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The university in Vietnam represents a thread of continuity that has managed to survive the political, economic and social turmoil faced so frequently by the Vietnamese people. This paper traces the evolution of the Vietnamese university in terms of its site planning and building design from the Hanoi Van Mieu, a Confucian 'temple of literature' which, built in 1070AD, is regarded as the country's first university, to today’s system of general and specialised universities and polytechnic institutions. In the late 1990s another step in the process of evolution began with the rationalization and amalgamation of the tertiary system to form two large, multi-campus and multi-disciplinary universities – the Hanoi National University and the Ho Chi Minh National University.


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Building a learning community demands a commitment to providing a complete learning environment, which comprises a three layer model; a content layer, an interface layer and an infrastructure layer [1]. Consequently, the aim of this research is to gain a better understanding of how students view their online learning experiences. A student survey was conducted at Deakin University which delivered comprehensive insight into their thoughts, opinions and suggestions. Consequently, this will assist in developing an online collaborative model, which will be built in view of improving teaching and learning outcomes for staff and students respectively.


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In this paper, we present a new approach, called Flexible Deterministic Packet Marking (FDPM), to perform a large-scale IP traceback to defend against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. In a DDoS attack the victim host or network is usually attacked by a large number of spoofed IP packets coming from multiple sources. IP traceback is the ability to trace the IP packets to their sources without relying on the source address field of the IP header. FDPM provides many flexible features to trace the IP packets and can obtain better tracing capability than current IP traceback mechanisms, such as Probabilistic Packet Marking (PPM), and Deterministic Packet Marking (DPM). The flexibilities of FDPM are in two ways, one is that it can adjust the length of marking field according to the network protocols deployed; the other is that it can adjust the marking rate according to the load of participating routers. The implementation and evaluation demonstrates that the FDPM needs moderately only a small number of packets to complete the traceback process; and can successfully perform a large-scale IP traceback, for example, trace up to 110,000 sources in a single incident response. It has a built-in overload prevention mechanism, therefore this scheme can perform a good traceback process even it is heavily loaded.


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Sveta Bogorodica (Church of the Holy Mother), Zavoj, is a small church built in 1934 in a village in the Republic of Macedonia. It presented a quintessential architectural division between a richly ornamented interior and a pure white formal exterior. The paper will examine the question of tradition in relation to architecture. What of the formal Byzantine architectural tradition is inherited in this folk vernacular church building? Secondly, tradition as an inherited liturgical ritual and ceremony. How are these two forms of tradition autonomous or intertwined, and how the question about transcendence in architecture pursued in the 2005 paper on Hagia Sofia might be understood within the parameters offered by this church building, will be explored in the paper .


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The physical adaptation, remaking and maintenance, or building of the house plays a significant role in immigrants’ sense of belonging to a community, especially in contexts of first generation elderly immigrants with minimal English language skills. Psychoanalytic theories propose that objects are integral to a subject’s identity, but that the path of effect between the subject and object is not causal or direct, rather it goes via the unconscious. This paper seeks to examine the relationship between immigrants and their houses through these theories adapting them to an analysis of the houses. It draws its data from field research of three elderly immigrant households. The iconography of the house has always been perceived as central to the analysis of dreams, here the thesis is that the house is the most significant object of the immigrant because it mediates the many worlds inherent to the migrant’s imaginary landscapes. The analysis will seek to understand this role of the house.

Secondly, while many houses in which migrants live can barely be differentiated in clear physical ways from the typology of houses built in Australia, the perception that they are different is a strong myth. At the least it has resulted in very little, if any, study of this vernacular of new Australian houses. It would be easy to argue that to build a house in Australia is the most important mode of assimilation because a way of life is intrinsically set by this suburban paradigm. But for the reason of this perception of difference I will explore an idea about ethnic aesthetics as a mode of resisting assimilation. In writing on taste in his seminal book, Distinction, the sociologist, Pierre Bourdieu, has argued that taste is a way of classifying people into classes, race, culture, but it is also a way for dominant and ruling classes to resist challenges from other parties, and maintain a particular hierarchy of society. In this case those other parties are ethnic communities in Australia whose tastes are not always the same as that of the dominant Anglo-Celtic community.


