981 resultados para Biased Agonist
The crucial role of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin 1β (IL-1β) in driving inflammatory disorders, such as Muckle-Wells syndrome and gout, has been extensively characterised. Owing to its high potency to induce inflammation the activation and secretion of IL-1β is tightly regulated. The sensing of various host 'dangers', including infections and metabolic deregulation, results in the formation of large protein complexes, termed inflammasomes. Formation of the inflammasomes leads to the cleavage and activation of caspase-1, which in turn proteolytically processes its substrates, including pro-IL-1β. Biologically active IL-1β is subsequently secreted by the cell. In contrast to IL-1β, little is known about mechanisms underlying the activation and secretion of its close homologue IL-1α. Moreover, the physiological role of IL-1α is still not well defined. Several studies hypothesise that IL-1α serves as a danger signal, which is passively released from dying cells. However, recent studies suggest a more complex function of this cytokine. Indeed, NLRP3 inflammasome agonists such as uric acid crystal or nigericin induce IL-1α cleavage and secretion, leading to the cosecretion of both IL-1β and IL-1α. Depending on the type of NLRP3 agonist, release of IL-1α is NLRP3-inflammasome/caspase-1 dependent or independent, but in both cases IL-1α processing depends on calpain protease activity. Taken together, these results suggest that the promotion and progression of inflammatory diseases is not solely due to IL-1β but also to its close relative IL-1α. This should be considered when IL-1 blockade is applied as a therapeutic strategy for diseases such as cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes or gout.
Division of labor in social insects is determinant to their ecological success. Recent models emphasize that division of labor is an emergent property of the interactions among nestmates obeying to simple behavioral rules. However, the role of evolution in shaping these rules has been largely neglected. Here, we investigate a model that integrates the perspectives of self-organization and evolution. Our point of departure is the response threshold model, where we allow thresholds to evolve. We ask whether the thresholds will evolve to a state where division of labor emerges in a form that fits the needs of the colony. We find that division of labor can indeed evolve through the evolutionary branching of thresholds, leading to workers that differ in their tendency to take on a given task. However, the conditions under which division of labor evolves depend on the strength of selection on the two fitness components considered: amount of work performed and on worker distribution over tasks. When selection is strongest on the amount of work performed, division of labor evolves if switching tasks is costly. When selection is strongest on worker distribution, division of labor is less likely to evolve. Furthermore, we show that a biased distribution (like 3:1) of workers over tasks is not easily achievable by a threshold mechanism, even under strong selection. Contrary to expectation, multiple matings of colony foundresses impede the evolution of specialization. Overall, our model sheds light on the importance of considering the interaction between specific mechanisms and ecological requirements to better understand the evolutionary scenarios that lead to division of labor in complex systems. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00265-012-1343-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Investment of resources in immune defences, despite obvious short-term benefits, may be detrimental to long-term maintenance and thus decrease longevity in absence of parasites. In addition, females and males may differ in immune investment and intrinsic longevity because they are subjected to different degrees of sexual competition and extrinsic mortality. In order to test if sex-specific investment in mounting an immune response reduced longevity, we compared the longevity of captive male and female common voles Microtus arvalis regularly challenged with keyhole limpet haemocyanin, an antigen which elicits the production of antibodies, to the longevity of voles injected with the corresponding antigen-free buffer (phosphate-buffered saline). Injections were repeated every 28 days to mimic a chronic infection. The magnitude of immune response did not vary between males and females and did not affect longevity. Overall, females lived longer than males, independently of the immune challenge. Thus, the long-term costs of immunity seem small in voles. The longevity pattern is consistent with the prediction that male-biased predation or parasitism in the wild causes reduced intrinsic lifespan, but this reduction is not mediated by a decrease in male immunity
