979 resultados para Capacidade geral de combinação


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Down syndrome (DS) is one of the most frequent causes of intellectual disability, affecting one in every 600 to 1000 live births. Studies have demonstrated that people with DS have a lower capacity for short-term memory (STM) and working memory (WM), which affects their capability to learn new words and to follow spoken instructions, specially when they involve multiple information or consecutive orders/orientations. It seems that the basis of the learning process, as it happens with language and mathematics comprehension and reasoning, relies in the STM and WM systems. Individuals with DS are increasingly included in mainstream education, and yet, very few researches have been conducted to investigate the influence of memory development and the type of enrollment (regular school and special school). This study investigated the relationship between the type of school enrollment with the performance on STM tests and also, the relationship of this performance with early stimulation (ES). The tests used in the first research were the digit span, free recall, word recognition and subtests of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Third Edition (WISC-III). Individuals enrolled in the regular schools group had higher scores on the digit span test and the subtests of the WISC-III. In the free recall and recognition tests, no differences were found. This study indicates that the type of enrollment might influence the memory development of individuals with DS and clearly points the need for future investigations. In the second research, the tests used were the digit span, free word recall and subtests of the WISC-III. The test results showed better performance by adults that received ES before six months of age. The studies showed improvement in STM both in people who attended or were attending regular school, as well as those who benefited from ES before six months of age. However, some issues still need to be better understood. What is the relation between this stimulation with the individual s education? Since ES may reflect a greater family involvement with the individual, what is the role of emotional components derived from this involvement in the cognitive improvement? These and other questions are part of the continuity of this study


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In most cultures, dreams are believed to predict the future on occasion. Several neurophysiological studies indicate that the function of sleep and dreams is to consolidate and transform memories, in a cyclical process of creation, selection and generalization of conjectures about the reality. The aim of the research presented here was to investigate the possible adaptative role of anticipatory dreams. We sought to determine the relationship between dream and waking in a context in which the adaptive success of the individual was really at risk, in order to mobilize more strongly the oneiric activity. We used the entrance examination of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) as a significant waking event in which performance could be independently quantified. Through a partnership with UFRN, we contacted by e-mail 3000 candidates to the 2009 examination. In addition, 150 candidates were approached personally. Candidates who agreed to participate in the study (n = 94) completed questionnaires specific to the examination and were asked to describe their dreams during the examinaton period. The examination performance of each candidate in the entrance examination was provided by the UFRN to the researcher. A total of 45 participants reported dreams related to the examination. Our results show a positive correlation between performance on the examination and anticipatory dreams with the event, both in the comparison of performance on objective and discursive, and in final approval (in the group that not dreamed with the exam the rate of general approval, 22,45%, was similar to that found in the selection process as a whole, 22.19%, while for the group that dreamed with the examination that rate was 35.56%). The occurrence of anticipatory dreams reflectes increased concern during waking (psychobiological mobilization) related to the future event, as indicated by higher scores of fear and apprehension, and major changes in daily life, in patterns of mood and sleep, in the group that reported testrelated dreams. Furthermore, the data suggest a role of dreams in the determination of environmentally relevant behavior of the vigil, simulating possible scenarios of success (dream with approval) and failure (nightmares) to maximize the adaptive success of the individual


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Considering the constant environmental changes, the ability to introduce new food items in the diet is crucial to omnivore animal survival. For optimal nourishment and lessening of intoxication risks, the animals must detect signs that indicate which items are adequate for their intake. We investigate some factors that interfere in the responses to non familiar food, modulating their neophobic behavior, of marmosets Callithrix jacchus, an omnivore and generalist primate, native to Northeast Brazil, known for being cautious in ingesting not known food. We analyzed the influence of food taste (sweet or salty), pregnancy and sex in feeding behavior and neophobic responses in these animals. 10 captive females were first selected, 5 of them being then pregnant. The females, pregnant or not, ate more when presented to the sweet items than to the salty ones. Pregnant females, however, themselves were less neophobic to both tastes, being also strongly neophilic to the sweets. We verified then the influence of nourishment during pregnancy on young males and females post natal feeding behavior. We observed 10 young divided in two groups, one whose mother ate that food item during pregnancy and one whose mother had no contact to it. In the first group that food was more easily accepted by the young, suggesting that neofobia and feeding behavior had a pre natal influence. Female young also ingested more food and were less neophobic than males, a difference already observed in behavior of adults of these specie. These results suggest that the low neophobic behavior to sweet food showed by females can be adaptive, and might have bestowed more fitness to those who presented it


