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The need for universal access to health and the failure of the pedagogical model centered on the transmission of knowledge has led to changes in the training of health professionals. The objective of this study was to provide a new alternative for evaluating dental students through the development, validation and application of evaluation criteria based on the National Curriculum Guidelines (DCN in Brazil). Therefore, the study was conducted in three phases: development and validation of evaluation criteria of Dentistry courses based on the DCN; a pilot study to verify the applicability of the validated criteria and evaluation of the dentistry courses in the Northeast. In the first stage, a logical model was formulated, allowing for the construction of a criteria matrix, validated by a modified Delphi consensus technique. The validated matrix has the following dimensions: Profile of graduates, health care guidance, teaching and service integration, and pedagogical approach. The pilot study was conducted in five dental courses through a documentary study of the pedagogical project course (PPC), and application of validated questionnaires and interviews with course coordinators. The results of the pilot study indicate the possibility of being verified by means of validated criteria and using different methodological proposals, advances and curricular limitations facing the proposed reorientation of training recommended by DCN. The evaluation of Northeast Dentistry courses was carried out by applying a questionnaire validating a matrix of 30 course coordinators, including public and private institutions. The data were submitted to descriptive analysis, and also tested the difference between means and the correlation between the assessment of the coordinators in the dimensions and sub-dimensions with each other, among the general evaluation of courses and between the following variables: administrative category, time since last curriculum updating, participation in reorienting the training of health professionals programs, ENADE and CPC (Preliminary Concepts of the Course) scores in the year 2013. Positive correlation (p <0.01) was found between the means obtained by the perception of the coordinators in most dimensions, and also between them and the overall performance of the course. There were no significant differences between the coordinators’ perception about course performance and the administrative category (public / private). This difference is slightly higher when the average performance is compared with respect to time due to the last curriculum update, getting better performance in courses with the latest updated curriculum, even with there not 11 being this significant difference between dimensions. Better averages of performance were obtained in courses that do not participate in reorientation programs of professional training, with a significant difference (p<0.05) for the overall score and for all dimensions except the dimensions of teaching-service Integration (p = 0.064). There was no significant correlation between the assessment of coordinators in all dimensions, in the overall assessment or ENADE and CPC scores in 2013. The final instrument proposed in this study is a different alternative assessment for health training of both dentists and other professionals, considering that the DCN providing for the training and graduation of professionals is focused on the health needs of the population, integrated with the SUS (the National Brazilian Health System) and based on student-centered learning.
OBJETIVE: To evaluate the perception of Medical and Nursing students of Medicine and Nursing graduation courses at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), on obstetrics teaching and labor assistance in the context of the maternal care provided by the Maternity Hospital Januário Cicco (MEJC) and contribute to curricular updating planning of teaching obstetrics, in accordance with the principles of humanization. METHODS: It was conducted a study of cross-cutting approach and qualitative and quantitative descriptive method, with students in medicine and nursing of UFRN, who were attending or had been attended the midwifery disciplines medicine; and women's health in nursing. The data were collected through a questionnaire with objective and subjective questions, and stored in a database, spreadsheet software Excel / Office 2010 with all the variables. RESULTS: We interviewed 169 students, 118 of medical school and 51 from the nursing program, of which 46.75% were male and 53.25% female. The largest number of medical respondents is the 11th period (40.67%), and nursing, on 10, (43.15%). These students witnessed 1,073 births, and (61.8%) vaginal deliveries. The obstetricians were the most performed vaginal deliveries (40%). Nurses performed only (8.13%). The assistance provided to women during the process of labor and delivery, was configured as suitable for 87.58% of respondents and these glimpsed humane conduct. Students who performed deliveries, 76.27% were medical and 11.76% were nursing. All had guidance while doing them. A total of 19.50% medical students reported that there is a prejudice against vaginal delivery, particularly for the humanized birth, unlike all nursing students (100%) who reported that there is this prejudice. Most students (73%) showed preference for vaginal delivery, especially nursing students. On the knowledge of myths in relation to vaginal delivery, 60.35% answered that they know some. CONCLUSION: This study presents itself as a highly relevant, since the results may contribute to curricular changing and updating related to obstetrics teaching, but also serve as a resource for analysis of humanization practices that should be developed in educational institutions and which are recommended by the Ministry of Health.
