AIM: Total imatinib concentrations are currently measured for the therapeutic drug monitoring of imatinib, whereas only free drug equilibrates with cells for pharmacological action. Due to technical and cost limitations, routine measurement of free concentrations is generally not performed. In this study, free and total imatinib concentrations were measured to establish a model allowing the confident prediction of imatinib free concentrations based on total concentrations and plasma proteins measurements. METHODS: One hundred and fifty total and free plasma concentrations of imatinib were measured in 49 patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumours. A population pharmacokinetic model was built up to characterize mean total and free concentrations with inter-patient and intrapatient variability, while taking into account α1 -acid glycoprotein (AGP) and human serum albumin (HSA) concentrations, in addition to other demographic and environmental covariates. RESULTS: A one compartment model with first order absorption was used to characterize total and free imatinib concentrations. Only AGP influenced imatinib total clearance. Imatinib free concentrations were best predicted using a non-linear binding model to AGP, with a dissociation constant Kd of 319 ng ml(-1) , assuming a 1:1 molar binding ratio. The addition of HSA in the equation did not improve the prediction of imatinib unbound concentrations. CONCLUSION: Although free concentration monitoring is probably more appropriate than total concentrations, it requires an additional ultrafiltration step and sensitive analytical technology, not always available in clinical laboratories. The model proposed might represent a convenient approach to estimate imatinib free concentrations. However, therapeutic ranges for free imatinib concentrations remain to be established before it enters into routine practice.
AIMS: The plasma levels of either brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) or the N-terminal fragment of the prohormone (NT-proBNP) have recently gained extreme importance as markers of myocardial dysfunction. Patients with type 2 diabetes are at high risk of developing cardiovascular complications. This study was aimed to assess whether plasma NT-proBNP levels are at similar levels in type 2 diabetics with or without overt cardiovascular diseases. METHODS: We assayed plasma NT-proBNP in 54 type 2 diabetics, 27 of whom had no overt macro- and/or microvascular complications, while the remaining ones had either or both. The same assay was carried out in 38 healthy control subjects age and sex matched as a group with the diabetics. RESULTS: Plasma NT-proBNP was higher in diabetics (median 121 pg/ml, interquartile range 50-240 pg/ml, ) than in those without complications (37 pg/ml, 21-54 pg/ml, P<0.01). Compared with the controls (55 pg/ml, 40-79 pg/ml), only diabetics with vascular complications had significantly increased plasma NT-proBNP levels (P<0.001). In the diabetics, coronary heart disease and nephropathy (defined according to urinary excretion of albumin) were each independently associated with elevated values of plasma NT-proBNP. CONCLUSIONS: In type 2 diabetes mellitus, patients with macro- and/or micro-vascular complications exhibit an elevation of plasma NT-proBNP levels compared to corresponding patients with no evidence of vascular disease. The excessive secretion of this peptide is independently associated with coronary artery disease and overt nephropathy. The measurement of circulating NT-proBNP concentration may therefore be useful to screen for the presence of macro- and/or microvascular disease.
Experimental and theoretical investigations for growth of silicon nanoparticles (4 to 14 nm) in radio frequency discharge were carried out. Growth processes were performed with gas mixtures of SiH4 and Ar in a plasma chemical reactor at low pressure. A distinctive feature of presented kinetic model of generation and growth of nanoparticles (compared to our earlier model) is its ability to investigate small"critical" dimensions of clusters, determining the rate of particle production and taking into account the influence of SiH2 and Si2Hm dimer radicals. The experiments in the present study were extended to high pressure (≥20 Pa) and discharge power (≥40 W). Model calculations were compared to experimental measurements, investigating the dimension of silicon nanoparticles as a function of time, discharge power, gas mixture, total pressure, and gas flow.
