984 resultados para Bondi, Clemente.
Los polímeros de impronta molecular (MIPs) son materiales sintéticos que presentan propiedades de reconocimiento molecular específico hacia determinados compuestos. Estos materiales con “memoria selectiva” presentan un elevado potencial analítico como sustitutos de elementos de reconocimiento de origen biológico para el desarrollo de sensores, como sorbentes en procesos de extracción en fase sólida (SPE) y como fases estacionarias para HPLC y CE. La síntesis de estos materiales se basa en la formación de una estructura polimérica, altamente entrecruzada, alrededor de una molécula que actúa como plantilla que se extrae después de la polimerización. De esta forma, el MIP contendrá sitios de unión que son complementarios a la molécula plantilla en forma, tamaño y distribución de grupos funcionales que permiten su reconocimiento posterior, de forma selectiva Los MIPs suelen presentar ventajas interesantes en comparación con los receptores
Due to its small band-gap and its high mobility, InN is a promising material for a large number of key applications like band-gap engineering for high efficiency solar cells, light emitting diodes, and high speed devices. Unfortunately, it has been reported that this material exhibits strong surface charge accumulation which may depend on the type of surface. Current investigations are conducted in order to explain the mechanisms which govern such a behavior and to look for ways of avoiding it and/or finding applications that may use such an effect. In this framework, low frequency noise measurements have been performed at different temperatures on patterned MBE grown InN layers. The evolution of the 1/f noise level with temperature in the 77 K-300 K range is consistent with carrier number fluctuations thus indicating surface mechanisms: the surface charge accumulation is confirmed by the noise measurements.
Coal is the most plentiful and evenly distributed fossil fuel worldwide. Based on current production, it is estimated that the reserves will last approximately 130 years. Its use worldwide has been increasing, mainly due to consumption by emerging countries. CO2 emissions generated by combustion and the repercussions of such on climate change support the view that it could no longer be used. CO2 capture may be the solution to continue using it, which would cater for the growing energy demand worldwide. The aim of this study is to compare different processes concerning CO2 capture that may be economically viable, ultimately showing that coal, a fossil energy source widely distributed around the world, can, as a result of using different CO2 capture processes, be used as a clean source of electricity. Hence, in places where geological hurdles may render the costs of CO2 storage considerably higher, since it might have to travel far, coal may be used for other purposes, thus valorizing CO2 within the industrial sector. This research is focused on the technical and economic comparison of the most relevant CO2 capture projects designed in Spain using different existing technologies. The oxyfuel project in Ciuden (Leon, Spain), the IGCC Elcogas, precombustion CO2-capture project (Puertollano, Spain) and the postcombustion project in Carboneras (Almeria, Spain) will be analyzed in order to assess the options available to valorizecaptured CO2. Valorizing captured CO2 may be an adequate solution in areas where, although CO2 capture is still possible, storage is not equally so, thus generating a further benefit. The possible uses of CO2 will be assessed in vegetable growing greenhouses, harnessing CO2 in vegetable life cycles. This will also be used in growing algae for subsequent biodiesel production. Both CO2capture and valorizing will eventually lead to the clean use of coal, which will thus enhance the level of self-supply, aiding the development of electric vehicles, which require large amounts of electricity, as well as improve the level of energy autonomy in countries around the world. Another type of fuel, biodiesel, will also be obtained, without this affecting international food prices.
En el presente proyecto se ha realizado la caracterización de un árido de origen granítico con el objeto de comprobar si cumple los requisitos requeridos para su uso en la fabricación de hormigones. Dichos requisitos se analizarán mediante la Instrucción de Hormigón Estructural EHE-08 que establece las exigencias que deben cumplir las estructuras de hormigón para satisfacer los requisitos de seguridad estructural así como el Marcado CE que indica la conformidad del producto con los requisitos esenciales de la directiva de productos de construcción. Además de dicha caracterización, se analiza con especial interés aspectos relacionados con la durabilidad así como otros complementarios mediante diferentes técnicas de caracterización físico-química y microestructural. Abstract In the present project has been the characterization of an aggregate of granitic origin in order to determine whether it meets the necessary requirements for use in the manufacture of concrete. These requirements will be analyzed using the Structural Concrete EHE-08 which establishes the requirements to be met by concrete structures to meet the requirements of structural safety and CE Marking indicates that the product complies with the essential requirements of the directive construction products. In addition to this characterization, special interest is discussed aspects of durability and other complementary techniques with different physical-chemical, physico-mechanical and microstructural.
Grapevine germplasm, including 38 of the main Portuguese cultivars and three foreign cultivars, Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc and Chasselas, used as a reference, and 37 true-to-type clones from the Alvarinho, Arinto, Loureiro, Moscatel Galego Branco, Trajadura and Vinhão cultivars were studied using AFLP and three retrotransposon-based molecular techniques, IRAP, REMAP and SSAP. To study the retrotransposon-based polymorphisms, 18 primers based on the LTR sequences of Tvv1, Gret1 and Vine-1 were used. In the analysis of 41 cultivars, 517 IRAP, REMAP, AFLP and SSAP fragments were obtained, 83% of which were polymorphic. For IRAP, only the Tvv1Fa primer amplified DNA fragments. In the REMAP analysis, the Tvv1Fa-Ms14 primer combination only produced polymorphic bands, and the Vine-1 primers produced mainly ISSR fragments. The highest number of polymorphic fragments was found for AFLP. Both AFLP and SSAP showed a greater capacity for identifying clones, resulting in 15 and 9 clones identified, respectively. Together, all of the techniques allowed for the identification of 54% of the studied clones, which is an important step in solving one of the challenges that viticulture currently faces.
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