998 resultados para Cassidy, Duane H., 1933-


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L'Oracional hispanic de Verona ha estat sempre referencia obligada per als estudis de topografia de l'Antiguitat tardana a Tarragona. L'estudi intenta conjugar la litúrgia amb l'arqueologia per a coneixer l'empla~ament de les esglésies de Tarraco vers el 700. L'analisi litúrgica de l'Oracional no només permet assegurar que les conegudes rubriques de les processons del diumenge de Carnestoltes no pertanyen a l'ordo catedral, sinó que, també, permet identificar una quarta església -a més de les de Sant Fructuós, Sant Pere i la Catedral-, per a la qual va ser adaptat el Codex Veronensis i que, probablement, estava advocada a sant Hipolit. També és novedosa la proposta per a l'emplaçament de l'església de Sant Pere, en una volta de la cap~alera oriental del Circ -desafectat de la seva funció com a edifici d'espectacles- que argumentem mitjan~ant un text de 1174 del Diplomatari de Poblet.


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Pieces of Iowa’s Past, published by the Iowa State Capitol Tour Guides weekly during the legislative session, features historical facts about Iowa, the Capitol, and the early workings of state government. All historical publications are reproduced here with the actual spelling, punctuation, and grammar retained. THIS WEEK: Agriculture Adjustment Act (AAA)—Enacted May 12, 1933


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Pieces of Iowa’s Past, published by the Iowa State Capitol Tour Guides weekly during the legislative session, features historical facts about Iowa, the Capitol, and the early workings of state government. All historical publications are reproduced here with the actual spelling, punctuation, and grammar retained. THIS WEEK: Repealing the Iowa State Census: Looking Back at the 1858 Census BACKGROUND: 45TH IOWA GENERAL ASSEMBLY The Forty-fifth Iowa General Assembly convened January 9 and adjourned April 20, 1933—a 102-day session. Nelson G. Kraschel was the Lieutenant Governor presiding in the Senate. The Senate was evenly divided with 25 Democrats and 25 Republican members. George E. Miller was Speaker of the House. The House of Representatives had 76 Democratic members and 32 Republican members. Daniel Turner finished out his term as Governor and Clyde Herring was inaugurated January 12, 1933, at the age of 53. The federal census of 1930 showed Iowa’s population at 2,470,939.


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A propósito de la dispersión de Verbascum boerhavii var. bicolor (Bad.) Arcang. en Catalunya. Verbascum boerhavii L. var. bicolor (Bad.) Arcang., Comp. Fl. Ital. 505 (1882). = V. bicolor Bad., Osserv., 3 (1824) = V. boerhavii L. fma. bicolor (Bad.) Murb., Lunds. Univ. Arssk, 29 (2): 159 (1933). = V. maiale DC. var. bicolor (Bad.) Rouy, Fl. Fr. 9:9 (1909).