998 resultados para Catherine J. Brunton


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Twenty-four shed-reared lambs were each infected orally with 250 metacercariae of Fasciola hepatica, using either the triclabendazole (TCBZ)-sensitive Cullompton isolate or the TCBZ-resistant Sligo isolate. Twelve weeks after infection the lambs were treated with TCBZ (10 mg/kg) or with the experimental fasciolicide, Compound Alpha (Cpd alpha), a benzimidazole derivative of TCBZ (15 mg/kg). The lambs were euthanised 48,72 and 96 h after TCBZ treatment, or 24, 48 and 72 h after Cpd a treatment, and flukes were collected from the liver and/or gall bladder of each animal. Untreated animals harbouring 12-week infections were euthanised 24 h after administration of anthelmintic to the treatment groups, and the untreated flukes provided control material. A semi-quantitative assessment of the degree of histological change induced by the two drugs after different times of exposure was achieved by scoring the intensity of three well-defined lesions that developed in the testes and uteri of a representative sample of flukes from each lamb. In general, it was found that in those tissues where active meiosis and/or mitosis occurred (testis, ovary, and vitelline follicles), there was progressive loss of cell content due to apparent failure of cell division to keep pace with expulsion of the mature or effete products. Further, actively dividing cell types tended to become individualised, rounded and condensed, characteristic of apoptotic cell death. Protein synthetic activity was apparently inhibited in the Mehlis' secretory cells. In the uterus, where successful formation of shelled eggs represents the culmination of a complex sequence of cytokinetic, cytological and synthetic activity involving the vitelline follicles, the ovary and the Mehlis' gland, histological evidence indicating failure of ovigenesis was evident from 24 h post-treatment onwards. The development of these lesions may be related to the known antitubulin activity of the benzimidazole class of anthelmintics, to the induction of apoptosis in cells where mitosis or meiosis has aborted due to failure of spindle formation, and to drug-induced inhibition of protein synthesis. The semi-quantitative findings indicated that Cpd a is slightly less efficacious than TCBZ itself in causing histological damage to the reproductive structures of TCBZ-sensitive flukes, and that, like TCBZ, it caused no histological damage in flukes of the TCBZ-resistant isolate. This study illustrates the potential utility of histological techniques for conveniently screening representative samples of flukes in field trials designed to validate instances of drug resistance or to test the efficacy of new products against known drug-resistant and drug-susceptible fluke isolates. It also provides reference criteria for drug-induced histopathological changes in fluke reproductive structures which may aid interpretation of TEM findings. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of blanching (95 ± 3 °C) followed by sous vide (SV) processing (90 °C for 10 min) on levels of two polyacetylenes in parsnip disks immediately after processing and during chill storage was studied and compared with the effect of water immersion (WI) processing (70 °C for 2 min.). Blanching had the greatest influence on the retention of polyacetylenes in sous vide processed parsnip disks resulting in significant decreases of 24.5 and 24% of falcarinol (1) and falcarindiol (2) respectively (p < 0.05). Subsequent SV processing did not result in additional significant losses in polyacetylenes compared to blanched samples. Subsequent anaerobic storage of SV processed samples resulted in a significant decrease in 1 levels (p < 0.05) although no change in 2 levels was observed (p > 0.05). 1 levels in WI processed samples were significantly higher than in SV samples (p = 0.05). 2 was particularly susceptible to aerobic storage following WI processing with losses of up to 70% occurring after 5 days storage. 1 type polyacetylene undergoes degradation such as oxidation, dehydrogenation when thermally treated forming oxidized form of 1 type molecules, in this case falcarindione, dehydrofalcarinol, dehydrofalcarinone. Thermal processing had a significant effect on instrumental color of parsnip samples compared to minimally processed in both SV and WI processed samples resulting in parsnip disks becoming darker, yellower and browner following processing and storage.


