993 resultados para CONVECTIVE BOILING


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Eugenol is the main volatile compound extracted oil from clove bud, Syzygium aromaticum L., and used in traditional medicine, as a bactericide, fungicide, anesthetic, and others. Its extraction was performed using hydrodistillation which is the most common extraction technique. Its components and thermal behavior were evaluated using gas chromatography (GC) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), which provide a better characterization of these natural compounds. This extracted product was compared to the standard eugenol results. The GC results suggested similar to 90% eugenol was found in the total extracted oil, and some of its boiling characteristics were 270.1 A degrees C for peak temperature and 244.1 J g(-1) for the enthalpy variation.


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In this paper, a novel combined theoretical and computational model is developed to simulate the heat and mass transfer between a fluidised bed and a workpiece surface, and within the workpiece by considering the fluidised bed as a medium consisting of a double-particle layer and an even porous layer. The heat and mass-transfer flux from the fluidised bed to the workpiece surface is contributed by dense and bubble phases, respectively. The convective heat and mass transfer is simulated by analysing the gas dynamics in the fluidised bed, while radiative heat transfer is modelled by simulating photon emission in a three-dimensional particle array. The simulation shows that convection is approximately constant, while radiation contributes significantly to the heat transfer. The heat-transfer coefficient on an immersed surface near particles is about 6–10 times that on other areas. The transient heat and mass-transfer coefficient, heat and mass-transfer flux on any surface of the workpiece, transient temperature and carbon distributions at any position of the workpiece during the metal carburising process are studied with the simulation.


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Accurate assessment of the fate of salts, nutrients, and pollutants in natural, heterogeneous soils requires a proper quantification of both spatial and temporal solute spreading during solute movement. The number of experiments with multisampler devices that measure solute leaching as a function of space and time is increasing. The breakthrough curve (BTC) can characterize the temporal aspect of solute leaching, and recently the spatial solute distribution curve (SSDC) was introduced to describe the spatial solute distribution. We combined and extended both concepts to develop a tool for the comprehensive analysis of the full spatio-temporal behavior of solute leaching. The sampling locations are ranked in order of descending amount of total leaching (defined as the cumulative leaching from an individual compartment at the end of the experiment), thus collapsing both spatial axes of the sampling plane into one. The leaching process can then be described by a curved surface that is a function of the single spatial coordinate and time. This leaching surface is scaled to integrate to unity, and termed S can efficiently represent data from multisampler solute transport experiments or simulation results from multidimensional solute transport models. The mathematical relationships between the scaled leaching surface S, the BTC, and the SSDC are established. Any desired characteristic of the leaching process can be derived from S. The analysis was applied to a chloride leaching experiment on a lysimeter with 300 drainage compartments of 25 cm2 each. The sandy soil monolith in the lysimeter exhibited fingered flow in the water-repellent top layer. The observed S demonstrated the absence of a sharp separation between fingers and dry areas, owing to diverging flow in the wettable soil below the fingers. Times-to-peak, maximum solute fluxes, and total leaching varied more in high-leaching than in low-leaching compartments. This suggests a stochastic–convective transport process in the high-flow streamtubes, while convection–dispersion is predominant in the low-flow areas. S can be viewed as a bivariate probability density function. Its marginal distributions are the BTC of all sampling locations combined, and the SSDC of cumulative solute leaching at the end of the experiment. The observed S cannot be represented by assuming complete independence between its marginal distributions, indicating that S contains information about the leaching process that cannot be derived from the combination of the BTC and the SSDC.