O estudo visa identificar as iniciativas de Divulgação Científica empreendidas pela Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT) e Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso (Unemat), com vistas à atualização e ao aperfeiçoamento da comunicação institucional, maior interação com interlocutores e fortalecimento da imagem do estado como produtor de CT&I. Foram empreendidas pesquisas bibliográficas e documentais, áreas prioritárias de fomento e difusão científica; entrevistas; auditoria de imagem na mídia estadual; diagnóstico dos principais produtos de jornalismo científico desenvolvidos pela UFMT e Unemat, assim como iniciativas conjuntas (revista Fapemat Ciência e Rede de Divulgação Científica). O método investigativo adotado pode ser caracterizado como Pesquisa Participante, concebido em estreita associação com resolução de problemas, tomada de consciência ou produção de novos conhecimentos (THIOLLENT, 1996, 1997). Tal estratégia agrega distintas técnicas de pesquisa social, definidas em função de cada fase do processo de investigação. A partir da análise dos conteúdos científicos publicados nos jornais estaduais, foi possível verificar que essas IES públicas ainda não ocupam lugar relevante em tais veículos, o que pode ser justificado pela inadequação de linguagem ou canais de relacionamento, assim como, pela necessidade de uma política de divulgação mais eficiente. O mapeamento dos portais e canais de mídias sociais institucionais evidenciou que a utilização desses veículos ainda pode ser mais bem dinamizada. Por fim, as conclusões apontam que diferenças culturais e institucionais entre as duas IES inviabilizam a adoção de uma Política de Comunicação Científica integrada, comum entre UFMT e Unemat. O que pode ser considerado, é o desenvolvimento de ações para a dinamização de divulgação dessas instituições, no âmbito do Sistema Estadual de CT&I.
Aim: Alcohol consumption is a leading cause of global suffering. The harms caused by alcohol to the individual, their peers and the society in which they live provokes public health concern. Elevated levels of consumption and consequences have been noted in those aged 18-29 years. University students represent a unique subsection of society within this age group. University authorities have attempted to tackle this issue throughout the past decade. However, the issue persists. Thus, the aim of this study is to contribute to the evidence base for policy and practice in relation to alcohol harm reduction among third-level students in Ireland. Methods: A mixed methods approach was employed. A systematic review of the prevalence of hazardous alcohol consumption among university students in Ireland and the United Kingdom from 2002 to 2014 was conducted. In addition, a narrative synthesis of studies of drinking types evidenced among youths in western societies was undertaken. A cross-sectional study focused on university students’ health and lifestyle behaviours with particular reference to alcohol consumption was undertaken using previously validated instruments. Undergraduate students registered to one university in Ireland were recruited using two separate modes; classroom and online. Studies investigated the impact of mode of data collection, the prevalence of hazardous alcohol consumption and resultant adverse consequences for mental health and wellbeing. In addition a study using a Q-methodology approach was undertaken to gain a deeper understanding of the cultural factors influencing current patterns of alcohol consumption. Data were analysed using IBM SPPS statistics 20, Stata 12, MPLUS and PQ Method. Results: The literature review focusing on students’ alcohol consumption found that there has been both an increase in hazardous alcohol consumption among university students and a convergence of male and female drinking patterns throughout the past decade. Updating this research, the thesis found that two-thirds of university students consume alcohol at a hazardous level, detailing the range of adverse consequences reported by university students in Ireland. Finally, the heterogeneous nature of this drinking was described in a narrative synthesis exposing six types of consumption. The succeeding chapters develop this review further by describing three typologies of consumption, two quantitative and one quali-quantilogical. The quantitative typology describes three types of drinking for men (realistic hedonist, responsible conformer and guarded drinker) and four types for women (realistic hedonist, peer-influenced, responsible conformer and guarded drinker). The quali-quantilogical approach describes four types of consumption. These are defined as the ‘guarded drinker’, the ‘calculated hedonist’, the ‘peer-influenced drinker’ and the ‘inevitable binger’. Discussion: The findings of this thesis highlight the scale of the issue and provide up-to-date estimates of alcohol consumption among university students in Ireland. Hazardous alcohol consumption is associated with a range of harms to self and harms to others in proximity to the alcohol consumer. The classification of drinkers into types signal the necessity for university management, health promotion practitioners and public health policy makers to tackle this issue using a multi-faceted approach.
