997 resultados para Catechetical sermons.
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Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes index.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Reprint of the 1862 ed.
Mode of access: Internet.
This dissertation examines the publication history of a single work: John Calvin’s 1552 Quatre sermons de M. Jehan Calvin traictans des matières fort utiles pour nostre temps, avec briefve exposition du Pseaume lxxxvii. Overlooked for both its contribution to Calvin’s wider corpus and its surprising popularity in English translation, successive editions of Quatre sermons display how Calvin’s argument against the behavior of so-called “Nicodemites” was adapted to various purposes unrelated to refuting religious dissimulation. The present study contributes to research in Calvin’s anti-Nicodemism by highlighting the fruitfulness of focusing on a discrete work and its reception. Borrowing a term (“Newter”) from John Field’s 1579 translation of Quatre sermons, this study’s title adumbrates its argument. English translators capitalized on the intrinsic malleability of a nameless and faceless opponent, the Nicodemite, and the adaptability of Quatre sermons genre as a collection of sermons to reshape—or, if you will, disfigure—both Calvin’s original foes and his case against them to advance various new agenda. Yet they were not the first to use the reformer’s sermons this way. They could have learned this from Calvin himself.
My examination of Quatre sermons opens by setting the work in the context of Calvin’s other writings and his political situation (Introduction, chapters one and two). Calvin’s unrelenting literary assault on French Nicodemism over three decades has long been recognized for its consistency and negativity. Yet scholars have tended to neglect how Calvin’s polemic against religious dissimulation could exhibit significant flexibility according to the needs of his context. Whereas Calvin’s preface promises simply to revisit his previous argument against participation in the Mass, his approach to Nicodemism in Quatre sermons seems adapted to accomplish goals beyond decrying false worship, offering a carefully-crafted apology for Calvin’s pastoral authority directed at his political situation. Repeatedly emphasizing God’s purpose to bless his children through the ministry of a rightly-ordered church, Quatre sermons marks a shift in Calvin’s anti-Nicodemite rhetoric away from purely negative critique, stressing instead God’s provision of spiritual nurture via political exile. Read in light of Calvin’s 1552 context, two audiences emerge: sermons ostensibly targeting believers in France who hid their faith also appear especially designed to silence Calvin’s foes in Geneva.
The remainder of the study examines the reception of Quatre sermons in the rapidly shifting religious and social contexts of Marian and Elizabethan England, where it appeared in more unique editions than any of Calvin’s writings besides the Institutio and the reformer’s 1542/45 Genevan Catechism. Calvin’s anti-Nicodemism has not been examined for its distinct contribution to the overall English reception of his thought. Five English versions of Quatre sermons appeared between 1553 and 1584—four of these under a Protestant queen, a situation quite different from the French context Calvin addressed. After situating Calvin’s position within the currents of Tudor Protestant anti-Nicodemism (chapter three), I place each of the five translations in its particular context, investigating prefaces, appendices, marginalia, and translation methods to discover how and why individuals used Quatre sermons (chapters four to six). Like Calvin in 1552, those who brought Quatre sermons to English readers were not primarily concerned with Nicodemism. Rather, the malleability of Calvin’s Nicodemite as polemical opponent and the flexibility of Quatre sermons as a sequence of discrete, interrelated parts made it popular with those eager to press Calvin into the service of a variety of diverse goals he could not have imagined, including turning his anti-Nicodemism against fellow members of the English church.
The Reverend Joseph McKeen (1757-1807) was the first president of Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, USA, (founded 1794). McKeen is famous for his inaugural address in which he calls students to serve the common good. His view of common good is a deeply theological view, coloured by the theological era in which he lived and worked. This study examines the idea of common in the light of McKeen’s college sermons, taking note of the following subjects: Scottish Common Sense Realism; The Nature of True Virtue; The Controversy with Unitarianism; and Science and Mathematics. McKeen’s view of common good is not simply a political view. He is not merely a republican, expressing his views on the future of the republic in a classical political way. He is also, indeed primarily, a pastor and theologian.
Gregory the Great was one of the four great fathers of the western Church, quickly rising from a monk, to a deacon, and eventually to the papal office (590-604). This book provides an introduction to the life and times of Gregory the Great. Particular attention is paid to his thinking and his writings including translations of his commentaries on translating the Bible, his sermons to the people, his reflections on the human condition, and, perhaps his most important work, his commentary on the Book of Job. A great addition to the series. 177p (The Early Church Fathers, Routledge 2005)
Le Protévangile de Jacques latin dans l'homélie Inquirendum est pour la fête de la Nativité de Marie
L'article est le fruit d'une recherche sur la survie du Protévangile de Jacques en latin. Il contient l'édition critique et la traduction d'une homélie pour la fête de la Nativité de Marie, désignée par son incipit, Inquirendum est, et conservant les ch. 1-8 du Protévangile de Jacques (PJ). Dans trois des six manuscrits utilisés pour l'édition, l'homélie fait partie d'un recueil de sermons de l'époque carolingienne, l'« Homéliaire de Saint-Père de Chartres ». Elle a été composée en même temps que cet homéliaire, entre 820 et 950, dans un milieu marqué par des échanges entre l'Angleterre et la France. L'auteur de l'homélie a inséré dans un cadre homilétique les ch. 1-8 du PJ. Il a utilisé une version latine amplifiée du Protévangile (traduction II), dont dépendent également plusieurs autres témoins: le manuscrit de Paris, Sainte-Geneviève 2787 (PJlatG); les Latin Infancy Gospels édités par M. R. James (JAr et JHer, formes Arundel et Hereford de la « compilation J »); le récit irlandais de l'enfance du Liber Flavus Fergusiorum (InfLFF). Certaines amplifications du récit primitif sont présentes dans l'ensemble de ces témoins, comme l'épisode de la révélation céleste du nom de Marie (traduction IIa). D'autres sont communes à l'homélie, à JAr-JHer et/ou à InfLFF, comme l'ordre supplémentaire donné par Joachim à ses bergers (traduction IIb). A côté de ces éléments traditionnels, l'article met en évidence une série de particularités rédactionnelles (omissions, retouches, additions). L'auteur de l'homélie tient notamment à souligner le caractère naturel de la conception de Marie.