943 resultados para CRAB-NEBULA


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Neben astronomischen Beobachtungen mittels boden- und satellitengestützer Instrumente existiert ein weiterer experimenteller Zugang zu astrophysikalischen Fragestellungen in Form einer Auswahl extraterrestrischen Materials, das für Laboruntersuchungen zur Verfügung steht. Hierzu zählen interplanetare Staubpartikel, Proben, die von Raumfahrzeugen zur Erde zurückgebracht wurden und primitive Meteorite. Von besonderem Interesse sind sog. primitive kohlige Chondrite, eine Klasse von Meteoriten, die seit ihrer Entstehung im frühen Sonnensystem kaum verändert wurden. Sie enthalten neben frühem solarem Material präsolare Minerale, die in Sternwinden von Supernovae und roten Riesensternen kondensiert sind und die Bildung unseres Sonnensystems weitgehend unverändert überstanden haben. Strukturelle, chemische und isotopische Analysen dieser Proben besitzen demnach eine große Relevanz für eine Vielzahl astrophysikalischer Forschungsgebiete. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Laboranalysen mittels modernster physikalischer Methoden an Bestandteilen primitiver Meteorite durchgeführt. Aufgrund der Vielfalt der zu untersuchenden Eigenschaften und der geringen Größen der analysierten Partikel zwischen wenigen Nanometern und einigen Mikrometern mussten hierbei hohe Anforderungen an Nachweiseffizienz und Ortsauflösung gestellt werden. Durch die Kombination verschiedener Methoden wurde ein neuer methodologischer Ansatz zur Analyse präsolarer Minerale (beispielsweise SiC) entwickelt. Aufgrund geringer Mengen verfügbaren Materials basiert dieses Konzept auf der parallelen nichtdestruktiven Vorcharakterisierung einer Vielzahl präsolarer Partikel im Hinblick auf ihren Gehalt diagnostischer Spurenelemente. Eine anschließende massenspektrometrische Untersuchung identifizierter Partikel mit hohen Konzentrationen interessanter Elemente ist in der Lage, Informationen zu nukleosynthetischen Bedingungen in ihren stellaren Quellen zu liefern. Weiterhin wurden Analysen meteoritischer Nanodiamanten durchgeführt, deren geringe Größen von wenigen Nanometern zu stark modifizierten Festkörpereigenschaften führen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde eine quantitative Beschreibung von Quanteneinschluss-Effekten entwickelt, wie sie in diesen größenverteilten Halbleiter-Nanopartikeln auftreten. Die abgeleiteten Ergebnisse besitzen Relevanz für nanotechnologische Forschungen. Den Kern der vorliegenden Arbeit bilden Untersuchungen an frühen solaren Partikeln, sog. refraktären Metall Nuggets (RMN). Mit Hilfe struktureller, chemischer und isotopischer Analysen, sowie dem Vergleich der Ergebnisse mit thermodynamischen Rechnungen, konnte zum ersten Mal ein direkter Nachweis von Kondensationsprozessen im frühen solaren Nebel erbracht werden. Die analysierten RMN gehören zu den ersten Festkörperkondensaten, die im frühen Sonnensystem gebildet wurden und scheinen seit ihrer Entstehung nicht durch sekundäre Prozesse verändert worden zu sein. Weiterhin konnte erstmals die Abkühlrate des Gases des lokalen solaren Nebels, in dem die ersten Kondensationsprozesse stattfanden, zu 0.5 K/Jahr bestimmt werden, wodurch ein detaillierter Blick in die thermodynamische Geschichte des frühen Sonnensystems möglich wird. Die extrahierten Parameter haben weitreichende Auswirkungen auf die Modelle der Entstehung erster solarer Festkörper, welche die Grundbausteine der Planetenbildung darstellen.


