888 resultados para Business Plan, Market Research, Entrepreneurship, Jewerly Industry, Marketing Plan


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In May 2014, the Public Health Agency (the PHA) commissioned Social Market Research (www.socialmarketresearch.co.uk) to undertake a baseline survey on public awareness of the signs and symptoms of cancer. The survey is based on face-to-face interviews with a representative sample of 1,000 adults plus an additional booster sample (n=410) of men and women aged 50+.


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Aquest projecte desenvolupa un pla d'empresa per un negoci que explota el programari lliure.


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Aquest projecte desenvolupa un pla d'empresa per un cercador d'oposicions utilitzant programari lliure.


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Aquest treball té com a objectiu determinar l'existència de restriccions en el finançament de projectes empresarials de recerca i desenvolupament (R+D) i analitzar-ne les causes. Els resultats de la investigació mostren els fets següents: en primer lloc, hi ha restriccions financeres per a la realització d'inversions en R+D i es manifesten en la necessitat de les empreses de recórrer a recursos interns i a fons aliens a curt termini; en segon lloc, les restriccions esmentades fonamentalment sorgeixen a causa de dos factors, el desequilibri entre les característiques econòmiques de les inversions d'R+D i el comportament dels agents finançadors en els mercats de capitals, i l'existència d'asimetries d'informació entre agents gestors i finançadors; finalment, en tercer lloc, la formulació per part de les empreses de més informació comptable sobre l'R+D desenvolupada comporta la millora de la valoració de l'empresa en els mercats financers i, per tant, l'assignació de fons als processos d'innovació.


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Despite intense efforts, the socioeconomic burden of cancer remains unacceptably high and treatment advances for many common cancers have been limited, suggesting a need for a new approach to drug development. One issue central to this lack of progress is the heterogeneity and genetic complexity of many tumours. This results in considerable variability in therapeutic response and requires knowledge of the molecular profile of the tumour to guide appropriate treatment selection for individual patients. While recent advances in the molecular characterisation of different cancer types have the potential to transform cancer treatment through precision medicine, such an approach presents a major economic challenge for drug development, since novel targeted agents may only be suitable for a small cohort of patients. Identifying the patients who would benefit from individual therapies and recruiting sufficient numbers of patients with particular cancer subtypes into clinical trials is challenging, and will require collaborative efforts from research groups and industry in order to accelerate progress. A number of molecular screening platforms have already been initiated across Europe, and it is hoped that these networks, along with future collaborations, will benefit not only patients but also society through cost reductions as a result of more efficient use of resources. This review discusses how current developments in translational oncology may be applied in clinical practice in the future, assesses current programmes for the molecular characterisation of cancer and describes possible collaborative approaches designed to maximise the benefits of translational science for patients with cancer.


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The strategic literature on relatedness in the context of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) is extensive, yet we know little about whether or how relatedness has an influence on the announcement to completion stage of the M&A process. Drawing on research on intra-industry competition and relational capabilities, we seek to shed light on the relatedness debate by examining the strategic forces that affect the completion of an announced related M&A, accounting for financial and organizational factors. We also explore additional strategic forces that might amplify or attenuate the negative effect of relatedness on deal completion. We test and find support for our hypotheses using longitudinal data from a sample of the largest M&A announcements in the world from 1991 to 2001.


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This paper initially identifies the main transformations of the television system that are caused by digitalization. Its development in several broadcasting platforms is analyzed as well as the particular obstacles and requirements that are detected for each of them. Due to its technical characteristics and its historical link to the public services, the terrestrial network requires migration strategies different from those strictly commercial, and public intervention might be needed. The paper focuses on such migration strategies towards DTT and identifies the main issues for public intervention in the areas of the digital scenario: technology, business and market transformation and the reception field. Moreover, it describes and classifies the challenges that public broadcasters should confront due to digitalization. This paper finally concludes that the leadership of the public broadcasters during the migration towards DTT is an interesting tool for public policy. The need for foster the digitalization of the terrestrial platform and to achieve certain social and public goal besides the market interest brings an opportunity for public institutions and public broadcasters to work together. That leading role could also be positive for the public service to face its necessary redefinition and reallocation within the digital context.