Capillary electrophoresis has drawn considerable attention in the past few years, particularly in the field of chiral separations because of its high separation efficiency. However, its routine use in therapeutic drug monitoring is hampered by its low sensitivity due to a short optical path. We have developed a capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) method using 2mM of hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin as a chiral selector, which allows base-to-base separation of the enantiomers of mianserin (MIA), desmethylmianserin (DMIA), and 8-hydroxymianserin (OHMIA). Through the use of an on-column sample concentration step after liquid-liquid extraction from plasma and through the presence of an internal standard, the quantitation limits were found to be 5 ng/mL for each enantiomer of MIA and DMIA and 15 ng/mL for each enantiomer of OHMIA. To our knowledge, this is the first published CE method that allows its use for therapeutic monitoring of antidepressants due to its sensitivity down to the low nanogram range. The variability of the assays, as assessed by the coefficients of variation (CV) measured at two concentrations for each substance, ranged from 2 to 14% for the intraday (eight replicates) and from 5 to 14% for the interday (eight replicates) experiments. The deviations from the theoretical concentrations, which represent the accuracy of the method, were all within 12.5%. A linear response was obtained for all compounds within the range of concentrations used for the calibration curves (10-150 ng/mL for each enantiomer of MIA and DMIA and 20-300 ng/mL for each enantiomer of OHMIA). Good correlations were calculated between [(R) + (S)]-MIA and DMIA concentrations measured in plasma samples of 20 patients by a nonchiral gas chromatography method and CZE, and between the (R)- and (S)-concentrations of MIA and DMIA measured in plasma samples of 37 patients by a previously described chiral high-performance liquid chromatography method and CZE. Finally, no interference was noted from more than 20 other psychotropic drugs. Thus, this method, which is both sensitive and selective, can be routinely used for therapeutic monitoring of the enantiomers of MIA and its metabolites. It could be very useful due to the demonstrated interindividual variability of the stereoselective metabolism of MIA.
Background: Conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques are highly sensitive to detect multiple sclerosis (MS) plaques, enabling a quantitative assessment of inflammatory activity and lesion load. In quantitative analyses of focal lesions, manual or semi-automated segmentations have been widely used to compute the total number of lesions and the total lesion volume. These techniques, however, are both challenging and time-consuming, being also prone to intra-observer and inter-observer variability.Aim: To develop an automated approach to segment brain tissues and MS lesions from brain MRI images. The goal is to reduce the user interaction and to provide an objective tool that eliminates the inter- and intra-observer variability.Methods: Based on the recent methods developed by Souplet et al. and de Boer et al., we propose a novel pipeline which includes the following steps: bias correction, skull stripping, atlas registration, tissue classification, and lesion segmentation. After the initial pre-processing steps, a MRI scan is automatically segmented into 4 classes: white matter (WM), grey matter (GM), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and partial volume. An expectation maximisation method which fits a multivariate Gaussian mixture model to T1-w, T2-w and PD-w images is used for this purpose. Based on the obtained tissue masks and using the estimated GM mean and variance, we apply an intensity threshold to the FLAIR image, which provides the lesion segmentation. With the aim of improving this initial result, spatial information coming from the neighbouring tissue labels is used to refine the final lesion segmentation.Results:The experimental evaluation was performed using real data sets of 1.5T and the corresponding ground truth annotations provided by expert radiologists. The following values were obtained: 64% of true positive (TP) fraction, 80% of false positive (FP) fraction, and an average surface distance of 7.89 mm. The results of our approach were quantitatively compared to our implementations of the works of Souplet et al. and de Boer et al., obtaining higher TP and lower FP values.Conclusion: Promising MS lesion segmentation results have been obtained in terms of TP. However, the high number of FP which is still a well-known problem of all the automated MS lesion segmentation approaches has to be improved in order to use them for the standard clinical practice. Our future work will focus on tackling this issue.
