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本论文研究了一系列具有不同配位环璄的锰化合物与去锰的PSII的光组装过程,得到了以下主要结果: 1. 分别对两组二核锰化合物与去锰的PSII 颗粒进行了重组研究。第一组的两个二核锰化合物中,锰原子具有相同的外围配体、氧化还原状态,但是不同的连接方式;而第二组的两个二核锰化合物中,锰原子具有相同的连接方式、氧化还原状态,但是不同的外围配体。实验结果表明,锰化合物中两个锰原子之间的连接方式及外围配体的不同都可以导致锰簇光组装效率的不同,但这两种因素引起的光组装效率的差异比锰原子的氧化还原状态引起的差别要小的多。因此我们推断,锰原子的氧化还原状态是影响光组装效率最重要的因素之一。 2. 选择了三个四核锰化合物与去锰PSII 颗粒进行重组,测定其电子传递与放氧活性。研究结果表明,具有较少配体和较小分子的两个化合物H568和WM01具有较高的重组活性,而另一个化合物Z342的活性较低。这说明化合物配体的数目以及分子的大小影响了光组装效率。另外, 化合物H568和WM01在重组过程中对CaCl2也比Z342更敏感,推测这可能是因为这两个锰化合物中有更多的的羧基可以与Ca2+发生相互作用,而这种作用有助于锰的配位,进而促进光组装。 3. 研究了Mn/Ca的簇合物与去锰的PSII 颗粒的光重组, 研究发现,尽管化合物wwg-27本身就含有Ca的成分,但它在与光系统II的光组装过程中仍然表现为外源Ca需要的趋势,而且这一化合物也表现了比MnCl2更高的光组装效率。 4. 研究了MnCl2与去锰PSII 颗粒的重组过程中,组氨酸和酪氨酸的存在对光组装效率的影响。 研究结果表明,加入一定量的组氨酸和酪氨酸均可以明显的提高样品的放氧活性,并且这两种氨基酸对光组装效率的影响均与pH值有关。


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光合作用是地球上最重要的化学反应,它主要发生在叶绿体的类囊体膜上。光能是整个光合作用反应的驱动力,因此光能的捕获和传递过程将会直接影响整个生物体的光合作用表现。在高等植物中,光系统II(PSII)的大量捕光色素蛋白复合体(LHCIIb)作为最主要的、含量最多的光能捕获和传递器官,在光合作用过程中发挥着极其重要的作用。经过数十年的研究,认为LHCIIb主要的功能有以下四个方面:捕获和传递光能、光保护和过剩能量耗散、调节光能在两个光系统中分配和维持类囊体膜的结构。同时对其空间结构也在2.72Å的水平上进行了解析,发现每个单体含有14个叶绿素分子(Chl),其中8个叶绿素 a(Chl a)和6个叶绿素 b(Chl b),2个黄体素(Lut),一个新黄质(Neo)和一个紫黄质(Vio),3个跨膜α-螺旋和2个双亲α-螺旋。尽管目前对其空间结构和基本功能有了初步的了解,但以往研究均是对LHCIIb的三个色素蛋白复合体(Lhcb1、Lhcb2和Lhcb3)的混合研究,而关于Lhcb1、Lhcb2和Lhcb3各自的氨基酸组成、色素组成、各种光谱性质和稳定性研究还处于起步阶段。对Lhcb1、Lhcb2和Lhcb3各自的特性研究可以使我们更加深刻地理解LHCIIb的结构和功能。 本论文首先利用RT-PCR技术从豌豆(Pisum sativum L.)中提取了编码大量捕光色素蛋白复合体的三个脱辅基蛋白基因,分析了它们编码蛋白的氨基酸序列,并系统地研究了三个蛋白与其他物种中的三个蛋白之间的亲缘关系;然后在体外进行了成功的表达和与色素重组,进而对重组LHCIIb的色素组成及光谱特征进行了系统地对比和研究。实验结果表明,Lhcb1和Lhcb3的保守性高于Lhcb2,且Lhcb3最高,Lhcb1和Lhcb2的蛋白序列相似程度高于Lhcb3;Lhcb1同质三聚体的Neo含量和α-螺旋含量高于Lhcb1单体,Lhcb2单体和Lhcb3单体的α-螺旋含量高于Lhcb1单体;与Lhcb1单体和Lhcb2单体相比,Lhcb1同质三聚体和Lhcb3单体的荧光发射光谱明显红移,与核心复合物的光谱特征更加接近,这一区别可能更加有利于能量向核心传递;吸收光谱中表明,Lhcb1和Lhcb2存在两个Chl a吸收峰,根据分析超快吸收得到的模型(Amerongen & Grondelle,2001),这两个吸收峰可能代表Chl a的两个吸收中心。 在对LHCIIb各种基本特性研究的基础之上,本论文使用三氟乙酸(TFA)、离液剂尿素、离子性去污剂SDS、非离子型去污剂Triton X-100对Lhcb1单体进行了处理,使用不同温度对Lhcb1单体和同质三聚体、Lhcb2单体和Lhcb3单体进行处理。研究了它们在不同条件下的稳定性,主要结果如下: 1) 低浓度的尿素不能使Lhcb1变性,但可以影响色素之间的能量传递效率和相互作用。尽管SDS可以使Lhcb1解体,但解体后的蛋白仍旧保留了部分α-螺旋结构。TFA和非离子型去污剂Triton X-100可以使Lhcb1完全解体,并且可以完全破坏蛋白α-螺旋结构,TFA主要是通过影响色素结构和增加蛋白内部的分子间排斥力来破坏Lhcb1,而Triton X-100主要是通过破坏疏水作用力来破坏Lhcb1。高温可以使LHCIIb解体,但不能使蛋白二级结构完全消失。 2) 尿素、温度和Triton X-100均不引起色素本身的破坏,SDS和三氟乙酸使氢置换叶绿素卟啉环所螯合的镁离子,产生去镁叶绿素,造成色素本身结构的严重破坏。 3) 随着温度的升高,色素蛋白复合体的结构和功能会遭到破坏。在Lhcb1和Lhcb2中首先被破坏的是长波长吸收的Chl a。 4) .就功能而言,Lhcb1同质三聚体最为稳定,其次为:Lhcb1单体 > Lhcb3单体 > Lhcb2单体;.就结构而言,Lhcb1单体和Lhcb1同质三聚体相似,稍微较Lhcb2和Lhcb3稳定。 5) 不同处理方式均发现色素蛋白复合体的变性过程依次为:以Chl a为主的相互作用消失,其后依次为以Chl b为主的相互作用消失,以类胡萝卜素为主的相互作用,最后消失的是蛋白的二级结构。在结构受到破坏的同时,能量传递最先受到影响。 6) 解体过程并不是折叠过程的逆过程。


