U.S. states were represented in the results; however these findings are very consistent with the Best Practice Approach – School Based Sealant Programs3. Most of the SBSPs provide their services to children from low income families, and utilized the lower labor cost providers permitted by their state regulations. The author intends that this thesis work will become an aide in the development of future programs, and as evidence for the sustainability of these programs.^


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The aim of this study was to examine the role of the Internet in Internal Homonegativity (IH) among Non gay identifying men who have sex with men (NGI-MSM). This study at University of Texas School of Public Health (UTSPH) had a mixed method research design and consisted of men 18 years of age and older who were residents of the US and Canada. The data were collected using an online survey called 'Men's Sexual Health Survey' which was developed in collaboration with Boston University School of Public Health and Denver Public Health. These surveys were administered in English, which took 30-minutes to complete, and were placed on gay oriented websites and chat rooms. 141 participants were presented with the module relating to IH. A Principal Component Analysis with varimax rotation on the nine questions that asked the participants about their feelings about gay men produced three factors of IH identified as (1) public identification as gay; (2) perception of stigma associated with being gay; and (3) social comfort with gay men. The factors significantly correlated with age, grade completed in school, income, openness about being gay and socializing with gay people, meeting partners online, dating on the Internet, attitude toward condom usage, alcohol and drug use before sex and having unprotected sex with Internet partners. These findings point toward the role of the Internet in determining IH and sexual behavior. Despite the risks, the Internet's popularity and outreach in NGI-MSM makes it an effective medium to spread public health programs.^


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Viral hepatitis is a significant public health problem worldwide and is due to viral infections that are classified as Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. Hepatitis B is one of the five known hepatic viruses. A safe and effective vaccine for Hepatitis B was first developed in 1981, and became adopted into national immunization programs targeting infants since 1990 and adolescents since 1995. In the U.S., this vaccination schedule has led to an 82% reduction in incidence from 8.5 cases per 100,000 in 1990 to 1.5 cases per 100,000 in 2007. Although there has been a decline in infection among adolescents, there is still a large burden of hepatitis B infection among adults and minorities. There is very little research in regards to vaccination gaps among adults. Using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) question "{Have you/Has SP (Study Participant)} ever received the 3-dose series of the hepatitis B vaccine?" the existence of racial/ethnic gaps using a cross-sectional study design was explored. In this study, other variables such as age, gender, socioeconomic variables (federal poverty line, educational attainment), and behavioral factors (sexual practices, self-report of men having sex with men, and intravenous drug use) were examined. We found that the current vaccination programs and policies for Hepatitis B had eliminated racial and ethnic disparities in Hepatitis B vaccination, but that a low coverage exists particularly for adults who engage in high risk behaviors. This study found a statistically significant 10% gap in Hepatitis B vaccination between those who have and those who do not have access to health insurance.^


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Today there are approximately 581,000 children in the United States foster care system. Children of color, one special population group, are disproportionately represented in the foster care system. Family preservation, a program that aims to improve family functioning and thus decrease the need for foster care, has been examined closely. Some researchers believe that family preservation programs have failed partly due to practitioners' inability to target appropriate families (Feldman, 1990; Schuerman, Rzepnicki & Littell, 1994). Additionally, research confirms that children of color are not the target of family preservation services (Denby, Curtis, & Alford, 1998). Improvements in the effectiveness of family preservation will require many types of reform both internal and external to the program. Among the types of internal reform needed is accurate "targeting of services. " Given the overrepresentation of children of color in the foster care system, this group must be among those who are targeted for services. The results of a national survey of 254 family preservation workers reveal a "profile" of the worker who is likely to target special populations, including children of color, for family preservation services. A case is made for service improvements and training to facilitate the "profiled" workers' competencies.


