977 resultados para Brandt, Willy
We present measurements of Underlying Event observables in pp collisions at root s = 0 : 9 and 7 TeV. The analysis is performed as a function of the highest charged-particle transverse momentum p(T),L-T in the event. Different regions are defined with respect to the azimuthal direction of the leading (highest transverse momentum) track: Toward, Transverse and Away. The Toward and Away regions collect the fragmentation products of the hardest partonic interaction. The Transverse region is expected to be most sensitive to the Underlying Event activity. The study is performed with charged particles above three different p(T) thresholds: 0.15, 0.5 and 1.0 GeV/c. In the Transverse region we observe an increase in the multiplicity of a factor 2-3 between the lower and higher collision energies, depending on the track p(T) threshold considered. Data are compared to PYTHIA 6.4, PYTHIA 8.1 and PHOJET. On average, all models considered underestimate the multiplicity and summed p(T) in the Transverse region by about 10-30%.
We prove that the hard thermal loop contribution to static thermal amplitudes can be obtained by setting all the external four-momenta to zero before performing the Matsubara sums and loop integrals. At the one-loop order we do an iterative procedure for all the one-particle irreducible one-loop diagrams, and at the two-loop order we consider the self-energy. Our approach is sufficiently general to the extent that it includes theories with any kind of interaction vertices, such as gravity in the weak field approximation, for d space-time dimensions. This result is valid whenever the external fields are all bosonic.
We compute the effective Lagrangian of static gravitational fields interacting with thermal fields. Our approach employs the usual imaginary time formalism as well as the equivalence between the static and space-time independent external gravitational fields. This allows to obtain a closed form expression for the thermal effective Lagrangian in d space-time dimensions.
The association between anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR) sensor and AC biosusceptometry (ACB) to evaluate gastrointestinal motility is presented. The AMR-ACB system was successfully characterized in a bench-top study, and in vivo results were compared with those obtained by means of simultaneous manometry. Both AMR-ACB and manometry techniques presented high temporal cross correlation between the two periodicals signals (R = 0.9 +/- 0.1; P < 0.05). The contraction frequencies using AMR-ACB were 73.9 +/- 7.6 mHz and using manometry were 73.8 +/- 7.9 mHz during the baseline (r = 98, p < 0.05). The amplitude of contraction using AMR-ACB was 396 +/- 108 mu T.s and using manometry were 540 +/- 198 mmHg.s during the baseline. The amplitudes of signals for AMR-ACB and manometric recordings were similarly increased to 86.4% and 89.3% by neostigmine, and also decreased to 27.2% and 21.4% by hyoscine butylbromide in all animals, respectively. The AMR-ACB array is nonexpensive, portable, and has high-spatiotemporal resolution to provide helpful information about gastrointestinal tract.
The ALICE experiment at the LHC has studied J/psi production at mid-rapidity in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV through its electron pair decay on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity L-int = 5.6 nb(-1). The fraction of J/psi from the decay of long-lived beauty hadrons was determined for J/psi candidates with transverse momentum p(t) > 1,3 GeV/c and rapidity vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.9. The cross section for prompt J/psi mesons, i.e. directly produced J/psi and prompt decays of heavier charmonium states such as the psi(2S) and chi(c) resonances, is sigma(prompt J/psi) (p(t) > 1.3 GeV/c, vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.9) = 8.3 +/- 0.8(stat.) +/- 1.1 (syst.)(-1.4)(+1.5) (syst. pol.) mu b. The cross section for the production of b-hadrons decaying to J/psi with p(t) > 1.3 GeV/c and vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.9 is a sigma(J/psi <- hB) (p(t) > 1.3 GeV/c, vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.9) = 1.46 +/- 0.38 (stat.)(-0.32)(+0.26) (syst.) mu b. The results are compared to QCD model predictions. The shape of the p(t) and y distributions of b-quarks predicted by perturbative QCD model calculations are used to extrapolate the measured cross section to derive the b (b) over bar pair total cross section and d sigma/dy at mid-rapidity.