Background: The coagulation factor thrombin mediates ischemic neuronal deathand, at a low concentration, induces tolerance to ischemia.We investigated its modeof activation in ischemic neural tissue using an in vitro approach to distinguish therole of circulating coagulation factors from endogenous cerebral mechanisms. Wealso studied the signalling pathway downstream of thrombin in ischemia and afterthrombin preconditioning.Methods: Rat organotypic hippocampal slice cultures to 30 minute oxygen (5%)and glucose (1 mmol/L) deprivation (OGD).Results: Selective factor Xa (FXa) inhibition by fondaparinux during and afterOGD significantly reduced neuronal death in the CA1 after 48 hours. Thrombinactivity was increased in the medium 24 hours after OGD and this increasewas prevented by fondaparinux suggesting that FXa catalyzes the conversion ofprothrombin to thrombin in neural tissue after ischemia in vitro. Treatment withSCH79797, a selective antagonist of the thrombin receptor protease activatedreceptor-1 (PAR-1), significantly decreased neuronal cell death indicating thatthrombin signals ischemic damage via PAR-1. The JNK pathway plays an importantrole in cerebral ischemia and we observed activation of the JNK substrate,c-Jun in our model. Both the FXa inhibitor, fondaparinux and the PAR-1 antagonistSCH79797, decreased the level of phospho-c-Jun Ser73. After thrombin preconditioningc-Jun was activated by phosphorylation in the nuclei of neurons of the CA1.Treatment with a synthetic thrombin receptor agonist resulted in the same c-Junactivation profile and protection against subsequent OGD indicating that thrombinalso signals via PAR-1 and c-Jun in cell protection.Conclusion: These results indicate that FXa activates thrombin in cerebral ischemia,leading via PAR-1 to the activation of the JNK pathway resulting in neuronal death.Thrombin induced tolerance also involves PAR-1 and JNK, revealing commonfeatures in cell death and survival signalling.
OBJECTIVE: Accuracy studies of Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs) are critical but limited by the large samples required due to low occurrence of most events. We tested a sampling design based on test results (verification-biased sampling [VBS]) that minimizes the number of subjects to be verified. METHODS: We considered 3 real PSIs, whose rates were calculated using 3 years of discharge data from a university hospital and a hypothetical screen of very rare events. Sample size estimates, based on the expected sensitivity and precision, were compared across 4 study designs: random and VBS, with and without constraints on the size of the population to be screened. RESULTS: Over sensitivities ranging from 0.3 to 0.7 and PSI prevalence levels ranging from 0.02 to 0.2, the optimal VBS strategy makes it possible to reduce sample size by up to 60% in comparison with simple random sampling. For PSI prevalence levels below 1%, the minimal sample size required was still over 5000. CONCLUSIONS: Verification-biased sampling permits substantial savings in the required sample size for PSI validation studies. However, sample sizes still need to be very large for many of the rarer PSIs.
Phenotypic plasticity allows organisms to produce alternative phenotypes under different conditions and represents one of the most important ways by which organisms adaptively respond to the environment. However, the relationship between phenotypic plasticity and molecular evolution remains poorly understood. We addressed this issue by investigating the evolution of genes associated with phenotypically plastic castes, sexes, and developmental stages of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta. We first determined if genes associated with phenotypic plasticity in S. invicta evolved at a rapid rate, as predicted under theoretical models. We found that genes differentially expressed between S. invicta castes, sexes, and developmental stages all exhibited elevated rates of evolution compared with ubiquitously expressed genes. We next investigated the evolutionary history of genes associated with the production of castes. Surprisingly, we found that orthologs of caste-biased genes in S. invicta and the social bee Apis mellifera evolved rapidly in lineages without castes. Thus, in contrast to some theoretical predictions, our results suggest that rapid rates of molecular evolution may not arise primarily as a consequence of phenotypic plasticity. Instead, genes evolving under relaxed purifying selection may more readily adopt new forms of biased expression during the evolution of alternate phenotypes. These results suggest that relaxed selective constraint on protein-coding genes is an important and underappreciated element in the evolutionary origin of phenotypic plasticity.