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Natural selection shapes body and behavior of each species. For primates, the social environment constituted one of the greatest selective pressure for the development of their cognition. When we consider gender differences, we see that sexual selection also operates through different selective pressures for men and women not only in physical terms but in terms of cognitive skills. Among these, the primary cognitive abilities - that emerge naturally - and secondary - that rely on an artificial environment for learning - develop differently for each sex, making them suitable for specific tasks in different capacities. Previous studies utilized the Wason Selection Test a conditional logic tool - to measure, among several other things, the ability to recognize violation of rules in abstract contexts and social contexts. Subjects generally had better performance in the latter, however, in these studies possible differences motivated by learning in formal logic or genre were not considered. Our study investigated these two variables, as well as the time spent to solve each task. Furthermore, we used an index to take into account the rights and wrongs of the participants in tasks. We realized that although learning in formal logic does not bring significant differences in solving tests, the gender differences are strongly observed when we consider the social contexts and abstract. Women perform better in social tasks. This can be explained due to different sexual selective pressures for this gender in terms of one-on-one relationships within the group. Men are better at tasks of abstract context and this is probably due to the same reason. Their capabilities for territory defense, habitat navigation and forming coalitions depends on primary cognitive abilities that support secondary cognitive skills of abstraction. Thus, gender differences are a factor to be taken into account in controlling future experiments with the same tool


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Lithium (Li) is the first choice to treat bipolar disorder, a psychiatric illness characterized by mood oscillations between mania and depression. However, studies have demonstrated that this drug might influence mnemonic process due to its neuroprotector, antiapoptotic and neurogenic effects. The use of Li in the treatment of cognitive deficits caused by brain injury or neurodegenerative disorders have been widely studied, and this drug shows to be effective in preventing or even alleviating the memory impairment. The effects of Li on anxiety and depression are controversial and the relationship of the effects of lithium on memory, anxiety and depression remain unknown. In this context, this study aims to: evaluate the effects of acute and chronic administration of lithium carbonate in aversive memory and anxiety, simultaneously, using the plus maze discriminative avoidance task (PMDAT); test the antidepressant effect of the drug through the forced swimming test (FS) and analyze brainderived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression in structures related to memory and emotion. To evaluation of the acute effects, male Wistar rats were submitted to i.p. administration of lithium carbonate (50, 100 or 200 mg/kg) one hour before the training session (PMDAT) or lithium carbonate (50 or 100 mg/kg) one hour before the test session (FS). To evaluation of the chronic effects, the doses administered were 50 or 100 mg/kg or vehicle once a day for 21 days before the beginning of behavioral tasks (PMDAT and FS). Afterwards, the animals were euthanized and their brains removed and submitted to immunohistochemistry procedure to quantify BDNF. The animals that received acute treatment with 100 and 200 mg/kg of Li did not discriminated between the enclosed arms (aversive and non-aversive) in the training session of PMDAT, showing that these animal did not learned the task. This lack of discrimination was also observed in the test session, showing that the animals did not recall the aversive task. We also observed an increased exploration of the open arms of these same groups, indicating an anxiolytic effect. The same groups showed a reduction of locomotor activity, however, this effect does not seem to be related with the anxiolytic effect of the drug. Chronic treatment with Li did not promote alterations on learning or memory processes. Nevertheless, we observed a reduction of open arms exploration by animals treated with 50 mg/kg when compared to the other groups, showing an anxiogenic effect caused by this dose. This effect it is not related to locomotor alterations since there were no alterations in these parameters. Both acute and chronic treatment were ineffective in the FS. Chronic treatment with lithium was not able to modify BDNF expression in hippocampus, amygdala and pre-frontal cortex. These results suggest that acute administration of lithium promote impairments on learning in an aversive task, blocking the occurrence of memory consolidation and retrieval. The reduction of anxiety following acute treatment may have prevented the learning of the aversive task, as it has been found that optimum levels of anxiety are necessary for the occurrence of learning with emotional context. With continued, treatment the animals recover the ability to learn and recall the task. Indeed, they do not show differences in relation to control group, and the lack of alterations on BDNF expression corroborates this result. Possibly, the regimen of treatment used was not able to promote cognitive improvement. Li showed acute anxiolytic effect, however chronic administration 4 promoted the opposite effect. More studies are necessary to clarify the potential beneficial effect of Li on aversive memory


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Muitos professores buscam, em textos jornalísticos, revistas ou jornais, matérias com conteúdo científico para utilizarem como material de apoio em classe. Será que o conteúdo científico contido nesse material é, realmente, aproveitável? O discurso utilizado pelos jornalistas promove o conhecimento científico sobre os assuntos que discutem? Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar, quanto ao conteúdo científico, didático e acessível, matérias das revistas semanais de conteúdo geral mais lidas do país, Veja e Ãpoca, publicadas em 2008, com o tema Meio Ambiente. Os resultados permitiram concluir que os textos apresentados pela revista Veja promovem um discurso científico aproveitável do ponto de vista didático, podendo ser utilizados em sala de aula como material de apoio e complementar pelos professores.