Oxygen-deficient TiO2 films with enhanced visible and near-infrared optical absorption have been deposited by reactive sputtering using a planar diode radio frequency magnetron configuration. It is observed that the increase in the absorption coefficient is more effective when the O-2 gas supply is periodically interrupted rather than by a decrease of the partial O-2 gas pressure in the deposition plasma. The optical absorption coefficient at 1.5 eV increases from about 1 x 10(2) cm(-1) to more than 4 x 10(3) cm(-1) as a result of the gas flow discontinuity. A red-shift of similar to 0.24 eV in the optical absorption edge is also observed. High resolution transmission electron microscopy with composition analysis shows that the films present a dense columnar morphology, with estimated mean column width of 40nm. Moreover, the interruptions of the O-2 gas flow do not produce detectable variations in the film composition along its growing direction. X-ray diffraction and micro-Raman experiments indicate the presence of the TiO2 anatase, rutile, and brookite phases. The anatase phase is dominant, with a slight increment of the rutile and brookite phases in films deposited under discontinued O-2 gas flow. The increase of optical absorption in the visible and near-infrared regions has been attributed to a high density of defects in the TiO2 films, which is consistent with density functional theory calculations that place oxygen-related vacancy states in the upper third of the optical bandgap. The electronic structure calculation results, along with the adopted deposition method and experimental data, have been used to propose a mechanism to explain the formation of the observed oxygen-related defects in TiO2 thin films. The observed increase in sub-bandgap absorption and the modeling of the corresponding changes in the electronic structure are potentially useful concerning the optimization of efficiency of the photocatalytic activity and the magnetic doping of TiO2 films. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4724334]
We derive a closed-form result for the leading thermal contributions which appear in the n-dimensional I center dot (3) theory at high temperature. These contributions become local only in the long wavelength and in the static limits, being given by different expressions in these two limits.
AC Biosusceptometry (ACB) was previously employed towards recording gastrointestinal motility. Our data show a reliable and successful evaluation of gastrointestinal transit of liquid and solid meals in rats, considering the methods scarcity and number of experiments needed to endorsement of drugs and medicinal plants. ACB permits real time and simultaneous experiments using the same animal, preserving the physiological conditions employing both meals with simplicity and accuracy.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o impacto das doenças oculares sobre a qualidade de vida de uma população idosa do sertão de Pernambuco, localizado na região nordeste do Brasil. MÉTODOS: Foram entrevistados 580 indivíduos acima de 59 anos, por meio do questionário de avaliação de qualidade de vida "Visual Functioning Questionnaire" (VFQ). Todos os indivíduos foram submetidos a exame oftalmológico completo. Os resultados das variáveis quantitativas foram expressos por suas médias e desvios- padrão. Os resultados das variáveis qualitativas foram expressos por suas frequências absolutas e relativas. RESULTADOS: A média de idade foi de 70 ± 8,1 anos. Cerca de 86,0% dos entrevistados declararam ser analfabetos ou ter o ensino fundamental incompleto. As principais queixas foram: baixa visual (71,1%) e ardor/prurido (69,0%). A acuidade visual não era normal em 37,4% dos idosos. Por volta de 75,0% dos entrevistados relataram ter saúde regular ou ruim, e 77,0% diziam ter uma visão regular ou ruim. A qualidade de vida foi considerada pior conforme a piora da condição visual do idoso. CONCLUSÃO: O déficit visual representou um impacto negativo sobre a qualidade de vida dos idosos do sertão Pernambucano.
