965 resultados para B-CELL EPITOPES


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Antibodies (Abs) to autoantigens and foreign antigens (Ags) mediate, respectively, various pathogenic and beneficial effects. Abs express enzyme-like nucleophiles that react covalently with electrophiles. A subpopulation of nucleophilic Abs expresses proteolytic activity, which can inactivate the Ag permanently. This thesis shows how the nucleophilicity can be exploited to inhibit harmful Abs or potentially protect against a virus. ^ Inactivation of pathogenic Abs from Hemophilia A (HA) patients by means of nucleophile-electrophile pairing was studied. Deficient factor VIII (FVIII) in HA subjects impairs blood coagulation. FVIII replacement therapy fails in 20-30% of HA patients due to production of anti-FVIII Abs. FVIII analogs containing electrophilic phosphonate group (E-FVIII and E-C2) were hypothesized to inactivate the Abs by reacting specifically and covalently with nucleophilic sites. Anti-FVIII IgGs from HA patients formed immune complexes with E-FVIII and E-C2 that remained irreversibly associated under conditions that disrupt noncovalent Ab-Ag complexes. The reaction induced irreversible loss of Ab anti-coagulant activity. E-FVIII alone displayed limited interference with coagulation. E-FVIII is a prototype reagent suitable for further development as a selective inactivator of pathogenic anti-FVIII Abs. ^ The beneficial function of Abs to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) was analyzed. HIV-1 eludes the immune system by rapidly changing its coat protein structure. IgAs from noninfected subjects hydrolyzed gp120 and neutralized HIV-1 with modest potency by recognizing the gp120 421-433 epitope, a conserved B cell superantigenic region that is also essential for HIV-1 attachment to host cell CD4 receptors. An adaptive immune response to superantigens is generally prohibited due to their ability to downregulate B cells. IgAs from subjects with prolonged HIV-1 infection displayed improved catalytic hydrolysis of gp120 and exceptionally potent and broad neutralization of diverse CCR5-dependent primary HIV isolates attributable to recognition of the 421-433 epitope. This indicates that slow immunological bypass of the superantigenic character of gp120 is possible, opening the path to effective HIV vaccination. ^ My research reveals a novel route to inactivate pathogenic nucleophilic Abs using electrophilic antigens. Conversely, naturally occurring nucleophilic Abs may help impede HIV infection, and the Abs could be developed for passive immunotherapy of HIV infected subjects. ^


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Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) selectively express TLR7 which allows them to respond to RNA viruses and TLR9 which allows them to respond to DNA viruses and CpG oligonucleotides. Upon exposure to virus pDCs produce vast amounts of type I interferon (IFN) directly inhibiting viral replication and contributing to the activation of other immune cells. The ability of pDCs to promote B and T cell differentiation through type I IFN has been well documented although the role of additional factors including tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family members has not been thoroughly addressed. Here the expression of selected TNF family members in pDCs was examined and the role of TNF receptor-ligand interactions in the regulation of B and T lymphocyte growth and differentiation by pDCs was investigated. Upon stimulation with CpG-B, pDCs exhibit strong and stable expression of CD70, a TNF family ligand that binds to its receptor CD27 on memory B cells and promotes plasma cell differentiation and Ig secretion. Using an in vitro pDC/B cell co-culture system, it was determined that CpG-B-stimulated pDCs induce the proliferation of CD40L-activated human peripheral B cells and Ig secretion. This occurs independently of IFN and residual CpG, and requires physical contact between pDCs and B cells. CpG-stimulated pDCs induce the proliferation of both naive and memory B cells although Ig secretion is restricted to the memory subset. Blocking the interaction of CD70 with CD27 using an antagonist anti-CD70 antibody reduces the induction of B cell proliferation and IgG secretion by CpG-B-stimulated pDCs. Published studies have also indicated an important role for CD70 in promoting the expansion of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and the development of effector function. CpG-B-stimulated pDCs induce naïve CD4+ T cell proliferation and production of multiple cytokines including IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-10, IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13. Blocking the function of CD70 with an antagonist anti-CD70 antibody significantly reduced the induction of naïve CD4+ T cell proliferation by CpG-B-stimulated pDCs and the production of IL-4 and IL-13. Collectively these data indicate an important role for CD70 in the regulation of B and T lymphocyte growth and differentiation by pDCs. ^