In this investigation, high-resolution, 1x1x1-mm(3) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) at 7 T is performed using a multichannel array head coil and a surface coil approach. Scan geometry was optimized for each coil separately to exploit the strengths of both coils. Acquisitions with the surface coil focused on partial brain coverage, while whole-brain coverage fMRI experiments were performed with the array head coil. BOLD sensitivity in the occipital lobe was found to be higher with the surface coil than with the head array, suggesting that restriction of signal detection to the area of interest may be beneficial for localized activation studies. Performing independent component analysis (ICA) decomposition of the fMRI data, we consistently detected BOLD signal changes and resting state networks. In the surface coil data, a small negative BOLD response could be detected in these resting state network areas. Also in the data acquired with the surface coil, two distinct components of the positive BOLD signal were consistently observed. These two components were tentatively assigned to tissue and venous signal changes.
The bone marrow constitutes a favorable environment for long-lived antibody-secreting plasma cells, providing blood-circulating antibody. Plasma cells are also present in mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) to mediate local frontline immunity, but how plasma cell survival there is regulated is not known. Here we report that a proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL) promoted survival of human upper and lower MALT plasma cells by upregulating expression of the antiapoptotic proteins bcl-2, bcl-xL, and mcl-1. The in situ localization of APRIL was consistent with such a prosurvival role in MALT. In upper MALT, tonsillar epithelium produced APRIL. Upon infection, APRIL production increased considerably when APRIL-secreting neutrophils recruited from the blood infiltrated the crypt epithelium. Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) retained secreted APRIL in the subepithelium of the infected zone to create APRIL-rich niches, wherein IgG-producing plasma cells accumulated. In lower MALT, neutrophils were the unique source of APRIL, giving rise to similar niches for IgA-producing plasmocytes in villi of lamina propria. Furthermore, we found that mucosal humoral immunity in APRIL-deficient mice is less persistent than in WT mice. Hence, production of APRIL by inflammation-recruited neutrophils may create plasma cell niches in MALT to sustain a local antibody production.
AIMS: This study was performed to compare the sensitivity of ultrasonography, computerized tomography during arterial portography, delayed computerized tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging to detect focal liver lesions. Forty three patients with primary or secondary malignant liver lesions were studied prior to surgical intervention. METHODS: The results of the imaging studies were compared with intraoperative examination of the liver, intraoperative ultrasonography and pathology results (29 patients). In the non-operated (14 patients) group, we compared the number of lesions detected by each technique. RESULTS: One hundred and forty six lesions were detected. There was 84% sensitivity with computerized tomography during arterial portography, 61.3% with delayed scan, 63.3% with magnetic resonance imaging and 51% with ultrasonography in operated patients. In patients who did not undergo surgery, magnetic resonance imaging was more sensitive in detecting lesions. CONCLUSIONS: In operated and non-operated patients series, CT during arterial portography had the highest sensitivity, but magnetic resonance imaging had the most consistent overall results.
Despite obvious improvements in spectral resolution at high magnetic field, the detection of 13C labeling by 1H-[13C] NMR spectroscopy remains hampered by spectral overlap, such as in the spectral region of 1H resonances bound to C3 of glutamate (Glu) and glutamine (Gln), and C6 of N-acetylaspartate (NAA). The aim of this study was to develop, implement, and apply a novel 1H-[13C] NMR spectroscopic editing scheme, dubbed "selective Resonance suppression by Adiabatic Carbon Editing and Decoupling single-voxel STimulated Echo Acquisition Mode" (RACED-STEAM). The sequence is based on the application of two asymmetric narrow-transition-band adiabatic RF inversion pulses at the resonance frequency of the 13C coupled to the protons that need to be suppressed during the mixing time (TM) period, alternating the inversion band downfield and upfield from the 13C resonance on odd and even scans, respectively, thus suppressing the detection of 1H resonances bound to 13C within the transition band of the inversion pulse. The results demonstrate the efficient suppression of 1H resonances bound to C3 of Glu and Gln, and C4 of Glu, which allows the 1H resonances bound to C6 of NAA and C4 of Gln to be revealed. The measured time course of the resolved labeling into NAA C6 with the new scheme was consistent with the slow turnover of NAA.
