945 resultados para Biogenic particles
Inland waters are of global biogeochemical importance. They receive carbon inputs of ~ 4.8 Pg C/ y of which, 12 % is buried, 18 % transported to the oceans, and 70 % supports aquatic secondary production. However, the mechanisms that determine the fate of organic matter (OM) in these systems are poorly defined. One aspect of this is the formation of organo-mineral complexes in aquatic systems and their potential as a route for OM transport and burial vs. their use as carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) sources within aquatic systems. Organo-mineral particles form by sorption of dissolved OM to freshly eroded mineral surfaces and may contribute to ecosystem-scale particulate OM fluxes. We experimentally tested the availability of mineral-sorbed OM as a C & N source for streamwater microbial assemblages and streambed biofilms. Organo-mineral particles were constructed in vitro by sorption of 13C:15N-labelled amino acids to hydrated kaolin particles, and microbial degradation of these particles compared with equivalent doses of 13C:15N-labelled free amino acids. Experiments were conducted in 120 ml mesocosms over 7 days using biofilms and water sampled from the Oberer Seebach stream (Austria). Each incubation experienced a 16:8 light:dark regime, with metabolism monitored via changes in oxygen concentrations between photoperiods. The relative fate of the organo-mineral particles was quantified by tracing the mineralization of the 13C and 15N labels and their incorporation into microbial biomass. Here we present the initial results of 13C-label mineralization, incorporation and retention within dissolved organic carbon pool. The results indicate that 514 (± 219) μmol/ mmol of the 13:15N labeled free amino acids were mineralized over the 7-day incubations. By contrast, 186 (± 97) μmol/ mmol of the mineral-sorbed amino acids were mineralized over a similar period. Thus, organo-mineral complexation reduced amino acid mineralization by ~ 60 %, with no differences observed between the streamwater and biofilm assemblages. Throughout the incubations, biofilms were observed to leach dissolved organic carbon (DOC). However, within the streamwater assemblage the presence of both organo-mineral particles and kaolin particles was associated with significant DOC removal (-1.7 % and -7.5 % respectively). Consequently, the study demonstrates that mineral and organo-mineral particles can limit the availability of DOC in aquatic systems, providing nucleation sites for flocculation and fresh mineral surfaces, which facilitate OM-sorption. The formation of these organo-mineral particles subsequently restricts microbial OM degradation, potentially altering the transport and facilitating the burial of OM within streams.
In co-melt granulation, collisions occur between the particles to be agglomerated and the binder material. Depending on the stage of granulation, the binder material can be in the solid or liquid phase. The outcome of these collisions controls the dynamics of the granulation process and the fundamental physics of the impacts are of interest. This paper examines the impact of glass beads (model particles) and solid Poly Ethylene Glycol (PEG) flakes on a substrate of PEG as the temperature of the PEG layer is increased from below its melting point to above it. While the layer is in the solid state, the result of the impact can be quantified by the coefficient of restitution. When the layer is in the liquid state, the impact can be quantified by the immersion behaviour. The results obtained show that the coefficient of restitution between either glass beads and PEG flakes and the PEG layer is strongly affected by temperatures. As the PEG layer approaches its melting point, the coefficient of restitution falls to zero. Once the temperature of the PEG layer exceeds the melting point, the impact is characterised by a transient maximum indentation and then rebound to an equilibrium position. These too are strongly dependent on temperature.
A two-dimensional vertically integrated hydrodynamic model coupled to a particle tracking model is applied to study the dispersion processes and residence time in Ria de Aveiro lagoon (Portugal). The only dispersion process that is considered in this study is the advection, according to the main characteristics of the local hydrodynamic. The particle tracking model computes the particles position at each time step, using a fourth-order Runge-Kutta integration method. The dispersion of passive particles released along the lagoon and in critical areas are studied in this work. The residence time is also determined for the entire lagoon. The results show that the mixture between particles coming from different channels of the lagoon is negligible in a time scale higher than 2 tidal cycles. The residence time for the lagoon central area is about 2 days, revealing a strong marine influence in this area. At the upper reaches of the channels were found values higher than 2 weeks.
