980 resultados para Aperture antennas.


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Two different methods to reduce the noise power in the far-field pattern of an antenna as measured in cylindrical near-field (CNF) are proposed. Both methods are based on the same principle: the data recorded in the CNF measurement, assumed to be corrupted by white Gaussian and space-stationary noise, are transformed into a new domain where it is possible to filter out a portion of noise. Those filtered data are then used to calculate a far-field pattern with less noise power than that one obtained from the measured data without applying any filtering. Statistical analyses are carried out to deduce the expressions of the signal-to-noise ratio improvement achieved with each method. Although the idea of the two alternatives is the same, there are important differences between them. The first one applies a modal filtering, requires an oversampling and improves the far-field pattern in all directions. The second method employs a spatial filtering on the antenna plane, does not require oversampling and the far-field pattern is only improved in the forward hemisphere. Several examples are presented using both simulated and measured near-field data to verify the effectiveness of the methods.


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In large antenna arrays with a large number of antenna elements, the required number of measurements for the characterization of the antenna array is very demanding in cost and time. This letter presents a new offline calibration process for active antenna arrays that reduces the number of measurements by subarray-level characterization. This letter embraces measurements, characterization, and calibration as a global procedure assessing about the most adequate calibration technique and computing of compensation matrices. The procedure has been fully validated with measurements of a 45-element triangular panel array designed for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite tracking that compensates the degradation due to gain and phase imbalances and mutual coupling.


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CubeSat platforms have become a de facto standard for universities willing to initiate space-technology activities with students. These small satellite platforms ease the implementation of hands-on education projects and opening the apertures of new research areas. Moreover, due to the limited volume (a 10 cm cube) and power (1 W), the application of imaginative solutions is mandatory. This leads to new innovation processes in the course of CubeSat projects. In this paper, we present a hands-on education project the aim of which is the specification, design, building and measurement of an antenna for communication between nanosatellites and, in particular, CubeSats. The project lies within the framework of ETSIT-UPM innovative education activities in the area of space technology, where students play a leading role in real engineering projects.


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Tropospheric scintillation can become a significant impairment in satellite communication systems, especially in those with low fade-margin. Moreover, fast amplitude fluctuations due to scintillation are even larger when rain is present on the propagation path. Few studies of scintillation during rain have been reported and the statistical characterization is still not totally clear. This paper presents experimental results on the relationship between scintillation and rain attenuation obtained from slant-path attenuation measurements at 50 GHz. The study is focused on the probability density function (PDF) of various scintillation parameters. It is shown that scintillation intensity, measured as the standard deviation of the amplitude fluctuations, increases with rain attenuation; in the range 1-10 dB this relationship can be expressed by power-law or linear equations. The PDFs of scintillation intensity conditioned to a given rain attenuation level are lognormal, while the overall long-term PDF is well fltted by a generalized extreme valué (GEV) distribution. The short-term PDFs of amplitude conditioned to a given intensity are normal, although skewness effects are observed for the strongest intensities. A procedure is given to derive numerically the overall PDF of scintillation amplitude using a combination of conditional PDFs and local statistics of rain attenuation.


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Reverberation chambers are well known for providing a random-like electric field distribution. Detection of directivity or gain thereof requires an adequate procedure and smart post-processing. In this paper, a new method is proposed for estimating the directivity of radiating devices in a reverberation chamber (RC). The method is based on the Rician K-factor whose estimation in an RC benefits from recent improvements. Directivity estimation relies on the accurate determination of the K-factor with respect to a reference antenna. Good agreement is reported with measurements carried out in near-field anechoic chamber (AC) and using a near-field to far-field transformation.


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A uniform geometrical theory of diffraction (UTD) solution is developed for the canonical problem of the electromagnetic (EM) scattering by an electrically large circular cylinder with a uniform impedance boundary condition (IBC), when it is illuminated by an obliquely incident high frequency plane wave. A solution to this canonical problem is first constructed in terms of an exact formulation involving a radially propagating eigenfunction expansion. The latter is converted into a circumferentially propagating eigenfunction expansion suited for large cylinders, via the Watson transform, which is expressed as an integral that is subsequently evaluated asymptotically, for high frequencies, in a uniform manner. The resulting solution is then expressed in the desired UTD ray form. This solution is uniform in the sense that it has the important property that it remains continuous across the transition region on either side of the surface shadow boundary. Outside the shadow boundary transition region it recovers the purely ray optical incident and reflected ray fields on the deep lit side of the shadow boundary and to the modal surface diffracted ray fields on the deep shadow side. The scattered field is seen to have a cross-polarized component due to the coupling between the TEz and TMz waves (where z is the cylinder axis) resulting from the IBC. Such cross-polarization vanishes for normal incidence on the cylinder, and also in the deep lit region for oblique incidence where it properly reduces to the geometrical optics (GO) or ray optical solution. This UTD solution is shown to be very accurate by a numerical comparison with an exact reference solution.


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Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) based on Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS) [1] are one type of metamaterials [2] with electrical properties [3]. This EBG are used in mutual coupling reduction, back lobe radiation reduction, etc. In this work not only new shapes for the mushroom-type are presented, but also multilayered configurations were studied in order to reduce the patch size and the necessary number of elements.


