1000 resultados para Asistencia técnica
A brief discussion of the non-chromatographic continuous separation techniques is presented emphasizing the pervaporation process. It makes interesting choices for implementing various preliminary operations of the analytical process in order to accommodate the raw sample to the measuring instrument. Discussions include the perceived advantages and disadvantages, the underlying principles of pervaporation process, the flexible module and fields of application.
This review presents some characteristics related to slurry sampling in trace analysis in terms of its advantages, limitations and applications, as well as the latest advance in this area, such as mechanization, chemical modifiers, stabilization agents and others. The reviewed applications include foods, biological and geological materials.
The solution fluorescence of N-alkyl-2,3-naphthalimides (1-4) in polar protic and aprotic solvents was compared to the emission from solid samples resulting from the imide complexation with b-cyclodextrin or adsorption on the surface of microcrystalline cellulose. Solid samples of the inclusion complex 2,3-naphthalimides/b-cyclodextrin show maximum for fluorescence emission significantly different to the observed in methanolic solution. Beside this, a clear effect on the alkyl chain length could be observed for these samples which is probably due to differences in probe location inside the cyclodextrin cavity. The constancy for fluorescence quantum yield and fluorescence lifetime for the imides 1 - 4 adsorbed on microcrystalline cellulose suggests that, independently of the polarity of the solvent used for sample preparation, the probe is preferentially located on the cellulose surface. An increase of fluorescence quantum yield and fluorescence lifetime for solid samples, when compared to the values obtained in solution for the different solvents employed in this study (acetonitrile, methanol and water), is fully in accordance with a decrease of the probe mobility due to inclusion in b-cyclodextrin or to adsorption on cellulose.
In this work we first introduce the reader to the basic concepts of biology, bioenergetics and biochemistry, concerning the area of cell biology. Then we explain what diauxism is and an example of this phenomenon, applied to S. cerevisiae, is presented. Finally, thermograms obtained by microcalorimetry, from S. cerevisiae that undergo diauxism, are discussed from a biochemical point of view.
The combination of cyclic voltammetry and on line mass spectrometry, called differential electrochemical mass spectrometry (DEMS), is already a well established method for on line identification and quantitative detection of the products and intermediates of electrochemical reactions. This article aims to show the principles of the method and how this technique have been used to study electrochemical problems such the electrocatalytic oxidation of organic molecules, as methanol and ethanol, at noble metal electrodes.
The self-assembly technique is a powerful tool to fabricate ultrathin films from organic compounds aiming at technological applications in molecular electronics. This relatively new approach allows molecularly flat films to be obtained on a simple and cheap fashion from various types of material, including polyelectrolytes, conducting polymers, dyes and proteins. The resulting multilayer films may be fabricated according to specific requirements since their structural and physical properties may be controlled at the molecular level. In this review we shall comment upon the evolution of preparation methods for ultrathin films, the process of adsorption and their main properties, as well as some examples of technological applications of layer-by-layer or self-assembled films.
Un dels aspectes més crítics per assolir una definició avançada i realista del sistema SETRAM és la identificació de les tecnologies més adequades per a la localització d’usuaris mòbils, des de les ja existents (aplicables tant a la localització individual com agregada) fins a les més el.laborades per a la seva aplicació específica i exclusiva en aquest sistema.
A differential pulse polarographic study with the objective to determine iron (III) in presense of copper (II) in a supporting electrolyte based on citrate - EDTA was made. The best experimental conditions found were a supporting electrolyte of citrate 0.25 mol L-1, EDTA 0.050 mol L-1 and KNO3 0.50 mol L-1, pH 5.00. In this media iron (III) showed a polarographic peak in -0.08 V and the copper (II) in -0.34 V, both vs. Ag/AgCl (saturated KCl). Thus, a analytical method was developed and applied to determine iron (III) in brass alloy, a matrix were copper is in large excess over iron. The results obtained showed no interference of copper in the iron determination. The value of 0.21% of iron in the sample alloy composition was obtained and the method was validated by atomic absortion and recovery test, and the results exhibited a good agreement with the proposed method.
This review focus the more relevant foundations and applications of the Metallo-Organic Decomposition (MOD) technique, mainly within the last decade. The technique has grown significantly, mainly due to the good results concerning the preparation of multicomponent oxide systems with composition, structural and morphologic control, in a relatively simple way. This opened new opportunities to obtain materials with well-defined electrical and optical properties.
Este trabajo es una propuesta de integración de la Técnica Alexander y la Danza Movimiento Terapia. Partiendo de la realidad de que ambas técnicas tienen como objetivo final la integración de la dimensión de la psique, del cuerpo y de la emoción, para restaurar el equilibrio integral del ser humano que como consecuencia aporta un estado de salud al individuo. Cada una de ellas se posiciona sobre un camino diferente hacia la curación, aunque comparten muchas bases en común. Una de ellas trata del aprendizaje de un método: la Técnica Alexander, y la otra es una forma de psicoterapia para realizar un proceso terapéutico: la Danza Movimiento Terápia. Una se focaliza en la reeducación del uso psicofísico del individuo y en su interacción con el mundo interno y externo (TA) y el otro en la expresión y despliegue psico / corporal / emocional para la transformación y el desarrollo personal, y la curación del trauma (DMT). Como cada una de ellas ha desarrollado un aspecto más profundamente que otro, en el caso de la TA: la estructura psicofísica primaria y estructural orgánica, y la DMT: la emoción: su expresión y capacidad para la transformación. Y es estos aspectos más desarrollados que pueden enriquecer y desarrollar a la otra. Este texto aporta un estudio comparativo entre ambos métodos, los objetivos y la teoría que comparten como los aspectos en los que divergen. Finalmente se propone una hipótesis de integración de la TA, como técnica base de formación psicocorporal del estudiante dentro de un programa de formación de la DMT, y la DMT como técnica psicoterapéutica de acompañamiento de los estudiantes en formación de profesores de la TA.
This paper describes an experimental design technique, known as variables search, developed to expose the critical variables and screen out the irrelevant ones. It is easy to learn and use and clearly dissociates the main and interactions effects from each other. An example of air separation process by pressure swing adsorption was used to demonstrate how the variables search technique works. The phases of identification of the critical variables is shown, step by step,.
La jornada tècnica de l’arròs es consolida com una plataforma per presentar els resultats dels últims assajos i projectes d’investigació que s’estan duent a terme al Delta de l’Ebre associats al cultiu. Per una altra banda, és un punt de trobada entre tècnics, empreses i arrossers que permet l’intercanvi d’experiències i opinions. Un any més, us animem a participar en aquesta jornada tècnica que abordarà una gran varietat de temes relacionats amb la sanitat vegetal, l’agronomia del cultiu i el medi ambient.
Diffusion coefficients provide uniquely detailed and easily interpreted information on molecular organization and phase structure. They are quite sensitive to structural changes, and to binding and association phenomena, in particular for liquid colloidal or macromolecular systems. This paper describes the principles of diffusion measurements in liquids by pulsed magnetic field gradient spin-echo (PFG-SE) NMR spectroscopy. The important PFG-SE technique known as DOSY is presented and discussed. This is a noninvasive technique that can provide individual multicomponent translational diffusion coefficients with good precision in a few minutes, without the need for radioactive isotopic labelling.