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定点突变技术可以对某个已知基因的特定碱基进行定点改变、缺失或者插入,从而改变对应的氨基酸序列和蛋白质结构,因而成为研究蛋白质结构和功能之间的复杂关系的有力工具。对突变基因的表达产物进行研究有助于我们了解蛋白质结构和功能的关系,探讨蛋白质的结构/结构域。 植物体光系统II的大量捕光色素蛋白复合体(LHCIIb)具有多种功能,在自然界不同日光光强下分别执行捕获、传递光能或将过度激发能非光化学耗散的功能。最新的近原子分辨率LHCIIb晶体结构揭示出在LHCIIb穿膜螺旋B/C之间的环区具有复杂的超二级结构,其中一个新发现就是在此环区靠近穿膜螺旋C的区域中存在一个反平行股的结构,其功能不明。为了研究此反平行链对于LHCIIb复合体在结构和功能上的意义,我们将了这一区域的3个氨基酸(Val119、His120、Ser123)分别定点突变成Phe、Leu和Gly,并研究了这三个定点突变对LHCIIb结构和功能上的影响。结果如下:1,CD光谱揭示出该反平行链对于调节新黄质及其附近色素群的构象十分重要。虽然这三个突变只造成很少的新黄质丢失(V119F, 0.09; S123G, 0.17; and H120L, 0.26),但是却使色素构象发生了巨大变化。2,将S123突变成G导致复合物对光破坏更加敏感并且更易于聚集,在介质酸化后复合物的荧光淬灭更加显著。这些结果说明这段反平行链对于调节LHCIIb色素构象以及控制LHCIIb聚集体形成和叶绿素荧光产量具有重要作用。 以结构为基础的计算设计方法与定向进化相结合是蛋白质工程的一个发展方向。最近,通过计算设计已成功地向蛋白质引入了新的催化活性、提高了蛋白质的稳定性、设计了酶的催化活性位点、改变了酶的底物特异性等. 目前还没有见到有研究定向地,以理性方式对LHCIIb进行蛋白质设计。我们使用蛋白质的计算机辅助设计工具——RosettaDesign鉴定出一个可以显著提高LHCIIb光、热稳定性的定点突变I124L,并且突变体的的结构和功能与野生型无异。这是首次将计算机辅助设计应用于提高LHCIIb稳定性的研究。