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C17 polyacetylenes are a group of bioactive compounds present in carrots which have recently gained scientific attention due to their cytotoxicity against cancer cells. In common with many bioactive compounds, their levels may be influenced by thermal processes, such as boiling or water immersion. This study investigated the effect of a number of water immersion time/temperature combinations on concentrations of these compounds and attempted to model the changes. Carrot samples were thermally treated by heating in water at temperatures from 50–100 °C and holding times of 2–60 min. Following heating, levels of falcarinol (FaOH), falcarindiol (FaDOH), falcarindiol-3-acetate (FaDOAc) and Hunter colour parameters (L*a*b*) were determined. FaOH, FaDOH, FaDOAc levels were significantly reduced at lower temperatures (50–60 °C). In contrast, samples heated at temperatures from 70–100 °C exhibited higher levels of polyacetylenes (p < 0.05) than did raw unprocessed samples. Regression modelling was used to model the effects of temperature and holding time on the levels of the variables measured. Temperature treatment and holding time were found to significantly affect the polyacetylene content of carrot disks. Predicted models were found to be significant (p < 0.05) with high coefficients of determination (R2).


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A short, practical synthesis of the bis-acetylenic natural product falcarinol 1 is reported. This method relies on the alternate functionalisation of bis-trimethylsilylbutadiyne 10. This may be achieved in one-pot, however, better yields were obtained more conventionally. Lipase mediated enzymatic kinetic resolution of the racemic adduct in an organic solvent afforded (+)-1 in 97% enantiomeric excess. The analogous process performed with racemic 3-acetoxy falcarinol 11 under aqueous conditions gave (-)-1. Oxidation of 1 with Dess–Martin periodinane gave falcarinone 2.


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Brown algae (Phaeophyceae) are complex photosynthetic organisms with a very different evolutionary history to green plants, to which they are only distantly related(1). These seaweeds are the dominant species in rocky coastal ecosystems and they exhibit many interesting adaptations to these, often harsh, environments. Brown algae are also one of only a small number of eukaryotic lineages that have evolved complex multicellularity (Fig. 1). We report the 214 million base pair (Mbp) genome sequence of the filamentous seaweed Ectocarpus siliculosus (Dillwyn) Lyngbye, a model organism for brown algae(2-5), closely related to the kelps(6,7) (Fig. 1). Genome features such as the presence of an extended set of light-harvesting and pigment biosynthesis genes and new metabolic processes such as halide metabolism help explain the ability of this organism to cope with the highly variable tidal environment. The evolution of multicellularity in this lineage is correlated with the presence of a rich array of signal transduction genes. Of particular interest is the presence of a family of receptor kinases, as the independent evolution of related molecules has been linked with the emergence of multicellularity in both the animal and green plant lineages. The Ectocarpus genome sequence represents an important step towards developing this organism as a model species, providing the possibility to combine genomic and genetic(2) approaches to explore these and other(4,5) aspects of brown algal biology further.


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OBJECTIVE: Gremlin (grem1) is an antagonist of the bone morphogenetic protein family that plays a key role in limb bud development and kidney formation. There is a growing appreciation that altered grem1 expression may regulate the homeostatic constraints on damage responses in diseases such as diabetic nephropathy. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Here we explored whether knockout mice heterozygous for grem1 gene deletion (grem1(+/-)) exhibit protection from the progression of diabetic kidney disease in a streptozotocin-induced model of type 1 diabetes. RESULTS: A marked elevation in grem1 expression was detected in the kidneys and particularly in kidney tubules of diabetic wild-type mice compared with those of littermate controls. In contrast, diabetic grem1(+/-) mice displayed a significant attenuation in grem1 expression at 6 months of diabetes compared with that in age- and sex-matched wild-type controls. Whereas the onset and induction of diabetes were similar between grem1(+/-) and wild-type mice, several indicators of diabetes-associated kidney damage such as increased glomerular basement membrane thickening and microalbuminuria were attenuated in grem1(+/-) mice compared with those in wild-type controls. Markers of renal damage such as fibronectin and connective tissue growth factor were elevated in diabetic wild-type but not in grem1(+/-) kidneys. Levels of pSmad1/5/8 decreased in wild-type but not in grem1(+/-) diabetic kidneys, suggesting that bone morphogenetic protein signaling may be maintained in the absence of grem1. CONCLUSIONS: These data identify grem1 as a potential modifier of renal injury in the context of diabetic kidney disease.