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The inability to maintain genomic stability and control proliferation are hallmarks of many cancers, which become exacerbated in the presence of unrepaired DNA damage. Such genotoxic stresses trigger the p53 tumor suppressor network to activate transient cell cycle arrest allowing for DNA repair; if the damage is excessive or irreparable, apoptosis or cellular senescence is triggered. One of the major DNA repair pathway that mends DNA double strand breaks is non-homologous end joining (NHEJ). Abrogating the NHEJ pathway leads to an accumulation of DNA damage in the lymphoid system that triggers p53-mediated apoptosis; complete deletion of p53 in this system leads to aggressive lymphomagenesis. Therefore, to study the effect of p53-dependent cell cycle arrest, we utilized a hypomorphic, separation-of-function mutant, p53p/p, which completely abrogates apoptosis yet retains partial cell cycle arrest ability. We crossed DNA ligase IV deficiency, a downstream ligase crucial in mending breaks during NHEJ, into the p53p/p background (Lig4-/-p53p/p). The accumulation of DNA damage activated the p53/p21 axis to trigger cellular senescence in developing lymphoid cells, which absolutely suppressed tumorigenesis. Interestingly, these mice progressively succumb to severe diabetes. Mechanistic analysis revealed that spontaneous DNA damage accumulated in the pancreatic b-cells, a unique subset of endocrine cells solely responsible for insulin production to regulate glucose homeostasis. The genesis of adult b-cells predominantly occurs through self-replication, therefore modulating cellular proliferation is an essential component for renewal. The progressive accumulation of DNA damage, caused by Lig4-/-, activated p53/p21-dependent cellular senescence in mutant pancreatic b-cells that lead to islet involution. Insulin levels subsequently decreased, deregulating glucose homeostasis driving overt diabetes. Our Lig4-/-p53p/p model aptly depicts the dichotomous role of cellular senescence—in the lymphoid system prevents tumorigenesis yet in the endocrine system leads to the decrease of insulin-producing cells causing diabetes. To further delineate the function of NHEJ in pancreatic b-cells, we analyzed mice deficient in another component of the NHEJ pathway, Ku70. Although most notable for its role in DNA damage recognition and repair within the NHEJ pathway, Ku70 has NHEJ-independent functions in telomere maintenance, apoptosis, and transcriptional regulation/repression. To our surprise, Ku70-/-p53p/p mutant mice displayed a stark increase in b-cell proliferation, resulting in islet expansion, heightened insulin levels and hypoglycemia. Augmented b-cell proliferation was accompanied with the stabilization of the canonical Wnt pathway, responsible for this phenotype. Interestingly, the progressive onset of cellular senescence prevented islet tumorigenesis. This study highlights Ku70 as an important modulator in not only maintaining genomic stability through NHEJ-dependent functions, but also reveals a novel NHEJ-independent function through regulation of pancreatic b-cell proliferation. Taken in aggregate, these studies underscore the importance for NHEJ to maintain genomic stability in b-cells as well as introduces a novel regulator for pancreatic b-cell proliferation.