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Personal passenger transport faces several challenges in the coming decades: depletion of cheap oil reserves, increasing congestion, localised pollution, the need for reduced carbon emissions and the long term goal of sustainability. One way of solving some of these problems could be to introduce comfortable, energy efficient, battery electric vehicles.

Currently, hybrid vehicles have been presented as a means to reducing the transportation related oil demand. New developments in materials and technologies have made them, cleaner and safer as well as more fuel efficient. However, hybrids will only prolong the use of oil until alternatively fuelled vehicles are developed.

One long term alternative is the battery electric vehicle (BEV). A BEV designed to be light, aerodynamic with high efficiency drive train and latest battery technology would have a performance comparable to a typical internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV). Recent developments in virtual engineering, rapid prototyping and advanced manufacturing might enable low-cost development of niche market BEV’s designed and built in New Zealand for export markets.

This work examines the collaborative development of a twin seat BEV using new materials and latest technologies by the University of Waikato’s Engineering Department and a group of NZ and foreign companies. The car will be used to research the potential of BEVs and will also compete in the Commuter Class of the World Solar Challenge in 2007.


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A good deal of investigation and development is underway in Australian universities into the possibilities for effective and efficient on-line and computer-based assessment. The current commercial ‘virtual learning environments’, which integrate various curriculum elements at subject level into a single software portal, usually offer various built-in options for student assessment. As well, many on-line assessment initiatives are being locally developed to suit specific curriculum needs.

There are many reasons why on-line assessment is being adopted by Australian universities. Many academics are seeking to diversify assessment tasks, broaden the range of skills assessed and provide students with more timely and informative feedback on their progress. Others are wishing to meet student expectations for more flexible delivery and to generate efficiencies in assessment that can ease academic staff workloads. All staff involved in such initiatives are discovering they face a large number of technical and educational decisions.

The move to on-line and computer based assessment is a natural outcome of the increasing use of information and communication technologies to enhance learning. As more students seek flexibility in their courses, it seems inevitable there will be growing expectations for flexible assessment as well.

At the same time, in a climate of increasing academic workloads, the adoption of on-line assessment may help to manage large volumes of marking and assessment-related administration efficiently. The automation of routine on-line tasks, in particular, may have the potential in the long-term to provide time/cost-efficient student assessment, though the present evidence suggests that some on-line assessment, at least in the early stages, can add significantly both to staff workload and to overall expenses.


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Internet Protocol (IP) traceback is the enabling technology to control Internet crime. In this paper, we present a novel and practical IP traceback system called Flexible Deterministic Packet Marking (FDPM) which provides a defense system with the ability to find out the real sources of attacking packets that traverse through the network. While a number of other traceback schemes exist, FDPM provides innovative features to trace the source of IP packets and can obtain better tracing capability than others. In particular, FDPM adopts a flexible mark length strategy to make it compatible to different network environments; it also adaptively changes its marking rate according to the load of the participating router by a flexible flow-based marking scheme. Evaluations on both simulation and real system implementation demonstrate that FDPM requires a moderately small number of packets to complete the traceback process; add little additional load to routers and can trace a large number of sources in one traceback process with low false positive rates. The built-in overload prevention mechanism makes this system capable of achieving a satisfactory traceback result even when the router is heavily loaded. The motivation of this traceback system is from DDoS defense. It has been used to not only trace DDoS attacking packets but also enhance filtering attacking traffic. It has a wide array of applications for other security systems.