El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la producción escrita del ecuatoriano Agustín Cueva y del boliviano René Zavaleta, respecto a los debates sobre la experiencia populista y sobre la matriz nacional popular en América Latina. Se presentarán sus principales contribuciones en clave comparada a partir de dos ejes analíticos: su caracterización respecto de las condiciones del surgimiento de la experiencia populista y del sujeto político al que refieren estas experiencias y la distinción que realizan los autores entre el populismo y la matriz nacional-popular. A partir de este último eje, en el cual residen sus principales argumentaciones teóricas y su defensa de la perspectiva marxista en el escenario latinoamericano, estudiaremos sus miradas sobre la construcción de hegemonía y los procesos de democratización en América Latina. El trabajo ofrece una reflexión de dos referentes del marxismo latinoamericano, cuyo pensamiento representa un legado para la Teoría Social Latinoamericana, a modo de propuesta para la reflexión sobre la reactualización de los debates en torno a la experiencia populista de la región en la última década.
Moving through a stable, three-dimensional world is a hallmark of our motor and perceptual experience. This stability is constantly being challenged by movements of the eyes and head, inducing retinal blur and retino-spatial misalignments for which the brain must compensate. To do so, the brain must account for eye and head kinematics to transform two-dimensional retinal input into the reference frame necessary for movement or perception. The four studies in this thesis used both computational and psychophysical approaches to investigate several aspects of this reference frame transformation. In the first study, we examined the neural mechanism underlying the visuomotor transformation for smooth pursuit using a feedforward neural network model. After training, the model performed the general, three-dimensional transformation using gain modulation. This gave mechanistic significance to gain modulation observed in cortical pursuit areas while also providing several testable hypotheses for future electrophysiological work. In the second study, we asked how anticipatory pursuit, which is driven by memorized signals, accounts for eye and head geometry using a novel head-roll updating paradigm. We showed that the velocity memory driving anticipatory smooth pursuit relies on retinal signals, but is updated for the current head orientation. In the third study, we asked how forcing retinal motion to undergo a reference frame transformation influences perceptual decision making. We found that simply rolling one's head impairs perceptual decision making in a way captured by stochastic reference frame transformations. In the final study, we asked how torsional shifts of the retinal projection occurring with almost every eye movement influence orientation perception across saccades. We found a pre-saccadic, predictive remapping consistent with maintaining a purely retinal (but spatially inaccurate) orientation perception throughout the movement. Together these studies suggest that, despite their spatial inaccuracy, retinal signals play a surprisingly large role in our seamless visual experience. This work therefore represents a significant advance in our understanding of how the brain performs one of its most fundamental functions.
Currently, there is increasing use of nanomaterials in the food industry thanks to the many advantages offered and make the products that contain them more competitive in the market. Their physicochemical properties often differ from those of bulk materials, which require specialized risk assessment. This should cover the risks to the health of workers and consumers as well as possible environmental risks. The risk assessment methods must go updating due to more widespread use of nanomaterials, especially now that are making their way down to consumer products. Today there is no specific legislation for nanomaterials, but there are several european dispositions and regulations that include them. This review gives an overview of the risk assessment and the existing current legislation regarding the use of nanotechnology in the food industry.
Solving microkinetics of catalytic systems, which bridges microscopic processes and macroscopic reaction rates, is currently vital for understanding catalysis in silico. However, traditional microkinetic solvers possess several drawbacks that make the process slow and unreliable for complicated catalytic systems. In this paper, a new approach, the so-called reversibility iteration method (RIM), is developed to solve microkinetics for catalytic systems. Using the chemical potential notation we previously proposed to simplify the kinetic framework, the catalytic systems can be analytically illustrated to be logically equivalent to the electric circuit, and the reaction rate and coverage can be calculated by updating the values of reversibilities. Compared to the traditional modified Newton iteration method (NIM), our method is not sensitive to the initial guess of the solution and typically requires fewer iteration steps. Moreover, the method does not require arbitrary-precision arithmetic and has a higher probability of successfully solving the system. These features make it ∼1000 times faster than the modified Newton iteration method for the systems we tested. Moreover, the derived concept and the mathematical framework presented in this work may provide new insight into catalytic reaction networks.