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Many environmental studies require accurate simulation of water and solute fluxes in the unsaturated zone. This paper evaluates one- and multi-dimensional approaches for soil water flow as well as different spreading mechanisms to model solute behavior at different scales. For quantification of soil water fluxes,Richards equation has become the standard. Although current numerical codes show perfect water balances, the calculated soil water fluxes in case of head boundary conditions may depend largely on the method used for spatial averaging of the hydraulic conductivity. Atmospheric boundary conditions, especially in the case of phreatic groundwater levels fluctuating above and below a soil surface, require sophisticated solutions to ensure convergence. Concepts for flow in soils with macro pores and unstable wetting fronts are still in development. One-dimensional flow models are formulated to work with lumped parameters in order to account for the soil heterogeneity and preferential flow. They can be used at temporal and spatial scales that are of interest to water managers and policymakers. Multi-dimensional flow models are hampered by data and computation requirements.Their main strength is detailed analysis of typical multi-dimensional flow problems, including soil heterogeneity and preferential flow. Three physically based solute-transport concepts have been proposed to describe solute spreading during unsaturated flow: The stochastic-convective model (SCM), the convection-dispersion equation (CDE), and the fraction aladvection-dispersion equation (FADE). A less physical concept is the continuous-time random-walk process (CTRW). Of these, the SCM and the CDE are well established, and their strengths and weaknesses are identified. The FADE and the CTRW are more recent,and only a tentative strength weakness opportunity threat (SWOT)analysis can be presented at this time. We discuss the effect of the number of dimensions in a numerical model and the spacing between model nodes on solute spreading and the values of the solute-spreading parameters. In order to meet the increasing complexity of environmental problems, two approaches of model combination are used: Model integration and model coupling. Amain drawback of model integration is the complexity of there sulting code. Model coupling requires a systematic physical domain and model communication analysis. The setup and maintenance of a hydrologic framework for model coupling requires substantial resources, but on the other hand, contributions can be made by many research groups.


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Preferential flow affects solute transport in natural soils, leading to high spatiotemporal variation of concentration. A multicompartment solute sampler (MCS), yielding multiple breakthrough curves at a given depth, can monitor tracer movement in a heterogeneous soil. We present a technique to estimate from MCS data whether a soil monolith is sufficiently large to capture preferential flow, which is a necessity for tracer breakthrough curves to be representative. For several soils, we estimate that an MCS should be larger than 0.1 to 0.2 m2. We also expand dilution theory to analyze the concentration variations of a tracer passing the control plane monitored by the MCS, in addition to the conventional plume spreading analysis. We characterize the set of locally observed breakthrough curves by the entropy-based dilution index. For given first and second-central moment, the spatially uniform log-normal breakthrough curve maximizes the dilution index. The ratio between observed and maximum dilution index is denoted reactor ratio. For a 300-compartment solute sampler, covering an area of 0.75 m2, we compute a reactor ratio of 0.665, compared with 0.04 for stochastic-convective and 1 for convective-dispersive transport. With a single, large collector the reactor ratio would be 0.958, severely underestimating concentration variations. Large collector areas are clearly inadequate to estimate dilution. Values of the dilution index and the reactor ratio for individual sampling compartments indicate efficient longitudinal mixing in most but not all cases, and considerable spatial variation of the leaching process.


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What motivates someone to dance until they are exhausted, sweaty, boiling hot and out of breath? I myself, recalling experiences when I have danced so hard I've nearly fainted, remember how exhilarating that motivation can be. But why? Why is that at all pleasant? Of course, I had several of my own explanations, but I was also interested in doing some scientific research on exhaustion. This question was of ample depth to become the basis of my project.


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This paper investigated the use of titanium dioxide sol-gel coatings to photo-catalyse red wine stains on wool fabrics. Coatings were produced by the hydrolysis and condensation of titanium butoxide (Ti(OC4H9)4) on the surface of wool fabrics after pad application. Coatings were partially converted to the anatase form of titanium dioxide by prolonged immersion in boiling water. The coating presence was confirmed using scanning electron microscopy, UVspectrophotometry and atomic force microscopy. Coated samples were measured for photo-catalytic activity by degrading red wine stains from the surface of the coated fabric. The level of photocatalysis was determined for each of the coating systems after 168 hours. Red wine stains were photo-catalysed and level of staining was reduced from the UV exposed surface of the coated wool fabric.


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Numerous mathematical models have been developed to evaluate both initial and transient stage removal efficiency of deep bed filters. Microscopic models either using trajectory analysis or convective-diffusion equations were used to compute the initial removal efficiency. These models predicted the removal efficiency under favorable filtration conditions quantitatively, but failed to predict the removal efficiency under unfavorable conditions. They underestimated the removal efficiency under unfavorable conditions. Thus, semi-empirical formulations were developed to compute initial removal efficiencies under unfavorable conditions. Also, correction for the adhesion of particles onto filter grains improved the results obtained for removal efficiency from the trajectory analysis. Macroscopic models were used to predict the transient stage removal efficiency of deep bed filters. O’Melia and Ali’s model assumed that the particle removal is due to filter grains as well as the particles that are already deposited onto the filter grain. Thus, semi-empirical models were used to predict the ripening of filtration. Several modifications were made to the model developed by O’Melia and Ali to predict the deterioration of particle removal during the transient stages of filtration. Models considering the removal of particles under favorable conditions and the accumulation of charges on the filter grains during the transient stages were also developed. This paper evaluates those models and their applicability under different operating conditions of filtration.