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden zwei neuentdeckte Astacin-ähnliche-Proteasen LAST undrnLAST_MAM aus dem Pfeilschwanzkrebs Limulus polyphemus funktionell charakterisiert.rnInsbesondere LAST_MAM, eignet sich zur phylogenetischen Untersuchung, hinsichtlich derrnEvolution von Astacin-ähnlichen-Proteasen mit MAM-Domäne, zu denen auch die Meprinernzählen. Es wurde deutlich, dass LAST_MAM nicht unmittelbar mit anderen Astacinen, diernüber eine MAM-Domäne verfügen, verwandt ist, und dass von einer divergenten Entwicklungrndieser Proteasen und der MAM-Domäne selbst ausgegangen werden muss.rnMeprin Metalloendopeptidasen werden in membrangebundener und sezernierter Form,rnvorwiegend in Epithelien aber auch in intestinalen Leukozyten und bestimmten Krebszellenrnexprimiert. Meprin


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L'obiettivo di questa tesi è studiare la fattibilità dello studio della produzione associata ttH del bosone di Higgs con due quark top nell'esperimento CMS, e valutare le funzionalità e le caratteristiche della prossima generazione di toolkit per l'analisi distribuita a CMS (CRAB versione 3) per effettuare tale analisi. Nel settore della fisica del quark top, la produzione ttH è particolarmente interessante, soprattutto perchè rappresenta l'unica opportunità di studiare direttamente il vertice t-H senza dover fare assunzioni riguardanti possibili contributi dalla fisica oltre il Modello Standard. La preparazione per questa analisi è cruciale in questo momento, prima dell'inizio del Run-2 dell'LHC nel 2015. Per essere preparati a tale studio, le implicazioni tecniche di effettuare un'analisi completa in un ambito di calcolo distribuito come la Grid non dovrebbero essere sottovalutate. Per questo motivo, vengono presentati e discussi un'analisi dello stesso strumento CRAB3 (disponibile adesso in versione di pre-produzione) e un confronto diretto di prestazioni con CRAB2. Saranno raccolti e documentati inoltre suggerimenti e consigli per un team di analisi che sarà eventualmente coinvolto in questo studio. Nel Capitolo 1 è introdotta la fisica delle alte energie a LHC nell'esperimento CMS. Il Capitolo 2 discute il modello di calcolo di CMS e il sistema di analisi distribuita della Grid. Nel Capitolo 3 viene brevemente presentata la fisica del quark top e del bosone di Higgs. Il Capitolo 4 è dedicato alla preparazione dell'analisi dal punto di vista degli strumenti della Grid (CRAB3 vs CRAB2). Nel capitolo 5 è presentato e discusso uno studio di fattibilità per un'analisi del canale ttH in termini di efficienza di selezione.


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The spatio-temporal distribution of megistobenthic crustacean assemblages from the Antalya Gulf, located in the Levantine Sea is described. In order to provide a comprehensive overview of the spatio-temporal patterns of the crustacean community, 3 transect including depth of 10, 25, 75, 125 and 200 m, were studied between 2014 and 2015 to investigate their association with a set of environmental parameters in representative months of each season (spring, summer, autumn and winter). For its economic importance in Levantine waters, a focus analysis of deep-water rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris (Lucas, 1846) was done, to investigate the length frequency composition of the population of the Antalya Gulf. A total of 58 crustacean species were encountered in the study area, of these species identified, 18 species were recognized as alien species in the Mediterranean Sea. Throughout the year the most frequent species of the study were the hermit crab Pagurus prideaux (Leach, 1815) and Parapenaeus longirostris (Lucas, 1846) followed by the Indo-Pacific swimming crab Charybdis longicollis (Leene, 1938) and by the invasive shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus (Spence Bate, 1888). Few species contributing to a high amount to the total biomass were found throughout the year. These species were Charybdis longicollis and Parapenaeus longirostris. Stations of the study area showed similar values of diversity indices of benthic crustacean community among the three transect. The highest values of faunistic indices were detected in autumn and winter (October and February), and also varied along the depth gradient, with the highest values found between 25 and 75 meters. The multivariate analyses conducted on the abundance data point out major differences between depths and between seasons. Therefore, according to cluster analysis and ordination over abundance and biomass, three main crustacean assemblages were detected: the first corresponding to shallow bottoms (10, 25 meters), the second corresponding to intermediate waters (75 meters) and the last to deeper waters (125, 200 meters). Depth was the main factor governing the distribution of megistobenthic crustacean in the area. Besides the depth, the structure of the sediment is the most important factor in determining the crustacean assemblage. Therefore, all factors governing the crustacean distribution were found to be related to the bottom depth. The population of Parapenaeus longirostris in the Antalya Gulf showed significant differences in depth. It was found that females dominated the population of the study area (65.11%), and were significantly larger than males for each cohort identified. The size-weight relationships revealed a slight negative allometry in growth, a bit more pronounced in females than in males.