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Documented risks of physical activity include reduced bone mineral density at high activity volume, and sudden cardiac death among adults and adolescents. Further illumination of these risks is needed to inform future public health guidelines. The present research seeks to 1) quantify the association between physical activity and bone mineral density (BMD) across a broad range of activity volume, 2) assess the utility of an existing pre-screening questionnaire among US adults, and 3) determine if pre-screening risk stratification by questionnaire predicts referral to physician among Texas adolescents. ^ Among 9,468 adults 20 years of age or older in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2007-2010, linear regression analyses revealed generally higher BMD at the lumbar spine and proximal femur with greater reported activity volume. Only lumbar BMD in women was unassociated with activity volume. Among men, BMD was similar at activity beyond four times the minimum volume recommended in the Physical Activity Guidelines. These results suggest that the range of activity reported by US adults is not associated with low BMD at either site. ^ The American Heart Association / American College of Sports Medicine Preparticipation Questionnaire (AAPQ) was applied to 6,661 adults 40 years of age or older from NHANES 2001-2004 by using NHANES responses to complete AAPQ items. Following AAPQ referral criteria, 95.5% of women and 93.5% of men would be referred to a physician before exercise initiation, suggesting little utility for the AAPQ among adults aged 40 years or older. Unnecessary referral before exercise initiation may present a barrier to exercise adoption and may strain an already stressed healthcare infrastructure. ^ Among 3181 athletes in the Texas Adolescent Athlete Heart Screening Registry, 55.2% of boys and 62.2% of girls were classified as high-risk based on questionnaire answers. Using sex-stratified contingency table analyses, risk categories were not significantly associated with referral to physician based on electrocardiogram or echocardiogram, nor were they associated with confirmed diagnoses on follow-up. Additional research is needed to identify which symptoms are most closely related to sudden cardiac death, and determine the best methods for rapid and reliable assessment. ^ In conclusion, this research suggests that the volume of activity reported by US adults is not associated with low BMD at two clinically relevant sites, casts doubts on the utility of two existing cardiac screening tools, and raises concern about barriers to activity erected through ineffective screening. These findings augment existing research in this area that may inform revisions to the Physical Activity Guidelines regarding risk mitigation.^


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Research suggests women respond to the aggression-inducing effects of alcohol in a manner similar to men. Highly aggressive men are more prone to alcohol-induced aggression, but this relationship is less clear for women. This study examined whether alcohol consumption would differentially affect laboratory-measured aggression in a sample of aggressive and non-aggressive women and how those differences might be related to components of impulsive behavior. In 39 women recruited from the community (two groups: with and without histories of physical fighting) ages 21–40, laboratory aggressive behavior was assessed following placebo and 0.80 g/kg alcohol consumption (all women experienced both conditions). Baseline laboratory impulsive behavior of three impulsivity models was later assessed in the same women. In the aggression model (PSAP), participants were provoked by periodic subtractions of money, which were blamed on a fictitious partner. Aggression was operationalized as the responses the participant made to subtract money from that partner. The three components of impulsivity that were tested included: (1) response initiation (IMT/DMT), premature responses made prior to the completion of stimulus processing, (2) response inhibition (GoStop), a failure to inhibit an already initiated response, and (3) consequence sensitivity (SKIP and TCIP), the choice for a smaller-sooner reward over a larger-later reward. I hypothesized that, compared to women with no history of physical fighting, women with a history of physical fighting would exhibit higher rates of alcohol-induced laboratory aggression and higher rates of baseline impulsive responding (particularly for the IMT/DMT), which would also be related to the alcohol-induced increases aggression. Consistent with studies in men, the aggressive women showed strong associations between laboratory aggression and self-report measures, while the non-aggressive women did not. However, unlike men, following alcohol consumption it was the non-aggressive women's laboratory aggression that was related to their self-reports of aggression and impulsivity. Additionally, response initiation measures of impulsivity distinguished the two groups, while response inhibition and consequence sensitivity measures did not; commission error rates on the IMT/DMT were higher in the aggressive women compared to the non-aggressive women. Regression analyses of the behavioral measures showed no relationship between the aggression and impulsivity performance of the two groups. These results suggest that the behavioral (and potentially biological) mechanism underlying aggressive behavior of women is different than that of men. ^


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Iniciado el siglo XXI, la denominación Literatura Juvenil y el campo epistemológico específico y de investigación que abarca, no han sido todavía suficientemente definidos. Con este estudio se pretende aproximar algunas de las características más notorias de esta área de la Literatura, que tiene como principales destinatarios los lectores adolescentes. Sin duda, fue Paul Hazard, con Los libros, los niños y los hombres (trad. 1950) quien se atrevió a defender la enseñanza a través de libros recreativos y de imaginación para la infancia, desplazando así el centro de lo didáctico moralizante al ámbito abierto y rico del sentimiento y de la fantasía. Ocho años más tarde, Enzo Petrini, con su Estudio crítico de la Literatura Juvenil (1958), asentó las primeras bases de diferenciación de literatura para niños y literatura para jóvenes estudian-do los orígenes y evolución de la Literatura Juvenil y destacando la contribución de la pedagogía y de la crítica.


