861 resultados para Artificial neural networks seasons


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The objective of this work was to typify, through physicochemical parameters, honey from Campos do Jordão’s microrregion, and verify how samples are grouped in accordance with the climatic production seasonality (summer and winter). It were assessed 30 samples of honey from beekeepers located in the cities of Monteiro Lobato, Campos do Jordão, Santo Antonio do Pinhal e São Bento do Sapucaí-SP, regarding both periods of honey production (November to February; July to September, during 2007 and 2008; n = 30). Samples were submitted to physicochemical analysis of total acidity, pH, humidity, water activity, density, aminoacids, ashes, color and electrical conductivity, identifying physicochemical standards of honey samples from both periods of production. Next, we carried out a cluster analysis of data using k-means algorithm, which grouped the samples into two classes (summer and winter). Thus, there was a supervised training of an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) using backpropagation algorithm. According to the analysis, the knowledge gained through the ANN classified the samples with 80% accuracy. It was observed that the ANNs have proved an effective tool to group samples of honey of the region of Campos do Jordao according to their physicochemical characteristics, depending on the different production periods.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE


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A power transformer needs continuous monitoring and fast protection as it is a very expensive piece of equipment and an essential element in an electrical power system. The most common protection technique used is the percentage differential logic, which provides discrimination between an internal fault and different operating conditions. Unfortunately, there are some operating conditions of power transformers that can mislead the conventional protection affecting the power system stability negatively. This study proposes the development of a new algorithm to improve the protection performance by using fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms. An electrical power system was modelled using Alternative Transients Program software to obtain the operational conditions and fault situations needed to test the algorithm developed, as well as a commercial differential relay. Results show improved reliability, as well as a fast response of the proposed technique when compared with conventional ones.


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In this article we propose an efficient and accurate method for fault location in underground distribution systems by means of an Optimum-Path Forest (OPF) classifier. We applied the time domains reflectometry method for signal acquisition, which was further analyzed by OPF and several other well-known pattern recognition techniques. The results indicated that OPF and support vector machines outperformed artificial neural networks and a Bayesian classifier, but OPF was much more efficient than all classifiers for training, and the second fastest for classification.


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Solar reactors can be attractive in photodegradation processes due to lower electrical energy demand. The performance of a solar reactor for two flow configurations, i.e., plug flow and mixed flow, is compared based on experimental results with a pilot-scale solar reactor. Aqueous solutions of phenol were used as a model for industrial wastewater containing organic contaminants. Batch experiments were carried out under clear sky, resulting in removal rates in the range of 96100?%. The dissolved organic carbon removal rate was simulated by an empirical model based on neural networks, which was adjusted to the experimental data, resulting in a correlation coefficient of 0.9856. This approach enabled to estimate effects of process variables which could not be evaluated from the experiments. Simulations with different reactor configurations indicated relevant aspects for the design of solar reactors.


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This work proposes the development of an Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) estimator applied to speed control in a three-phase induction motor sensorless drive. Usually, ANFIS is used to replace the traditional PI controller in induction motor drives. The evaluation of the estimation capability of the ANFIS in a sensorless drive is one of the contributions of this work. The ANFIS speed estimator is validated in a magnetizing flux oriented control scheme, consisting in one more contribution. As an open-loop estimator, it is applied to moderate performance drives and it is not the proposal of this work to solve the low and zero speed estimation problems. Simulations to evaluate the performance of the estimator considering the vector drive system were done from the Matlab/Simulink(R) software. To determine the benefits of the proposed model, a practical system was implemented using a voltage source inverter (VSI) to drive the motor and the vector control including the ANFIS estimator, which is carried out by the Real Time Toolbox from Matlab/Simulink(R) software and a data acquisition card from National Instruments.