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A elaboração do Plano de Gestão do Parque Natural de Monte Gordo enquadra-se no âmbito do cumprimento do artigo 16º do Decreto-lei nº 3/2003, de 24 de Fevereiro, que diz expressamente “ 1. Os objectivos de conservação previstos no presente diploma podem ser materializados através de um plano de gestão das áreas protegidas onde se percebe tal necessidade e, em qualquer caso, nos parques naturais”. O Plano, enquanto instrumento de gestão importante de uma área protegida, é uma poderosa ferramenta capaz de compatibilizar diferentes interesses existentes num determinado espaço natural, nomeadamente a conservação da biodiversidade, a protecção das características geológicos e geomorfológicos, a protecção de valores culturais, estéticos e científicos e a satisfação das necessidades básicas das comunidades que vivem no interior e/ou na zona de amortecimento desse mesmo espaço. O presente Plano de Gestão consta de: Documento Introdutório, Documento Informativo, Documento Normativo, Documento Económico-Financeiro e Anexos e Anexo Cartográfico. O Documento Introdutório contém a finalidade do Parque, um breve resumo sobre a metodologia utilizada na elaboração do Plano, objectivos do plano e as condicionantes do planeamento; O Documento Informativo contém uma síntese sobre informação ambiental e territorial do Parque, acompanhada por cartas temáticas correspondentes; identificação e avaliação das Unidades Ambientais Homogéneas e de Diagnósticos, seguida de cartas de qualidade e fragilidade destes; uma análise da situação actual, a evolução previsível do sistema, as potencialidades e condicionantes de gestão, as estratégias de gestão e o zoneamento; O Documento Normativo é o quadro jurídico-administrativo através no qual são regulados as actividades e acções previstas. Esse documento, para além de tratar numa primeira parte de questões gerais como a localização do Parque, antecedentes de protecção, aborda o zoneamento, regimes gerais e específicos de usos, normas, directrizes e critérios para a administração e organização da gestão do Parque, directrizes para a formulação de programas e vigência e revisão do Plano; O Documento Económico-Financeiro apresenta as acções de Conservação, Uso Público e Informação, Sócio-económica e de Investigação, Monitorização, bem como os respectivos orçamentos, com vista a consecução dos objectivos do Plano; Dos Anexos e Anexo Cartográfico, constam a Bibliografia, o Plano de Desenvolvimento Comunitário, o Plano de Negócios (Business Plan) e um conjunto de cartas de natureza informativa e de ordenamento, para além de outras informações importantes.