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Context. According to the sequential accretion model (or core-nucleated accretion model), giant planet formation is based first on the formation of a solid core which, when massive enough, can gravitationally bind gas from the nebula to form the envelope. The most critical part of the model is the formation time of the core: to trigger the accretion of gas, the core has to grow up to several Earth masses before the gas component of the protoplanetary disc dissipates. Aims: We calculate planetary formation models including a detailed description of the dynamics of the planetesimal disc, taking into account both gas drag and excitation of forming planets. Methods: We computed the formation of planets, considering the oligarchic regime for the growth of the solid core. Embryos growing in the disc stir their neighbour planetesimals, exciting their relative velocities, which makes accretion more difficult. Here we introduce a more realistic treatment for the evolution of planetesimals' relative velocities, which directly impact on the formation timescale. For this, we computed the excitation state of planetesimals, as a result of stirring by forming planets, and gas-solid interactions. Results: We find that the formation of giant planets is favoured by the accretion of small planetesimals, as their random velocities are more easily damped by the gas drag of the nebula. Moreover, the capture radius of a protoplanet with a (tiny) envelope is also larger for small planetesimals. However, planets migrate as a result of disc-planet angular momentum exchange, with important consequences for their survival: due to the slow growth of a protoplanet in the oligarchic regime, rapid inward type I migration has important implications on intermediate-mass planets that have not yet started their runaway accretion phase of gas. Most of these planets are lost in the central star. Surviving planets have masses either below 10 M⊕ or above several Jupiter masses. Conclusions: To form giant planets before the dissipation of the disc, small planetesimals (~0.1 km) have to be the major contributors of the solid accretion process. However, the combination of oligarchic growth and fast inward migration leads to the absence of intermediate-mass planets. Other processes must therefore be at work to explain the population of extrasolar planets that are presently known.


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Cadmium is a highly volatile element and its abundance in meteorites may help better understand volatility-controlled processes in the solar nebula and on meteorite parent bodies. The large thermal neutron capture cross section of 113Cd suggests that Cd isotopes might be well suited to quantify neutron fluences in extraterrestrial materials. The aims of this study were (1) to evaluate the range and magnitude of Cd concentrations in magmatic iron meteorites, and (2) to assess the potential of Cd isotopes as a neutron dosimeter for iron meteorites. Our new Cd concentration data determined by isotope dilution demonstrate that Cd concentrations in iron meteorites are significantly lower than in some previous studies. In contrast to large systematic variations in the concentration of moderately volatile elements like Ga and Ge, there is neither systematic variation in Cd concentration amongst troilites, nor amongst metal phases of different iron meteorite groups. Instead, Cd is strongly depleted in all iron meteorite groups, implying that the parent bodies accreted well above the condensation temperature of Cd (i.e., ≈650 K) and thus incorporated only minimal amounts of highly volatile elements. No Cd isotope anomalies were found, whereas Pt and W isotope anomalies for the same iron meteorite samples indicate a significant fluence of epithermal and higher energetic neutrons. This observation demonstrates that owing to the high Fe concentrations in iron meteorites, neutron capture mainly occurs at epithermal and higher energies. The combined Cd-Pt-W isotope results from this study thus demonstrate that the relative magnitude of neutron capture-induced isotope anomalies is strongly affected by the chemical composition of the irradiated material. The resulting low fluence of thermal neutrons in iron meteorites and their very low Cd concentrations make Cd isotopes unsuitable as a neutron dosimeter for iron meteorites.


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Approximately 350 base pairs (bp) of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene were used to study the phylogenetic relationships among 5 genera of the clawed lobster family Nephropidae (infraorder Astacidea), including Homarus, Homarinus, Metanephrops, Nephrops, and Nephropsis. Maximum-parsimony analysis, using a hermit crab, Pagurus pollicaris (infraorder Anomura), as an outgroup. produced a tree topology in which Homarus and Nephrops formed a well-supported clade that excluded Homarinus. The same tree topology was obtained from both neighbor-joining and maximum-likelihood analyses, Some morphological characters that appear synapomorphic for Nephrops and Metanephrops may be due to convergence rather than symplesiomorphy. The current taxonomy, therefore, does not reflect the phylogeny of this group as suggested by the molecular data. More molecular data and studies using homologous morphological characters me needed to reach a better understanding of the phylogenetic history of clawed lobsters.