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Many researchers and practitioners currently teaching at Universities use the works of Arakawa and Gins within their courses and some go as far as structuring entire courses on their work. This indcates the value of Arakawa and Gins’ insight which offers many opportunities to intensify the relationship of theory to practice, disciplinary inquiry to knowledge and art to life. Having spent time in each of Arakawa and Gins’ built works, I have experienced and evaluated the benefits of constructing relationships among bodily movement, tactically posed surrounds and the discursive sequences that best constrain them. Based on my experience, I advocate going beyond the study of finished products towards the practice of coordinating history, community, person and body that occurs when inventing and assembling architectural procedures. This paper will outline my efforts over the last eighteen months to produce a feasibility study for building an experimental teaching space at my University (Griffith University, Australia). The experimental teaching space that I am proposing would commission and enact the architectural procedures of Arakawa and Gins in a constantly changing built (in-the-process-of-being-built) environment, where the guided construction of the teaching space is the curriculum. This approach would offer an alternative to the design trend in teaching and learning environments toward technologically driven smart spaces. An experimental space based on “perceptual learning”, “sited awareness” and “daily reserach” would address the disconnection between current research from the life sciences, developmental psychology, rehabilitation science and blended learning—and the enrivonments in which learning occurs. My discussions will address two issues: the link between pedagogical concerns of advanced study with the production of commual space (organism-person-surrounds) and how these goals can be implemented within the institutional planning processes while adhering to new federal funding guidelines, new performance indicatiors, and public tender guidelines. Throughout my paper, I argue that an experimental teaching space would accentuate multidisciplinarity and offer budding teachers, life scientists, sociologists, historians, and artists the enactive tools by which to affect change and provide grounded cultural leadership.


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Image segmentation requires a segmentation tool that is fast and easy to use. The GIMP has built in segmentation tools, but under some circumstances these tools perform badly. "GrabCut" is an innovative segmentation technique that uses both region and boundary information in order to perform segmentation. Several variations on the "GrabCut" algorithm have been implemented as a plugin for the GIMP. The results obtained using "GrabCut" are comparable, and often better than the results of all the other built in segmentation tools.


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Many cities around the world are looking for ways to reduce their per capita greenhouse gas emissions. The outward growth of cities from a central business district, typical of many cities around the world, is often seen as working against this goal and as unsustainable. This is especially the case in circumstances where this growth is not supported by the necessary infrastructure, often resulting in an increase in the use of private transport. However, alternative scenarios to contain the outward growth are being proposed. This paper provides a comparison of the energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions between typical detached outer-suburban housing currently being built in Australia's major cities and inner-city and -suburban apartments, which are increasingly seen as a legitimate alternative to the housing that is currently being built on our outer city fringes. By analysing the energy demand associated with the construction and operation of each housing type and for occupant travel it was found that the location of the housing and its size are the dominant factors determining energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. The findings from this analysis provide useful information for policy-makers in planning the development of our cities into the future, when faced with a growing population and an increasing need to minimise greenhouse gas emissions.


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Architecture is considered the visible reflection of the local character of contexts. Therefore, conserving the architectural heritage is becoming one of the critical concepts in life, especially with the rapid change and transformation characterizing the globalization era. As a vital part of the broader context of the architecture; landscape architecture is also considered an effective tool of societies’ self representation. Gardens reflect a very special relationship between the man and nature and represent the history of the state of societies in which they were developed. Islamic gardens are one of the historic gardens having a special charm of their own. Gardens associated with Islamic period over several hundred years, are designed according to certain ideological principles employing certain physical elements shown in the west as well as the east. They represent an ideological continuity which is unique in its spread and development over a wide range of geographical and cultural regions. The Islamic architectural heritage is usually well protected. In the restoration process, the historic buildings are returned back to their original conditions. However, with the changing nature of gardens; it is sometimes hard to track back their original state. In that case, in order to conserve those gardens; it is important to study the design principles upon which the physical elements were chosen. In this paper, the principles of design of the original Islamic gardens will be reviewed through a quantitative analysis of a questionnaire. These principles will be compared to the current situation of the garden of Humayun’s Tomb built in the Mughal era in India, after its conservation in 2003.


