987 resultados para Body techniques


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Non-human primate populations, other than responding appropriately to naturally occurring challenges, also need to cope with anthropogenic factors such as environmental pollution, resource depletion, and habitat destruction. Populations and individuals are likely to show considerable variations in food extraction abilities, with some populations and individuals more efficient than others at exploiting a set of resources. In this study, we examined among urban free-ranging bonnet macaques, Macaca radiata (a) local differences in food extraction abilities, (b) between-individual variation and within-individual consistency in problem-solving success and the underlying problem-solving characteristics, and (c) behavioral patterns associated with higher efficiency in food extraction. When presented with novel food extraction tasks, the urban macaques having more frequent exposure to novel physical objects in their surroundings, extracted food material from PET bottles and also solved another food extraction task (i.e., extracting an orange from a wire mesh box), more often than those living under more natural conditions. Adults solved the tasks more frequently than juveniles, and females more frequently than males. Both solution-technique and problem-solving characteristics varied across individuals but remained consistent within each individual across the successive presentations of PET bottles. The macaques that solved the tasks showed lesser within-individual variation in their food extraction behavior as compared to those that failed to solve the tasks. A few macaques appropriately modified their problem-solving behavior in accordance with the task requirements and solved the modified versions of the tasks without trial-and-error learning. These observations are ecologically relevant - they demonstrate considerable local differences in food extraction abilities, between-individual variation and within-individual consistency in food extraction techniques among free-ranging bonnet macaques, possibly affecting the species' local adaptability and resilience to environmental changes.


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Dead-time is provided in between the gating signals of the top and bottom semiconductor switches in an inverter leg to prevent the shorting of DC bus. Due to this dead time, there is a significant unwanted change in the output voltage of the inverter. The effect is different for different pulse width modulation (PWM) methodologies. The effect of dead-time on the output fundamental voltage is studied theoretically as well as experimentally for bus-clamping PWM methodologies. Further, experimental observations on the effectiveness of dead-time compensation are presented.


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Space-vector-based pulse width modulation (PWM) for a voltage source inverter (VSI) offers flexibility in terms of different switching sequences. Numerical simulation is helpful to assess the performance of a PWM method before actual implementation. A quick-simulation tool to simulate a variety of space-vector-based PWM strategies for a two-level VSI-fed squirrel cage induction motor drive is presented. The simulator is developed using C and Python programming languages, and has a graphical user interface (GUI) also. The prime focus being PWM strategies, the simulator developed is 40 times faster than MATLAB in terms of the actual time taken for a simulation. Simulation and experimental results are presented on a 5-hp ac motor drive.


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Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is an effective extension of NDE to reduce down time and cost of Inspection of structural components. On – line monitoring is an essential part of SHM. Acoustic Emission Techniques have most of the desirable requirements of an effective SHM tool. With the kind of advancement seen in the last couple of decades in the field of electronics, computers and signal processing technologies it can only be more helpful in obtaining better and meaningful quantitative results which can further enhance the potential of AET for the purpose. Advanced Composite materials owing to their specific high performance characteristics are finding a wide range of engineering applications. Testing and Evaluation of this category of materials and SHM of composite structures have been very challenging problems due to the very nature of these materials. Mechanical behaviour of fiber composite materials under different loading conditions is complex and involves different types of failure mechanisms. This is where the potential of AET can be exploited effectively. This paper presents an over view of some relevant studies where AET has been utilised to test, evaluate and monitor health of composite structures.


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Mesoporous quaternary bioactive glasses and glass-ceramic with alkali-alkaline-earth oxide were successfully synthesized by using non-ionic block copolymer P123 and evaporation induced self assembly (EISA) process followed by acid treatment assisted sal-gel method. As prepared samples has been characterized for the structural, morphological and textural properties with the various analytical techniques. Glass dissolution/ion release rate in simulated body fluid (SBF) was monitored by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) emission spectroscopy, whereas the formation of apatite phase and its crystallization at the glass and glass-ceramic surface was examined by structural, textural and microscopic probes. The influence of alkaline-earth oxide content on the glass structure followed by textural property has become more evident. The pristine glass samples exhibit a wormhole-like mesoporous structure, whereas the glass-ceramic composition is found to be in three different phases, namely crystalline hydroxyapatite, wollastonite and a residual glassy phase as observed in Cerabone (R) A/W. The existence of calcium orthophosphate phase is closely associated with the pore walls comprising nanometric-sized ``inclusions''. The observed high surface area in conjunction with the structural features provides the possible explanation for experimentally observed enhanced bioactivity through the easy access of ions to the fluid. On the other hand, presence of multiple phases in glass-ceramic sample inhibits or delays the kinetics of apatite formation. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Advanced bus-clamping pulse width modulation (ABCPWM) techniques are advantageous in terms of line current distortion and inverter switching loss in voltage source inverter-fed applications. However, the PWM waveforms corresponding to these techniques are not amenable to carrier-based generation. The modulation process in ABCPWM methods is analyzed here from a “per-phase” perspective. It is shown that three sets of descendant modulating functions (or modified modulating functions) can be generated from the three-phase sinusoidal signals. Each set of the modified modulating functions can be used to produce the PWM waveform of a given phase in a computationally efficient manner. Theoretical results and experimental investigations on a 5hp motor drive are presented


