997 resultados para Capital regulation
The identification of aggregate human capital externalities is still not fully understood. The existing (Mincerian) approach confounds positive externalities with wage changes due to a downward sloping demand curve for human capital. As a result, it yields positive externalities even when wages equal marginal social products. We propose an approach that identifies human capital externalities whether or not aggregate demand for human capital slopes downward. Another advantage of our approach is that it does not require estimates of the individual return to human capital. Applications to US cities and states between 1970 and 1990 yield no evidence of significant average -schooling externalities.
The financial crisis of 2007-08 has underscored the importance of adverse selection in financialmarkets. This friction has been mostly neglected by macroeconomic models of financialimperfections, however, which have focused almost exclusively on the effects of limited pledgeability.In this paper, we fill this gap by developing a standard growth model with adverseselection. Our main results are that, by fostering unproductive investment, adverse selection:(i) leads to an increase in the economy s equilibrium interest rate, and; (ii) it generates a negativewedge between the marginal return to investment and the equilibrium interest rate. Underfinancial integration, we show how this translates into excessive capital inflows and endogenouscycles. We also extend our model to the more general case in which adverse selection and limitedpledgeability coexist. We conclude that both frictions complement one another and show thatlimited pledgeability exacerbates the effects of adverse selection.
A educação, a formação e o desenvolvimento do capital social é uma das questões prioritárias e que deve ser tido em consideração, sobretudo no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento das comunidades piscatórias em Cabo Verde. Precisa-se de focar essa problemática e, sugerir as medidas e as estratégias que devem estar no centro das atenções dos dirigentes e dos sistemas educativos, reflectindo sobre elas nas comunidades e em termos académicos, tendo presente a importância da educação para o exercício da cidadania. O presente trabalho de investigação tem por objectivo evidenciar a influência da educação na formação do capital social e analisar em que medida é que este pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento sustentável da comunidade piscatória de Cutelinho, situada na Vila de Pedra Badejo, Concelho de Santa Cruz. Em sociedades relativamente homogéneas, como é o caso de Cabo Verde, o capital social pode ser um recurso importante para a promoção do desenvolvimento humano e social, garantindo assim, a qualidade ambiental. A pesquisa é de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa, acreditando-se na complementaridade dos dois métodos de investigação. A triangulação de dados foi feita por meio de questionário/inquérito, entrevista e observação participante, recurso mais básico e fundamental desta investigação. Das análises das avaliações das observações participantes, das informações dos questionários e das entrevistas feitos aos sujeitos da pesquisa, chegou–se a conclusão de que o nível de educação e de capital social na referida comunidade é baixo pelo que a mesma apresenta-se problemas em termos de desenvolvimento
A subset of CD8 T cells in normal mice, expressing high levels of activation markers such as CD44, shares many properties with antigen-specific memory CD8 T cells. Homeostasis of CD44(high) CD8 T cells depends upon cytokines such as interleukin-15 (IL-15); however, the downstream signaling pathways regulating IL-15-dependent homeostatic proliferation are poorly defined. Surprisingly, we show here that haploinsufficiency of the protooncogene c-myc leads to a highly selective decrease in CD44(high) CD8 T cells in mice. Although steady-state proliferation and survival of CD44(high) CD8 T cells appeared not to be dependent on c-Myc, homeostatic proliferation of c-myc(+/-) CD44(high) CD8 T cells in lymphopenic hosts was strongly reduced, and the residual homeostatic proliferation of these cells appeared to occur independently of IL-15. Moreover, c-myc(+/-) CD44(high) CD8 T cells responded very poorly to purified IL-15 in vitro. Backcrossing of c-myc(+/-) mice to IL-15(-/-) mice revealed that the number of CD44(high) CD8 T cells decreased in an additive fashion in mice heterozygous for c-myc and IL-15. Finally homeostatic proliferation of antigen-specific memory CD44(high) CD8 T cells was also impaired in c-myc(+/-) mice. Collectively, our data identify c-Myc as a novel downstream component of the IL-15-dependent pathway controlling homeostatic proliferation of memory CD44(high) CD8 T cells.