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We calculate the chemical evolution of protoplanetary disks considering radial viscous accretion, vertical turbulent mixing, and vertical disk winds. We study the effects on the disk chemical structure when different models for the formation of molecular hydrogen on dust grains are adopted. Our gas-phase chemistry is extracted from the UMIST Database for Astrochemistry (Rate06) to which we have added detailed gas-grain interactions. We use our chemical model results to generate synthetic near- and mid-infrared local thermodynamic equilibrium line emission spectra and compare these with recent Spitzer observations. Our results show that if H2 formation on warm grains is taken into consideration, the H2O and OH abundances in the disk surface increase significantly. We find that the radial accretion flow strongly influences the molecular abundances, with those in the cold midplane layers particularly affected. On the other hand, we show that diffusive turbulent mixing affects the disk chemistry in the warm molecular layers, influencing the line emission from the disk and subsequently improving agreement with observations. We find that NH3, CH3OH, C2H2, and sulfur-containing species are greatly enhanced by the inclusion of turbulent mixing. We demonstrate that disk winds potentially affect the disk chemistry and the resulting molecular line emission in a manner similar to that found when mixing is included.


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BACKGROUND: The CXC-chemokine expression is linked with colorectal cancer (CRC) progression but their significance in resected CRC is unclear. We explored the prognostic impact of such expression in stage II and III CRC.


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In this paper, we present collision strengths and Maxwellian averaged effective collision strengths for the electron-impact excitation of Ni II. Attention is expressly concentrated on the optically allowed fine-structure transitions between the 3d 9, 3d 84s, and 3d 74s 2 even parity levels and the 3d 84p and 3d 74s 4p odd parity levels. The parallel RMATRXII R-matrix package has been recently extended to allow for the inclusion of relativistic fine-structure effects. This suite of codes has been utilized in conjunction with the parallel PSTGF and PSTGICF programs in order to compute converged total collision strengths for the allowed transitions with which this study is concerned. All 113 LS terms identified with the 3d 9, 3d 84s, 3d 74s 2, 3d 84p, and 3d 74s 4p basis configurations were included in the target wavefunction representation, giving rise to a sophisticated 295 jj-level, 1930 coupled channel scattering complex. Maxwellian averaged effective collision strengths have been computed at 30 individual electron temperatures ranging from 30 to 1,000,000 K. This range comfortably encompasses all temperatures significant to astrophysical and plasma applications. The convergence of the collision strengths is exhaustively investigated and comparisons are made with previous theoretical works, where significant discrepancies exist for the majority of transitions. We conclude that intrinsic in achieving converged collision strengths and thus effective collision strengths for the allowed transitions is the combined inclusion of contributions from the (N + 1) partial waves extending to a total angular momentum value of L = 50 and further contributions from even higher partial waves accomplished by employing a "top-up" procedure.


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Biosensors are used for a large number of applications within biotechnology, including the pharmaceutical industry and life sciences. Since the production of Biacore surface-plasmon resonance instruments in the early 1990s, there has been steadily growing use of this technology for the detection of food contaminants (e.g., veterinary drugs, mycotoxins, marine toxins, food dyes and processing contaminants). Other biosensing technologies (e.g., electrochemical and piezoelectric) have also been employed for the analysis of small-molecule contaminants. This review concentrates on recent advances made in detection and quantification of antimicrobial compounds with different types of biosensors and on the emergence of multiplexing, which is highly desirable as it increases sample analysis at lower cost and in less time. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aim.  This article is a report of recruitment bias in a sample of 5–25-year-old patients with severe cerebral palsy.

Background.  The way in which study participants are recruited into research can be a source of bias.

Method.  A cross-sectional survey of 5–25-year-old patients with severe cerebral palsy using standardized questionnaires with parents/carers was undertaken in 2007/2008. A case register was used as the sampling frame, and 260 families were approached: 178/260 (68%) responded and 82/260 families never replied (non-respondents). Among responders: 127/178 (71%) opted in to the study, but only 123/127 were assessed, and 82/178 were opted out (or refused). Multivariable logistic regression giving odds ratios was used to study the association between participant characteristics and study outcomes (responders vs. non-responders; opting in vs. opting out; assessed vs. eligible, but not assessed).

Results.  Responders (compared with non-responders) were significantly more likely to have a family member with cerebral palsy who was male and resident in more affluent areas. Families who opted in (compared with those opting out and refusing) were more likely to have a family member with cerebral palsy and intellectual impairment and to reside in certain geographical areas. Families who were actually assessed (compared with all eligible, but not assessed) were more likely to have a family member with cerebral palsy and intellectual impairment.

Conclusion.  Several sources of bias were identified during recruitment for this study. This has implications for the interpretation and conclusions of surveys of people with disabilities and complex needs.