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With the progress in modern technological research, novel biomaterials are being largely developed for various biomedical applications. Over the past two decades, most of the research focuses on the development of a new generation of bioceramics as substitutes for hard tissue replacement. In reference to their application in different anatomical locations of a patient, newly developed bioceramic materials can potentially induce a toxic/harmful effect to the host tissues. Therefore, prior to clinical testing, relevant biochemical screening assays are to be performed at the cellular and molecular level, to address the issues of biocompatibility and long term performance of the implants. Along with testing strategies in the bulk material toxicity, a detailed evaluation should also be conducted to determine the toxicity of the wear products of the potential bioceramics. This is important as the bioceramics are intended to be implanted in patients with longer life expectancy and notwithstanding, the material will eventually release finer (mostly nanosized) sized debris particles due to continuous wear at articulating surfaces in the hostile corrosive environment of the human body. The wear particulates generated from a biocompatible bioceramic may act in a different way, inducing early/late aseptic loosening at the implant site, resulting in osteolysis and inflammation. Hence, a study on the chronic effects of the wear particulates, in terms of local and systemic toxicity becomes the major criteria in the toxicity evaluation of implantable bioceramics. In this broad perspective, this article summarizes some of the currently used techniques and knowledge in assessing the in vitro and in vivo cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of bioceramic implant materials. It also addresses the need to conduct a broad evaluation before claiming the biocompatibility and clinical feasibility of any new biomaterial. This review also emphasizes some of the case studies based on the experimental designs that are currently followed and its importance in the context of clinical applications.


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In this paper, the approach for assigning cooperative communication of Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles (UAV) to perform multiple tasks on multiple targets is posed as a combinatorial optimization problem. The multiple task such as classification, attack and verification of target using UAV is employed using nature inspired techniques such as Artificial Immune System (AIS), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Virtual Bee Algorithm (VBA). The nature inspired techniques have an advantage over classical combinatorial optimization methods like prohibitive computational complexity to solve this NP-hard problem. Using the algorithms we find the best sequence in which to attack and destroy the targets while minimizing the total distance traveled or the maximum distance traveled by an UAV. The performance analysis of the UAV to classify, attack and verify the target is evaluated using AIS, PSO and VBA.


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Novel switching sequences have been proposed recently for a neutral-point-clamped three-level inverter, controlled effectively as an equivalent two-level inverter. It is shown that the four novel sequences can be grouped into two pairs of sequences. Using each pair of sequences, a hybrid pulsewidth modulation (PWM) technique is proposed, which deploys the two sequences in appropriate spatial regions to reduce the current ripple. Further, a third hybrid PWM technique is proposed which uses all the five sequences (including the conventional sequence) in appropriate spatial regions. Each proposed hybrid PWM is shown, both analytically and experimentally, to outperform its constituent PWM methods in terms of harmonic distortion. In particular, the third proposed hybrid PWM reduces the total harmonic distortion considerably at low- and high-speed ranges of a constant volts-per-hertz induction motor drive, compared to centered space vector PWM.