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The abundance of many invertebrates with planktonic larval stages can be determined shortly after they reach the benthos. In this study, we quantified patterns of abundance and habitat utilization of early benthic phases of the American lobster Homarus americanus and the rock crab Cancer irroratus. These 2 decapods are among the most common and abundant macroinvertebrates in coastal zones of the Gulf of Maine, with similar densities of larger individuals. Settlement and early postsettlement survival indicate that lobsters are highly substrate-specific early in life, settling predominantly in cobble beds. Crabs appear to be less selective, setting both in cobble and sand. Cumulative settlement of crabs, inferred from weekly censuses over the summer, was an order of magnitude greater than that of lobsters over the same time period. However, only crabs showed significant postsettlement losses. Although the identity of specific predators is unknown, predator exclusion experiments and placement of vacant uninhabited nursery habitat suggested that post-settlement mortality rather than emigration was responsible for these losses. The selective habitat-seeking behavior and lower post-settlement mortality of lobsters is consistent with their lower fecundity and later onset of reproductive maturity. The patterns observed for crabs, however, suggest a different strategy which is more in accordance with their higher fecundity and earlier onset of maturity. It is possible that lower fecundity but greater per-egg investment, along with strict habitat selection at settlement and lower post-settlement mortality, allows adult lobster populations to equal adult populations of crabs. This occurs despite crabs being more fecund and less habitat-selective settlers but sustaining higher postsettlement mortality.


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Kelp forests are phyletically diverse, structurally complex and highly productive components of cold-water rocky marine coastlines. This paper reviews the conditions in which kelp forests develop globally and where, why and at what rate they become deforested. The ecology and long archaeological history of kelp forests are examined through case studies from southern California, the Aleutian Islands and the western North Atlantic, well-studied locations that represent the widest possible range in kelp forest biodiversity. Global distribution of kelp forests is physiologically constrained by light at high latitudes and by nutrients, warm temperatures and other macrophytes at low latitudes. Within mid-latitude belts (roughly 40-60degrees latitude in both hemispheres) well-developed kelp forests are most threatened by herbivory, usually from sea urchins. Overfishing and extirpation of highly valued vertebrate apex predators often triggered herbivore population increases, leading to widespread kelp deforestation. Such deforestations have the most profound and lasting impacts on species-depauperate systems, such as those in Alaska and the western North Atlantic. Globally urchin-induced deforestation has been increasing over the past 2-3 decades. Continued fishing down of coastal food webs has resulted in shifting harvesting targets from apex predators to their invertebrate prey, including kelp-grazing herbivores. The recent global expansion of sea urchin harvesting has led to the widespread extirpation of this herbivore, and kelp forests have returned in some locations but, for the first time, these forests are devoid of vertebrate apex predators. In the western North Atlantic, large predatory crabs have recently filled this void and they have become the new apex predator in this system. Similar shifts from fish- to crab-dominance may have occurred in coastal zones of the United Kingdom and Japan, where large predatory finfish were extirpated long ago. Three North American case studies of kelp forests were examined to determine their long history with humans and project the status of future kelp forests to the year 2025. Fishing impacts on kelp forest systems have been both profound and much longer in duration than previously thought. Archaeological data suggest that coastal peoples exploited kelp forest organisms for thousands of years, occasionally resulting in localized losses of apex predators, outbreaks of sea urchin populations and probably small-scale deforestation. Over the past two centuries, commercial exploitation for export led to the extirpation of sea urchin predators, such as the sea otter in the North Pacific and predatory fishes like the cod in the North Atlantic. The largescale removal of predators for export markets increased sea urchin abundances and promoted the decline of kelp forests over vast areas. Despite southern California having one of the longest known associations with coastal kelp forests, widespread deforestation is rare. It is possible that functional redundancies among predators and herbivores make this most diverse system most stable. Such biodiverse kelp forests may also resist invasion from non-native species. In the species-depauperate western North Atlantic, introduced algal competitors carpet the benthos and threaten future kelp dominance. There, other non-native herbivores and predators have become established and dominant components of this system. Climate changes have had measurable impacts on kelp forest ecosystems and efforts to control the emission of greenhouse gasses should be a global priority. However, overfishing appears to be the greatest manageable threat to kelp forest ecosystems over the 2025 time horizon. Management should focus on minimizing fishing impacts and restoring populations of functionally important species in these systems.