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HUMAN ENDOGENOUS RETROVIRUS K AS A NOVEL TUMOR-ASSOCIATED ANTIGEN FOR DEVELOPMENT OF AN OVARIAN CANCER VACCINE Publication No.________Kiera Rycaj, B.S.Supervisory Professor: Feng Wang-Johanning, Ph.D., M.D. Ovarian cancer (OC) is the fourth most common cancer in women, and the most lethal gynecologic malignancy in the United States. Adequate screening methodologies are currently lacking and most women first present with either stage III or IV disease. To date, there has been no substantial decrease in death rates and the majorities of patients relapse and die from their disease despite response to first-line therapy. Several proteins, such as CA-125, are elevated in OC, but none has proven specific and sensitive enough to serve as a screening tool or for tumor cell recognition and lysis. It has been proposed that human endogenous retrovirus sequences (HERVs) may play a role in the etiology of certain cancers. In a previous study, we showed that HERV-K envelope (env) proteins are widely expressed in human invasive breast cancer (BC) and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), and elicit both serologic and cell-mediated immune responses in BC patients. We also reported the expression of multiple HERV genes and proteins in OC cell lines and tissues. In this study, we strengthened our previous data by determining that HERV-K env mRNAs are expressed in 69% of primary OC tissues (n=29), but in only 24% of benign tissues (N=17). Immmunohistochemistry (IHC) staining revealed HERV-Kpositivecancer cells detected in endometrioid adenocarcinoma and serous adenocarcinoma but not in benign cyst or normal epithelium biopsies. Immunofluorescence staining (IFS) showed greater cell surface expression of HERV-K in OC samples compared to adjacent uninvolved samples. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) data confirmed that a humoral immune response is elicited against HERV-K in OC patients. T-cell responses against HERV-K in lymphocytes from OC patients stimulated with autologous HERV-K pulsed dendritic cells included induction of T-cell proliferation and IFN-γ production. HERV-K–specific cytolytic T cells induced greater specific lysis of OC target cells compared to benign and adjacent uninvolved target cells. Finally, upon T regulatory cell (T-reg) depletion, 64% of OC patients displayed an increase in the specific lysis of target cells expressing HERV-K env protein. These findings suggest that HERV-K env protein is a tumor-associated antigen capable of activating both T-cell and B-cell responses in OC patients, and has great potential in the development of immunotherapy regimens against OC.


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Elevated expression levels of the bcl-2 proto-oncogene have been correlated with the appearance of androgen independence in prostate cancer. Although bcl-2 was first cloned as the t (14:18) translocation breakpoint from human follicular B cell lymphoma, the mechanism of overexpression of bcl-2 is largely undefined for advanced prostate cancer, there being no gross alterations in the gene structure. We investigated the role of the product of the prostate apoptosis response gene-4 (Par-4) and the product of the Wilms' tumor 1 gene (WT1) in the regulation of Bcl-2 expression in prostate cancer cell lines. We observed growth arrest and apoptosis, upon decreasing Bcl-2 protein and transcript in the high Bcl-2 expressing, androgen-independent prostate cancer cell lines, by all trans-retinoic acid treatment but this did not occur in the androgen-dependent cell lines expressing low levels of Bcl-2. Changes in localization of Par-4, and an induction in the expression of WT1 protein accompanied the decrease in the Bcl-2 protein and transcript following all trans-retinoic acid treatment, in the androgen-independent prostate cancer cell line. In stable clones expressing ectopic Par-4 we observed decreased Bcl-2 protein and transcript. This was accompanied by an induction in WT1 expression. Finally, we detected Par-4 and WT1 proteins binding to a previously identified WT1 binding site on the bcl-2 promoter both in vitro and in vivo leading to a decrease in transcription from the bcl-2 promoter. We conclude that Par-4 regulates Bcl-2 through a WT1 binding site on the bcl-2 promoter. ^


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The coastal upwelling system off the coast of Peru is characterized by high biological activity and a pronounced subsurface oxygen minimum zone, as well as associated emissions of atmospheric trace gases such as N2O, CH4 and CO2. From 3 to 23 December 2012, R/V Meteor (M91) cruise took place in the Peruvian upwelling system between 4.59 and 15.4°S, and 82.0 to 77.5°W. During M91 we investigated the composition of the sea-surface microlayer (SML), the oceanic uppermost boundary directly subject to high solar radiation, often enriched in specific organic compounds of biological origin like chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and marine gels. In the SML, the continuous photochemical and microbial recycling of organic matter may strongly influence gas exchange between marine systems and the atmosphere. We analyzed SML and underlying water (ULW) samples at 38 stations focusing on CDOM spectral characteristics as indicator of photochemical and microbial alteration processes. CDOM composition was characterized by spectral slope (S) values and excitation-emission matrix fluorescence (EEMs), which allow us to track changes in molecular weight (MW) of DOM, and to determine potential DOM sources and sinks. Spectral slope S varied between 0.012 to 0.043 1 nm-1 and was quite similar between SML and ULW, with no significant differences between the two compartments. Higher S values were observed in the ULW of the southern stations below 15°S. By EEMs, we identified five fluorescent components (F1-5) of the CDOM pool, of which two had excitation/emission characteristics of amino-acid-like fluorophores (F1, F4) and were highly enriched in the SML, with a median ratio SML : ULW of 1.5 for both fluorophores. In the study region, values for CDOM absorption ranged from 0.07 to 1.47 m-1. CDOM was generally highly concentrated in the SML, with a median enrichment with respect to the ULW of 1.2. CDOM composition and changes in spectral slope properties suggested a local microbial release of DOM directly in the SML as a response to light exposure in this extreme environment. In a conceptual model of the sources and modifications of optically active DOM in the SML and underlying seawater (ULW), we describe processes we think may take place (Fig. 1); the production of CDOM of higher MW by microbial release through growth, exudation and lysis in the euphotic zone, includes the identified fluorophores (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5). Specific amino-acid-like fluorophores (F1, F4) accumulate in the SML with respect to the ULW, as photochemistry may enhance microbial CDOM release by (a) photoprotection mechanisms and (b) cell-lysis processes. Microbial and photochemical degradation are potential sinks of the amino-acid-like fluorophores (F1, F4), and potential sources of reworked and more refractory humic-like components (F2, F3, F5). In the highly productive upwelling region along the Peruvian coast, the interplay of microbial and photochemical processes controls the enrichment of amino-acid-like CDOM in the SML. We discuss potential implications for air-sea gas exchange in this area.