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A elaboração do Plano de Gestão do Parque Natural do Fogo insere-se no âmbito do cumprimento do artigo 16º do Decreto-lei nº 3/2003, de 24 de Fevereiro, que diz expressamente “ 1. Os objectivos de conservação previstos no presente diploma podem ser materializados através de um plano de gestão das áreas protegidas onde se percebe tal necessidade e, em qualquer caso, nos parques naturais”. O Plano, enquanto instrumento de gestão importante de uma área protegida, é uma poderosa ferramenta capaz de compatibilizar diferentes interesses existentes num determinado espaço natural, nomeadamente a conservação da biodiversidade, a protecção das características geológicas e geomorfológicas, a protecção de valores culturais, estéticos e científicos e a satisfação das necessidades básicas das comunidades que vivem no interior e/ou na zona de amortecimento desse mesmo espaço. O presente Plano de Gestão consta de: Documento Introdutório, Documento Informativo, Documento Normativo, Documento Programa de Execução e Anexos e Anexo Cartográfico. O Documento Introdutório contém a finalidade do Parque, um breve resumo sobre a metodologia utilizada na elaboração do Plano, objectivos do plano e as condicionantes do planeamento; O Documento Informativo contém uma síntese sobre informação ambiental e territorial do Parque; identificação e avaliação das Unidades Ambientais Homogéneas e de Diagnósticos, seguida de cartas de qualidade e fragilidade destes; uma análise da situação actual, a evolução previsível do sistema, as potencialidades e condicionantes de gestão, as estratégias de gestão e o zoneamento; O Documento Normativo é o quadro jurídico-administrativo através do qual são reguladas as actividades e acções previstas. Esse documento, para além de tratar numa primeira parte de questões gerais como a localização do Parque, antecedentes de protecção, aborda o zoneamento, regimes gerais e específicos de usos, normas, directrizes e critérios para a administração e organização da gestão do Parque, directrizes para a formulação de programas e vigência e revisão do Plano; O Documento Programa de Execução apresenta as acções de Conservação, Uso Público e Informação, Sócio-económica e de Investigação, Monitorização, bem como os respectivos orçamentos, com vista a consecução dos objectivos do Plano; Dos Anexos e Anexo Cartográfico, constam a Bibliografia, Glossário, o Plano de Negócios (Business Plan), Mecanismos de Implementação, Monitorização e Avaliação, e um conjunto de cartas de natureza informativa e de ordenamento, para além de outras informações importantes, como as fichas das unidades ambientais homogéneas e de diagnóstico.


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Traditional economic wisdom says that free entry in a market will drive profits down to zero. This conclusion is usually drawn under the assumption of perfect information. We assumethat a priori there exists imperfect information about theprofitability of the market, but that potential entrants maylearn the demand curve perfectly at negligible cost byengaging in market research. Even if in equilibrium firmslearn the demand perfectly, profits may be strictly positivebecause of insufficient entry. The mere fact that it will notbecome common knowledge that every entrant has perfectinformation about demand causes this surprising result. Belief means doubt. Knowing means certainty. Introduction to the Kabalah.


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This paper introduces the approach of using Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency analysis (TURF) to design a product line through a binary linear programming model. This improves the efficiency of the search for the solution to the problem compared to the algorithms that have been used to date. The results obtained through our exact algorithm are presented, and this method shows to be extremely efficient both in obtaining optimal solutions and in computing time for very large instances of the problem at hand. Furthermore, the proposed technique enables the model to be improved in order to overcome the main drawbacks presented by TURF analysis in practice.


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The State of Iowa and the Hiring Practices Working Group commissioned this review of the State’s hiring practices in response to recent concerns about these practices involving racial discrimination claims against the Departments of Human Services, Transportation, and Iowa Workforce Development. The State of Iowa should be commended for undertaking this review. The State has a longstanding Affirmative Action Program and commitment to diversity – they instituted their Affirmative Action Program in 1973, and continue their commitment to its success by making the changes necessary to ensure the program is viable and sustainable. Iowa Department of Administrative Services In July 2003, the State created the Iowa Department of Administrative Services (DAS) as a way to manage and coordinate the major resources of state government. DAS provides human resource services through an entrepreneurial management model. Entrepreneurial management is a customer-focused approach to delivering services. The customer departments have input about what services and products they want from DAS and in turn DAS is funded by the customer departments through purchases of DAS services and products. DAS looks to offer new and additional services (for example recruitment support and coordination) to various customers on a fee-for-service basis. A customer council is charged with approving the DAS business plan, establishing the rate for services, and reviewing service delivery and complaints. Under this entrepreneurial model, human resource services are provided by DAS-HRE (Human Resources Enterprise) central staff, 12 DAS-HRE Personnel Officers located at the customer departments, and customer agency staff. The majority of the recruitment and hiring functions are done by the customer (hiring) departments and their staff. Applications for employment are submitted using the BrassRing system with applicants being qualified by DAS-HRE employees. Since the creation of Human Resources Enterprise, DAS-HRE has strived to provide human resource tools to the departments. The Screening Manual and the Supervisor’s Manual are just two examples of the resources created for the hiring departments. They also provide Supervisor Training for newly appointed supervisors. Larger departments have dedicated staff assigned to human resource activities. The staff at the departmental level may or may not have a human resources background. Iowa Population and Workforce The 2000 U.S. Census indicated that Iowa’s population was 2,926,324. According to this census, 92.6 percent of Iowa’s population identified their race as white (alone). The nonwhite alone or minority population (including Black or African American, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, two or more races, or some other race) was 7.4 percent.