In many insect societies, workers can manipulate the reproductive output of their colony by killing kin of lesser value to them. For instance, workers of the mound-building For mica exsecta eliminate male brood in colonies headed by a single-mated queen. By combining an inclusive fitness model and empirical data, we investigated the selective causes underlying these fratricides. Our model examines until which threshold stage in male brood development do the workers benefit from eliminating males to rear extra females instead. We then determined the minimal developmental stage reached by male larvae before elimination in F. exsecta field colonies. Surprisingly, many male larvae were kept until they were close to pupation, and only then eliminated. According to our model, part of the eliminated males were so large that workers would not benefit from replacing them with new females. Moreover, males were eliminated late in the season, so that new females could no longer be initiated, because matings take place synchronously during a short period. Together, these results indicate that workers did not replace male brood with new females, but rather reduced total brood size during late larval development. Male destruction was probably triggered by resource limitation, and the timing of brood elimination suggests that males may have been fed to females when these start to grow exponentially during the final larval stage. Hence, the evolution of fratricides in ants is best explained by a combination of ecological, demographic and genetic parameters.
O presente trabalho que se intitula “Capital Social e Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Comunidade Piscatória do Brasil em Achada de Santo António” enquadra-se no âmbito do curso de licenciatura em Economia e Gestão realizado pela Universidade Jean Piaget de Cabo Verde. A formação e o reforço do capital social são questões que devem ser tidas em consideração, enquanto requisitos indispensáveis ao desenvolvimento das comunidades piscatórias em Cabo Verde e, sendo assim do Brasil em Achada de Santo António, uma vez que esta comunidade depara-se com problemas sócio-economicos, com reflexos negativos no meio ambiente. O presente trabalho de investigação tem, entre outros objetivos, analisar o nível do capital social na comunidade piscatória do Brasil, inteirar-se sobre o grau de participação das pessoas dessa comunidade em ações e projetos de desenvolvimento, identificar as situações em que essas pessoas se unem para se ajudarem, evidenciar a relação entre o nível do capital social e o desenvolvimento dessa comunidade, e assim sugerir medidas de políticas e estratégias a esse respeito.Este estudo foi realizado com base na metodologia com enfoque quantitativo e analítico. Para além do estudo documental, para a obtenção de dados e informação sobre a educação, o capital social e o desenvolvimento, sobretudo para a parte prática do trabalho foram aplicados através de inquéritos por questionário a 50 ( cinquenta ) pessoas, de ambos os sexos, dessa comunidade, escolhidas aleatoriamente. Os resultados do estudo foram apresentados com base em estatísticas descritivas e fez-se testes estatísticos para verificar a dependência/ independência entre as variáveis do estudo. Ainda, a discussão dos resultados de estudo foi feita tendo em consideração o suporte teórico, os objetivos e os pressupostos do trabalho.Com base na análise e discussão dos resultados do trabalho conclui-se que, na comunidade piscatória do Brasil, o nível de capital social dos inquiridos é de 0,57 e, sendo assim, ligeiramente acima da média estabelecida ( 0,50) , e aproveitado pelas pessoas na vida quotidiana, mas não se projeta para as iniciativas sem efeitos imediatos, pelo que pouco tem vindo a contribuir para o desenvolvimento dessa comunidade, o que requer medidas de políticas e estratégias a esse respeito, com realce para a educação para valores, entre os quais a sociabilidade, a cooperação, a entreajuda, a solidariedade e a confiança.
