977 resultados para CO(2) laser
The purpose of this study was to measure and verify the esthetic influence of the bilateral spaces between maxillary teeth and lip corners, called negative space (NS), during smile. The sample was comprised of 60 smile photographs obtained from 60 individuals (30 men and 30 women) aged 18 to 25 years old. Two orthodontists and two lay people evaluated these pictures regarding esthetics by a visual analogue scale. In each picture, the right and left NS were measured in millimeters and in proportion to the smile width (SW). Data were analyzed for statistical significance (P = .05). The mean NS of the sample was 6.68 ± 1.99 mm, and the NS proportion in relation to the SW was 9.6 ± 2.56%, for both sides of the arch. No significant asymmetries were observed between the right and left sides. The NS was significantly larger in men than in women when measured in millimeters (P = .028) (7.08 ± 2.24 mm in men vs 6.28 ± 1.62 mm in women), but the NS proportion to the SW was similar (9.94 ± 2.24% in men vs 9.26 ± 1.61% in women). When the 12 individuals with the smallest NS in proportion to SW were compared with the 12 individuals with the largest NS in proportion to SW, there was no statistical difference regarding the esthetic evaluation (P = .11). It was concluded that the NS did not influence the esthetic evaluation of smile photographs in the sample in this study, for both orthodontists and lay people. © 2006 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, Inc.
The known diversity of dart-poison frog species has grown from 70 in the 1960s to 247 at present, with no sign that the discovery of new species will wane in the foreseeable future. Although this growth in knowledge of the diversity of this group has been accompanied by detailed investigations of many aspects of the biology of dendrobatids, their phylogenetic relationships remain poorly understood. This study was designed to test hypotheses of dendrobatid diversification by combining new and prior genotypic and phenotypic evidence in a total evidence analysis. DNA sequences were sampled for five mitochondrial and six nuclear loci (approximately 6,100 base pairs [bp]; x=3,740 bp per terminal; total dataset composed of approximately 1.55 million bp), and 174 phenotypic characters were scored from adult and larval morphology, alkaloid profiles, and behavior. These data were combined with relevant published DNA sequences. Ingroup sampling targeted several previously unsampled species, including Aromobates nocturnus, which was hypothesized previously to be the sister of all other dendrobatids. Undescribed and problematic species were sampled from multiple localities when possible. The final dataset consisted of 414 terminals: 367 ingroup terminals of 156 species and 47 outgroup terminals of 46 species. Direct optimization parsimony analysis of the equally weighted evidence resulted in 25,872 optimal trees. Forty nodes collapse in the strict consensus, with all conflict restricted to conspecific terminals. Dendrobatids were recovered as monophyletic, and their sister group consisted of Crossodactylus, Hylodes, and Megaelosia, recognized herein as Hylodidae. Among outgroup taxa, Centrolenidae was found to be the sister group of all athesphatanurans except Hylidae, Leptodactyidae was polyphyletic, Thoropa was nested within Cycloramphidae, and Ceratophryinae was paraphyletic with respect to Telmatobiinae. Among dendrobatids, the monophyly and content of Mannophryne and Phyllobates were corroborated. Aromobates nocturnus and Colostethus saltuensis were found to be nested within Nephelobates, and Minyobates was paraphyletic and nested within Dendrobates. Colostethus was shown to be rampantly nonmonophyletic, with most species falling into two unrelated cis- and trans-Andean clades. A morphologically and behaviorally diverse clade of median lingual process-possessing species was discovered. In light of these findings and the growth in knowledge of the diversity of this large clade over the past 40 years, we propose a new, monophyletic taxonomy for dendrobatids, recognizing the inclusive clade as a superfamily (Dendrobatoidea) composed of two families (one of which is new), six subfamilies (three new), and 16 genera (four new). Although poisonous frogs did not form a monophyletic group, the three poisonous lineages are all confined to the revised family Dendrobatidae, in keeping with the traditional application of this name. We also propose changes to achieve a monophyletic higher-level taxonomy for the athesphatanuran outgroup taxa. Analysis of character evolution revealed multiple origins of phytotelm-breeding, parental provisioning of nutritive oocytes for larval consumption (larval oophagy), and endotrophy. Available evidence indicates that transport of tadpoles on the dorsum of parent nurse frogs-a dendrobatid synapomorphy-is carried out primitively by male nurse frogs, with three independent origins of female transport and five independent origins of biparental transport. Reproductive amplexus is optimally explained as having been lost in the most recent common ancestor of Dendrobatoidea, with cephalic amplexus arising independently three times. © American Museum of Natural History 2006.
