961 resultados para Atmospheric plasma treatments
Timber material repair and replacement cost for timber bridges is a considerable expense to highway agencies in Iowa, especially to county road departments. To address these needs, the objectives of this investigation was to study the field effectiveness of various treatment alternatives used on Iowa roadway projects and to determine if the current specifications and testing are adequate for providing proper wood preservation. To satisfy the research needs, the project scope involved a literature review, identification of metrics, questionnaire survey of Iowa counties, onsite inspections, and a review of current specifications and testing procedures. Based on the preservative information obtained, the following general conclusions were made: Copper naphthenate is recommended as the plant-applied preservative treatment for timber bridges. Best Management Practices should be followed to ensure quality treatment of timber materials. Bridge maintenance programs need to be developed and implemented. The Iowa Department of Transportation specifications for preservative treatment are the regulating specification for bridges constructed with state or federal funding in Iowa and are also recommended for all other bridges.
Roadside cross-drainage culverts have been found to impact vehicle accident injury levels. Designers have commonly used three safety treatments to protect errant drivers from culvert accidents. These treatments have included: culvert extension, guardrail installation and grating. In order to define which safety treatment is the most appropriate, benefit-cost analysis has used accident cost reduction to estimate societal gains earned by using any safety treatment. The purpose of this study was to estimate accident costs for a wide range of roadway and roadside characteristics so that designers can calculate benefit/cost ratios for culvert safety treatment options under any particular scenario. This study began with conducting a parametric study in order to find variables which have significant impact on accident cost changes. The study proceeded with highway scenario modeling which included scenarios with different values for combinations of roadway and roadside variables. These variables were chosen based upon findings from the parametric study and their values were assigned based upon highway classification. This study shows that the use of different culvert safety treatments should be flexible to roadway and roadside characteristics. It also shows that culvert extension and grating were the safety treatments found to produce the lowest accident costs for all highway scenarios modeled. Therefore, it is believed that the expanded adoption of culvert extension and culvert grates can improve overall highway safety.
Pentobarbital-anaesthetized male Wistar rats were infused with 6microgkg-1min-1 of noradrenaline. The infusion was supplemented with 8.5 mgkg-1min-1 of D-3-hydroxybutyrate (3-OHB) for 15 min in order to determine its effect on the adrenergic response of the rat. Plasma levels of noradrenaline rose to a plateau of approximately 50 nmoll-1 with infusion. In the group infused with noradrenaline alone, noradrenaline levels were maintained for 1h. Supplementation with 3-OHB induced a decrease in plasma noradrenaline level that was inversely correlated with 3-OHB level. Aortic and interscapular brown adipose tissue temperatures increased with noradrenaline infusion, but the rise was arrested by 3-OHB; replacing 3-OHB with glucose had no effect. Infusion of saline, glucose or 3-OHB in the absence of noradrenaline did not induce a rise in temperature in either tissue. Blood 3-OHB concentration increased to 1.2 mmoll-1 during 3-OHB infusion, decreasing rapidly at the end of infusion. Blood glucose levels increased with noradrenaline infusion; the presence of high 3-OHB levels decreased glucose concentration. The effects observed were transient and dependent on 3-OHB concentration; these effects may help explain most of the other effects of noradrenaline described here. The role of 3-OHB as a regulator of adrenergic responses seems to be part of a complex fail-safe mechanism which prevents wasting.
Conscious female adult lean and obese Zucker rats were injected through the jugular vein with radioactive iodine-labeled murine leptin; in the ensuing 8 min, four blood samples were sequentially extracted from the carotid artery. The samples were used in a modified RIA for leptin, in which paired tubes received the same amount of either labeled or unlabeled leptin, thus allowing us to estimate both leptin levels and specific radioactivity. The data were used to determine the decay curve parameters from which the half-life of leptin (5.46 ± 0.23 min for lean rats and 6.99 ± 0.75 min for obese rats) as well as the size of its circulating pool (32 pmol/kg for lean rats and 267 pmol/kg for obese rats) and the overall degradation rate (96 fkat/kg for lean rats and 645 fkat/kg for obese rats) were estimated. These values are consistent with the hormonal role of leptin and the need for speedy changes in its levels in response to metabolic challenge.
1. The effects of "cafeteria feeding" on primiparous Wistar rats during lactation have been studied by measuring circulating levels of glucose, amino acids, lactate, urea and ammonia as well as glycogen levels in liver and muscle. 2. No significant changes in glucose levels were observed despite alterations in blood glucose compartmentation. 3. Compared with controls, the dams given the cafeteria diet had higher liver glycogen stores which were more easily mobilized at the peak of lactation. 4. Rats given the cafeteria diet showed a lower amino acid utilization than controls and adequately maintained circulating levels, as determined by the lower circulating levels of ammonia and urea. 5. No significant differences in body-weight were observed in the period studied despite increasing dam weight after weaning in the cafeteria-fed group. 6. The size of pups of cafeteria-fed dams was greater than that of controls, and the differences were marked after weaning, when the metabolic machinery of the cafeteria pup maintained high protein accretion and body build-up using fat as the main energy substrate characteristic of the preweaning stage. The controls, however, changed to greater utilization of amino acids as an energy substrate and adapted to high-protein (lowbiological-quality) diets with a significantly different pattern of circulating nitrogen distribution.