Um dos principais fatores que afetam negativamente a qualidade do ambiente em muitas cidades em todo o mundo é o material particulado (PM). A sua presença na atmosfera pode ter impactos negativos na saúde humana, clima, património edificado e ecossistemas. Muitos dos estudos realizados em áreas urbanas focam apenas as frações respiráveis (PM10 e PM2,5). No entanto, os processos de formação, a identificação das fontes emissoras e os efeitos dependem muito da distribuição granulométrica das partículas. A atenção tem recaído na análise de hidrocarbonetos poliaromáticos (PAHs), devida à sua carcinogenicidade e a informação disponível sobre outros compostos é escassa. O presente estudo consistiu na obtenção do PM distribuído por diferentes frações de tamanho e na análise detalhada da sua composição química, em dois locais urbanos da Península Ibérica (Madrid e Lisboa). Dado que os veículos representam uma das principais fontes emissoras em ambientes urbanos, efetuou-se uma caracterização mais detalhada deste tipo de emissões, conduzindo uma campanha de amostragem num túnel rodoviário (Marquês de Pombal, Lisboa). As amostragens, em ambas as cidades, decorreram durante um mês, quer no verão quer no inverno, em dois locais urbanos distintos, um junto a uma via com influência de tráfego e outro numa área urbana de fundo. No túnel a amostragem foi realizada apenas durante uma semana. Em Madrid e no túnel, o PM foi recolhido utilizando um amostrador de elevado volume com impactor em cascata com quatro tamanhos: 10-2,5, 2,5-0,95, 0,95-0,49 e < 0,49 μm. Em Lisboa, foi utilizado um impactor em cascata com apenas dois tamanhos, 10- 2,5 e < 2,5 μm. As amostras foram quimicamente analisadas e determinadas as concentrações de compostos carbonados (OC, EC e carbonatos), iões inorgânicos solúveis em água (Cl−, NO3−, SO42−, Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+),metais e compostos orgânicos. Em Madrid, as concentrações médias de PM10 foram 44 e 48% maiores nas amostras recolhidas junto à estrada do que as de fundo urbano no verão e inverno, respetivamente. A fração grosseira e o PM0,5 apresentaram concentrações mais elevadas no verão do que no inverno devido às condições climatéricas pouco usuais. No verão, as amostragens decorreram num mês em que as temperaturas foram muito elevadas e em que ocorreram vários episódios de intrusão de poeira africana. Durante o período de amostragem de inverno, as temperaturas foram muito baixas e registaram-se vários dias de precipitação quer sob a forma de chuva, quer sob a forma de neve. As situações meteorológicas sinóticas mais comuns, incluindo aquelas que causam o transporte de massas de ar com poeiras Africanas, foram identificadas em ambas as estações do ano. As concentrações mássicas de PM10, EC e OC foram encontrados predominantemente na fração de tamanho ultrafino em ambos os locais de amostragem e estações do ano. Nas restantes frações não se observou nenhuma tendência sazonal. O carbono orgânico secundário (SOC) mostrou um claro padrão sazonal, com concentrações muito mais elevadas no verão do que no inverno, em ambos os lugares. A partir do balanço mássico de iões, observou-se que, no verão, a formação de compostos inorgânicos secundários (SIC) conduziu a um enriquecimento pouco comum de Ca2+ na fração submicrométrica, quer nas amostras de tráfego, quer em fundo urbano. Os alcanos, PAHs, os álcoois e os ácidos foram as classes de compostos orgânicos identificados e quantificados no material particulado. Globalmente, representaram 0,26 e 0,11 μg m−3 no verão e inverno, respetivamente, no local de tráfego e 0,28 e 0,035 μg m−3 na área urbana de fundo. Os diferentes compostos orgânicos também apresentaram padrões sazonais, sugerindo fontes de emissão (e.g. escapes dos veículos e fontes biogénicas) ou processos de formação com contribuições variáveis ao longo do ano. As concentrações de benzoapireno equivalente foram menores que 1 ng m-3 e o risco carcinogénico estimado é baixo. No verão, os maiores enriquecimentos de metais ocorreram na fração submicrométrica, e no inverno na fração grosseira. No verão, os enriquecimentos foram ≥ 80% para o Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Sb e Co, no inverno, estes traçadores de emissões do tráfego foram menores, exceto para o Zn. Em Lisboa, a concentração média de PM10 foi de 48 μg m-3 no verão e de 44 μg m-3 no inverno, junto à estrada. Na área de fundo urbano, registaram-se níveis comparáveis nas duas