This project is aimed at making comparison between current existing Internet- of-Things (IoT) platforms, SensibleThings (ST) and Global Sensors Networks (GSN). Project can be served as a further work of platforms’ investigation. Comparing and learning from each other aim to contribute to the improvement of future platforms development. Detailed comparison is mainly with the respect of platform feature, communication and data present-frequency performance under stress, and platform node scalability performance on one limited device. Study is conducted through developing applications on each platform, and making measuring performance under the same condition in household network environment. So far, all these respects have had results and been concluded. Qualitatively comparing, GSN performs better in the facets of node’s swift development and deployment, data management, node subscription and connection retry mechanism. Whereas, ST is superior in respects of network package encryption, platform reliability, session initializing latency, and degree of developing freedom. In quantitative comparison, nodes on GSN has better data push pressure resistence while ST nodes works with lower session latency. In terms of data present-frequency, ST node can reach higher updating frequency than GSN node. In the aspect of node sclability on one limited device, ST nodes take the advantage in averagely lower latency than GSN node when nodes number is less than 15 on limited device. But due to sharing mechanism of GSN, on one limited device, it's nodes shows more scalable if platform nodes have similar job.
Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht zum einen Zusammenhänge zwischen körperlicher Aktivität, den motorischen Fähigkeiten und den kognitiven Fähigkeiten von 5- bis 6-Jährigen (Studien 1 und 3). Zum anderen wurde für diese Altersgruppe die Wirkung langfristiger (Stu-die 1: N = 81) und einmaliger koordinativer und ausdauerorientierter Interventionen (Studie 2: N = 170; Studie 3: N = 135) auf die kognitiven Fähigkeiten überprüft. Vor und nach den je-weiligen Interventionen wurden die kognitiven Fähigkeiten erhoben und mit einer Kontrollgruppe ohne sportliche Aktivität verglichen. Zusätzlich wurden in Studie 1 die körperliche Aktivität sowie in Studien 1 und 3 die motorischen Fähigkeiten der Kinder erfasst. Die statistischen Analysen ergaben hinsichtlich der untersuchten Zusammenhänge in Studie 1 lediglich eine signifikante Korrelation zwischen der Updating-Fähigkeit der Kinder und ihrer sportlichen Aktivität in organisierter Form. Keine signifikanten Zusammenhänge zeigten sich zwischen den motorischen und den kognitiven Fähigkeiten. Die Ergebnisse aus Studie 3 dagegen wiesen auf einen signifikanten Zusammenhang zwischen den motorischen und den kognitiven Fähigkeiten (insbesondere der Shifting-Fähigkeit) hin. Bezüglich der Wirkung der sportlichen Interventionen zeigte sich in allen drei Studien keine stärkere Verbesserung der kognitiven Fähigkeiten in den Sportgruppen im Vergleich zu den Kontrollgruppen. Insgesamt ergaben die vorliegenden Studien teilweise moderate bis hohe Zusammenhänge zwischen den kognitiven Fähigkeiten einerseits und den motorischen Fähigkeiten bzw. der körperlichen Aktivität andererseits. Eine Wirkung verschiedener langfristiger bzw. einmaliger sportlicher Interventionen auf unterschiedliche kognitive Fähigkeiten konnte jedoch nicht nachgewiesen werden. Mögliche Erklärungen für die fehlende Wirkung der sportlichen Interventionen werden diskutiert.
OSAN, R. , TORT, A. B. L. , AMARAL, O. B. . A mismatch-based model for memory reconsolidation and extinction in attractor networks. Plos One, v. 6, p. e23113, 2011.