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he abundance and distribution of isotopes throughout the Solar System can be used to constrain the number and type of nucleosynthetic events that contributed material to the early nebula. Barium is particularly well suited to quantifying the degree of isotope heterogeneity in the Solar System because it comprises seven stable isotopes that were synthesized by three different nucleosynthetic processes (s-, r-, and p-processes), all of which contributed material to the Solar System. There is also potential contribution to 135Ba from short-lived radioisotope 135Cs, conclusive evidence for which is yet to be reported. Four Allende (CV3) Ca,Al-rich inclusions (CAI 1, CAI 2, CAI 4, CAI 5) and one Allende dark inclusion (DI) were analyzed for Ba isotope variability. Two CAIs (CAI 2 and CAI 5) display 135Ba excesses that are not accompanied by 137Ba anomalies. Calcium–aluminum-rich inclusion 1 displays a 135Ba excess that is possibly coupled with a 137Ba excess, and the remaining refractory inclusions (CAI 2 and DI) have terrestrial Ba isotope compositions. These Ba isotope data are presented in conjunction with published whole rock Ba isotope data from individual Allende CAIs. The enrichment in 135Ba and absence of coupled 137Ba excesses in CAI 2 and CAI 5 is interpreted to indicate that the anomalies are not purely nucleosynthetic in origin but also contain contributions (16–48 ppm) from the decay of short-lived 135Cs. The majority of Allende CAIs studied to date may also have similar contributions from 135Cs on the basis of higher than expected 135Ba excesses if the Ba isotope anomalies were purely nucleosynthetic in origin. The 135Ba anomalies appear not to be coupled with superchondritic Cs/Ba, which may imply that the contribution to 135Ba did not occur via in situ decay of live 135Cs. However, it is feasible that the CAIs had a superchondritic Cs/Ba during decay of 135Cs, but Cs was subsequently removed from the system during aqueous alteration on the parent body. An alternative scenario is the potential existence of a transient high-temperature reservoir having superchondritic Cs/Ba in the early Solar System while 135Cs was extant, which enabled a radiogenic 135Ba signature to develop in some early condensates. The nucleosynthetic source of 135Cs can be determined by reconciling the predicted astrophysical 135Cs abundance with its measured abundance in meteorites. Further, the currently accepted initial 135Cs/133Cs of the Solar System, [135Cs/133Cs]0, may be underestimated because the spread of Cs/Ba among samples is small and the range of excess 135Ba is limited thus leading to inaccuracies when estimating [135Cs/133Cs]0. If the initial meteoritic abundance of 135Cs was indeed higher than is currently thought, the most probable stellar source of short-lived radioisotopes was a nearby core-collapse supernova and/or the Wolf–Rayet wind driven by its progenitor.


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Remote sensing observations meet some limitations when used to study the bulk atmospheric composition of the giant planets of our solar system. A remarkable example of the superiority of in situ probe measurements is illustrated by the exploration of Jupiter, where key measurements such as the determination of the noble gases׳ abundances and the precise measurement of the helium mixing ratio have only been made available through in situ measurements by the Galileo probe. This paper describes the main scientific goals to be addressed by the future in situ exploration of Saturn placing the Galileo probe exploration of Jupiter in a broader context and before the future probe exploration of the more remote ice giants. In situ exploration of Saturn׳s atmosphere addresses two broad themes that are discussed throughout this paper: first, the formation history of our solar system and second, the processes at play in planetary atmospheres. In this context, we detail the reasons why measurements of Saturn׳s bulk elemental and isotopic composition would place important constraints on the volatile reservoirs in the protosolar nebula. We also show that the in situ measurement of CO (or any other disequilibrium species that is depleted by reaction with water) in Saturn׳s upper troposphere may help constraining its bulk O/H ratio. We compare predictions of Jupiter and Saturn׳s bulk compositions from different formation scenarios, and highlight the key measurements required to distinguish competing theories to shed light on giant planet formation as a common process in planetary systems with potential applications to most extrasolar systems. In situ measurements of Saturn׳s stratospheric and tropospheric dynamics, chemistry and cloud-forming processes will provide access to phenomena unreachable to remote sensing studies. Different mission architectures are envisaged, which would benefit from strong international collaborations, all based on an entry probe that would descend through Saturn׳s stratosphere and troposphere under parachute down to a minimum of 10 bar of atmospheric pressure. We finally discuss the science payload required on a Saturn probe to match the measurement requirements.