estações (27 μg m-3 e 26 μg m-3). A média do rácio PM2,5/PM10 foi de 65% no verão e 44% no inverno na área de tráfego e 62% e 59% na área urbana de fundo. Estes resultados significam que o PM2,5 é um dos principais contaminantes que afetam a qualidade do ar no centro da cidade de Lisboa. A relação OC/EC, que reflete a composição das emissões de combustão dos veículos, variou entre 0,3 e 0,4 no interior do túnel. Os rácios de OC/EC mínimos obtidos junto às vias de tráfego em Madrid e em Lisboa encontram-se entre os do túnel e os registados em atmosferas urbanas de fundo, sugerindo que os valores mínimos habitualmente obtidos para este parâmetro em ambientes urbanos abertos sobrestimam as emissões diretas de OC pelo transporte rodoviário. Espera-se que os resultados deste trabalho contribuam para suprir, pelo menos em parte, as lacunas de informação quer sobre a composição de várias granulometrias de PM, quer sobre fontes e processos de formação em atmosferas urbanas. Como a exposição a poluentes do ar ultrapassa o controle dos indivíduos e exige ação das autoridades públicas a nível nacional, regional e até mesmo internacional, é importante propor medidas mitigadoras focadas nas principais fontes de emissão identificadas.
Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Tecnologia Farmacêutica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2015
Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445
The importance of hand hygiene in reducing the spread of pathogens has been long established and this has been highlighted recently in initiatives such as the NHS’s ‘clean your hands’ campaign. However, much of the focus on hand hygiene has concerned effective hand washing; there has been less emphasis on hand drying and its role in hygienic practices. This study aimed to compare three hand drying methods namely paper towels, a warm air dryer and a jet air dryer for their relative ability to disseminate virus particles into the washroom environment during hand drying. A bacteriophage model was used to compare these methods; hands were artificially contaminated with MS2 phage and dried using each device. Both air sampling and contact plates were assessed and a plaque assay was used to quantify virus dissemination. Samples were collected at set times, heights, angles and distances around each device. Both air sampling and contact plate results indicated that the jet air dryer produced significantly more virus dispersal than either paper towels or the warm air dryer in terms of quantity, distance travelled and the time spent circulating in the air around the device and potentially in the washroom environment.
The simultaneous presence of fungi and particles in horse stable environment can create a singular exposure condition because particles have been reported has a good carrier for microorganisms and their metabolites. This study intends to characterize this setting and to recognize fungi and particles occupational exposure.
This paper studies the dynamics of a system composed of a collection of particles that exhibit collisions between them. Several entropy measures and different impact conditions of the particles are tested. The results reveal a Power Law evolution both of the system energy and the entropy measures, typical in systems having fractional dynamics.
The present study aims to characterize ultrafine particles emitted during gas metal arc welding of mild steel and stainless steel, using different shielding gas mixtures, and to evaluate the effect of metal transfer modes, controlled by both processing parameters and shielding gas composition, on the quantity and morphology of the ultrafine particles. It was found that the amount of emitted ultrafine particles (measured by particle number and alveolar deposited surface area) are clearly dependent from the main welding parameters, namely the current intensity and the heat input of the Welding process. The emission of airborne ultrafine particles increases with the current intensity as fume formation rate does. When comparing the shielding gas mixtures, higher emissions were observed for more oxidizing mixtures, that is, with higher CO2 content, which means that these mixtures originate higher concentrations of ultrafine particles (as measured by number of particles. by cubic centimeter of air) and higher values of alveolar deposited surface area of particles, thus resulting in a more hazardous condition regarding welders exposure.