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The main aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between resilience and organizational socialization among newcomers from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), comparing the results obtained in a cross-cultural perspective. The sample (N=205) was composed of mentored (N=70) and non-mentored (N=72) professors and technical-administrative employees at UFRN, and their non-mentored counterparts at NTNU (N=63). The data collection instruments used were the Organizational Socialization Inventory (OSI), the Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA) and a sociodemographic form. Data analysis was preceded by a number of tests to verify possible distinct response styles among the respondents, as they came from different cultures. Descriptive analysis and t-tests were performed to identify and compare organizational socialization and resilience outcomes. Hierarchical regression analyses were carried out, the first ones involving all participants (N=205), to observe the predictive power of resilience factors in relation to organizational socialization factors, beyond the effects of nationality, occupation and mentoring experience. The other hierarchical regression analyses were conducted separately for the professors (N=109) and technical-administrative employees (N=96); and for the mentored (N=70) and non-mentored newcomers from UFRN (N=72), and nonmentored newcomers from NTNU (N=63), to compare the predictive power of resilience in relation to organizational socialization between newcomers from the two occupations, and also among the three groups of participants. The results of this study showed that socialization and resilience profiles differed according to demographic and cultural characteristics, and to the socialization strategies adopted in the institutions studied. Furthermore, it was observed that resilience added a significant incremental prediction to all socialization factors, beyond nationality, occupation, and mentoring experience. The predictive contribution from each of the resilience factors was also noteworthy, mainly those of Planned Future and Social Resources. With respect to nationality, occupation and mentoring experience, it was noted that they explained a significant part of the variance in almost all organizational socialization factors, in addition to playing a meaningful role in predicting the scores of such factors, with some evidence of moderation or mediation by the resilience factors. Considering these and the comparative results of the predictive power of resilience in relation to the organizational socialization, between the two occupations and among the three groups of participants, as a whole, the main findings of this study were as follows: resilience tends to contribute to organizational socialization outcomes; the resilience of some subjects may be a differential factor for success in those situations in which individuals face working conditions that are less favorable to promoting their adaptation; and, a formal mentoring program may contribute to improving newcomer resilience, producing better and more homogeneous organizational socialization outcomes. The practical implications, limitations and main contributions of the study are discussed, with a number of suggestions for future research


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Central Nervous System are the most common pediatric solid tumors. 60% of these tumors arise in posterior fossa, mainly in cerebellum. The first therapeutic approach is surgical resection. Malignant tumors require additional strategies - chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The increasing survival evidences that childhood brain tumors result in academic and social difficulties that compromise the quality of life of the patients. This study investigated the intellectual functioning of children between 7 to 15 years diagnosed with posterior fossa tumors and treated at CEHOPE - Recife / PE. 21 children were eligible - including 13 children with pilocytic astrocytoma (G1) who underwent only surgery resection, and eight children with medulloblastoma (G2) - submitted to surgical resection, chemotherapy and craniospinal radiotherapy. Participants were evaluated by the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - WISC-III. Children of G1 scored better than children of G2. Inferential tools (Mann-Whitney Ãœ Test) identified significant diferences (p ≤ 0.05) between the Performance IQ (PIQ) and Processing Speed Index (PSI) as a function of treatment modality; Full Scale IQ (FSIQ), PIQ and PSI as a function of parental educational level; PIQ, FSIQ, IVP and Freedom from Distractibility (FDI) as a function of time between diagnosis and evaluation. These results showed the late and progressive impact of radiotherapy on white matter and information processing speed. Furthermore, children whose parents have higher educational level showed better intellectual performance, indicating the influence of xxii socio-cultural variables on cognitive development. The impact of cancer and its treatment on cognitive development and learning should not be underestimated. These results support the need to increase the understanding of such effects in order to propose therapeutic strategies which ensure that, in addition to the cure, the full development of children with this pathology