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It is noted in the introduction to this book that ' Festivals are believed to recreate and emphasize relationships that are normally submerged; of being built in structures whilst following unstructured codes, of creating a separate world with its own rules, personnel and expectations; of encompassing contradictory ideas and practices while involving formal and informal institutions: So what is this 'separate world'? What relationships, normally unseen or unnoticed, are made apparent within the space of the festival? While the origins of festivals lie in the close relationship of the quotidian and ritual aspects of traditional communities, how do contemporary festivals relate to the diversity of multicultural societies? Conversely, how are they inflected by the forces of globalization, by the festivalization of culture that in recent years has become a widespread tactic for the promotion of cities and regions? While many traditional festivals still exist, increasing urbanization, improved communications and diversified migration have meant that many contemporary festivals are of recent origin, the products of what Giddens refers to as the post-traditional state of present societies (Giddens 1994). This description highlights the self-conscious nature of dealing with culture in a world of competing and overlapping world views. While cultural identity and authenticity are still used to infer the existence of qualities intrinsic to communities, ethnicities or nations, the fragmentation and interconnectedness of contemporary societies have long made assertions of essence untenable. Meanings have become dependent on performativity and context. Cultural identity, while traditionally applied to those sharing a particular geographic, linguistic, ethnic or religious background, has become extended to other senses of belonging, to communities based on sexuality, physicality or simply shared experience and taste. The notion that festivals might create separate worlds suggests that part of the reason for their recent proliferation in recent times is that they provide the ideal medium for both performance and participation in this diffuse and shifting environment.


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Purpose:  The purpose of the study was to obtain anterior segment biometry for 40 normal eyes and to measure variables that may be useful to design large diameter gas permeable contact lenses that sit outside the region normally viewed by corneal topographers. Also, the distribution of these variables in the normal eye and how well they correlated to each other were determined.

Methods:  This is a cross-sectional study, in which data were collected at a single study visit. Corneal topography and imaging of the anterior segment of the eye were performed using the Orbscan II and Visante OCT. The variables that were collected were horizontal K reading, central corneal/scleral sagittal depth at 15 mm chord, and nasal and temporal angles at the 15 mm chord using the built-in software measurement tools.

Results:  The central horizontal K readings for the 40 eyes were 43 ± 1.73 D (7.85 ± 0.31 mm), with ± 95% confidence interval (CI) of 38.7 (8.7 mm) and 46.6 D (7.24 mm). The mean corneal/scleral sagittal depth at the 15 mm chord was 3.74 ± 0.19 mm and the range was 3.14 to 4.04 mm. The average nasal angle (which was not different from the temporal angle) at the 15 mm chord was 39.32 ± 3.07 degrees and the ± 95%CI was 33.7 and 45.5 degrees. The correlation coefficient comparing the K reading and the corneal/scleral sagittal depth showed the best correlation (0.58, p < 0.001). The corneal/scleral sagittal depth at 15 mm correlated less with the nasal angle (0.44, p = 0.004) and the weakest correlation was for the nasal angle at 15 mm with the horizontal readings (0.32, p = 0.046).

Conclusion:  The Visante OCT is a valuable tool for imaging the anterior segment of the eye. The Visante OCT is especially effective in providing the biometry of the peripheral cornea and sclera and may help in fitting GP lenses with a higher percentage of initial lens success, when the corneal sag and lens sag are better matched.


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Food security is a significant issue in the remote, high altitude areas of Nepal. Malnutrition is common because the harsh climate restricts production and access to fresh food. Humla is a province in north-west Nepal where the severe weather conditions and limited arable land restrict the growing season of vegetables to only 4-5 months a year. Passive solar greenhouses are a technology that can be used to extend the growing period of vegetables. For the greenhouse to be effective in Humla, the design must be appropriate to the climatic conditions, available resources and the social requirements of the community. This paper describes the design and evaluation of a family-sized solar greenhouse proposed for Humla. Three solar greenhouses built in other high altitude areas have initially been reviewed to see what techniques might be replicated in Humla. The thermal performance of the proposed family-sized greenhouse has been predicted using the solar simulation software, TRNSYS, and compared against an existing design in the area. The proposed design was found to be superior and average night-time temperatures in the coldest month were predicted to be approximately 7°C higher. Overheating was controlled in the hottest month by shading and natural ventilation.