The binding free energy for the interaction between serines 204 and 207 of the fifth transmembrane helix of the beta(2)-adrenergic receptor (beta(2)-AR) and catecholic hydroxyl (OH) groups of adrenergic agonists was analyzed using double mutant cycles. Binding affinities for catecholic and noncatecholic agonists were measured in wild-type and mutant receptors, carrying alanine replacement of the two serines (S204A, S207A beta(2)-AR), a constitutive activating mutation, or both. The free energy coupling between the losses of binding energy attributable to OH deletion from the ligand and from the receptor indicates a strong interaction (nonadditivity) as expected for a direct binding between the two sets of groups. However, we also measured a significant interaction between the deletion of OH groups from the receptor and the constitutive activating mutation. This suggests that a fraction of the decrease in agonist affinity caused by serine mutagenesis may involve a shift in the conformational equilibrium of the receptor toward the inactive state. Direct measurements using a transient transfection assay confirm this prediction. The constitutive activity of the (S204A, S207A) beta(2)-AR mutant is 50 to 60% lower than that of the wild-type beta(2)-AR. We conclude that S204 and S207 do not only provide a docking site for the agonist, but also control the equilibrium of the receptor between active (R*) and inactive (R) forms.
Amphetamine derivatives such as methamphetamine (METH) and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy) are drugs widely abused in a recreational context. This has led to concern because of the evidence that they are neurotoxic in animal models and cognitive impairments have been described in heavy abusers. The main targets of these drugs are plasmalemmal and vesicular monoamine transporters, leading to reverse transport and increased monoamine efflux to the synapse. As far as neurotoxicity is concerned, increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) production seems to be one of the main causes. Recent research has demonstrated that blockade of 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) inhibits METH- and MDMA-induced ROS production in striatal synaptosomes which is dependent on calcium and on NO-synthase activation. Moreover, 7 nAChR antagonists (methyllycaconitine and memantine) attenuated in vivo the neurotoxicity induced by METH and MDMA, and memantine prevented the cognitive impairment induced by these drugs. Radioligand binding experiments demonstrated that both drugs have affinity to 7 and heteromeric nAChR, with MDMA showing lower Ki values, while fluorescence calcium experiments indicated that MDMA behaves as a partial agonist on 7 and as an antagonist on heteromeric nAChR. Sustained Ca increase led to calpain and caspase-3 activation. In addition, modulatory effects of MDMA on 7 and heteromeric nAChR populations have been found.
BACKGROUND: Many clinical studies are ultimately not fully published in peer-reviewed journals. Underreporting of clinical research is wasteful and can result in biased estimates of treatment effect or harm, leading to recommendations that are inappropriate or even dangerous. METHODS: We assembled a cohort of clinical studies approved 2000-2002 by the Research Ethics Committee of the University of Freiburg, Germany. Published full articles were searched in electronic databases and investigators contacted. Data on study characteristics were extracted from protocols and corresponding publications. We characterized the cohort, quantified its publication outcome and compared protocols and publications for selected aspects. RESULTS: Of 917 approved studies, 807 were started and 110 were not, either locally or as a whole. Of the started studies, 576 (71%) were completed according to protocol, 128 (16%) discontinued and 42 (5%) are still ongoing; for 61 (8%) there was no information about their course. We identified 782 full publications corresponding to 419 of the 807 initiated studies; the publication proportion was 52% (95% CI: 0.48-0.55). Study design was not significantly associated with subsequent publication. Multicentre status, international collaboration, large sample size and commercial or non-commercial funding were positively associated with subsequent publication. Commercial funding was mentioned in 203 (48%) protocols and in 205 (49%) of the publications. In most published studies (339; 81%) this information corresponded between protocol and publication. Most studies were published in English (367; 88%); some in German (25; 6%) or both languages (27; 6%). The local investigators were listed as (co-)authors in the publications corresponding to 259 (62%) studies. CONCLUSION: Half of the clinical research conducted at a large German university medical centre remains unpublished; future research is built on an incomplete database. Research resources are likely wasted as neither health care professionals nor patients nor policy makers can use the results when making decisions.