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The study of atmospheric propagation impairments at submillimeter and THz frequencies is becoming increasingly relevant due to the strong effects caused by the composition of the troposphere and the phenomena occurring in it. The present paper is devoted to the estimation of total attenuation at 100 GHz and 300 GHz under non-rainy scenarios. With this purpose, 4 years of meteorological data from Madrid have been collected, including radiosoundings from Madrid-Barajas Airport and co-site SYNOP observations. This volume of data has been analyzed with the aim of also introducing a detection method of rain conditions, which cannot be easily identified in radiosounding profiles. Finally, the method has been used to discard several probable events which would be responsible of scattering conditions and, hence, yearly CDFs of total attenuation have been obtained. It is expected that the statistics would be closest to the ones obtained by experimental techniques under similar atmospheric conditions.


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In SSL general illumination, there is a clear trend to high flux packages with higher efficiency and higher CRI addressed with the use of multiple color chips and phosphors. However, such light sources require the optics provide color mixing, both in the near-field and far-field. This design problem is specially challenging for collimated luminaries, in which diffusers (which dramatically reduce the brightness) cannot be applied without enlarging the exit aperture too much. In this work we present first injection molded prototypes of a novel primary shell-shaped optics that have microlenses on both sides to provide Köhler integration. This shell is design so when it is placed on top of an inhomogeneous multichip Lambertian LED, creates a highly homogeneous virtual source (i.e, spatially and angularly mixed), also Lambertian, which is located in the same position with only small increment of the size (about 10-20%, so the average brightness is similar to the brightness of the source). This shell-mixer device is very versatile and permits now to use a lens or a reflector secondary optics to collimate the light as desired, without color separation effects. Experimental measurements have shown optical efficiency of the shell of 95%, and highly homogeneous angular intensity distribution of collimated beams, in good agreement with the ray-tracing simulations.


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This paper presents a study of three possible solutions that can be taken into account to control the phase shift between elements in an antenna array. Because commercial digital phase shifters have become a strategic element by U.S. Government, these elements have increased their price. For this reason, it is necessary to adopt some solutions that allow us to deal with the design and construction of antenna arrays.


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This paper presents a simple gravity evaluation model for large reflector antennas and the experimental example for a case study of one uplink array of 4x35-m antennas at X and Ka band. This model can be used to evaluate the gain reduction as a function of the maximum gravity distortion, and also to specify this at system designer level. The case study consists of one array of 35-m antennas for deep space missions. Main issues due to the gravity effect have been explored with Monte Carlo based simulation analysis.


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A novel formulation for the surface impedance characterization is introduced for the canonical problem of surface fields on a perfect electric conductor (PEC) circular cylinder with a dielectric coating due to a electric current source using the Uniform Theory of Diffraction (UTD) with an Impedance Boundary Condition (IBC). The approach is based on a TE/TM assumption of the surface fields from the original problem. Where this surface impedance fails, an optimization is performed to minimize the error in the SD Green?s function between the original problem and the equivalent one with the IBC. This new approach requires small changes in the available UTD based solution with IBC to include the geodesic ray angle and length dependence in the surface impedance formulas. This asymptotic method, accurate for large separations between source and observer points, in combination with spectral domain (SD) Green?s functions for multidielectric coatings leads to a new hybrid SD-UTD with IBC to calculate mutual coupling among microstrip patches on a multilayer dielectric-coated PEC circular cylinder. Results are compared with the eigenfunction solution in SD, where a very good agreement is met.


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A novel formulation for the surface impedance characterization is introduced for the canonical problem of surface fields on a perfect electric conductor (PEC) circular cylinder with a dielectric coating due to a electric current source using the Uniform Theory of Diffraction (UTD) with an Impedance Boundary Condition (IBC). The approach is based on a TE/TM assumption of the surface fields from the original problem. Where this surface impedance fails, an optimization is performed to minimize the error in the SD Green?s function between the original problem and the equivalent one with the IBC. This asymptotic method, accurate for large separations between source and observer points, in combination with spectral domain (SD) Green?s functions for multidielectric coatings leads to a new hybrid SD-UTD with IBC to calculate mutual coupling among microstrip patches on a multilayer dielectric-coated PEC circular cylinder. Results are compared with the eigenfunction solution in SD, where a very good agreement is met.


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We envision that dynamic multiband transmissions taking advantage of the receiver diversity (even for collocated antennas with different polarization or radiation pattern) will create a new paradigm for these links guaranteeing high quality and reliability. However, there are many challenges to face regarding the use of broadband reception where several out of band (with respect to multiband transmission) strong interferers, but still within the acquisition band, may limit dramatically the expected performance. In this paper we address this problem introducing a specific capability of the communication system that is able to mitigate these interferences using analog beamforming principles. Indeed, Higher Order Crossing (HOCs) joint statistics of the Single Input ? Multiple Output (SIMO) system are shown to effectively determine the angle on arrival of the wavefront even operating over highly distorted signals.


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The reliability of bidirectional communication link can be guaranteed with Automatic Repeat Request Procedures (ARQ). The standard STANAG 5066 describes the ARQ procedure for HF communications that can either be applied to existing HF physical layers modems or adapted to future physical layer designs. In this contribution the physical layer parameters of an HF modem (HFDVL), developed by the authors over the last decade, are chosen to optimize the performance of the ARQ procedure described in STANAG 5066. Besides the interleaving length, constellation size and coding type, the OFDM-based HFDVL modem permits the selection of the number of receiver antennas. It will be shown that this parameter gives additional degrees of freedom and permits reliable communication over low SNR HF communication links.