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Nowadays, treatment of food allergy only considered the avoidance of the specific food. However, the possibility of cross-reactivity makes this practice not very effective. Immunotherapy may exhibit as a good alternative to food allergy treatment. The use of hypoallergenic molecules with reduced IgE binding capacity but with ability to stimulate the immune system is a promising tool which could be developed for immunotherapy. In this study, three mutants of Pru p 3, the principal allergen of peach, were produced based on the described mimotope and T cell epitopes, by changing the specific residues to alanine, named as Pru p 3.01, Pru p 3.02, and Pru p 3.03. Pru p 3.01 showed very similar allergenic activity as the wild type by in vitro assays. However, Pru p 3.02 and Pru p 3.03 presented reduced IgE binding with respect to the native form, by in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo assays. In addition, Pru p 3.03 had affected the IgG4 binding capacity and presented a random circular dichroism, which was reflected in the nonrecognition by specific antibodies anti-Pru p 3. Nevertheless, both Pru p 3.02 and Pru p 3.03 maintained the binding to IgG1 and their ability to activate T lymphocytes. Thus, Pru p 3.02 and Pru p 3.03 could be good candidates for potential immunotherapy in peach-allergic patients.


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The ST6Gal sialyltransferase controls production of the Siaα2-6Galβ1-4GlcNAc (Sia6LacNAc) trisaccharide, which is the ligand for the lectin CD22. Binding of CD22 to Sia6LacNAc is implicated in regulating lymphocyte adhesion and activation. We have investigated mice that lack ST6Gal and report that they are viable, yet exhibit hallmarks of severe immunosuppression unlike CD22-deficient mice. Notably, Sia6LacNAc-deficient mice display reduced serum IgM levels, impaired B cell proliferation in response to IgM and CD40 crosslinking, and attenuated antibody production to T-independent and T-dependent antigens. Deficiency of ST6Gal was further found to alter phosphotyrosine accumulation during signal transduction from the B lymphocyte antigen receptor. These studies reveal that the ST6Gal sialyltransferase and corresponding production of the Sia6LacNAc oligosaccharide are essential in promoting B lymphocyte activation and immune function.


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The intracellular signals governing cellular proliferation and developmental progression during lymphocyte development are incompletely understood. The tyrosine kinase Blk is expressed preferentially in the B lineage, but its function in B cell development has been largely unexplored. We have generated transgenic mice expressing constitutively active Blk [Blk(Y495F)] in the B and T lymphoid compartments. Expression of Blk(Y495F) in the B lineage at levels similar to that of endogenous Blk induced B lymphoid tumors of limited clonality, whose phenotypes are characteristic of B cell progenitors at the proB/preB-I to preB-II transition. Expression of constitutively active Blk in the T lineage resulted in the appearance of clonal, thymic lymphomas composed of intermediate single positive cells. Taken together, these results indicate that specific B and T cell progenitor subsets are preferentially susceptible to transformation by Blk(Y495F) and suggest a role for Blk in the control of proliferation during B cell development.


