910 resultados para Bond length alternation (BLA)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the micro-shear bond strength of 5 adhesive systems to enamel, one single-bottle acid-etch adhesive (O), two self-etching primers (P) and two all-in-one self-etching adhesives (S). Method: Sixty premolar enamel surfaces (buccal or lingual) were ground flat with 400- and 600-grit SiC papers and randomly divided into 5 groups (n=12), according to the adhesive system.. SB2 - Single Bond 2 (O); CSE - Clearfil SE Bond (P); ADS - AdheSE (P); PLP - Adper Prompt L-Pop (S); XE3 - Xeno III (S). Tygon tubing (inner diameter of 0.8mm) restricted the bonding area to obtain the resin composite (Z250) cylinders. After storage in distilled water at 37 degrees C for 24h and thermocycling, micro-shear testing was performed (crosshead speed of 0.5mm/min). Data were submitted to one-way ANOVA and Tukey test (a=5%). Samples were also subjected to stereomicroscopic and SEM evaluations after micro-shear testing. Mean bond strength values (MPa +/- SD) and the results of Tukey test were: SB2: 36.36(+/- 3.34)a; ADS: 33.03(+/- 7.83)a; XE3: 32.76(+/- 5.61)a; CSE: 30.61(+/- 6.68)a; PLP: 22.17(+/- 6.05)b. Groups with the same letter were not statistically different. It can be concluded that no significant difference was there between SB2, ADS, XE3 and CSE, in spite of different etching patterns of these adhesives. Only PLP presented statistically lower bond strengths compared with others. J Clin Pediatr Dent 35(3): 301-304, 2011
Objectives: To evaluate the microtensile bond strength (mu TBS) of one-(Xeno III, Dentsply) and two-step (Tyrian-One Step Plus, Bisco) self-etching adhesive systems bonded to dentin and cemented to chemically cured (C&B Metabond) or light-cured paste of a dual-cure resin cement (Variolink II, Ivoclar) within a short (24 h) and long period of evaluation (90 days). Material and Methods: Forty recently extracted human molars had their roots removed and their occlusal dentin exposed and ground wet with 600-grit SiC paper. After application of one of the adhesives, the resin cement was applied to the bonded surface and a composite resin block was incrementally built up to a height of 5 mm (n = 10). The restored teeth were stored in distilled water at 37 C for 7 days. The teeth were then cut along two axes (x and y), producing beam-shaped specimens with 0.8 mm(2) cross-sectional area, which were subjected to mu TBS testing at a crosshead speed of 0.05 mm/min and stressed to failure after 24 h or 90 days of storage in water. The mu TBS data in MPa were subjected to three-way analysis of variance and Tukey's test (alpha = 0.05). Results: The interaction effect for all three factors was statistically significant (three-way ANOVA, p < 0.001). All eight experimental means (MPa) were compared by the Tukey's test (p < 0.05) and the following results were obtained: Tyrian-One Step Plus /C&B/24 h (22.4 +/- 7.3); Tyrian-One Step Plus /Variolink II/24 h (39.4 +/- 11.6); Xeno III/C&B/24 h (40.3 +/- 12.9); Xeno III/Variolink II/24 h (25.8 +/- 10.5); Tyrian-One Step Plus / C&B/90 d (22.1 +/- 12.8) Tyrian-One Step Plus/VariolinkII/90 d (24.2 +/- 14.2); Xeno III/C&B/90 d (27.0 +/- 13.5); Xeno III/Variolink II/90 d (33.0 +/- 8.9). Conclusions: Xeno III/Variolink II was the luting agent/adhesive combination that provided the most promising bond strength after 90 days of storage in water.
International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2012; 22: 435441 Background. Hydrophilic adhesives may be used as pit and fissure sealants (sealants), but there is concern about the ability of self-etching adhesives to bond sealants to enamel. Aim. To study the bond strength (BS) and morphology of adhesive systems used as sealants. Design. OptiBond FL, OptiBond All-in-One, combined OptiBond All-in-One + OptiBond FL adhesive, and Fluroshield were applied to the occlusal surfaces of 16 primary molars (n = 4). Teeth were stored in distilled water (24 h at 37 degrees C) and sectioned through the interface to obtain sticks (0.8 mm2) tested under a tensile load (0.5 mm/min). Failure modes were observed. Data were analysed by ANOVA and Tukeys tests (a = 5%). The morphology of 12 primary molars was examined in terms of the etching pattern and resin reproduction. Results. Differences in the BS were found (P = 0.001), with OptiBond FL showing the highest (36.84 +/- 5.7 MPa), Fluroshield (24.26 +/- 2.13 MPa) and OptiBond All-in-One (17.12 +/- 4.97 MPa) similar, and OptiBond All-in-One + OptiBond FL adhesive the lowest (9.8 +/- 2.94 MPA). OptiBond FL showed the best results in terms of morphology. Conclusion. Under the conditions of this study, OptiBond FL was the best material to be used for sealing.