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The stability of a long circular tunnel in a cohesive frictional soil medium has been determined in the presence of horizontal pseudo-static seismic body forces. The tunnel is supported by means of lining and anchorage system which is assumed to exert uniform internal compressive normal pressure on its periphery. The upper bound finite element limit analysis has been performed to compute the magnitude of the internal compressive pressure required to support the tunnel. The results have been presented in terms of normalized compressive normal stress, defined in terms of sigma(i)/c; where sigma(i) is the magnitude of the compressive normal pressure on the periphery of the tunnel and c refers to soil cohesion. The variation of sigma(i)/c with horizontal earthquake acceleration coefficient (alpha(h)) has been established for different combinations of H/D, gamma D/c and phi where (i) H and D refers to tunnel cover and diameter, respectively, and (ii) gamma and phi correspond to unit weight and internal friction angle of soil mass, respectively. Nodal velocity patterns have also been plotted for assessing the zones of significant plastic deformation. The analysis clearly reveals that an increase in the magnitude of the earthquake acceleration leads to a significant increment in the magnitude of internal compressive pressure. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this article, we aim at reducing the error rate of the online Tamil symbol recognition system by employing multiple experts to reevaluate certain decisions of the primary support vector machine classifier. Motivated by the relatively high percentage of occurrence of base consonants in the script, a reevaluation technique has been proposed to correct any ambiguities arising in the base consonants. Secondly, a dynamic time-warping method is proposed to automatically extract the discriminative regions for each set of confused characters. Class-specific features derived from these regions aid in reducing the degree of confusion. Thirdly, statistics of specific features are proposed for resolving any confusions in vowel modifiers. The reevaluation approaches are tested on two databases (a) the isolated Tamil symbols in the IWFHR test set, and (b) the symbols segmented from a set of 10,000 Tamil words. The recognition rate of the isolated test symbols of the IWFHR database improves by 1.9 %. For the word database, the incorporation of the reevaluation step improves the symbol recognition rate by 3.5 % (from 88.4 to 91.9 %). This, in turn, boosts the word recognition rate by 11.9 % (from 65.0 to 76.9 %). The reduction in the word error rate has been achieved using a generic approach, without the incorporation of language models.


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In GaAs-based pseudomorphic high-electron mobility transistor device structures, strain and composition of the InxGa1 (-) As-x channel layer are very important as they influence the electronic properties of these devices. In this context, transmission electron microscopy techniques such as (002) dark-field imaging, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) imaging, scanning transmission electron microscopy-high angle annular dark field (STEM-HAADF) imaging and selected area diffraction, are useful. A quantitative comparative study using these techniques is relevant for assessing the merits and limitations of the respective techniques. In this article, we have investigated strain and composition of the InxGa1 (-) As-x layer with the mentioned techniques and compared the results. The HRTEM images were investigated with strain state analysis. The indium content in this layer was quantified by HAADF imaging and correlated with STEM simulations. The studies showed that the InxGa1 (-) As-x channel layer was pseudomorphically grown leading to tetragonal strain along the 001] growth direction and that the average indium content (x) in the epilayer is similar to 0.12. We found consistency in the results obtained using various methods of analysis.


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Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic composites were fabricated through vacuum resin infusion technology by adopting two different processing conditions, viz., vacuum only in the first and vacuum plus external pressure in the next, in order to generate two levels of void-bearing samples. They were relatively graded as higher and lower void-bearing ones, respectively. Microscopy and C-scan techniques were utilized to describe the presence of voids arising from the two different processing parameters. Further, to determine the influence of voids on impact behavior, the fabricated +45 degrees/90 degrees/-45 degrees composite samples were subjected to low velocity impacts. The tests show impact properties like peak load and energy to peak load registering higher values for the lower void-bearing case where as the total energy, energy for propagation and ductility indexes were higher for the higher void-bearing ones. Fractographic analysis showed that higher void-bearing samples display lower number of separation of layers in the laminate. These and other results are described and discussed in this report.


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The problem of modelling the transient response of an elastic-perfectly-plastic cantilever beam, carrying an impulsively loaded tip mass, is,often referred to as the Parkes cantilever problem 25]; The permanent deformation of a cantilever struck transversely at its tip, Proc. R. Soc. A., 288, pp. 462). This paradigm for classical modelling of projectile impact on structures is re-visited and updated using the mesh-free method, smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). The purpose of this study is to investigate further the behaviour of cantilever beams subjected to projectile impact at its tip, by considering especially physically real effects such as plastic shearing close to the projectile, shear deformation, and the variation of the shear strain along the length and across the thickness of the beam. Finally, going beyond macroscopic structural plasticity, a strategy to incorporate physical discontinuity (due to crack formation) in SPH discretization is discussed and explored in the context of tip-severance of the cantilever beam. Consequently, the proposed scheme illustrates the potency for a more refined treatment of penetration mechanics, paramount in the exploration of structural response under ballistic loading. The objective is to contribute to formulating a computational modelling framework within which transient dynamic plasticity and even penetration/failure phenomena for a range of materials, structures and impact conditions can be explored ab initio, this being essential for arriving at suitable tools for the design of armour systems. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.