Currently, there is an increased interest in γ-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) and its effects onsleep. This compound, sometimes referred to as 'rape drug', was recently approved as atreatment for the sleep disorder narcolepsy. Although several studies suggest that GHBinduces slow-wave sleep duration and improves sleep quality by increasing EEG slow-waveactivity, others question its ability to induce physiological sleep. GHB's mechanism of actionis still unclear, although in vivo and in vitro it seems to act at high doses as a low-affinityagonist of GABAB receptors. Furthermore, the role GABAB receptors play in sleep and theelectroencephalogram (EEG) is largely unknown.The aim of this project was therefore to investigate the effects of GHB on sleep and EEG, theinvolvement of GABAB receptors in mediating these effects, as well as the intrinsic role ofeach GABAB receptor subunit in the regulation of sleep. Thus, we administered GHB andbaclofen (BAC, a high-affinity agonist at GABAB receptor) to mice lacking the different GABABreceptor subunits and to healthy human volunteers.Our results, both in mice and humans, showed that GHB produced slow waves exclusivelythrough the stimulation of GABAB receptors, but did not induce physiological sleepnecessary to reduce sleep need and to increase cognitive performance. Unlike GHB, BACaffected the homeostatic regulation of sleep (sleep need) and induced a delayedhypersomnia. Finally, GABAB receptor and its subunits seem to play an important role insleep and in particular its circadian distribution.
PPARs (peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptors) alpha, beta/delta and gamma are a group of transcription factors that are involved in numerous processes, including lipid metabolism and adipogenesis. By comparing liver mRNAs of wild-type and PPARalpha-null mice using microarrays, a novel putative target gene of PPARalpha, G0S2 (G0/G1 switch gene 2), was identified. Hepatic expression of G0S2 was up-regulated by fasting and by the PPARalpha agonist Wy14643 in a PPARalpha-dependent manner. Surprisingly, the G0S2 mRNA level was highest in brown and white adipose tissue and was greatly up-regulated during mouse 3T3-L1 and human SGBS (Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome) adipogenesis. Transactivation, gel shift and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays indicated that G0S2 is a direct PPARgamma and probable PPARalpha target gene with a functional PPRE (PPAR-responsive element) in its promoter. Up-regulation of G0S2 mRNA seemed to be specific for adipogenesis, and was not observed during osteogenesis or myogenesis. In 3T3-L1 fibroblasts, expression of G0S2 was associated with growth arrest, which is required for 3T3-L1 adipogenesis. Together, these data indicate that G0S2 is a novel target gene of PPARs that may be involved in adipocyte differentiation.
It is important to characterise the amount of variation on the mammalian Y chromosome in order to assess its potential for use in evolutionary studies. We report very low levels of polymorphism on the Y chromosome of Saudi-Arabian hamadryas baboons, Papio hamadryas hamadryas. We found no segregating sites on the Y, despite sequence analysis of 3 kb noncontiguous intron sequence in 16 males with divergent autosomal microsatellite genotypes, and a further analysis of 1.1 kb intron sequence in 97 males from four populations by SSCP. In addition, we tested seven human-derived Y-linked microsatellites in baboons. Only four of these loci were male-specific and only one was polymorphic in our 97 male sample set. Polymorphism on the Y chromosome of Arabian hamadryas appears to be low compared to other primate species for which data are available (eg humans, chimpanzees and bonobos). Low effective population size (Ne) of paternal genes due to polygyny and female-biased adult sex ratio is a potential reason for low Y chromosome variation in this species. However, low Ne for the Y should be counterbalanced to some extent by the species' atypical pattern of male philopatry and female-biased dispersal. Allelic richness averaged over seven loci was not significantly different between an African and an Arabian population, suggesting that loss of variation during the colonisation of Arabia does not explain low Y variation. Finally, in the absence of nucleotide polymorphism, it is unclear to what extent selection could be responsible for low Y variation in this species.
1. (1-36)-NPY is a vasoconstrictor peptide widely distributed in sympathetic nerve terminals. This peptide exerts an inhibitory action on renin release induced by various stimuli. Post-synaptic neuropeptide Y (NPY) receptors show a high affinity for (1-36)-NPY as well as for the agonist (Pro34)-NPY, while presynaptic receptors bind preferentially (13-36)-NPY. 2. This study was undertaken to assess whether the NPY induced renin suppression in awake normotensive rats infused with the beta-adrenoceptor stimulant isoproterenol is mediated by activation of pre- or post-synaptic receptors. 3. Non-pressor doses of (1-36)-NPY and (Pro34)-NPY markedly attenuated the renin secretion triggered by isoproterenol whereas (13-36)-NPY had no effect. This suggests that the effect of NPY on renin release is due to the stimulation of post-synaptic receptors. However it remains unknown whether NPY acts directly on juxtaglomerular cells or indirectly by modifying intraglomerular haemodynamics.