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En aquest article es conceptualitza la confusió en termes d'incertesa, considerant posteriorment com intervé en el procés de formació de creences i en la presa de decisions d'inversió i distingint tres tipus d'estratègies inversores, la diversificació, la concentració en empreses confiant en el pla empresarial i en la capacitat de gestió i, finalment, el seguidisme, referent a l'estratègia basada en confiar en tercers (rumors, notícies, experts, gurus ...). D'acord amb aquesta anàlisi, s'estableix la influència de la informació i la confusió en formació de les bombolles financeres i s'il·lustra amb l'exemple de la bombolla immobiliària i el crac borsari de 2008 a Espanya.


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Amana Farms is using an anaerobic digestion, which is a two-stage digester that converts manure and other organic wastes into three valuable by-products: 1) Biogas – to fuel an engine/generator set to create electricity; 2) Biosolids - used as a livestock bedding material or as a soil amendment; 3) Liquid stream - will be applied as a low-odor fertilizer to growing crops. (see Business Plan appendix H) The methane biogas will be collected from the two stages of the anaerobic digestion vessel and used for fuel in the combined heat and power engine/generator sets. The engine/generator sets are natural gasfueled reciprocating engines modified to burn biogas. The electricity produced by the engine/generator sets will be used to offset on-farm power consumption and the excess power will be sold directly to Amana Society Service Company as a source of green power. The waste heat, in the form of hot water, will be collected from both the engine jacket liquid cooling system and from the engine exhaust (air) system. Approximately 30 to 60% of this waste heat will be used to heat the digester. The remaining waste heat will be used to heat other farm buildings and may provide heat for future use for drying corn or biosolids. The digester effluent will be pumped from the effluent pit at the end of the anaerobic digestion vessel to a manure solids separator. The mechanical manure separator will separate the effluent digested waste stream into solid and liquid fractions. The solids will be dewatered to approximately a 35% solid material. Some of the separated solids will be used by the farm for a livestock bedding replacement. The remaining separated solids may be sold to other farms for livestock bedding purposes or sold to after-markets, such as nurseries and composters for soil amendment material. The liquid from the manure separator, now with the majority of the large solids removed, will be pumped into the farm’s storage lagoon. A significant advantage of the effluent from the anaerobic digestion treatment process is that the viscosity of the effluent is such that the liquid effluent can now be pumped through an irrigation nozzle for field spreading.


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Työn tavoitteena oli tarkentaa uuden tuotteen liiketoimintasuunnitelman laadintaprosessia. Yrityksen käyttämän liiketoimintasuunnitelman formaatin suhteen oli kehittämistarpeita ja liiketoimintasuunnitelman tiedonhallintaprosessi tuli kuvata. Työn teoriaosassa käsiteltiin tuotekehitysprosessia ja tuotteen liiketoimintasuunnitelmaa yleisesti. Käytännön osassa perehdyttiin yrityksen tuotekehitysprosessiin, kuvattiin tuotteen liiketoimintasuunnitelman laatimisprosessi uudistettujen ohjeiden mukaisesti sekä laadittiin uudelle tuotteelle liiketoimintasuunnitelma. Työn tuloksena liiketoimintasuunnitelman laatimista tarkennettiin sekä tunnistettiin tärkeimmät laatimisessa tarvittavat tietolähteet ja vastuut. Uudelle tuotteelle laaditun liiketoimintasuunnitelman avulla saatiin selvitettyä tuotteen hyödyt, kustannukset, myyntivolyymi sekä kannattavuus. Prosessin käyttöönotto on alkamassa.