Collection : Bibliothèque internationale d'économie politique ; 87-88
Para enfrentar os desafios com que se deparam atualmente, as empresas deverão apostar mais nos seus trabalhadores, e principalmente, preocupar-se em criar estímulos, de forma a motivá-los para que possam alcançar os seus objectivos, como também os objectivos pessoais de cada trabalhador. Pois pensar apenas em obter o lucro e a produtividade, não incrementando políticas de benefícios sociais como prática que privilegia os recursos humanos, certamente não será uma boa opção e o caminho mais indicado para o alcance das suas metas. A atribuição de benefícios sociais aos trabalhadores, esta a obter cada vez mais importância no seio das empresas. Esta a tornar-se cada vez mais crucial para qualquer empresa, a elaboração de políticas benefícios sociais dadas as melhorias verificadas no modo de entrega no trabalho e, consequentemente conduz a um aumento de produtividade. Existem diversos tipos de benefícios sociais atribuídos, tendo como objectivo, o aumento do grau de motivação dos trabalhadores, sendo que, de acordo com as pretensões, as empresas podem adoptar os benefícios sociais que mais se adequam as necessidades dos seus trabalhadores e a sua condição económica e financeira.As políticas de benefícios sociais como um instrumento de motivação dos trabalhadores é actualmente muito utilizado nas empresas, que utilizam estilos de gestão modernos e orientados para a estratégia. Neste sentido, pretende-se ilustrar os tipos de benefícios sociais existentes nas empresas e a sua relação directa na motivação dos trabalhadores, particularmente em três empresas Cabo-verdiana em estudo. Em termos metodológicos, recorreu-se ao método da pesquisa bibliográfica, ao estudo de caso nas empresas IFH, Tecnicil Industria e a Caixa Económica de Cabo Verde, à aplicação de questionário aos trabalhadores das três empresas e à entrevista feitas com os responsáveis pelo Departamento de Recurso Humano nas referidas empresas.
The aim of this contribution is to explore how the recent internationalization and the increasing importance of 'cosmopolitan capital' has impacted on the structure and character of the field of the Swiss business elite. For this purpose we will develop the notion of cosmopolitan capital and comparatively investigate the field of the Swiss business elite in 1980, 2000 and 2010 with multiple correspondence analysis. We can show that in this period international managers with transnational careers and networks not only grow in number, but come to conquer the apex of the biggest and highest capitalized Swiss firms. At the same time, national forms of capital decline in importance and Swiss managers themselves are differentiated increasingly into national and international fractions.
FXYD3 (Mat-8) proteins are regulators of Na,K-ATPase. In normal tissue, FXYD3 is mainly expressed in stomach and colon, but it is also overexpressed in cancer cells, suggesting a role in tumorogenesis. We show that FXYD3 silencing has no effect on cell proliferation but promotes cell apoptosis and prevents cell differentiation of human colon adenocarcinoma cells (Caco-2), which is reflected by a reduction in alkaline phosphatase and villin expression, a change in several other differentiation markers, and a decrease in transepithelial resistance. Inhibition of cell differentiation in FXYD3-deficient cells is accompanied by an increase in the apparent Na+ and K+ affinities of Na,K-ATPase, reflecting the absence of Na,K-pump regulation by FXYD3. In addition, we observe a decrease in the maximal Na,K-ATPase activity due to a decrease in its turnover number, which correlates with a change in Na,K-ATPase isozyme expression that is characteristic of cancer cells. Overall, our results suggest an important role of FXYD3 in cell differentiation of Caco-2 cells. One possibility is that FXYD3 silencing prevents proper regulation of Na,K-ATPase, which leads to perturbation of cellular Na+ and K+ homeostasis and changes in the expression of Na,K-ATPase isozymes, whose functional properties are incompatible with Caco-2 cell differentiation.
The molecular mechanisms underlying transcription elongation and their role in gene regulation are poorly characterized in eukaryotes. A number of genes, however, have been proposed to be regulated at the level of transcription elongation, including c-myc, c-fos and c-myb. Here, we analyze the control of transcription elongation at the mouse c-fos gene at the nucleotide level in intact cells. We find that RNA polymerases are engaged in the promoter-proximal part of the gene in the absence of gene activation signals and mRNA synthesis. Importantly, we determine that the engaged RNA polymerases originate from a continuous initiation of transcription which, in the absence of gene activation signals, terminate close to the promoter. We also observe that the c-fos gene presents an active chromatin conformation, with the promoter and upstream regulatory sequences constitutively occupied by proteins, accounting for the continuous initiation of RNA polymerase complexes. We propose that activation of c-fos gene expression results primarily from the assembly of elongation-competent RNA polymerases that can transcribe the complete gene. Our results suggest that the engaged RNA polymerases found downstream of a number of other eukaryotic promoters may be associated with transcription termination of elongation-incompetent polymerases in the absence of activating signals.