Normal and abnormal brains can be segmented by registering the target image with an atlas. Here, an atlas is defined as the combination of an intensity image (template) and its segmented image (the atlas labels). After registering the atlas template and the target image, the atlas labels are propagated to the target image. We define this process as atlas-based segmentation. In recent years, researchers have investigated registration algorithms to match atlases to query subjects and also strategies for atlas construction. In this paper we present a review of the automated approaches for atlas-based segmentation of magnetic resonance brain images. We aim to point out the strengths and weaknesses of atlas-based methods and suggest new research directions. We use two different criteria to present the methods. First, we refer to the algorithms according to their atlas-based strategy: label propagation, multi-atlas methods, and probabilistic techniques. Subsequently, we classify the methods according to their medical target: the brain and its internal structures, tissue segmentation in healthy subjects, tissue segmentation in fetus, neonates and elderly subjects, and segmentation of damaged brains. A quantitative comparison of the results reported in the literature is also presented.
BACKGROUND: High fructose consumption is suspected to be causally linked to the epidemics of obesity and metabolic disorders. In rodents, fructose leads to insulin resistance and ectopic lipid deposition. In humans, the effects of fructose on insulin sensitivity remain debated, whereas its effect on ectopic lipids has never been investigated. OBJECTIVE: We assessed the effect of moderate fructose supplementation on insulin sensitivity (IS) and ectopic lipids in healthy male volunteers (n = 7). DESIGN: IS, intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCL), and intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) were measured before and after 1 and 4 wk of a high-fructose diet containing 1.5 g fructose . kg body wt(-1) . d(-1). Adipose tissue IS was evaluated from nonesterified fatty acid suppression, hepatic IS from suppression of hepatic glucose output (6,6-2H2-glucose), and muscle IS from the whole-body glucose disposal rate during a 2-step hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp. IHCL and IMCL were measured by 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy. RESULTS: Fructose caused significant (P < 0.05) increases in fasting plasma concentrations of triacylglycerol (36%), VLDL-triacylglycerol (72%), lactate (49%), glucose (5.5%), and leptin (48%) without any significant changes in body weight, IHCL, IMCL, or IS. IHCL were negatively correlated with triacylglycerol after 4 wk of the high-fructose diet (r = -0.78, P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Moderate fructose supplementation over 4 wk increases plasma triacylglycerol and glucose concentrations without causing ectopic lipid deposition or insulin resistance in healthy humans.
Lack of MRI neurohypophyseal bright signal in a child with congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
Congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (CNDI) is a rare disease characterized by the inability of the kidney to respond to arginine vasopressin (AVP). The absence of the neurohypophyseal 'bright signal' on T1 sequence magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is considered as an argument in favour of the diagnosis of central diabetes insipidus (CDI). This observation is challenged as we hereby present a case of a child diagnosed with CNDI and who did not present MRI pituitary bright signal. A 6-month-old male presented with failure to thrive, polyuria and polydypsia. Family history revealed that the mother, 35 years of age, had been presenting polydypsia and polyuria, and she was investigated at the age of 6 years with no concluding diagnosis. The patient's physical exam showed a weight of 5215 g (−3 DS) and clinical signs of dehydration. The patient's plasma sodium level was 155 mmol/L, osmolality 305 mOsm/kg and urine osmolality 150 mOsm/kg. Brain MRI showed in T1 sequences the absence of the posterior pituitary bright signal suggesting the diagnosis of CDI (Figure 1). The child was treated with synthetic AVP analogue 1-desamino-8-d-arginine vasopressin (DDAVP) without improvement, which led to the consideration of CNDI. The diagnosis was confirmed by an elevated serum level of AVP of 214 pmol/L (reference value ≤4.34 pmol/L) and by genetic analysis demonstrating and T106C mutation in the V2R (X-linked CNDI). The child was treated with thiazide diuretic and increased fluids with restricted sodium intake. This resulted in catch-up growth and improved neurological development. A follow-up MRI was performed 6 months after the start of therapy with the same technique. At that time, the child's weight had improved to 9310 g (−1.5 DS) corresponding to a gain of 22 g per day, and he did not present any clinical signs of dehydration and had a normal plasma level of sodium (140 mmol/L). MRI showed that the bright signal was still absent.