The structure and ultrastructure of immature to fully mature glandular dots in the leaf, floral organs and fruit, and their secretion components were described in Caesalpinia echinata Lam. (Leguminosae) for the first time. Data showed that glandular dots were groups of idioblasts with contents that reacted positively for both lipophilic and hydrophilic substances. Idioblasts originated from successive divisions of the ground meristem cells or mesophyll cells of an ovary of a fertilized flower. Following division, cells enlarged, the cytoplasm became denser and its content became full. No idioblasts were observed after fruit sclerification. Besides these mixed-content idioblasts, some cells in the sepals, petals and mesocarp were found to contain phenolic compounds, which probably represent a kind of constitutive defense mechanism, once the flowers and fruits become highly fitness-valued parts of the plant and can be commonly attacked. The contents of the idioblasts are released as the growth rate of the embryo increases, indicating that the plant probably diverts the precursors of secondary metabolites into the primary metabolism, at this critical time of embryo development.
Objective: This crossover study compared the efficacy of an ultrasonic toothbrush for the reduction of plaque, gingival inflammation, and levels of Streptococcus mutans, in relation to an electric and a manual toothbrush. Materials and Methods: Twenty-one patients with orthodontic appliances were divided into three groups. All patients were evaluated by a periodontist and samples of saliva were collected for quantification of S mutans. The patients received their first brushes with appropriate instructions. For each crossover leg, patients used each toothbrush for a period of 30 days. At the end of each washout period, participants received a periodontal evaluation and new samples of saliva were collected. After 15 days of using their own toothbrushes, patients received the next toothbrushes in the experimental sequence. Results: The ultrasonic brush group presented significant improvement in the reduction of visible plaque on the buccal surfaces (-6.36%, P = .007). The counts of S mutans decreased in the electric (2.04 × 105 to 1.36 × 105 colony-forming units [CFU]/mL) and ultrasonic (2.98 × 105 to 1.84 × 105 CFU/mL) groups. There were no statistical differences among the three brushes for the clinical and microbiological parameters evaluated. Conclusions: This study did not demonstrate that the ultrasonic toothbrush was better in reducing gingival inflammation in adolescent orthodontic patients, but plaque scores were lowered on buccal surfaces of teeth with orthodontic brackets. In addition, S mutans counts were markedly decreased in the electric and ultrasonic groups, which should be related to a reduced risk of oral disease. © 2006 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, Inc.
Objective: The present study evaluated the cytotoxic effects of hard setting applied on the odontoblastlike cells MDPC-23. Study design: Eighty round-shaped samples were prepared with the following experimental materials: calcium hydroxide, Vitrebond, RelyX Luting, and RelyX Unicem. The samples were placed in serum-free culture medium and incubated for 24 hours or 7 days at 37°C with 5% CO 2 and 95% air. The odontoblast cells were plated in the wells and incubated for 72 hours. After this period, the complete culture medium was replaced by the extracts obtained from every sample, and the methyltetrazolium assay was carried out to evaluate the cell metabolism. Results: For the 24-hour period, the experimental materials calcium hydroxide, Vitrebond, RelyX Luting, and RelyX Unicem decreased the cell metabolic activity by 91.52%, 81.14%, 78.17%, and 2.64%, respectively. For the 7-day period, calcium hydroxide, Vitrebond, RelyX Luting, and RelyX Unicem decreased the metabolic activity of the MDPC-23 cells by 91.13%, 87.27%, 79.04%, and 10.51%, respectively. Conclusion: RelyX Unicem presented the lowest cytopathic effects to the cultured odontoblast cell line. © 2007 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study is to survey radiographic measurement estimation in the assessment of dental implant length according to dentists' confidence. A 19-point questionnaire with closed-ended questions was used by two graduate students to interview 69 dentists during a dental implant meeting. Included were 12 questions related to over- and underestimation in three radiographic modalities: panoramic (P), conventional tomography (T), and computerized tomography (CT). The database was analyzed by Epi-Info 6.04 software and the values from two radiographic modalities, P and T, were compared using a chi2 test. The results showed that 38.24% of the dentists' confidence was in the overestimation of measurements in P, 30.56% in T, and 0% in CT. On the other hand, considering the underestimated measurements, the percentages were 47.06% in P, 33.33% in T, and 1.92% in CT. The frequency of under- and overestimation were statistically significant (chi2 = 6.32; P = .0425) between P and T. CT was the radiographic modality with higher measurement precision according to dentists' confidence. In conclusion, the interviewed dentists felt that CT was the best radiographic modality when considering the measurement estimation precision in preoperative dental implant assessment.