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The NOD (nonobese diabetic) mouse has been studied as an animal model for autoimmune insulin-dependent diabetes and Sjögren’s syndrome. NOD.Igμnull mice, which lack functional B lymphocytes, develop progressive histopathologic lesions of the submandibular and lachrymal glands similar to NOD mice, but in the absence of autoimmune insulitis and diabetes. Despite the focal appearance of T cells in salivary and lachrymal tissues, NOD.Igμnull mice fail to lose secretory function as determined by stimulation of the muscarinic/cholinergic receptor by the agonist pilocarpine, suggesting a role for B cell autoantibodies in mediating exocrine dryness. Infusion of purified serum IgG or F(ab′)2 fragments from parental NOD mice or human primary Sjögren’s syndrome patients, but not serum IgG from healthy controls, alters stimulated saliva production, an observation consistent with antibody binding to neural receptors. Furthermore, human patient IgG fractions competitively inhibited the binding of the muscarinic receptor agonist, [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate, to salivary gland membranes. This autoantibody activity is lost after preadsorption with intact salivary cells. These findings indicate that autoantibodies play an important part in the functional impairment of secretory processes seen in connection with the autoimmune exocrinopathy of Sjögren’s syndrome.


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A cDNA from adult female Onchocerca volvulus encoding the C-terminal portion of a tropomyosin isoform (termed MOv-14) has been shown previously to confer protective immunity in rodent models of onchocerciasis. The full-length sequence (designated Ov-tmy-1) obtained by PCR amplification, codes for a protein of 33 kDa and shares 91% identity with tropomyosins from other nematodes, falling to 57% identity with human α-tropomyosin. Ov-TMY-1 migrates with an apparent molecular mass of 42 kDa on SDS/PAGE and is present in all life-cycle stages, as determined by immunoblotting. Immunogold electron microscopy identified antigenic sites within muscle blocks and the cuticle of microfilariae and infective larvae. Anti-MOv14 antibodies were abundant in mice exhibiting serum-transferable protection against microfilariae conferred by vaccination with a PBS-soluble parasite extract. In contrast, little or no MOv14-specific antibody was present in mice inoculated with live microfilariae, in which resistance is mediated by antibody-independent mechanisms. In human infections, there was an inverse correlation between anti-tropomyosin IgG levels and densities of microfilariae in the skin. Seropositivity varied with the relative endemicity of infection. An immunodominant B cell epitope within Ov-TMY-1 (AQLLAEEADRKYD) was mapped to the N terminus of the MOv14 protein by using sera from protectively vaccinated mice. Intriguingly, the sequence coincides with an IgE-binding epitope within shrimp tropomyosin, believed to be responsible for hypersensitivity in individuals exhibiting allergy to shellfish. IgG and IgE antibodies reacting with the O. volvulus epitope were detected in human infections. It is concluded that antibody responses to tropomyosin may be important in limiting microfilarial densities in a proportion of individuals with onchocerciasis and have the potential to mediate hypersensitivity reactions to dead microfilariae, raising the possibility of a link with the immunopathology of infection.


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The complement system represents a cascade of serum proteins, which provide a major effector function in innate immunity. Recent studies have revealed that complement links innate and adaptive immunity via complement receptors CD21/CD35 in that it enhances the B cell memory response to noninfectious protein antigens introduced i.v. To examine the importance of complement for immune responses to virus infection in a peripheral tissue, we compared the B cell memory response of mice deficient in complement C3, C4, or CD21/CD35 with wild-type controls. We found that the deficient mice failed to generate a normal memory response, which is characterized by a reduction in IgG antibody and germinal centers. Thus, complement is important not only in the effector function of innate immunity but also in the stimulation of memory B cell responses to viral-infected cell antigens in both blood and peripheral tissues.