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This study analysed the relationship between the production of argumentative discourses and the development and (re)signification of ethical/moral concepts, conceptions and reasoning. It focused on ethical-argumentative reasoning concerning other people and their different points of view. The specific aims of this research were: (1) to investigate the considering alternative positions on adolescents previous views on a specific topic; (2) to verify whether the ability to generate counterarguments was associated with higher levels of moral reasoning, according to Kohlberg theory, and (3) to have a better comprehension of a possible relationship between adolescents abilities to use cognitive and verbal-argumentative strategies and the (re) signification of concepts/beliefs of an ethical/moral nature, and also the solution of conflicts of the same nature. The participants in this study were seventh grade students of private and public schools. Four empirical tasks were used in order to evaluate argumentative and moral reasoning. These tasks focused on: the evaluation of moral dilemmas (DIT); the evaluation of moral dilemmas with the presentation of a written justification for subjects responses; the production of arguments and the reaction to counterarguments. There was also a group-debate situation in which both argumentation and the discussion ethical/moral issues were observed. The moral dilemmas tasks aimed to evaluate the level of moral reasoning of the participants. The argumentation tasks investigated whether the adolescents generated and justified a point of view and how they dealt with counterarguments or alternative information which could lead the participants to modify their initial positions on the topic under discussion in a monological situation as well as in a group-debate setting. The results showed that, in a monological situation, most of the adolescents produced only a partial developed argumentative discourse, whereas in a more social-verbal interaction situation their discourse appeared to be more elaborated. As a general result, it was observed that the confrontation with the other s views, or dealing with counterarguments allow the adolescents to re-evaluate and re-elaborate their own views on a debatable topic. Regarding the relationship between counterargumentation and moral reasoning, it was verified that there was a subtle tendency associating the two processes. However, other factors, such as, social, emotional and cultural aspects might also influence the development of moral reasoning


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The present study investigated the impact of the treatment modalities of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on neurocognitive abilities of children and adolescents survivors, aged between 6 and 16 years of age, accompanied in pediatric oncology sectors of public health services in the cities of Campina Grande-PB and Natal-RN. The study included 52 children, 13 of these being children and adolescents diagnosed with leukemia and 39 healthy children matched in relation to the study group considering gender, age, school type and level of maternal education. Later the group of children with leukemia was subdivided into two subgroups depending on treatment modality which were submitted: Group 1A (only chemotherapy) and 1B (chemotherapy and radiotherapy). All participants were subjected to a battery of neuropsychological tests that investigated the following neurocognitive abilities: intellectual ability, memory system, attention, visuospatiality and visuoconstruction, processing speed and executive functions. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential measurements with the aid of the U test of Mann-Whitney and T test, considering the influence of the variables: sex, age at diagnosis, time since completion of treatment and level of schooling mothers, on the performance of children. Overall, it is concluded that the illness and the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia significantly favors the emergence of cognitive deficits, particularly in terms of visuospatial skills, and executive skills visoconstrutivas. In turn, the treatment modality of radiotherapy is associated with the presence of more severe deficits, highlighting the significant impact on the speed of information processing. It is hoped that the results presented here will contribute to a better understanding of the nature and extent of neurocognitive effects arising ALL treatment


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper discusses the expression of informality in contemporary capitalism. Thematic of relevance to the analysis of the reality of work today and the logic that moves the capital, its real presence in the lives of individuals. The street trading of Pau dos Ferros town, popularly known as "street market" was chosen as the search space. The main objective is to seize and examine the articulations and logic, present in the configuration of the street trading of this city, located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, explaining the functionality of informality for capitalist accumulation, but also for the reproduction of segments of the working class. Our analysis is based in the perspective of totality, trying to grasp the historical determinations of the phenomenon in focus. It includes the analysis of the mechanisms used by the capital to reproduce itself in the current historical context, which has been implicated in the composition of the labor markets of different countries and in various forms of exploitation to which workers in general are subject. It also means discussing the development of capitalism in Brazil, the logic that permeates its dependence, and especially the use of over-exploitation of labor, as a lever for internal accumulation. The course of investigation consisted of theoretical research to form the basis of theoretical and methodological analysis and to outline the context in which our research object is inserted, and field research conducted in two phases: systematic observation, which allowed to map traders features and the infrastructure of commerce, and the conduction of interviews with key informants. The material collected was scrutinized according to analytical scheme inspired by the content analysis. Among the main considerations developed from the research process we include: the street trading of Pau dos Ferros remains shrouded in the majority sale of agricultural products, this demonstrates the structural characteristics of the region. However, the supply of this product is no longer restricted to the excess of small local producers. The presence of the dealer changed the distribution of the product, streamlining it. In parallel, business practices are developed, practices in which traded goods (industrial) reflect the moment of capitalist restoration, a larger business network. The reflections also made it possible to show that street trading follows developing on the basis of informal work, which gains functionality to the system, as it is configured as a space commonly used to drain part of the production, of industries (clothing/shoes), especially if the distribution is considered as an essential element of the complex process that aims at capital appreciation. This activity has been functioning as a place of employment and income generation for the subjects who are away from formal employment, masking, this way, unemployment, moreover, they allow them to continue as consumers. Such expressions reflect the ability and the logic of capital to expand and aggregate into so many realities. It is underway today, the logic that has led many workers to join the project of domination of capital, by the illusory chance to become capitalists. The aim has been to turn the subject into a consumer and the worker an enterprising