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Major histocompatibility complex genes are thought to be involved in allogeneic graft rejection but not many reports are available on their functional analysis in fish. Analysis of available sequences of MHC genes suggests functions in antigen presentation similar to those found in higher vertebrates. In mammals, the MHC class I and class II molecules are major determinants of allogeneic graft rejection due to their polymorphism in conjunction with their antigen presenting function. In fish, MHC class H molecules are found to be involved in rejection of allogeneic scale grafts. The present study was designed to investigate the involvement of MHC class I molecules in allograft rejection. Erythrocytes were collected from donors of rainbow trout expressed different class MHC class I alleles, stained with two dyes, mixed and grafted to the recipients that were of the same sibling group as the donors. The grafts were rejected by allogeneic recipients and the MHC class I linkage group was the major determinant for the rejection.


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Level II reliability theory provides an approximate method whereby the reliability of a complex engineering structure which has multiple strength and loading variables may be estimated. This technique has been applied previously to both civil and offshore structures with considerable success. The aim of the present work is to assess the applicability of the method for aircraft structures, and to this end landing gear design is considered in detail. It is found that the technique yields useful information regarding the structural reliability, and further it enables the critical design parameters to be identified.


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In this paper, the photochemical reduction process of Hg (II) in aqueous solution containing ferric iron and oxalate (Ox) has been studied. Under the radiation of a low-pressure mercury lamp (lambda = 253.7 nm, 8W), Fe(III)-oxalate complexes undergo photolysis to produce ferrous ions and other organic reductive species, which reduce Hg(II) subsequently. For 0.1 mg/L Hg (II), the photoreduction efficiency is comparatively higher in the solution at pH 5.0 than that over the range of 3.0 similar to 8.0. The photoreduction efficiency of Ho (II) in aqueous solution increases with increasing, initial concentration of ferric ions from 0.02 mmol/L to 0.2 mmol/L and initial concentration of oxalate from 0.96 mmol/L to 4.8 mmol/L and then gradually approaches to a steady state. CH3OH also contributes the reduction of Hg (II). We investigate the increase of the ferric, oxalate and CH3OH concentrations resulting from the increase of reduction efficiency of Hg (II). It can be seen that ferrous ions and other reactive species are reductants of Hg (II), and the reaction product with oxalate is mainly volatile metallic mercury.


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We report the physical behavior of Ru atom in silicon in this paper. Two energy levels E(0.58) and H(0.34) were observed. The pure substitutional Ru in silicon was responsible for the H(0.34), and the E(0.58) was introduced by a complex of a Ru atom and a vacancy (or vacancies). By use of scattered wave-X-alpha (SW-X-alpha) cluster method the theoretical calculation of electronic states for substitutional Ru atom in silicon has been performed. The results obtained were compared with those of experimental measurements.


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A series of seven ruthenium complexes with different ligands were synthesized and their optical, electrochemical and photoluminescent properties were characterized. Electroluminescent properties of these complexes were further evaluated using a light-emitting electrochemical cell with a configuration of indium tin oxide (ITO)/complex (100 nm)/Au (100 nm).


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A heteroleptic polypyridyl ruthenium complex, cis-Ru(4,4'-bis(5-octylthieno[3,2-b]thiophen-2-yl)-2,2'-bipyridine)(4,4'-dicarboxyl-2,2'-bipyridine)(NCS) 2, with a high molar extinction coefficient of 20.5 x 10(3) M-1 cm(-1) at 553 nm has been synthesized and demonstrated as a highly efficient sensitizer for a dye-sensitized solar cell, giving a power conversion efficiency of 10.53% measured under an irradiation of air mass 1.5 global ( AM 1.5G) full sunlight.


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A novel catalyst system based on nickel(II) tetraphenylporphyrin (Ni(II)TPP) and methylaluminoxane for styrene polymerization was developed. This catalyst system has a high thermal stability and show fairly good activity. The obtained polystyrene (PS) was isotactic-rich atactic polymer by C-13 NMR analysis, and its molecular weight distribution was rather narrow (M-w/M-n approximate to 1.6, by GPC analysis). ESR revealed that Ni(II)TPP pi cation radicals were formed in the polymerization and could remain in the resulting PS stably. The mechanism of the polymerization was discussed and a special coordination mechanism was proposed. The PS product containing Ni(II)TPP pi cation radicals can be used as a potential functional material.