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Context. Solar and extrasolar planets are the subject of numerous studies aiming to determine their chemical composition and internal structure. In the case of extrasolar planets, the composition is important as it partly governs their potential habitability. Moreover, observational determination of chemical composition of planetary atmospheres are becoming available, especially for transiting planets. Aims. The present works aims at determining the chemical composition of planets formed in stellar systems of solar chemical composition. The main objective of this work is to provide valuable theoretical data for models of planet formation and evolution, and future interpretation of chemical composition of solar and extrasolar planets. Methods. We have developed a model that computes the composition of ices in planets in different stellar systems with the use of models of ice and planetary formation. Results. We provide the chemical composition, ice/rock mass ratio and C:O molar ratio for planets in stellar systems of solar chemical composition. From an initial homogeneous composition of the nebula, we produce a wide variety of planetary chemical compositions as a function of the mass of the disk and distance to the star. The volatile species incorporated in planets are mainly composed of H2O, CO, CO2, CH3OH, and NH3. Icy or ocean planets have systematically higher values of molecular abundances compared to giant and rocky planets. Gas giant planets are depleted in highly volatile molecules such as CH4, CO, and N2 compared to icy or ocean planets. The ice/rock mass ratio in icy or ocean and gas giant planets is, respectively, equal at maximum to 1.01 ± 0.33 and 0.8 ± 0.5, and is different from the usual assumptions made in planet formation models, which suggested this ratio to be 2–3. The C:O molar ratio in the atmosphere of gas giant planets is depleted by at least 30% compared to solar value.


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We measured tungsten (W) isotopes in 23 iron meteorites and the metal phase of the CB chondrite Gujba in order to ascertain if there is evidence for a large-scale nucleosynthetic heterogeneity in the p-process isotope 180W in the solar nebula as recently suggested by Schulz et al. (2013). We observed large excesses in 180W (up to ≈ 6 ε) in some irons. However, significant within-group variations in magmatic IIAB and IVB irons are not consistent with a nucleosynthetic origin, and the collateral effects on 180W from an s-deficit in IVB irons cannot explain the total variation. We present a new model for the combined effects of spallation and neutron capture reactions on 180W in iron meteorites and show that at least some of the observed within-group variability is explained by cosmic ray effects. Neutron capture causes burnout of 180W, whereas spallation reactions lead to positive shifts in 180W. These effects depend on the target composition and cosmic-ray exposure duration; spallation effects increase with Re/W and Os/W ratios in the target and with exposure age. The correlation of 180W/184W with Os/W ratios in iron meteorites results in part from spallogenic production of 180W rather than from 184Os decay, contrary to a recent study by Peters et al. (2014). Residual ε180W excesses after correction for an s-deficit and for cosmic ray effects may be due to ingrowth of 180W from 184Os decay, but the magnitude of this ingrowth is at least a factor of ≈2 smaller than previously suggested. These much smaller effects strongly limit the applicability of the putative 184Os-180W system to investigate geological problems.


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Molecular nitrogen (N2) is thought to have been the most abundant form of nitrogen in the protosolar nebula. It is the main N-bearing molecule in the atmospheres of Pluto and Triton and probably the main nitrogen reservoir from which the giant planets formed. Yet in comets, often considered the most primitive bodies in the solar system, N2 has not been detected. Here we report the direct in situ measurement of N2 in the Jupiter family comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, made by the Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for Ion and Neutral Analysis mass spectrometer aboard the Rosetta spacecraft. A N2/CO ratio of Embedded Image (2σ standard deviation of the sampled mean) corresponds to depletion by a factor of ~25.4 ± 8.9 as compared to the protosolar value. This depletion suggests that cometary grains formed at low-temperature conditions below ~30 kelvin.