Objetivo: Estabelecer um padrão de crescimento tumoral (volume) em ratos Wistar submetidos ao modelo C6 de glioblastoma multiforme por meio de imagens de ressonância magnética para posterior verificação de redução de volume tumoral com a terapia de magnetohipertermia. Métodos: Para o modelo C6, utilizamos ratos Wistar, machos, jovens, pesando entre 250 e 300 g. Após anestesiados (cetamina 55 mg/kg e xilazina 11 mg/kg) foram injetadas estereotaxicamente células tumorigênicas linhagem C6 suspensas em meio de cultura (105 células em 10 µL) no córtex frontal direito (coordenadas a partir do bregma: anteroposterior = 2,0 mm; látero-lateral = 3,0 mm; profundidade = 2,5 mm) com uma seringa Hamilton. No Grupo Controle, houve a injeção do meio de cultura sem as células. Posteriormente, foram feitas imagens mediante a técnica de imagem por ressonância magnética em 14, 21 e 28 dias após a injeção em um escâner de imagem por ressonância magnética 2.0 T (Bruker BioSpec, Germany). Para o exame, os animais foram anestesiados com cetamina 55 mg/kg e xilazina 11 mg/kg. Multifatias coronais foram adquiridas utilizando uma sequência spin-echo padrão com os seguintes parâmetros: TR/TE = 4,000 ms/67,1 ms, FOV = 3,50, Matrix 192, slice thickness = 0,4 mm e slice separation = 0 mm. Resultados: A análise das imagens de ressonância magnética do tumor possibilitou a clara visualização da massa tumoral, sendo possível ainda estabelecer parâmetros de volume tumoral nos diferentes dias analisados. O volume de 14 dias após a indução do foi de 13,7 ± 2,5 mm3 . Aos 21 dias, o volume alcançado foi de 31,7 ± 6,5 mm3 e, aos 28 dias, a massa tumoral atingiu 122,1 ± 11,8 mm3 . Conclusão: Estes resultados mostraram a possiblidade de avaliação do volume tumoral no modelo C6 em ratos, o que possibilitará, no futuro, a aplicação da terapia de magnetohipertermia bem como verificação de seus resultados.
The liver was among the first organs in which connexin proteins have been identified. Hepatocytes harbor connexin32 and connexin26, while non-parenchymal liver cells typically express connexin43. Connexins give rise to hemichannels, which dock with counterparts on adjacent cells to form gap junctions. Both hemichannels and gap junctions provide pathways for communication, via paracrine signaling or direct intercellular coupling, respectively. Over the years, hepatocellular gap junctions have been shown to regulate a number of liver-specific functions and to drive liver cell growth. In the last few years, it has become clear that connexin hemichannels are involved in liver cell death, particularly in hepatocyte apoptosis. This also holds true for hemichannels composed of pannexin1, a connexin-like protein recently identified in the liver. Moreover, pannexin1 hemichannels are key players in the regulation of hepatic inflammatory processes. The current paper provides a concise overview of the features of connexins, pannexins and their channels in the liver.
In this treatise we consider finite systems of branching particles where the particles move independently of each other according to d-dimensional diffusions. Particles are killed at a position dependent rate, leaving at their death position a random number of descendants according to a position dependent reproduction law. In addition particles immigrate at constant rate (one immigrant per immigration time). A process with above properties is called a branching diffusion withimmigration (BDI). In the first part we present the model in detail and discuss the properties of the BDI under our basic assumptions. In the second part we consider the problem of reconstruction of the trajectory of a BDI from discrete observations. We observe positions of the particles at discrete times; in particular we assume that we have no information about the pedigree of the particles. A natural question arises if we want to apply statistical procedures on the discrete observations: How can we find couples of particle positions which belong to the same particle? We give an easy to implement 'reconstruction scheme' which allows us to redraw or 'reconstruct' parts of the trajectory of the BDI with high accuracy. Moreover asymptotically the whole path can be reconstructed. Further we present simulations which show that our partial reconstruction rule is tractable in practice. In the third part we study how the partial reconstruction rule fits into statistical applications. As an extensive example we present a nonparametric estimator for the diffusion coefficient of a BDI where the particles move according to one-dimensional diffusions. This estimator is based on the Nadaraya-Watson estimator for the diffusion coefficient of one-dimensional diffusions and it uses the partial reconstruction rule developed in the second part above. We are able to prove a rate of convergence of this estimator and finally we present simulations which show that the estimator works well even if we leave our set of assumptions.