The present study is focused on the characterization of ultrafine particles emitted in welding of steel using mixtures of Ar+CO2, and intends to analyze which are the main process parameters which may have influence on the emission itself. It was found that the amount of emitted ultrafine particles (measured by particle number and alveolar deposited surface area) are clearly dependent from the distance to the welding front and also from the main welding parameters, namely the current intensity and heat input in the welding process. The emission of airborne ultrafine particles seem to increase with the current intensity as fume formation rate does. When comparing the tested gas mixtures, higher emissions are observed for more oxidant mixtures, that is, mixtures with higher CO2 content, which result in higher arc stability. The later mixtures originate higher concentrations of ultrafine particles (as measured by number of particles by cm3 of air) and higher values of alveolar deposited surface area of particles, thus resulting in a more hazardous condition regarding worker's exposure. © 2014 Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais (SPM). Published by Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.
Ball rotating micro-abrasion tribometers are commonly used to carry out wear tests on thin hard coatings. In these tests, different kinds of abrasives were used, as alumina (Al2O3), silicon carbide (SiC) or diamond. In each kind of abrasive, several particle sizes can be used. Some studies were developed in order to evaluate the influence of the abrasive particle shape in the micro-abrasion process. Nevertheless, the particle size was not well correlated with the material removed amount and wear mechanisms. In this work, slurry of SiC abrasive in distilled water was used, with three different particles size. Initial surface topography was accessed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Coating hardness measurements were performed with a micro-hardness tester. In order to evaluate the wear behaviour, a TiAlSiN thin hard film was used. The micro-abrasion tests were carried out with some different durations. The abrasive effect of the SiC particles was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) both in the films (hard material) as in the substrate (soft material), after coating perforation. Wear grooves and removed material rate were compared and discussed.
Due to their detrimental effects on human health, the scientific interest in ultrafine particles (UFP) has been increasing, but available information is far from comprehensive. Compared to the remaining population, the elderly are potentially highly susceptible to the effects of outdoor air pollution. Thus, this study aimed to (1) determine the levels of outdoor pollutants in an urban area with emphasis on UFP concentrations and (2) estimate the respective dose rates of exposure for elderly populations. UFP were continuously measured over 3 weeks at 3 sites in north Portugal: 2 urban (U1 and U2) and 1 rural used as reference (R1). Meteorological parameters and outdoor pollutants including particulate matter (PM10), ozone (O3), nitric oxide (NO), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) were also measured. The dose rates of inhalation exposure to UFP were estimated for three different elderly age categories: 64–70, 71–80, and >81 years. Over the sampling period levels of PM10, O3 and NO2 were in compliance with European legislation. Mean UFP were 1.7 × 104 and 1.2 × 104 particles/cm3 at U1 and U2, respectively, whereas at rural site levels were 20–70% lower (mean of 1 ×104 particles/cm3). Vehicular traffic and local emissions were the predominant identified sources of UFP at urban sites. In addition, results of correlation analysis showed that UFP were meteorologically dependent. Exposure dose rates were 1.2- to 1.4-fold higher at urban than reference sites with the highest levels noted for adults at 71–80 yr, attributed mainly to higher inhalation rates.
The aim of this work was to assess ultrafine particles (UFP) number concentrations in different microenvironments of Portuguese preschools and to estimate the respective exposure doses of UFP for 3–5-year-old children (in comparison with adults). UFP were sampled both indoors and outdoors in two urban (US1, US2) and one rural (RS1) preschool located in north of Portugal for 31 days. Total levels of indoor UFP were significantly higher at the urban preschools (mean of 1.82x104 and 1.32x104 particles/cm3 at US1 an US2, respectively) than at the rural one (1.15x104 particles/cm3). Canteens were the indoor microenvironment with the highest UFP (mean of 5.17x104, 3.28x104, and 4.09x104 particles/cm3 at US1, US2, and RS1), whereas the lowest concentrations were observed in classrooms (9.31x103, 11.3x103, and 7.14x103 particles/cm3 at US1, US2, and RS1). Mean indoor/outdoor ratios (I/O) of UFP at three preschools were lower than 1 (0.54–0.93), indicating that outdoor emissions significantly contributed to UFP indoors. Significant correlations were obtained between temperature, wind speed, relative humidity, solar radiation, and ambient UFP number concentrations. The estimated exposure doses were higher in children attending urban preschools; 3–5-year-old children were exposed to 4–6 times higher UFP doses than adults with similar daily schedules.