The objective of this study was to describe a new platelet-rich plasma (PRP) protocol with a reduced concentration of leukocytes and intact platelets. We collected 8 mL of venous blood (VB) from marginal ear veins of 10 male New Zealand white rabbits in acid dextrose citrate Vacutainer tubes. Tubes were centrifuged at 302g for 10 minutes. All plasma was collected in plastic tubes to avoid buffy-coat contamination and centrifuged at 2862g for 5 minutes. A 10% calcium chloride activator (10 PRP:2 CaCl2) was added to the lower third of this plasma (PRP), and the PRP gel was obtained. Mean platelet count was 317.7 x 10(3) +/- 39.9/microL in VB and 1344.9 x 10(3) +/- 347.5/microL in PRP. Leukocyte counts were 3.96 x 10(3) +/- 2.01/microL and 0.46 x 10(3) +/- 0.45/microL in VB and PRP, respectively. Mean platelet enrichment was 327.4 +/- 97.8%. All differences were statistically significant (P > .05). This protocol is practical and reproducible, resulting in a high concentration of intact platelets to help tissue repair and low levels of leukocytes.
Saliva plays important roles in facilitation of a bloodmeal, lubrication of mouthparts, and parasite transmission for some vector insects. Salivary composition changes during the lifetime of an insect, and differences in the salivary profile may influence its functions. In this report, the amount and profile of salivary gland protein of the American visceral leishmaniasis vector Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva, 1912) were analyzed at different times of insect development and diet. Protein content from unfed female sand flies increased significantly with age, and a significant difference was observed in sugar-fed females during the first 10 d of adult life. Salivary protein content sharply decreased 1 d after blood feeding, with gradual increase in concentration the following days. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis revealed that most polypeptides present in the saliva of sugar-fed also were present in the saliva of blood-fed females. Understanding changes in sand fly's saliva contents at distinct days after emergence and the influence of a bloodmeal in this aspect may reveal the role played by saliva during leishmaniasis transmission. © 2008 Entomological Society of America.
The biodegradability of pure diesel and biodiesel and blends with different proportions of biodiesel (2% (commercial); 5% and 20%) was evaluated employing the respirometric method and the redox indicator 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol (DCPIP) test. In the former, experiments simulating the contamination of natural environments (soil from a petrol station or water from a river) were carried out in Bartha biometer flasks (250 ml), and used to measure the microbial CO 2 production. With the DCPIP test, the capability of three inocula to biodegrade the blends was tested. Results show that although biodiesel is more easily and faster biodegraded than diesel oil, among the blends evaluated (2%, 5% and 20%), only the blend with higher concentration of biodiesel presented biodegradability significantly different from diesel and it was not verified an improvement on the biodegradation of the diesel by means of co-metabolism. © 2008 Academic Journals.
This study evaluated the cytotoxic effects of 2 mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) cements - White-MTA-Angelus and a new formulation, MTA-Bio - on odontoblast-like cell (MDPC-23) cultures. Twenty-four disc-shaped (2 mm diameter x 2 mm thick) specimens were fabricated from each material and immersed individually in wells containing 1 mL of DMEM culture medium for either 24 h or 7 days to obtain extracts, giving rise to 4 groups of 12 specimens each: G1 - White-MTA/24 h; G2 - White-MTA/7 days; G3 - MTA-Bio/24 h; and G4 - MTA-Bio/7 days. Plain culture medium (DMEM) was used as a negative control (G5). Cells at 30,000 cells/cm 2 concentration were seeded in the wells of 24-well plates and incubated in a humidified incubator with 5% CO 2 and 95% air at 37°C for 72 h. After this period, the culture medium of each well was replaced by 1 mL of extract (or plain DMEM in the control group) and the cells were incubated for additional 2 h. Cell metabolism was evaluated by the MTT assay and the data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). Cell morphology and the surface of representative MTA specimens of each group were examined by scanning electron microscopy. There was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) between G1 and G2 or between G3 and G4. No significant difference (p>0.05) was found between the experimental and control groups either. Similar cell organization and morphology were observed in all groups, regardless of the storage periods. However, the number of cells observed in the experimental groups decreased compared to the control group. MTA-Bio presented irregular surface with more porosities than White-MTA. In conclusion, White-MTA and MTA-Bio presented low cytotoxic effects on odontoblast-like cell (MDPC-23) cultures.