In den vergangenen Jahren konnten zahlreiche Studien die Veränderung des natürlichen Autoantikörperrepertoirs bei Glaukompatienten aufzeigen. Zu den Antigenen zählen verschiedenen Hitzeschockproteinen, aber ebenso neuronal assoziierte Strukturproteine wie das Myelin basische Protein (MBP) oder das sauren Gliafaserprotein und einige neuropyhsiologische Proteine aus der Retina und dem Sehnerven. Da bei den Glaukompatienten nicht einzelne Antikörperreaktionen verändert sind, sondern vielmehr komplexe Autoantikörpermuster vorliegen, bestand das primäre Ziel der Dissertation zu zeigen, ob eine systemische Immunisierung mit MBP, Homogenaten opticus-assoziierter Antigene (ONA) und Antigenen der retinalen Ganglienzellschicht (RGA) den Verlust von retinalen Ganglienzellen (RGZ) in einem Experimentellen Autoimmunen Glaukom (EAG) Tiermodell auslösen können. Die systemische Injektion von MBP, ONA oder RGA induzierten ophthalmopathologische Veränderungen in der Retina, gekennzeichnet durch retinalen Ganglienzellverlust mitsamt Zerstörung der Axone im Sehnerv. Unter der Annahme, dass die Neurodegeneration durch Autoantiköper vermittelt ist, wurde ebenfalls untersucht, ob sich die Antikörperreaktivität gegen okulare Strukturen oder den Sehnerv im Verlauf der Studie verändern. Getestet wurde die Antikörperreaktivität gegen Gewebsschnitte gesunder Tiere mit dem Ergebnis einer signifikanten und zeitabhängigen Zunahme der Immunreaktivität. Darüber hinaus war es erstmals möglich die Ablagerung von IgG Autoantikörpern in der Retina und dem Sehnerv nachzuweisen sowie die Caspase mediierte Apoptose zu untersuchen. Ebenfalls konnte die Verteilung von aktivierten Mikroglia im optischen System evaluiert werden, wobei diese mehrmals in Kolokalisation mit den IgG-Autoantikörpern auftraten. Diese Beobachtungen lassen den Schluss zu, dass die Immunreaktionen von Autoantikörpern alleine und im Zusammenspiel mit der Mikroglia im Zusammenhang mit der Neurodegeneration der retinalen Ganglienzelle im EAG Modell stehen könnten.
In this thesis, elemental research towards the implantation of a diamond-based molecular quantum computer is presented. The approach followed requires linear alignment of endohedral fullerenes on the diamond C(100) surface in the vicinity of subsurface NV-centers. From this, four fundamental experimental challenges arise: 1) The well-controlled deposition of endohedral fullerenes on a diamond surface. 2) The creation of NV-centers in diamond close to the surface. 3) Preparation and characterization of atomically-flat diamondsurfaces. 4) Assembly of linear chains of endohedral fullerenes. First steps to overcome all these challenges were taken in the framework of this thesis. Therefore, a so-called “pulse injection” technique was implemented and tested in a UHV chamber that was custom-designed for this and further tasks. Pulse injection in principle allows for the deposition of molecules from solution onto a substrate and can therefore be used to deposit molecular species that are not stable to sublimation under UHV conditions, such as the endohedral fullerenes needed for a quantum register. Regarding the targeted creation of NV-centers, FIB experiments were carried out in cooperation with the group of Prof. Schmidt-Kaler (AG Quantum, Physics Department, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz). As an entry into this challenging task, argon cations were implanted into (111) surface-oriented CaF2 crystals. The resulting implantation spots on the surface were imaged and characterized using AFM. In this context, general relations between the impact of the ions on the surface and their valency or kinetic energy, respectively, could be established. The main part of this thesis, however, is constituted by NCAFM studies on both, bare and hydrogen-terminated diamond C(100) surfaces. In cooperation with the group of Prof. Dujardin (Molecular Nanoscience Group, ISMO, Université de Paris XI), clean and atomically-flat diamond surfaces were prepared by exposure of the substrate to a microwave hydrogen plasma. Subsequently, both surface modifications were imaged in high resolution with NC-AFM. In the process, both hydrogen atoms in the unit cell of the hydrogenated surface were resolved individually, which was not achieved in previous STM studies of this surface. The NC-AFM images also reveal, for the first time, atomic-resolution contrast on the clean, insulating diamond surface and provide real-space experimental evidence for a (2×1) surface reconstruction. With regard to the quantum computing concept, high-resolution NC-AFM imaging was also used to study the adsorption and self-assembly potential of two different kinds of fullerenes (C60 and C60F48) on aforementioned diamond surfaces. In case of the hydrogenated surface, particular attention was paid to the influence of charge transfer doping on the fullerene-substrate interaction and the morphology emerging from self-assembly. Finally, self-assembled C60 islands on the hydrogen-terminated diamond surface were subject to active manipulation by an NC-AFM tip. Two different kinds of tip-induced island growth modes have been induced and were presented. In conclusion, the results obtained provide fundamental informations mandatory for the realization of a molecular quantum computer. In the process it was shown that NC-AFM is, under proper circumstances, a very capable tool for imaging diamond surfaces with highest resolution, surpassing even what has been achieved with STM up to now. Particular attention was paid to the influence of transfer doping on the morphology of fullerenes on the hydrogenated diamond surface, revealing new possibilities for tailoring the self-assembly of molecules that have a high electron affinity.
Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (LQCD) is the preferred tool for obtaining non-perturbative results from QCD in the low-energy regime. It has by nowrnentered the era in which high precision calculations for a number of phenomenologically relevant observables at the physical point, with dynamical quark degrees of freedom and controlled systematics, become feasible. Despite these successes there are still quantities where control of systematic effects is insufficient. The subject of this thesis is the exploration of the potential of todays state-of-the-art simulation algorithms for non-perturbativelyrn$\mathcal{O}(a)$-improved Wilson fermions to produce reliable results in thernchiral regime and at the physical point both for zero and non-zero temperature. Important in this context is the control over the chiral extrapolation. Thisrnthesis is concerned with two particular topics, namely the computation of hadronic form factors at zero temperature, and the properties of the phaserntransition in the chiral limit of two-flavour QCD.rnrnThe electromagnetic iso-vector form factor of the pion provides a platform to study systematic effects and the chiral extrapolation for observables connected to the structure of mesons (and baryons). Mesonic form factors are computationally simpler than their baryonic counterparts but share most of the systematic effects. This thesis contains a comprehensive study of the form factor in the regime of low momentum transfer $q^2$, where the form factor is connected to the charge radius of the pion. A particular emphasis is on the region very close to $q^2=0$ which has not been explored so far, neither in experiment nor in LQCD. The results for the form factor close the gap between the smallest spacelike $q^2$-value available so far and $q^2=0$, and reach an unprecedented accuracy at full control over the main systematic effects. This enables the model-independent extraction of the pion charge radius. The results for the form factor and the charge radius are used to test chiral perturbation theory ($\chi$PT) and are thereby extrapolated to the physical point and the continuum. The final result in units of the hadronic radius $r_0$ is rn$$ \left\langle r_\pi^2 \right\rangle^{\rm phys}/r_0^2 = 1.87 \: \left(^{+12}_{-10}\right)\left(^{+\:4}_{-15}\right) \quad \textnormal{or} \quad \left\langle r_\pi^2 \right\rangle^{\rm phys} = 0.473 \: \left(^{+30}_{-26}\right)\left(^{+10}_{-38}\right)(10) \: \textnormal{fm} \;, $$rn which agrees well with the results from other measurements in LQCD and experiment. Note, that this is the first continuum extrapolated result for the charge radius from LQCD which has been extracted from measurements of the form factor in the region of small $q^2$.rnrnThe order of the phase transition in the chiral limit of two-flavour QCD and the associated transition temperature are the last unkown features of the phase diagram at zero chemical potential. The two possible scenarios are a second order transition in the $O(4)$-universality class or a first order transition. Since direct simulations in the chiral limit are not possible the transition can only be investigated by simulating at non-zero quark mass with a subsequent chiral extrapolation, guided by the universal scaling in the vicinity of the critical point. The thesis presents the setup and first results from a study on this topic. The study provides the ideal platform to test the potential and limits of todays simulation algorithms at finite temperature. The results from a first scan at a constant zero-temperature pion mass of about 290~MeV are promising, and it appears that simulations down to physical quark masses are feasible. Of particular relevance for the order of the chiral transition is the strength of the anomalous breaking of the $U_A(1)$ symmetry at the transition point. It can be studied by looking at the degeneracies of the correlation functions in scalar and pseudoscalar channels. For the temperature scan reported in this thesis the breaking is still pronounced in the transition region and the symmetry becomes effectively restored only above $1.16\:T_C$. The thesis also provides an extensive outline of research perspectives and includes a generalisation of the standard multi-histogram method to explicitly $\beta$-dependent fermion actions.