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Selective inhibition of T cell costimulation using the B7-specific fusion protein CTLA4-Ig has been shown to induce long-term allograft survival in rodents. Antibodies preventing the interaction between CD40 and its T cell-based ligand CD154 (CD40L) have been shown in rodents to act synergistically with CTLA4-Ig. It has thus been hypothesized that these agents might be capable of inducing long-term acceptance of allografted tissues in primates. To test this hypothesis in a relevant preclinical model, CTLA4-Ig and the CD40L-specific monoclonal antibody 5C8 were tested in rhesus monkeys. Both agents effectively inhibited rhesus mixed lymphocyte reactions, but the combination was 100 times more effective than either drug alone. Renal allografts were transplanted into nephectomized rhesus monkeys shown to be disparate at major histocompatibility complex class I and class II loci. Control animals rejected in 5–8 days. Brief induction doses of CTLA4-Ig or 5C8 alone significantly prolonged rejection-free survival (20–98 days). Two of four animals treated with both agents experienced extended (>150 days) rejection-free allograft survival. Two animals treated with 5C8 alone and one animal treated with both 5C8 and CTLA4-Ig experienced late, biopsy-proven rejection, but a repeat course of their induction regimen successfully restored normal graft function. Neither drug affected peripheral T cell or B cell counts. There were no clinically evident side effects or rejections during treatment. We conclude that CTLA4-Ig and 5C8 can both prevent and reverse acute allograft rejection, significantly prolonging the survival of major histocompatibility complex-mismatched renal allografts in primates without the need for chronic immunosuppression.


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The tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family cytokines lymphotoxin (LT) α and LTβ form heterotrimers that are expressed on the surface of activated lymphocytes and natural killer cells; LTα homotrimers can be secreted as well. Mice with a disrupted LTα gene lack lymph nodes (LN), Peyer’s patches (PP), and follicular dendritic cell (FDC) networks and reveal profound defects of the splenic architecture. However, it is unclear which of these abnormalities is the result of the absence in LTα homotrimers or LTαβ heterotrimers. To distinguish between these two possibilities, a mouse strain deficient in LTβ was created employing Cre/loxP-mediated gene targeting. Mice deficient in LTβ reveal severe defects in organogenesis of the lymphoid system similar to those of LTα−/− mice, except that mesenteric and cervical LN are present in most LTβ-deficient mice. Both LTβ- and LTα-deficient mice show significant lymphocytosis in the circulation and peritoneal cavity and lymphocytic infiltrations in lungs and liver. After immunization, PNA-positive B cell clusters were detected in the splenic white pulp of LTβ-deficient mice, but FDC networks were severely underdeveloped. Collectively, these results indicate that LTα can signal independently from LTβ in the formation of PNA-positive foci in the spleen, and especially in the development of mesenteric and cervical LN.


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Human hematopoiesis originates in a population of stem cells with transplantable lympho-myeloid reconstituting potential, but a method for quantitating such cells has not been available. We now describe a simple assay that meets this need. It is based on the ability of sublethally irradiated immunodeficient nonobese diabetic–scid/scid (NOD/SCID) mice to be engrafted by intravenously injected human hematopoietic cells and uses limiting dilution analysis to measure the frequency of human cells that produce both CD34−CD19+ (B-lymphoid) and CD34+ (myeloid) colony-forming cell progeny in the marrow of such recipients 6 to 8 weeks post-transplant. Human cord blood (CB) contains ≈5 of these competitive repopulating units (CRU) per ml that have a similar distribution between the CD38− and CD38+ subsets of CD34+ CB cells as long-term culture-initiating cells (LTC-IC) (4:1 vs. 2:1). Incubation of purified CD34+CD38− human CB cells in serum-free medium containing flt-3 ligand, Steel factor, interleukin 3, interleukin 6, and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor for 5–8 days resulted in a 100-fold expansion of colony-forming cells, a 4-fold expansion of LTC-IC, and a 2-fold (but significant, P < 0.02) increase in CRU. The culture-derived CRU, like the original CB CRU, generated pluripotent, erythroid, granulopoietic, megakaryopoietic, and pre-B cell progeny upon transplantation into NOD/SCID mice. These findings demonstrate an equivalent phenotypic heterogeneity amongst human CB cells detectable as CRU and LTC-IC. In addition, their similarly modest response to stimulation by a combination of cytokines that extensively amplify LTC-IC from normal adult marrow underscores the importance of ontogeny-dependent changes in human hematopoietic stem cell proliferation and self-renewal.