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New low dimensional polymeric haloplumbate(II) complexes of the dication of (4,4'-bis(imidazolyl-ylmethyl)biphenyl) were synthesised and their crystal structures determined. Complex 1, [Pb4Br12(C40H40N8)], has cis-edge-shared, octahedral, lead bromide double chains. In compound 2 [Pb4Cl12(C40H40N8)]center dot H2O, the inorganic chains are corner-shared, square pyramidal chains of lead chloride. In both compounds the organic ammoniums form regular layers that alternate with the inorganic chains.


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Two bromo rhenium(I) carbonyl complexes with the formula of [Re(CO)(3)(L)Br], where L = 1,10-phenanthroline (Phen-Re) and 5-(1H-pyrrol-1-yl)-1,10-phenanthroline (Pyph-Re), were successfully synthesized with the aim to analyze the effect of the pyrrole (Py) moiety on the photophysical properties of Pyph-Re. It was found that the triplet metal-to-ligand charge-transfer d pi (Re) --> pi*(N-N) emission of Phen-Re and Pyph-Re centered at ca. 527 nm with the luminescence quantum yield (LQY) of 0.015 and ca. 578 nm with the LQY of 0.011, respectively. At the same time, the geometrical structures of the ground state and the absorption spectral properties of Phen-Re and Pyph-Re were also calculated with the 6-31G* basis set employed on C, H, N, O, and Br atoms, and LANL2DZ adopted on Re atom.


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In the mixed-metal complex catena-poly[bis[diaquasilver(I)] [bis[aquacopper(II)]-mu(3)-pyridine-2,5-dicarboxylato-2': 1: 1'kappa N-5,O-2: O-5: O-5, O-5'-mu-pyridine-2,5-dicarboxylato-2: 1 kappa(4) N, O-2: O-5, O-5'-disilver(I)-mu(3)-pyridine-2,5-dicarboxylato-1: 1': 2 '' kappa(5) O-5, O-5': O-5: N, O-2-mu pyridine-2,5-dicarboxylato-1': 20 ''kappa(4) O-5, O-5': N, O-2] hexahydrate], {[Ag(H2O)(2)][AgCu(C7H3NO4)(2)(H2O)] center dot 3H(2)O}(n), a square-pyramidal Cu-II center is coordinated by two N atoms and two O atoms from two pyridine-2,5-dicarboxylate (2,5-pydc) ligands and a water molecule, forming a [Cu(2,5-pydc)(2)-( H2O)](2-) metalloligand. One Ag I center is coordinated by five O atoms from three 2,5-pydc ligands and, as a result, the [Cu(2,5-pydc)(2)(H2O)](2-) metalloligands act as linkers in a unique mu(3)-mode connecting Ag-I centers into a one-dimensional anionic double chain along the [101] direction.


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The title mixed-metal complex, {(NH4)(2)[Cu(C7H3NO4)(2)(H2O)(2)][CdCu(C7H3NO4)(2)(H2O)(6)]center dot 6H(2)O}(n), contains one octahedrally coordinated Cd-II center and two octahedrally coordinated Cu-II centers, each lying on an inversion center. The two Cu-II atoms are each coordinated by two O atoms and two N atoms from two 2,4-pydc (2,4-H(2)pydc = pyridine-2,4-dicarboxylic acid) ligands in the equatorial plane and two water molecules at the axial sites, thus producing two crystallographically independent [Cu(2,4-pydc)(2)(H2O)(2)](2-) metalloligands. One metalloligand exists as a discrete anion and the other connects the Cd(H2O)(4) units, forming a neutral chain.


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The title compound, [Cu(C5H3N2O2)(2)(H2O)(2)], is a new polymorph of the previously reported compound [Klein et al. (1982). Inorg. Chem. 21, 1891-1897]. The Cu-II atom, lying on an inversion center, is coordinated by two N atoms and two O atoms from two pyrazine-2-carboxylate ligands and by two water molecules in a distorted octahedral geometry with the water molecules occupying the axial sites. Intermolecular O-H center dot center dot center dot O, O-H center dot center dot center dot N and C-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds connect the complex molecules into a two-dimensional layer parallel to (10 (1) over bar), whereas the previously reported polymorph exhibits a three-dimensional hydrogen-bonded network.