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It bet on the next generation of computers as architecture with multiple processors and/or multicore processors. In this sense there are challenges related to features interconnection, operating frequency, the area on chip, power dissipation, performance and programmability. The mechanism of interconnection and communication it was considered ideal for this type of architecture are the networks-on-chip, due its scalability, reusability and intrinsic parallelism. The networks-on-chip communication is accomplished by transmitting packets that carry data and instructions that represent requests and responses between the processing elements interconnected by the network. The transmission of packets is accomplished as in a pipeline between the routers in the network, from source to destination of the communication, even allowing simultaneous communications between pairs of different sources and destinations. From this fact, it is proposed to transform the entire infrastructure communication of network-on-chip, using the routing mechanisms, arbitration and storage, in a parallel processing system for high performance. In this proposal, the packages are formed by instructions and data that represent the applications, which are executed on routers as well as they are transmitted, using the pipeline and parallel communication transmissions. In contrast, traditional processors are not used, but only single cores that control the access to memory. An implementation of this idea is called IPNoSys (Integrated Processing NoC System), which has an own programming model and a routing algorithm that guarantees the execution of all instructions in the packets, preventing situations of deadlock, livelock and starvation. This architecture provides mechanisms for input and output, interruption and operating system support. As proof of concept was developed a programming environment and a simulator for this architecture in SystemC, which allows configuration of various parameters and to obtain several results to evaluate it


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In systems that combine the outputs of classification methods (combination systems), such as ensembles and multi-agent systems, one of the main constraints is that the base components (classifiers or agents) should be diverse among themselves. In other words, there is clearly no accuracy gain in a system that is composed of a set of identical base components. One way of increasing diversity is through the use of feature selection or data distribution methods in combination systems. In this work, an investigation of the impact of using data distribution methods among the components of combination systems will be performed. In this investigation, different methods of data distribution will be used and an analysis of the combination systems, using several different configurations, will be performed. As a result of this analysis, it is aimed to detect which combination systems are more suitable to use feature distribution among the components


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A diminuição da densidade mineral óssea das vértebras, própria do processo de envelhecimento e que pode ser agravada pela osteoporose, determina uma diminuição da região anterior dos corpos vertebrais, resultando em compressão e colapso dessas vértebras, com maior estreitamento dos discos e espaços intervertebrais. Essas novas condições interferem no funcionamento normal de órgãos e sistemas do organismo. O objetivo foi avaliar o grau de cifose torácica e a capacidade funcional de mulheres idosas com e sem osteoporose. Foram avaliadas 30 idosas ativas fisicamente, sendo 20 sem osteoporose ( GSO: 65,1± 4,67 anos) e 10 idosas com osteoporose (GCO: 68,6± 6,46anos). Foram avaliados a medida da cifose torácica, teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6'), Timed Up and go (TUG) e força dos músculos respiratórios (PImáx e PEmáx). Os dados obtidos foram analisados utilizando o teste t de Student. O nível de significância utilizado foi de 5% (α£ 0,05). Houve diferença significativa entre os grupos sem (GSO) e com osteoporose (GCO) somente no TC6'(GSO: 426,63±46,36 m; GCO: 392,64±36,68 m , α =0,02). As outras variáveis analisadas não apresentaram diferença significativa (Cifose torácica: α = 0,17; TUG: α =0,49; PImax: α =0,45; PEmax: α =0,19). A osteoporose não influenciou o grau de cifose torácica, a força dos músculos respiratórios e mobilidade das idosas. Entretanto, o desempenho no TC6' foi influenciado negativamente pela osteoporose.