Synaptosomal-associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25) is thought to play a key role in vesicle exocytosis and in the control of transmitter release. However, the precise mechanisms of action as well as the regulation of SNAP-25 remain unclear. Here we show by immunoprecipitation that activation of protein kinase C (PKC) by phorbol esters results in an increase in SNAP-25 phosphorylation. In addition, immunochemical analysis of two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gels shows that SNAP-25 focuses as three or four distinct spots in the expected range of molecular weight and isoelectric point. Changing the phosphorylation level of the protein by incubating the slices in the presence of either a PKC agonist (phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate) or antagonist (chelerythrine) modified the distribution of SNAP-25 among these spots. Phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate increased the intensity of the spots with higher molecular weight and lower isoelectric point, whereas chelerythrine produced the opposite effect. This effect was specific for regulators of PKC, as agonists of other kinases did not produce similar changes. Induction of long-term potentiation, a property involved in learning mechanisms, and production of seizures with a GABA(A) receptor antagonist also increased the intensity of the spots with higher molecular weight and lower isoelectric point. This effect was prevented by the PKC inhibitor chelerythrine. We conclude that SNAP-25 can be phosphorylated in situ by PKC in an activity-dependent manner.
Rare earth elements (REE), while not essential for the physiologic functions of animals, are ingested and incorporated in ppb concentrations in bones and teeth. Nd isotope compositions of modern bones of animals from isotopically distinct habitats demonstrate that the (143)Nd/(144)Nd of the apatite can be used as a fingerprint for bedrock geology or ambient water mass. This potentially allows the provenance and migration of extant vertebrates to be traced, similar to the use of Sr isotopes. Although REE may be enriched by up to 5 orders of magnitude during diagenesis and recrystallization of bone apatite, in vivo (143)Nd/(144)Nd may be preserved in the inner cortex of fossil bones or enamel. However, tracking the provenance of ancient or extinct vertebrates is possible only for well-preserved archeological and paleontological skeletal remains with in vivo-like Nd contents at the ppb-level. Intra-bone and -tooth REE analysis can be used to screen for appropriate areas. Large intra-bone Nd concentration gradients of 10(1)-10(3) are often measured. Nd concentrations in the inner bone cortex increase over timescales of millions of years, while bone rims may be enriched over millenial timescales. Nevertheless, epsilon(Nd) values are often similar within one epsilon(Nd) unit within a single bone. Larger intra-bone differences in specimens may either reflect a partial preservation of in vivo values or changing epsilon(Nd) values of the diagenetic fluid during fossilization. However, most fossil specimens and the outer rims of bones will record taphonomic (143)Nd/(144)Nd incorporated post mortem during diagenesis. Unlike REE patterns, (143)Nd/(144)Nd are not biased by fractionation processes during REE-uptake into the apatite crystal lattice, hence the epsilon(Nd) value is an important tracer for taphonomy and reworking. Bones and teeth from autochthonous fossil assemblages have small variations of +/- 1 epsilon(Nd) unit only. In contrast, fossil bones and teeth from over 20 different marine and terrestrial fossil sites have a total range of epsilon(Nd) values from -13.0 to 4.9 (n = 80), often matching the composition of the embedding sediment. This implies that the surrounding sediment is the source of Nd in the fossil bones and that the specimens of this study seem not to have been reworked. Differences in epsilon(Nd) values between skeletal remains and embedding sediment may either indicate reworking of fossils and/or a REE-uptake from a diagenetic fluid with non-sediment derived epsilon(Nd) values. The latter often applies to fossil shark teeth, which may preserve paleo-seawater values. Complementary to epsilon(Nd) values, (87)Sr/(86)Sr can help to further constrain the fossil provenance and reworking. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.