981 resultados para Bus Lane
The unusual mixed public-private structure of the urban bus market in the metropolitan area of Barcelona provides an interesting context in which to analyze the management challenges and opportunities of the partial privatization of public services. Initiatives used by the public regulator to promote competition for contracts, such as short term concessions to private contractors and the removal of entry barriers, have considerable potential for improving efficiency and quality. The growth in the share of routes managed by private firms in recent years shows that privatization is a credible threat that may well stimulate improved performance among public managers. The type of reform implemented in Barcelona is of interest to all metropolitan areas large enough to operate under constant returns to scale regimes, and suitable for potential concessions of routes in segregated areas inside the metropolitan area, so as not to miss out on the benefits of economies of density.
L’Escola Politècnica Superior de la Universitat de Vic disposa d’una cèl·lula de fabricació flexible del fabricant Festo, que simula un procés d’emmagatzematge automàtic, aquesta cèl·lula esta composta per quatre estacions de muntatge diferenciades i independents, l’estació palets, l’estació plaques, l’estació magatzem intermedi i l’estació transport. Cada una d’aquestes estacions està formada per sensors i actuadors elèctrics i pneumàtics del fabricant Festo que van connectats a un PLC SIEMENS S7-300.Els quatre PLC’s (un per cada estació) estan connectats entre ells mitjançant el bus de comunicacions industrials Profibus. L’objectiu d’aquest treball consisteix en l’adaptació de la programació dels PLC’s i la realització d’un SCADA per tal de controlar el funcionament del conjunt de la cèl·lula de fabricació a través del software Vijeo Citect, d’aquesta manera es coneixerà el funcionament de la cèl·lula i permetrà treure’n rendiment per la docència. Aquest projecte ha estat realitzat en quatre fases principals. 1. Estudi i coneixement de les estacions, en aquesta fase s’han estudiat els manuals de funcionament de les estacions i s’han interpretat els codis de programació dels seus PLCs, amb l’objectiu de conèixer bé el programa per tal de interaccionar-hi més endavant amb el sistema SCADA 2. Disseny i programació del sistema SCADA, en aquesta fase s’ha realitzat tot el disseny gràfic de les pantalles de la interfície SCADA així com la programació dels objectes, la connexió amb els PLCs i la base de dades. 3. Posada en marxa del sistema complert, quan es coneixia abastament el funcionament de les estacions i el sistema SCADA estava completat s’ha fet la posada en marxa del conjunt i s’ha comprovat el correcte funcionament i interacció dels sistemes. 4. Realització de la memòria del projecte, en aquesta ultima fase s’ha realitzat la memòria del projecte on s’expliquen les característiques i funcionament de totes les estacions i del sistema SCADA. La conclusió més rellevant obtinguda en aquest treball, és la clara visualització de la potència i simplicitat que han aportat els sistemes SCADA al món de l’automatització, anys enrere per la supervisió de l’estat d’un sistema automatitzat era necessari disposar d’un gran espai amb grans panells de control formats per una gran quantitat de pilots lluminosos, potenciòmetres, interruptors, polsadors, displays i sobretot un voluminós i complexa cablejat, gràcies als sistemes SCADA avui en dia tot això pot quedar reduït a un PC o terminal tàctil, amb pantalles gràfiques clares i una gran quantitat d’opcions de supervisió control i configuració del sistema automatitzat.
Following perturbation, an ecosystem (flora, fauna, soil) should evolve as a function of time at a rate conditioned by external variables (relief, climate, geology). More recently, biogeomorphologists have focused upon the notion of co-development of geomorphic processes with ecosystems over very short through to very long (evolutionary) timescales. Alpine environments have been a particular focus of this co-development. However, work in this field has tended to adopt a simplified view of the relationship between perturbation and succession, including: how the landform and ecosystem itself conditions the impact of a perturbation to create a complex spatial response impact; and how perturbations are not simply ecosystem destroyers but can be a significant source of ecosystem resources. What this means is that at the within landform scale, there may well be a complex and dynamic topographic and sedimentological template that co-develops with soil, flora and fauna. Here, we present and test a conceptual model of this template for a subalpine alluvial fan. We combine detailed floristic inventory with soil inventory, determination of edaphic variables and analysis of historical aerial imagery. Spatial variation in the probability of perturbation of sites on the fan surface was associated with down fan variability in the across-fan distribution of fan ages, fan surface channel characteristics and fan surface sedimentology. Floristic survey confirmed that these edaphic factors distinguished site floristic richness and plant communities up until the point that the soil-vegetation system was sufficiently developed to sustain plant communities regardless of edaphic conditions. Thus, the primary explanatory variable was the estimated age of each site, which could be tied back into perturbation history and its spatial expression due to the geometry of the fan: distinct plant communities were emergent both across fan and down fan, a distribution maintained by the way in which the fan dissipates potentially perturbing events.
This paper wants to show a solution for mobility in public transport. Nowadays, the high number of mobile devices with wireless geolocation and Internet data connection has become commonly used tools, as well as partial solutions to facilitate public transport focused on one means of transport (Bus, Underground ...). We collect information from public transport (means of transport, routes, schedules, fare information ...) and adapt it to different users (residents, visitors, public service staff ...). MoveOnApp is the solution adapting its user interface: finding nearby stops, planning a route, knowing schedules or real time service (connecting to the available services), or showing the route of the line. The system could incorporate new cities and regions, or new means of transport with updating service; at first we offered information of public transport from Palma (Majorca Island, Spain): moveOn Palma.
Academics and policy makers are increasingly shifting the debate concerning the best form of public service provision beyond the traditional dilemma between pure public and pure private delivery modes, because, among other reasons, there is a growing body of evidence that casts doubt on the existence of systematic cost savings from privatization, while any competition seems to be eroded over time. In this paper we compare the relative merits of public and private delivery within a mixed delivery system. We study the role played by ownership, transaction costs, and competition on local public service delivery within the same jurisdiction. Using a stochastic cost frontier, we analyze the public-private urban bus system in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. Our results suggest that private firms tendering the service have higher delivery costs than those incurred by the public firm, especially when transaction costs are taken into account. Tenders, therefore, do not help to reduce delivery costs. Our results suggest that under a mixed delivery scheme, which permits the co-existence of public and private production, the metropolitan government and the regulator can use private delivery to contain costs in the public firm and, at the same time, benefit from the greater flexibility of private firms for dealing with events not provided for under contract.