É indubitável que a decisão está presente no dia-a-dia de todos nós, independentemente do tipo de actividade em que estamos envolvidos. Na vida organizacional, enfrentamos muitas situações que exigem uma resposta momentânea, aqui denominadas de imediatas, as quais não permitem uma recolha de informação adequada, tempo para reflexão, discussão e troca de ideias, entre outras restrições. Além das limitações já citadas por outros autores, como a própria capacidade cognitiva do indivíduo, faculdade de processamento, há outros elementos que influenciam o processo de tomada de decisão, especialmente em ambientes sob pressão e em constante mutação, como é o dos bombeiros. O presente trabalho procura conhecer quais os factores que influenciam a tomada de decisão de bombeiros profissionais com funções de chefia, em ocorrências de incêndios urbanos e acidentes de viação. Neste contexto, foram abordados alguns enquadramentos para a tomada de decisão, como o Modelo da Tomada de Decisão da Primeira Opção Identificada (TDPOI) de Gary Klein, entre outros. No sentido de aprofundar a nossa investigação, foram realizados dois estudos exploratórios através de entrevistas presenciais. A amostra é constituída por 14 profissionais do sector, entre eles bombeiros com funções de chefia, comandantes e delegados sindicais. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a experiência e a formação são os factores que se evidenciam, e influenciam a decisão dos bombeiros. Constatamos que nos Bombeiros Portugueses a experiência é uma característica dos decisores, pois são eles que farão as opções de alto risco. Por outro lado, apesar de a formação visar a aquisição de competências profissionais, nomeadamente na área da decisão, esta carece de actualização, porque não satisfaz as necessidades dos bombeiros. Apresentam-se também as principais limitações do estudo e sugestões para investigações futuras. / Undoubtedly, the decision is present in day-to-day for us all, regardless of the type of activity we are involved. In organizational life, we face many situations that require a momentary response, here called the immediate, which do not allow collection of adequate information, time for reflection, discussion and exchange of ideas, among other restrictions. Besides the limitations already mentioned by other authors, as the individual's cognitive capacity, processing power, there are other factors that influence the decision-making process, especially in environments under pressure and constantly changing, as is the Fire. This paper seeks to know which factors influence the decision making of professional firefighters with leadership roles in urban fire occurrences and accidents. In this context, we discuss some frameworks for decision making, as the Recognition-Primed Decision (RPD) Model by Gary Klein, among others. In order to further our investigation, two exploratory studies were conducted through personal interviews. The sample consists of 14 professionals, including firefighters with executive functions, commanders and union representatives. The results showed that the experience and training are factors that are evident, and influence the decision of the firefighters. We note that the Portuguese Firemen experience is a characteristic of decision-makers because they are options that will make high-risk. On the other hand, although the training to aim at the acquisition of professional skills, particularly in the area of decision, it needs updating, because it meets the needs of firefighters. We present also the main limitations of the study and suggestions for future investigations.
Objetivou-se compreender a humanização do atendimento à criança na Atenção Básica na visão dos profissionais. Estudo qualitativo, realizado em uma Unidade de Saúde da Família de Natal-RN, Brasil. Dezesseis profissionais responderam a um formulário contendo questões referentes ao atendimento à criança, à humanização e às práticas realizadas para humanizar o atendimento. Os dados foram categorizados por temas e analisados a partir dos princípios da Política Nacional de Humanização. Para os profissionais, humanizar o atendimento envolve acolher, escutar, aconselhar sobre o que está sendo realizado com a criança, valorizar a família, e tornar o sujeito ativo no atendimento, mesmo que de forma incipiente. A maioria dos profissionais descreveu atendimento que valorizava parte dos princípios da política de humanização, mesmo com dificuldades para implementá-los na rotina. Requer, portanto, estímulos e atualização dos profissionais para uma postura autocrítica sobre o atendimento
[EN]Energy intake, and the foods and beverages contributing to that, are considered key to understanding the high obesity prevalence worldwide. The relative contributions of energy intake and expenditure to the obesity epidemic, however, remain poorly defined in Spain. The purpose of this study was to contribute to updating data of dietary energy intake and its main sources from food and beverages, according to gender and age. These data were derived from the ANIBES A three-day dietary record, collected by means of a tablet device, was used to obtain information about food and beverage consumption and leftovers.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-07