999 resultados para Boerhaave, Hermann, 1668-1738
Bibliographical foot-notes.
von J. W. von Goethe
Fil: Arrese Igor, Héctor Oscar. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Country escapes and designs for living in the Works of Two Generations of (East) German Women Writers: Christa Wolf’s Sommerstück and Sarah Kirsch’s Allerlei-Rauh as Precursors to Judith Hermann’s Sommerhaus, später
This study explores the fascination which English culture represented in turn-of-the-century Vienna. The writers that are going to be discussed are the renowned Anglophile Hugo von Hofmannsthal, the more ambivalent Hermann Bahr and the idealizing, but Janus-faced Peter Altenberg. With the more widely known poet, prose writer and playwright, Hofmannsthal, individual aspects of his engagement with English culture have already been well researched; the same, however, cannot be said in the case of Hermann Bahr, whose extensive literary oeuvre has now largely been forgotten, and who has, instead, come to be valued as a prominent figure in the culture life of modernist Vienna, and Peter Altenberg, whose literary fame rests mainly on his prose poems and who, a legend in his life-time, has in recent years also increasingly attracted research interest as a phenomenon and ‘embodiment’ of the culture of his time: while their engagement with French literature, for example, has long received its due share of attention, their debt to English culture has, until now, been neglected. This thesis, therefore, sets out to explore Hofmannsthal’s, Bahr’s and Altenberg’s perception and portrayal of English civilization – ranging from English character and stereotypes, to what they saw as the principles of British society; it goes on to investigate the impulses they derive from Pre-Raphaelite art (Rossetti, Burne-Jones, Whistler) and the art and crafts-movement centred around William Morris, as well as their inspiration by the art criticism of John Ruskin and Walter Horatio Pater. In English literature one of the focal points will be their reading and evaluation of aestheticism as it was reflected in the life and writings of the Dubliner Oscar Wilde, who was perceived, by these Austrian authors, as a predominant figure of London’s cultural life. Similarly, they regarded his compatriot George Bernard Shaw as a key player in turn-of-the-century English (and European) culture. Hermann Bhar largely identified with him. Hofmannsthal, on the other hand, while having some reservations, acknowledged his importance and achievements, whereas Peter Altenberg saw in Shaw a model to reassure him, as his writings were becoming more openly didactic and even more miniaturistic than they had already been. He turned to Shaw, too, to explain and justify his new goal of making his texts more intelligent to a wider circle of readers.
Sediment cores, mainly push-box samples, from a channel system of the Kiel Bay are described. The channel system, of glacial and fluviatile origin, is important for the distribution of heavy, salt-rich water entering from the North Sea through the Great Belt, Sediment erosion and transport in the channels is due entirely to currents, because the bottom lies too deep for wave action. The sediments of these channels proude information about current velocities and their frequencies. Grain-size, minor sediment structures and thickness of the sediments vary remarkably. Nevertheless, for those parts of the channels where stronger currents occur, some typical features can be shown. These include: small thickness of the marine sediments, erosional effects upon the underlying sediments, and poor sorting of the sediments, whereby fine and coarse fractions are mixed very intensively. Besides strong currents which effect the bottom configuration and deposits in the Fehmarn Belt, there must exist longer periods of low current action upon the bottom, although current measurements show that current velocities higher than 50 cm/sec at some meters above the bottom occur frequently during the year. In the channel to the west of the southern mouth of Great Belt, coarse sediments were found only in elongate, deep throughs within the channels. This is believed to be due to an acceleration of the entering tongues of heavy water as they flow downslope into the throughs. Minor structures of two sediment cores were made visible by X-ray photographs. These showed that the mixing of sand and clayey material is due partly to bottom organisms and that the mud, which appears 'homogeneous' to the bare eye, is built up of fine wavy laminae which are also partly destroyed by boring animals. At another location in the channel system, there was found a thin finegrained layer of marine sediment resting upon peat. Palynological dating of the peat shows that very little older sediment could have been eroded. The current velocities, therefore, must be too low for the movement of coarse material and erosion, but too high to allow the Sedimentation of a lot of fine-grained material.
Rezension von: Daniela Böhringer / Ute Karl / Hermann Müller / Wolfgang Schröer / Stephan Wolff: Den Fall bearbeitbar halten, Gespräche in Jobcentern mit jungen Menschen, Opladen & Farmington Hills: Verlag Barbara Budrich 2012 (265 S.; ISBN 978-3-86649-451-0)
Esta dissertação estuda as relações políticas entre a casa de Bragança e os poderes locais nos concelhos de Vila Viçosa, Arraiolos e Monsaraz, entre 1640 e 1668, a partir da prerrogativa jurisdicional de confirmar as vereações. A reconstituição dos autos eleitorais permitiu comparar o procedimento eleitoral que era seguido nas terras da casa de Bragança com o que era seguido na maioria dos concelhos do reino e avaliar comparativamente o peso da autoridade da casa de Bragança, do rei e de outros donatários sobre as terras. De seguida, a identificação dos diversos intervenientes no processo eleitoral permitiu caracterizar socialmente as elites locais e avaliar os níveis de coincidência das escolhas para os senados camarários entre as comunidades (periferias) e a Junta da Casa de Bragança (centro). Conclui-se que esta casa senhorial detinha privilégios que lhe reforçavam significativamente a capacidade de dominação sobre as suas áreas jurisdicionais. Summary; This dissertation studies the political relations between the House of Bragança and the local authorities in Vila Viçosa, Arraiolos and Monsaraz, between 1640 and 1668, considering the legal privilege of confirming councilors and other members of town halls senates. The recovery of different electoral documents led to the comparison of electoral procedures in lands ruled by the House of Bragança and those followed in most of the kingdom, and allowed a comparative study of the authority of the House of Bragança, the king and other landlords over its properties. Then, by identifying the different participants of the electoral process, we made a social characterization of local elites and analyzed the similarities of nominations to local town halls senates made by the different communities (peripheral) and by the House of Bragança's administrative council (central power). We concluded that this House detained certain privileges, which reinforced the dominance over the lands within its judicial authority.
Rezension von: Abs, Hermann Josef/Brüsemeister, Thomas/Schemmann,Michael & Wissinger, Jochen (Hrsg.). (2015). Governance im Bildungssystem. Analysen zur Mehrebenenperspektive, Steuerung und Koordination.
El cálculo vectorial apareció en el siglo XIX. Hay operaciones entre vectores tales como el producto escalar que se puede ampliar sin dificultad de espacios de dimensión dos a espacios de dimensión tres y superior. Sin embargo, la ampliación del producto vectorial de vectores de dimensión dos a vectores tridimensionales tuvo serias dificultades. El conocimiento de los pasos lógicos que tuvieron que dar Hamilton y Grassmann para sentar las bases del calculo vectorial en de gran importancia pedagógica para profundizar en el concepto de operación.
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