Five functional mammalian facilitated hexose carriers (GLUTs) have been characterized by molecular cloning. By functional expression in heterologous systems, their specificity and affinity for different hexoses have been defined. There are three high-affinity transporters (GLUT-1, GLUT-3 and GLUT-4) and one low-affinity transporter (GLUT-2), and GLUT-5 is primarily a fructose carrier. Because their Michaelis constants (Km) are below the normal blood glucose concentration, the high-affinity transporters function at rates close to maximal velocity. Thus their level of cell surface expression greatly influences the rate of glucose uptake into the cells. In contrast, the rate of glucose uptake by GLUT-2 (Km = 17 mM) increases in parallel with the rise in blood glucose over the physiological concentration range. High-affinity transporters are found in almost every tissue, but their expression is higher in cells with high glycolytic activity. Glut-2, however, is found in tissues carrying large glucose fluxes, such as intestine, kidney, and liver. As an adaptive response to variations in metabolic conditions, the expression of these transporters is regulated by glucose and different hormones. Thus, because of their specific characteristics and regulated expression, the facilitated glucose transporters control fundamental aspects of glucose homeostasis. I review data pertaining to the structure and regulated expression of the glucose carriers present in intestine, kidney, and liver and discuss their role in the control of glucose flux into or out of these different tissues.
Coordinated function of the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system in vertebrates is essential to promote protective immunity and to avoid immunopathology. The Notch signalling pathway, which was originally identified as a pleiotropic mediator of cell fate in invertebrates, has recently emerged as an important regulator of immune cell development and function. Notch was initially shown to be a key determinant of cell-lineage commitment in developing lymphocytes, but it is now known to control the homeostasis of several innate cell populations. Moreover, the roles of Notch in adaptive immunity have expanded to include the regulation of T cell differentiation and function. The aim of this Review is to summarize the current status of immune regulation by Notch. A better understanding of Notch function in both innate and adaptive immunity will hopefully provide multiple avenues for therapeutic intervention in disease.
During the last decade, extensive research has been performed in the field of orthopedic medicine to develop cell-based therapies for the restoration of injured bone tissue. We previously demonstrated that human primary fetal bone cells (HFBCs) associated with porous scaffolds induced a bone formation in critical calvaria defect; however, the environmental factors regulating their behavior in culture have not been identified. HFBCs (human fetal femur,12 week development) were compared to marrow-derived human mesenchymal stem cells (HMSCs) for their capacity to proliferate and differentiate into osteoblasts under various culture conditions. When cultured in standard alphaMEM medium, PDGF and FGF-2 increased cell proliferation of both cell types. Investigation of the differentiating capacity of HFBCs and HMSCs in a normal culture medium indicated that HFBCs expressed higher expression levels of RUNX2, OSX, and osteogenic markers compared with HMSCs, while SOX9 was expressed at very low levels in both cells types. However, HMSCs, but not HFBCs enhanced osteoblastic markers in response to osteogenic factors. Surprisingly, BMP-2 with osteogenic factors increased cell numbers and reduced osteoblastic differentiation in HFBCs with the opposite effect seen in HMSCs. Associated with a higher expression of osteoblastic markers, HFBCs produced a higher calcified extra cellular matrix compared with HMSCs. Taken together, data presented in this study suggest that HFBCs have characteristics of osteoprecursor cells that are more advanced in their osteogenesis development compared with mesenchymal stem cells, making fetal cells an interesting biological tool for treatment of skeletal defects and diseases.