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Numerous mathematical models have been developed to evaluate both initial and transient stage removal efficiency of deep bed filters. Microscopic models either using trajectory analysis or convective diffusion equations were used to compute the initial removal efficiency. These models predicted the removal efficiency under favorable filtration conditions quantitatively, but failed to predict the removal efficiency under unfavorable conditions. They underestimated the removal efficiency under unfavorable conditions. Thus, semi-empirical formulations were developed to compute initial removal efficiencies under unfavorable conditions. Also, correction for the adhesion of particles onto filter grains improved the results obtained for removal efficiency from the trajectory analysis. Macroscopic models were used to predict the transient stage removal efficiency of deep bed filters. The O’Melia and Ali1 model assumed that the particle removal is due to filter grains as well as the particles that are already deposited onto the filter grain. Thus, semi-empirical models were used to predict the ripening of filtration. Several modifications were made to the model developed by O’Melia and Ali to predict the deterioration of particle removal during the transient stages of filtration. Models considering the removal of particles under favorable conditions and the accumulation of charges on the filter grains during the transient stages were also developed. This article evaluates those models and their applicability under different operating conditions of filtration.


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Finite-element method is used to predict the buoyancy-driven convection in a horizontal layer of fluid (aluminum melt) overlying a porous layer (cathode) saturated with the same fluid. This work aims to compare the Hall–Héroult process in electrolytic cell, where a layer of molten aluminum is reduced over the porous cathode surface. In this study, the physical system of the aluminum melt (fluid) and cathode (porous) together is considered as a composite system of fluid overlying porous layer. The main objective of this study to analyse the velocity components in thin fluid layer and its impact on a porous cathode surface if there is any. In addition, an externally imposed time-independent uniform magnetic field is used to analyse its influence on natural convective forces. The physical system of fluid overlying porous layer is analysed at different Hartmann, Darcy, and fluid-Rayleigh numbers for a fixed Prandtl number (Pr = 0.014). The predicted data show that the convective forces, caused by buoyancy-driven flow, are significant. It is shown that the velocity peaks moves toward the solid wall because of the presence of a magnetic field creating a stronger boundary-layer growth over the permeable cathode surface. The predicted results are plotted in terms of average Nusselt number and Darcy number to indicate the influence of pores and permeability on overall convective heat-transfer characteristics.


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In the present paper the analysis of heat transfer and free convective motion have been carried out numerically for dome shaped enclosures. The solution method is based on the finite element technique with the frontal solver and is used to examine the flow parameters and the heat transfer characteristics inside dome shaped enclosures of various offsets. In formulating the solution a general conic equation is considered to represent the dome of circular, elliptical, parabolic and hyperbolic shapes. The numerical results indicate that the circular and elliptical shapes of dome give higher heat transfer rate and offset of the dome effects convective heat transfer quite significantly. However, beyond 0.3 top dome offset, the change in overall heat transfer rate is not significant. In addition, the convective phenomenon influenced by a dome shaped cover results in establishing a secondary core region even at a moderate Rayleigh number when compared with an equivalent rectangular enclosure. A good comparison between the present numerical predictions and the previous published data is achieved.


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In this article, the analyses of heat transfer and free convective motion have been carried out numerically for various structures. The solution is based on a finite element method with the frontal solver to examine the flow parameters and heat transfer characteristics. Several dome configurations--such as flat, inclined, and dome shapes--are considered for the top of the enclosure. A general conic equation is considered to represent the dome as circular, elliptical, parabolic, or hyperbolic shape. The findings from this study indicate that the convective phenomenon is greatly influenced by the shape of the top cover dome and tends to form a secondary core even at a moderate Rayleigh number when compared with an equivalent rectangular enclosure. In addition, the circular and elliptical shapes of the dome give higher heat transfer rate. The effect of various "offset" of the dome and inclined roof on convective heat transfer is also found to be quite significant. However, beyond 0.3 of offset of the top cover for the dome and inclined roof, the change in overall heat transfer rate is minimal. The heat transfer coefficients of dome shaped and inclined roof enclosures are given and discussed.