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El presente trabajo propone presentar y poner en debate los avances de investigación realizados en torno a la problemática de los crímenes sexuales en la provincia y ciudad de Buenos Aires en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. El mismo se inserta entre los nuevos estudios sobre la historia social del derecho, considerando el problema de la norma y la teoría penal así como la cuestión de la práctica judicial específica y las formas cómo esta afecta a la sociedad. En este sentido se busca explorar las formas únicas que presentan estos delitos en el proceso judicial decimonónico, las discusiones e interpretaciones que se confrontaron, la jurisprudencia y doctrina que fueron sentándose con el correr del tiempo y el asesoramiento indispensable que prestaron al desarrollo de todo ello la ciencia médica junto a los primeros trabajos sobre la sexología. Se expondrán a continuación los puntos nodales de las investigaciones que vengo desarrollando desde hace algunos años, continuación de los estudios de grado sobre esta compleja problemática decimonónica, resultado de la participación en proyectos específicos de investigación y que finalmente se insertan en el marco actual de mis estudios de doctorado en Historia que tiene como tema los delitos sexuales y las construcciones jurídicas así como médico-legales en el contexto de la codificación penal argentina, desde sus primeros intentos a partir de 1863 hasta la sanción del Código Penal Nacional de 1921. Se recorrerán como centros de análisis la forma en que el funcionamiento del sistema judicial va creando y recortando, de hecho, el perfil que convierte a una víctima en 'aceptable', es decir, en una persona que merece ser considerada como tal ante los ojos de los tribunales. Para esto se tienen en cuenta las diferencias que se registran en el tratamiento de los hombres/niños y las mujeres/niñas que son presentados ante la Justicia por sus padres como atacados. En este sentido, se resalta el lugar central que ocupa la familia en el proceso judicial, en tanto, por un lado son quienes pueden hacer la denuncia poniendo en funcionamiento la maquinaria judicial y por otro lado deben demostrar que han resguardado a sus hijos hasta el momento del ataque, protegiéndolos en un doble sentido: físicamente y psíquicamente, evitando su conocimiento "del mundo", entendido aquí de la sexualidad


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El presente trabajo propone presentar y poner en debate los avances de investigación realizados en torno a la problemática de los crímenes sexuales en la provincia y ciudad de Buenos Aires en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. El mismo se inserta entre los nuevos estudios sobre la historia social del derecho, considerando el problema de la norma y la teoría penal así como la cuestión de la práctica judicial específica y las formas cómo esta afecta a la sociedad. En este sentido se busca explorar las formas únicas que presentan estos delitos en el proceso judicial decimonónico, las discusiones e interpretaciones que se confrontaron, la jurisprudencia y doctrina que fueron sentándose con el correr del tiempo y el asesoramiento indispensable que prestaron al desarrollo de todo ello la ciencia médica junto a los primeros trabajos sobre la sexología. Se expondrán a continuación los puntos nodales de las investigaciones que vengo desarrollando desde hace algunos años, continuación de los estudios de grado sobre esta compleja problemática decimonónica, resultado de la participación en proyectos específicos de investigación y que finalmente se insertan en el marco actual de mis estudios de doctorado en Historia que tiene como tema los delitos sexuales y las construcciones jurídicas así como médico-legales en el contexto de la codificación penal argentina, desde sus primeros intentos a partir de 1863 hasta la sanción del Código Penal Nacional de 1921. Se recorrerán como centros de análisis la forma en que el funcionamiento del sistema judicial va creando y recortando, de hecho, el perfil que convierte a una víctima en 'aceptable', es decir, en una persona que merece ser considerada como tal ante los ojos de los tribunales. Para esto se tienen en cuenta las diferencias que se registran en el tratamiento de los hombres/niños y las mujeres/niñas que son presentados ante la Justicia por sus padres como atacados. En este sentido, se resalta el lugar central que ocupa la familia en el proceso judicial, en tanto, por un lado son quienes pueden hacer la denuncia poniendo en funcionamiento la maquinaria judicial y por otro lado deben demostrar que han resguardado a sus hijos hasta el momento del ataque, protegiéndolos en un doble sentido: físicamente y psíquicamente, evitando su conocimiento "del mundo", entendido aquí de la sexualidad