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As estimações das taxas de inflação são de fundamental importância para os gestores, pois as decisões de investimento estão intimamente ligadas a elas. Contudo, o comportamento inflacionário tende a ser não linear e até mesmo caótico, tornando difícil a sua correta estimação. Essa característica do fenômeno pode tornar imprecisos os modelos mais simples de previsão, acessíveis às pequenas organizações, uma vez que muitos deles necessitam de grandes manipulações de dados e/ou softwares especializados. O presente artigo tem por objetivo avaliar, por meio de análise formal estatística, a eficácia das redes neurais artificiais (RNA) na previsão da inflação, dentro da realidade de organizações de pequeno porte. As RNA são ferramentas adequadas para mensurar os fenômenos inflacionários, por se tratar de aproximações de funções polinomiais, capazes de lidar com fenômenos não lineares. Para esse processo, foram selecionados três modelos básicos de redes neurais artificiais Multi Layer Perceptron, passíveis de implementação a partir de planilhas eletrônicas de código aberto. Os três modelos foram testados a partir de um conjunto de variáveis independentes sugeridas por Bresser-Pereira e Nakano (1984), com defasagem de um, seis e doze meses. Para tal, foram utilizados testes de Wilcoxon, coeficiente de determinação R² e o percentual de erro médio dos modelos. O conjunto de dados foi dividido em dois, sendo um grupo usado para treinamento das redes neurais artificiais, enquanto outro grupo era utilizado para verificar a capacidade de predição dos modelos e sua capacidade de generalização. Com isso, o trabalho concluiu que determinados modelos de redes neurais artificiais têm uma razoável capacidade de predição da inflação no curto prazo e se constituem em uma alternativa razoável para esse tipo de mensuração.


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[ES]El spam, o correo no deseado enviado masivamente, es una amenaza que afecta al correo electrónico y otros medios de comunicación telemática. Su alto volumen de circulación genera pérdidas temporales y económicas considerables. Se presenta una solución a este problema: un sistema inteligente híbrido de filtrado antispam, basado en redes neuronales artificiales (RNA) no supervisadas. Consta de una etapa de preprocesado y de otra de procesado, basadas en distintos modelos de computación: programada (con 2 fases: manual y computacional) y neuronal (mediante mapas autoorganizados de Kohonen, SOM), respectivamente. Este sistema ha sido optimizado usando, como cuerpo de datos, ham de “Enron Email” y spam de dos fuentes diferentes. Se analiza la calidad y el rendimiento del mismo mediante diferentes métricas.


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Trabajo Fin de Grado de la doble titulación de Grado en Ingeniería Informática y Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich vorwiegend mit Detektionsproblemen, die bei Experimenten zur Chemie der Transactiniden mit dem schnellen Flüssig-Flüssig-Extraktionssystem SISAK auftraten. Bei diesen Experimenten wird als Detektionsmethode die Flüssigszintillationsspektroskopie (LSC) eingesetzt. Es werden Szintillationspulse registriert, die für das verursachende Teilchen charakteristische Formen zeigen, die unterschieden werden müssen. Am Beispiel der Auswertung des SISAK-Experimentes zur Chemie des Rutherfordiums vom November 1998 wurde gezeigt, dass es mit den herkömmlichen Verfahren zur Pulsformdiskriminierung nicht möglich ist, die aus dem Zerfall der Transactiniden stammenden alpha-Ereignisse herauszufiltern. Ursache dafür ist ein hoher Untergrund, der in erster Linie von beta/gamma-Teilchen, Spaltfragmenten und pile ups verursacht wird. Durch die Verfügbarkeit von Transientenrecordern ergeben sich neue Möglichkeiten für eine digitale Pulsformdiskriminierung. In dieser Arbeit wird erstmals die Methode der digitalen Pulsformdiskriminierung mit künstlichen neuronalen Netzen (PSD-NN) vorgestellt. Es wurde im Zuge der Auswertung des SISAK-Experimentes vom Februar 2000 gezeigt, dass neuronale Netze in der Lage sind, Pulsformen automatisch richtig zu klassifizieren. Es ergeben sich nahezu untergrundfreie alpha-Flüssigszintillationsspektren. Es werden Vor- und Nachteile der neuen Methode diskutiert. Es ist dadurch möglich geworden, in SISAK-Experimenten Transactinidenatome anhand ihres Zerfalls eindeutig zu charakterisieren. Das SISAK-System kann somit bei Experimenten zum Studium des chemischen Verhaltens von Transactiniden in flüssiger Phase eingesetzt werden.____