The presynaptic plasma membrane (PSPM) of cholinergic nerve terminals was purified from Torpedo electric organ using a large-scale procedure. Up to 500 g of frozen electric organ were fractioned in a single run, leading to the isolation of greater than 100 mg of PSPM proteins. The purity of the fraction is similar to that of the synaptosomal plasma membrane obtained after subfractionation of Torpedo synaptosomes as judged by its membrane-bound acetylcholinesterase activity, the number of Glycera convoluta neurotoxin binding sites, and the binding of two monoclonal antibodies directed against PSPM. The specificity of these antibodies for the PSPM is demonstrated by immunofluorescence microscopy.
BACKGROUND: (S)-Methadone, metabolized mainly by CYP2B6, shows a wide interindividual variability in its pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. METHODS: Resequencing of the CYP2B6 gene was performed in 12 and 35 selected individuals with high (S)-methadone plasma exposure and low (S)-methadone plasma exposure, respectively, from a previously described cohort of 276 patients undergoing methadone maintenance treatment. Selected genetic polymorphisms were then analyzed in the complete cohort. RESULTS: The rs35303484 (*11; c136A>G; M46V) polymorphism was overrepresented in the high (S)-methadone level group, whereas the rs3745274 (*9; c516G>T; Q172H), rs2279344 (c822+183G>A), and rs8192719 (c1294+53C>T) polymorphisms were underrepresented in the low (S)-methadone level group, suggesting an association with decreased CYP2B6 activity. Conversely, the rs3211371 (*5; c1459C>T; R487C) polymorphism was overrepresented in the low-level group, indicating an increased CYP2B6 activity. A higher allele frequency was found in the high-level group compared with the low-level group for rs3745274 (*9; c516G>T; Q172H), rs2279343 (*4; c785A>G; K262R) (together representing CYP2B6*6), rs8192719 (c1294+53C>T), and rs2279344 (c822+183G>A), suggesting their involvement in decreased CYP2B6 activity. These results should be replicated in larger independent cohorts. CONCLUSION: Known genetic polymorphisms in CYP2B6 contribute toward explaining extreme (S)-methadone plasma levels observed in a cohort of patients following methadone maintenance treatment.
The ring sulfoxidation of thioridazine (THD), a widely used neuroleptic agent, yields two diastereoisomeric pairs, fast- and slow-eluting (FE and SE) thioridazine 5-sulfoxide (THD 5-SO). Until now, studies in which concentrations of these metabolites were measured in THD-treated patients have revealed no significant differences in their concentrations. Preliminary experiments in our laboratory had shown that sunlight and, to a lesser extent, dim daylight led to racemization and probably also to photolysis of the diastereoisomeric pairs as measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. Similar results were also obtained with direct UV light (UV lamp). In appropriate light-protected conditions, THD, northioridazine, mesoridazine, sulforidazine, and FE and SE THD 5-SO were measured in 11 patients treated with various doses of THD for at least 1 week. Significantly higher concentrations of the FE stereoisomeric pair were found. The concentration ratios THD 5-SO (FE)/THD 5-SO (SE) ranged from 0.89 to 1.75 in plasma and from 1.15 to 2.05 in urine. Because it is known that the ring sulfoxide contributes to the cardiotoxicity of the drug even more potently than the parent compound does, these results justify further studies to determine whether there is stereoselectivity in the cardiotoxicity of THD 5-SO.
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is the reference method for measuring concentrations of antimicrobials in blood. This technique requires careful sample preparation. Protocols using organic solvents and/or solid extraction phases are time consuming and entail several manipulations, which can lead to partial loss of the determined compound and increased analytical variability. Moreover, to obtain sufficient material for analysis, at least 1 ml of plasma is required. This constraint makes it difficult to determine drug levels when blood sample volumes are limited. However, drugs with low plasma-protein binding can be reliably extracted from plasma by ultra-filtration with a minimal loss due to the protein-bound fraction. This study validated a single-step ultra-filtration method for extracting fluconazole (FLC), a first-line antifungal agent with a weak plasma-protein binding, from plasma to determine its concentration by HPLC. Spiked FLC standards and unknowns were prepared in human and rat plasma. Samples (240 microl) were transferred into disposable microtube filtration units containing cellulose or polysulfone filters with a 5 kDa cut-off. After centrifugation for 60 min at 15000g, FLC concentrations were measured by direct injection of the filtrate into the HPLC. Using cellulose filters, low molecular weight proteins were eluted early in the chromatogram and well separated from FLC that eluted at 8.40 min as a sharp single peak. In contrast, with polysulfone filters several additional peaks interfering with the FLC peak were observed. Moreover, the FLC recovery using cellulose filters compared to polysulfone filters was higher and had a better reproducibility. Cellulose filters were therefore used for the subsequent validation procedure. The quantification limit was 0.195 mgl(-1). Standard curves with a quadratic regression coefficient > or = 0.9999 were obtained in the concentration range of 0.195-100 mgl(-1). The inter and intra-run accuracies and precisions over the clinically relevant concentration range, 1.875-60 mgl(-1), fell well within the +/-15% variation recommended by the current guidelines for the validation of analytical methods. Furthermore, no analytical interference was observed with commonly used antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals and immunosuppressive agents. Ultra-filtration of plasma with cellulose filters permits the extraction of FLC from small volumes (240 microl). The determination of FLC concentrations by HPLC after this single-step procedure is selective, precise and accurate.