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El presente trabajo propone presentar y poner en debate los avances de investigación realizados en torno a la problemática de los crímenes sexuales en la provincia y ciudad de Buenos Aires en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. El mismo se inserta entre los nuevos estudios sobre la historia social del derecho, considerando el problema de la norma y la teoría penal así como la cuestión de la práctica judicial específica y las formas cómo esta afecta a la sociedad. En este sentido se busca explorar las formas únicas que presentan estos delitos en el proceso judicial decimonónico, las discusiones e interpretaciones que se confrontaron, la jurisprudencia y doctrina que fueron sentándose con el correr del tiempo y el asesoramiento indispensable que prestaron al desarrollo de todo ello la ciencia médica junto a los primeros trabajos sobre la sexología. Se expondrán a continuación los puntos nodales de las investigaciones que vengo desarrollando desde hace algunos años, continuación de los estudios de grado sobre esta compleja problemática decimonónica, resultado de la participación en proyectos específicos de investigación y que finalmente se insertan en el marco actual de mis estudios de doctorado en Historia que tiene como tema los delitos sexuales y las construcciones jurídicas así como médico-legales en el contexto de la codificación penal argentina, desde sus primeros intentos a partir de 1863 hasta la sanción del Código Penal Nacional de 1921. Se recorrerán como centros de análisis la forma en que el funcionamiento del sistema judicial va creando y recortando, de hecho, el perfil que convierte a una víctima en 'aceptable', es decir, en una persona que merece ser considerada como tal ante los ojos de los tribunales. Para esto se tienen en cuenta las diferencias que se registran en el tratamiento de los hombres/niños y las mujeres/niñas que son presentados ante la Justicia por sus padres como atacados. En este sentido, se resalta el lugar central que ocupa la familia en el proceso judicial, en tanto, por un lado son quienes pueden hacer la denuncia poniendo en funcionamiento la maquinaria judicial y por otro lado deben demostrar que han resguardado a sus hijos hasta el momento del ataque, protegiéndolos en un doble sentido: físicamente y psíquicamente, evitando su conocimiento "del mundo", entendido aquí de la sexualidad


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Major findings of the Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic (SLiCA) are: (1) A combination of traditional activities and cash employment is the prevailing lifestyle of Arctic indigenous peoples; (2) family ties, social support of each other, and traditional activities have a lot to do with why indigenous people choose to remain in Arctic communities; (3) well-being is closely related to job opportunities, locally available fish and game, and a sense of local control. Well-being and depression (and related problems like suicide) are flip sides of the same coin. Improving well-being may reduce social problems; and, (4) health conditions vary widely in the Arctic: three-in-four Greenlandic Inuit self-rate their health as at least very good compared with one-in-two Canadian and Alaska Inuit and one-in-five Chukotka indigenous people. Findings are based on 7,200 interviews in a probability sample of Inupiat settlement regions of Alaska, the four Inuit settlement regions of Canada, all of Greenland, and the Anadyrskij, Anadyr, Shmidtovs, Beringovskij, Chukotskij, Iujl'tinskij, Bilibinskij, Chaunskij, Providenskij, Uel'Kal' districts of Chukotka. Indigenous people and researchers from Greenland, Russia, Canada, the United States, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland collaborated on all phases of the study.


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Speech is the major function, emergence and which development radically changes all course of formation of the identity of the child already in the early childhood. If language and speech development in solitary born children is investigated today quite well, at twin children this process practically is not studied. Our research was carried out for the purpose of studying of an originality of mastering by speech by heterosexual children of pair of twins within communicative and pragmatist approach (T.N. Ushakov,G. V. Chirkina). Application of this approach to the analysis of process of communication at twin children allowed us to allocate those peculiar receptions and means of communication which they functionally develop in a situation of pair of twins, as allows them to show the phenomena of the speech which are not meeting at solitary born contemporaries. In this work results of supervision and research of pair of heterosexual twins of the second year of the life, carried out by a technique developed by us under the scientific guide of G. V. Chirkina