This study aimed to evaluate the soil microbiota activity associated to S. aterrimum rhizosphere, during the phytoremediation process of a soil contaminated with trifloxysulfuron-sodium. S. aterrimum was cultivated in vases (6, 0 L) filled with soil, after trifloxysulfuron-sodium, at 7.5 g ha -1, was applied or not. Every 15 days after sowing (DAS), rhizospheric soil was collected for soil microbial respiration (amount of evolved CO 2) and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) analysis. To determine herbicide residues in the soil samples, after phytoremediation, Sorghum bicolor L. was cultivated as an indicator species, in addition to high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis. The microbiota associated to S. aterrimum rhizosphere showed to be sensitive to trifloxysulfuron-sodium and may be used as a microbiological indicator of disturbances caused by this herbicide in the environment. Regarding time for remediation, 45 days of development is enough for S. aterrimum to reduce residual trifloxysulfuron- sodium to a level not able to cause toxicity to the indicator plant.
Includes bibliography
The aim of this study was to develop an experimental protocol for endurance swimming periodization training in rats similar to high performance training in humans, and compare it to continuous training. Three groups of male Wistar rats (90 days old) were allocated to Sedentary Control (SC); Continuous Training (CT); and Periodized Experimental Training (PET) groups. PET and CT trained 5 days/week, over five weeks, CT: continuous training supporting a 5% body mass (bm) load for 40 min/day; PET: training subdivided into basic, specific, and taper periods, with overload changed daily (volume-intensity, continuous, and interval training). Total training overload was quantified (% bm X exercise time in training session) and equalized for the two trained groups. Glucose ([ 3H]2-deoxyglucose) uptake, incorporation to glycogen (synthesis), glucose oxidation (CO 2 production), and lactate production from [U- 14C]glucose by soleus muscle strips incubated in presence of insulin (100μU/mL) were evaluated 48h after the last training session. The load equivalent at 5.5mM blood lactate concentration ([La-5.5]) was determined in the incremental test. Lactate production was similar in all groups. PET presented higher glucose uptake (59%) than SC, and higher glycogen synthesis (51 and 22%) and glucose oxidation (147 and 178%) than SC and CT, respectively. CT presented higher glycogen synthesis rates (23%) than SC. Load [La-5.5] was similar between trained groups and higher than SC. PET presented higher values for glucose metabolism than CT and SC. These results open up new perspectives for studying training methods used in high performance sport through swimming exercise in rats.
This paper presents a power system capacity expansion planning modelconsidering carbon emissions constraints. In addition to the traditionaltechnical and economical issues usually considered in the planning process, two environmental policies that consist on the taxation and the annual limitsof carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions are considered. Furthermore, the gradualretirement of old inefficient generation plants has been included. The approachguarantees a cleaner electricity production in the expanded power system ata relatively low cost. The proposed model considers the transmission systemand is applied to a 4-region and 11-region power systems over a 20-yearplanning horizon. Results show practical investment decisions in terms of sustainability and costs.
This paper aims to highlight the state of the art of obtaining carbon credits through the use of electric vehicles. This is one of the solutions to significantly reduce the emission of GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions in the case of CO 2, NOx, SOx, and CH 4 (thermochemical reactions arising from the combustion of gasoline with ethanol) in motor vehicles. For this quantitative study was done based on the survey of bibliographic data available and the development of basic calculations considering the car fleet of the Country of Brazil and the CO 2 emissions generated by the same. Thus explaining the considerable gain in air quality and reduction of vectors of greenhouse gases in the case of replacing the current fleet of vehicles combustion of hydrocarbon aliphatic chain, for an eco-efficient fleet consists of electric vehicles and/or hybrids.