We investigate dynamical effects of a bright soliton in Bose-Einstein condensed (BEC) systems with local and smooth space variations of the two-body atomic scattering length. It includes a discussion about the possible observation of a new type of standing nonlinear atomic matter wave in cigar-type traps. A rich dynamics is observed in the interaction between the soliton and an inhomogeneity. By considering an analytical time-dependent variational approach and also full numerical simulation of one-dimensional and three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equations, we study processes such as trapping, reflection and transmission of the bright matter soliton due to the impurity. We also derive conditions for the collapse of the bright solitary wave, considering a quasi-one-dimensional BEC with attractive local inhomogeneity.
Using the explicit numerical solution of the axially symmetric Gross-Pitaevskii equation, we study the oscillation of the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) induced by a periodic variation in the atomic scattering length a. When the frequency of oscillation of a is an even multiple of the radial or axial trap frequency, respectively, the radial or axial oscillation of the condensate exhibits resonance with a novel feature. In this nonlinear problem without damping, at resonance in the steady state the amplitude of oscillation passes through a maximum and minimum. Such a growth and decay cycle of the amplitude may keep on repeating. Similar behaviour is also observed in a rotating BEC.
Nonlinear oscillations of a 3D radial symmetric Bose-Einstein condensate under periodic variation in time of the atomic scattering length have been studied. The time-dependent variational approach is used for the analysis of the characteristics of nonlinear resonances in the oscillations of the condensate. The bistability in oscillations of the BEC width is investigated. The dependence of the BEC collapse threshold on the drive amplitude and parameters of the condensate and trap is found. Predictions of the theory are confirmed by numerical simulations of the full Gross-Pitaevskii equation.
The low-energy scattering of ortho positronium (Ps) by ortho Ps has been studied in a full quantum mechanical coupled-channel approach. In the singlet channel (total spin s(T) = 0) we find S- and P-wave resonances at 3.35 eV (width 0.02 eV) and 5.05 eV (width 0.04 eV), respectively, and a binding of 0.43 eV of Ps(2). The scattering length for s(T) = 0 is 3.95 Angstrom and for s(T) = 2 is 0.83 Angstrom. The small s(T) = 2 scattering length makes the spin-polarized ortho Ps atoms an almost noninteracting ideal gas which may undergo Bose-Einstein condensation. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
We discuss two-dimensional Bose-Einstein Condensates (BEC) under time-periodic variation of the scattering length. In particular we argue that for high-frequency variation there exist stable self-confined condensates without an external trap, when the do component of the scattering length is negative. Our results are based on a variational approximation, on direct averaging of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation and on numerical simulations.
We study the macroscopic quantum tunneling, self-trapping phenomena in two weakly coupled Bose-Einstein condensates with periodically time-varying atomic scattering length.The resonances in the oscillations of the atomic populations are investigated. We consider oscillations in the cases of macroscopic quantum tunneling and the self-trapping regimes. The existence of chaotic oscillations in the relative atomic population due to overlaps between nonlinear resonances is showed. We derive the whisker-type map for the problem and obtain the estimate for the critical amplitude of modulations leading to chaos. The diffusion coefficient for motion in the stochastic layer near separatrix is calculated. The analysis of the oscillations in the rapidly varying case shows the possibility of stabilization of the unstable pi-mode regime. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V. PACS: 03.75.Fi; 05.30.Jp.
Using variational and numerical solutions of the mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii equation we show that a bright soliton can be stabilized in a trapless three-dimensional attractive Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) by a rapid periodic temporal modulation of scattering length alone by using a Feshbach resonance. This scheme also stabilizes a rotating vortex soliton in two dimensions. Apart from possible experimental application in BEC, the present study suggests that the spatiotemporal solitons of nonlinear optics in three dimensions can also be stabilized in a layered Kerr medium with sign-changing nonlinearity along the propagation direction.
We report on investigations of the properties of bright solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates in the presence of point-like spatial inhomogeneities, in one and two dimensions. By considering an analytical variational approach and full numerical simulations, we describe such processes due to interactions between the soliton and the inhomogeneity as the trapping, reflection, and transmission of bright matter solitons. We also study the critical number of particles as a function of the magnitude of the impurity.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Os comprimentos das peças que constituem o aparelho bucal, glossa, paraglossa, estipite, gálea, palpo labial, palpo maxilar, cardo, lorum, mento e pré-mento foram estudados a nível unidimensional em abelhas caucasianas, africanizadas e nos descendentes F1. Somente a paraglossa, estipite, gálea, palpo maxilar, mento e pré-mento mostraram ser diferentes entre esses 2 tipos de abelhas. Essas 6 variáveis foram estudadas nos descendentes F1, tendo sido utilizados 2 tipos de cruzamentos: rainhas caucasianas x machos africanizados (cruzamento 1) e rainhas africanizadas x machos caucasianos (cruzamento 2). Análises multidimensionais também foram realizadas, tendo sido obtidas as distâncias generalizadas de Mahalanobis (D2) entre os parentais e os descendentes F1. Tanto nas análises unidimensionais como nas multidimensionais houve aparente dominância das abelhas africanizadas, mas o número de genes não pôde ser conhecido porque só havia a geração F1 e não houve controle da heterozigosidade das 2 colônias parentais. Os cálculos dos coeficientes de correlações de Spearman mostraram que as abelhas com glossae mais longas coletaram mais xarope de açúcar e voaram mais lentamente da colônia para a fonte de alimento.