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Introdução: O deslocamento ativo tem estreita relação com problemas de saúde pública da atualidade e sua promoção pode contribuir para melhorias quanto à mobilidade urbana, estado de saúde e proteção do meio ambiente. Entretanto, a maior parte das pesquisas sobre o tema tem sido desenvolvida em países de renda alta. A presente tese busca ampliar a investigação sobre o deslocamento ativo no Brasil. Objetivos: i) Descrever a frequência, a distribuição e a variação temporal de indicadores do deslocamento ativo em populações brasileiras; ii) Avaliar o impacto de mudanças no padrão de transporte da população sobre o deslocamento ativo, o tempo sedentário e desfechos de saúde em populações brasileiras. Métodos: Tese composta por sete manuscritos. O primeiro apresenta revisão sistemática de estudos com informações sobre a prática de deslocamento ativo na América Latina e Caribe; o segundo descreve estimativas representativas da população brasileira sobre a prática de deslocamento ativo para o trabalho; o terceiro e o quarto descrevem a frequência e tendência temporal do deslocamento ativo na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (ciclistas e escolares); o quinto discute a questão da mobilidade urbana e do direito à cidade em São Paulo; o sexto e o sétimo avaliam o impacto de mudanças no padrão de mobilidade da metrópole paulistana sobre a prática de deslocamento ativo, tempo não-ativo de deslocamento e tempo total de deslocamento, bem como sobre a poluição do ar e saúde da população. Resultados: A prevalência mediana de deslocamento ativo encontrada em diferentes locais do Brasil foi de 12 por cento , variando entre 5,1 por cento em Palmas (Tocantins) a 58,9 por cento em Rio Claro (São Paulo) (Manuscrito 1). Um terço dos homens e das mulheres desloca-se a pé ou de bicicleta de casa para o trabalho no país. Em ambos os sexos, esta proporção diminui com o aumento da renda e da escolaridade e é maior entre os mais jovens, entre os que residem em áreas rurais, e na região Nordeste. Em todas as regiões metropolitanas estudadas, o quinto das pessoas de menor renda apresenta uma maior frequência de deslocamento ativo (Manuscrito 2). Entre os anos de 2007 e 2012, observamos redução no número de ciclistas em São Paulo e diferenças expressivas na proporção de ciclistas entre homens e mulheres (9,7 por mil habitantes versus 1,4 por mil habitantes em 2012) (Manuscrito 3). Também verificamos uma queda na proporção de crianças que se deslocam ativamente para a escola entre os anos de 1997 e 2012 (Manuscrito 4). O cenário epidemiológico do deslocamento ativo no país é resultante da disputa pelo direito à cidade, com repercussões na transição de mobilidade humana e na saúde e qualidade de vida da população, como podemos observar no caso de São Paulo (Manuscrito 5). A construção de uma São Paulo mais inclusiva, com menores distâncias para os deslocamentos cotidianos e maior frequência de caminhada e bicicleta, levaria à substancial redução do tempo total e do tempo sedentário despendidos nos deslocamentos, sem diminuir a duração do deslocamento ativo (Manuscrito 6). Traria também ganhos à saúde da população, sobretudo pelo aumento da prática de atividade física e da redução da poluição do ar (Manuscrito 7). Conclusões: A prática de deslocamento ativo no Brasil apresenta marcadas diferenças segundo região e características sociodemográficas. De um modo geral, esta prática vem diminuindo no país, o que deve contribuir negativamente para a saúde da população. A promoção de cidades mais inclusivas e compactas, com o favorecimento a modos ativos de deslocamento, pode contribuir para reverter esta preocupante tendência.


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We present Herschel PACS 100 and 160 μm observations of the solar-type stars α Men, HD 88230 and HD 210277, which form part of the FGK stars sample of the Herschel open time key programme (OTKP) DUNES (DUst around NEarby Stars). Our observations show small infrared excesses at 160 μm for all three stars. HD 210277 also shows a small excess at 100 μm, while the 100 μm fluxes of α Men and HD 88230 agree with the stellar photospheric predictions. We attribute these infrared excesses to a new class of cold, faint debris discs. Both α Men and HD 88230 are spatially resolved in the PACS 160 μm images, while HD 210277 is point-like at that wavelength. The projected linear sizes of the extended emission lie in the range from ~115 to ≤ 250 AU. The estimated black body temperatures from the 100 and 160 μm fluxes are ≲22 K, and the fractional luminosity of the cold dust is L_dust/L_⋆ ~ 10^-6, close to the luminosity of the solar-system’s Kuiper belt. These debris discs are the coldest and faintest discs discovered so far around mature stars, so they cannot be explained easily invoking “classical” debris disc models.