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[1] As part of the Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA)-Cooperative LBA Airborne Regional Experiment (CLAIRE) 2001 campaign in July 2001, separate day and nighttime aerosol samples were collected at a ground-based site in Amazonia, Brazil, in order to examine the composition and temporal variability of the natural “background” aerosol. We used a high-volume sampler to separate the aerosol into fine (aerodynamic diameter, AD < 2.5 μm) and coarse (AD > 2.5 μm) size fractions and quantified a range of organic compounds in methanolic extracts of the samples by a gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric technique. The carbon fraction of the compounds could account for an average of 7% of the organic carbon (OC) in both the fine and coarse aerosol fractions. We observed the highest concentrations of sugars, sugar alcohols, and fatty acids in the coarse aerosol samples, which suggests that these compounds are associated with primary biological aerosol particles (PBAP) observed in the forest atmosphere. Of these, trehalose, mannitol, arabitol, and the fatty acids were found to be more prevalent at night, coinciding with a nocturnal increase in PBAP in the 2–10 μm size range (predominantly yeasts and other small fungal spores). In contrast, glucose, fructose, and sucrose showed persistently higher daytime concentrations, coinciding with a daytime increase in large fungal spores, fern spores, pollen grains, and, to a lesser extent, plant fragments (generally >20 μm in diameter), probably driven by lowered relative humidity and enhanced wind speeds/convective activity during the day. For the fine aerosol samples a series of dicarboxylic and hydroxyacids were detected with persistently higher daytime concentrations, suggesting that photochemical production of a secondary organic aerosol from biogenic volatile organic compounds may have made a significant contribution to the fine aerosol. Anhydrosugars (levoglucosan, mannosan, galactosan), which are specific tracers for biomass burning, were detected only at low levels in the fine aerosol samples. On the basis of the levoglucosan-to-OC emission ratio measured for biomass burning aerosol, we estimate that an average of ∼16% of the OC in the fine aerosol was due to biomass burning during CLAIRE 2001, indicating that the major fraction was associated with biogenic particles.


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Electrospinning technique has attracted a lot of interests recently, although it was invented in as early as 1934 by Anton (Anton, 1934). A basic electrospinning setup normally comprises a high voltage power supply, a syringe needle connected to power supply, and a counter-electrode collector as shown in Fig. 1. During electrospinning, a high electric voltage is applied to the polymer solution, which highly electrifies the solution droplet at the needle tip (Li & Xia, 2004). As a result, the solution droplet at the needle tip receives electric forces, drawing itself toward the opposite electrode, thus deforming into a conical shape (also known as “Taylor cone” (Taylor, 1969)). When the electric force overcomes the surface tension of the polymer solution, the polymer solution ejects off the tip of the “Taylor cone” to form a polymer jet. The charged jet is stretched by the strong electric force into a fine filament. Randomly deposited dry fibers can be obtained on the collector due to the evaporation of solvent in the filament. There are many factors affecting the electrospinning process and fiber properties, including polymer materials (e.g. polymer structure, molecular weight, solubility), solvent (e.g. boiling point, dielectric properties), solution properties (e.g. viscosity, concentration, conductivity, surface tension), operating conditions (e.g. applied voltage, collecting distance, flow rate), and ambient environment (e.g. temperature, gas environment, humidity).


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Currently viscose production methods are primarily used to process bamboo into commercial textile fibres. However, viscose methods use large quantities of chemicals and hence the process is not considered as environmentally friendly. The process also fails to retain bamboo’s inherent unique properties such as ultraviolet (UV) screening and antibacterial functions. Hence, it is necessary to design an effective and more eco-friendly manufacturing method that would also retain the unique properties of raw bamboo plant into the fibres. In this research, bamboo was processed using new methods involving thermo mechanical treatments such as ultra-sonication, shaker milling and boiling with continuous stirring. Sodium hydroxide, hydrogen peroxide, enzyme and water were used separately in this process and their effects on fibre processing were compared. The morphology and UV shielding ability were analysed before and after processing. It was demonstrated that bamboo can be processed into fibres using only water and ball milling without the aid of any hazardous chemicals. The combination of mild acid hydrolysis and ultrasonic treatment with hydrogen peroxide was effective in the fibre separation and provided better appearance of fibres.