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DI Diesel engine are widely used both for industrial and automotive applications due to their durability and fuel economy. Nonetheless, increasing environmental concerns force that type of engine to comply with increasingly demanding emission limits, so that, it has become mandatory to develop a robust design methodology of the DI Diesel combustion system focused on reduction of soot and NOx simultaneously while maintaining a reasonable fuel economy. In recent years, genetic algorithms and CFD three-dimensional combustion simulations have been successfully applied to that kind of problem. However, combining GAs optimization with actual CFD three-dimensional combustion simulations can be too onerous since a large number of calculations is usually needed for the genetic algorithm to converge, resulting in a high computational cost and, thus, limiting the suitability of this method for industrial processes. In order to make the optimization process less time-consuming, CFD simulations can be more conveniently used to generate a training set for the learning process of an artificial neural network which, once correctly trained, can be used to forecast the engine outputs as a function of the design parameters during a GA optimization performing a so-called virtual optimization. In the current work, a numerical methodology for the multi-objective virtual optimization of the combustion of an automotive DI Diesel engine, which relies on artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms, was developed.


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Im Forschungsgebiet der Künstlichen Intelligenz, insbesondere im Bereich des maschinellen Lernens, hat sich eine ganze Reihe von Verfahren etabliert, die von biologischen Vorbildern inspiriert sind. Die prominentesten Vertreter derartiger Verfahren sind zum einen Evolutionäre Algorithmen, zum anderen Künstliche Neuronale Netze. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Entwicklung eines Systems zum maschinellen Lernen, das Charakteristika beider Paradigmen in sich vereint: Das Hybride Lernende Klassifizierende System (HCS) wird basierend auf dem reellwertig kodierten eXtended Learning Classifier System (XCS), das als Lernmechanismus einen Genetischen Algorithmus enthält, und dem Wachsenden Neuralen Gas (GNG) entwickelt. Wie das XCS evolviert auch das HCS mit Hilfe eines Genetischen Algorithmus eine Population von Klassifizierern - das sind Regeln der Form [WENN Bedingung DANN Aktion], wobei die Bedingung angibt, in welchem Bereich des Zustandsraumes eines Lernproblems ein Klassifizierer anwendbar ist. Beim XCS spezifiziert die Bedingung in der Regel einen achsenparallelen Hyperquader, was oftmals keine angemessene Unterteilung des Zustandsraumes erlaubt. Beim HCS hingegen werden die Bedingungen der Klassifizierer durch Gewichtsvektoren beschrieben, wie die Neuronen des GNG sie besitzen. Jeder Klassifizierer ist anwendbar in seiner Zelle der durch die Population des HCS induzierten Voronoizerlegung des Zustandsraumes, dieser kann also flexibler unterteilt werden als beim XCS. Die Verwendung von Gewichtsvektoren ermöglicht ferner, einen vom Neuronenadaptationsverfahren des GNG abgeleiteten Mechanismus als zweites Lernverfahren neben dem Genetischen Algorithmus einzusetzen. Während das Lernen beim XCS rein evolutionär erfolgt, also nur durch Erzeugen neuer Klassifizierer, ermöglicht dies dem HCS, bereits vorhandene Klassifizierer anzupassen und zu verbessern. Zur Evaluation des HCS werden mit diesem verschiedene Lern-Experimente durchgeführt. Die Leistungsfähigkeit des Ansatzes wird in einer Reihe von Lernproblemen aus den Bereichen der Klassifikation, der Funktionsapproximation und des Lernens von Aktionen in einer interaktiven Lernumgebung unter Beweis gestellt.