997 resultados para Anticorpos antifosfolipídeos
The purpose of this study was to assess the immunohistochemical expression of CD105 and FvW antibodies in the angiogenesis of oral epidermoid carcinoma (OEC), correlating it with the TNM clinical staging system, seeking a better understanding of its biological behavior and use as an indicator of prognosis.The sample consisted of 30 epidermoid carcinoma (EC) cases, 10 of the floor of the mouth, 10 of the retromolar region and 10 of the tongue, in addition to 10 cases of pyogenic granuloma, which made up the control group. The results showed that mean microvessel counts (MVC) were correspondingly higher in the pyogenic granuloma group (CD105 = 57.26 vessels and FvW = 39.64) than in the EC group (CD105 = 10.09 and FvW = 12.20) and that the differences were statistically significant between the groups for each of the angiogenic biomarkers (p = 0.002 for CD105 and p< 0.001 for FvW). CD105 had better positivity in the pyogenic granuloma group (mean = 57.26 vessels) and for EC, FvW had the highest expression (mean = 12.20 vessels). With respect to EC, the most affected age group was between 51 and 70 years (n = 14; 46.7%), with a representative MVC for both markers. No statistically significant difference was found between the sexes for any of the markers (p = 0.967 for CD105 and p = 0.744 for FvW). Mean CD105 levels were much higher in patients with stage T3 and T4 (17.13) and lower in those with stage N+ (6.36). Mean FvW levels were higher in the patients with stage T1 and T2 (12.23) and lower in patients with T3 and T4 (12.10), but without a statistically significant difference. In regard to anatomic location, a statistically significant difference was observed between FvW sites, with a statistically significant difference between floor of the mouth cases and those located in the retromolar region (p =0.013). Therefore, this study suggests that CD105 expression in OEC angiogenesis, in contrast to other types of malignant neoplasias, may not be correlated with prognosis and tumor aggressiveness, whereas FvW was a more effective antibody for staining this lesion
Angiogenesis, a fundamental mechanism in tumor development, is used for differential diagnosis and prognosis purposes in various neoplasias of the head and neck. This study proposes to assess angiogenic activity using immunohistochemical expression by anti-CD105 and anti-CD34 antibodies in 20 cases of hemangiomas and 20 cases of oral pyogenic granulomas, in addition to determining the usefulness of these markers as one of the differential diagnosis resources for these two oral lesions. The results showed no statistically significant difference between microvascular count (MVC) means determined by anti-CD105 (p = 0.803) and anti-CD34 (p = 0.279) antibodies. The mean number of vessels obtained by MVC in the oral hemangiomas immunostained by anti-CD105 and anti-CD34 was 18.75 and 59.72, respectively, whereas in the oral pyogenic granulomas, the mean number was 20.22 and 48.09 respectively. It was also shown that CD34 was more effective than CD105 in identifying blood vessels. However, it must be pointed out that the anti-CD105 antibody seems to be more related to vascular neoformation. Overall, this assay reinforces the role of angiogenic factors in the etiopathogenesis of hemangiomas and oral pyogenic granulomas, but the results showed that angiogenesis quantification cannot be used as a differential diagnosis parameter between the two lesions analyzed
The Oral Epithelial Dysplasia (OED) is the lesion that precedes or co-exists with the Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC), presenting molecular and/or histological similar alterations. The divergences about the malignization potential of OEDs and the role of inflammation in this process make hard the early diagnosis and evaluation of OSCCs aggressiveness. Thus, it became the goal of this study to evaluate the role of inflammation in oral carcinogenesis and tumoral aggressiveness. For this purpose a morphological study was performed in 20 OED cases and 40 OSCC cases to detect the malignization potential of OEDs and the histologic malignancy grading (HMG) of OSCCs, analyzing superficial masses for dismorphism evaluation and the invasive front for evaluation of tumoral growing; and immunohistochemical, using anti-CD8, anti-FOXP3, anti-TGFβ, anti-TNFα and anti-NF-кB antibodies, comparing their with the types lesion, histological degree and intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate. The results were statistically significant for the parameters: cell maturity (p=0,0001), masses presence (p=0,038) and dismorphism (p=0,037), when associated to HMG. To compare the expression of the markers with the types lesion, a significantly higher expression of CD8 (p=0,001) and NF-кB (p=0,002) in the OED, and also a smaller expression of the epithelial TGFβ in the severe OEDs (p=0,011), without significant expression between OSCC degrees. By relating the expression of the studied markers with the inflammatory infiltrate intensity, a positive relation was observed with: inflammatory TNFα(p=0,003), epithelial TNFα and NF-кB (p=0,051 and p=0,004), in OEDs; and with CD8 (p=0,021) and TNFα (p=0,015) in conjunctive OSCCs; and a negative relation with epithelial TNFα (p=0,034) in OSCCs. No significant relation was found between FOXP3 with any of the studied variables. These findings lead to the conclusion that, the study of the invasive front is as important as the study of superficial masses for the evaluation of tumoral aggressiveness; the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate has no use as a parameter for prognostic evaluation of OSCC in routine exams, but, the molecular events detected in this study may be necessary to give basis for determining the malignant potential in OEDs and aggressiveness in OSCCs
The Giant Cell Lesions, both the Central Giant Cells Lesions (CGCL) as the Peripheral Giant Cells Lesions (PGCL), correspond to a group of oral lesions that are histologically similar entities; however they show a variable clinical behaviour. The purpose of this study was to compare the immunohistochemical expression of bone resorption factors RANK (Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor kappa B), RANKL (Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor kappa B Ligand) and OPG (Osteoprotegerin) between CGCL and PGCL. Additionally, these bone resorption factors were examined in terms of aggressiveness of these lesions. The sample consisted of 61 cases, 30 cases of PGCL and 31 CGCL (16 non-aggressive and 15 aggressive). The analysis was performed by quantification of mononuclear cells (MO) and giant multinucleated cells (CG) immunopositive to anti-RANK, anti-RANKL and anti-OPG antibodies in 10 fields. Moreover, according to the proportion between the amount of cells positive for RANKL and OPG, the cases were categorized into: RANKL>OPG, OPG>RANKL e RANKL=OPG. CGCL showed a higher amount of MO (p=0.002) and total cells (p=0.003) both positives to RANKL compared with the PGCL. Additionally, the CGCL revealed a significant association with the ratio of RANKL>OPG (p=0.001). Analysis of the bone resorption factors revealed no significant differences between aggressive and non-aggressive CGCL (p>0.05). It was observed a positive correlation between the markers themselves, and a negative correlation between lesion size and quantity of OPG positive MO cells (p=0,004) and total cells (p=0,009). Through these results, we suggest that the greatest CGCL resorptive potential compared to the PGCL, may have occurred to the high expression of RANKL. Furthermore differences in the biological behavior of aggressive and non-aggressive CGCL appear to be related to the expression of these bone resorption factors
Periodontal disease is an infection initiated by oral periodontal pathogens that trigger an immune response culminating in tissue destruction. This destruction is mediated by the host by inducing the production and activation of lytic enzymes, cytokines and the stimulation of osteoclastogenesis. The aim of this study was to compare the immunohistochemical expression of factors involved in bone resorption, RANKL (Ligand Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor kappa B), OPG (Osteoprotegerin) and TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor alpha) between the gingival healthy, gingivitis and chronic periodontitis and correlate them with clinical parameters. The sample consisted of 83 cases and 12 clinically healthy gums, 42 gingivitis and 29 periodontitis, from 74 adolescent and adult patients with a mean age of 35 years, without systemic changes and non-smokers, predominantly female and race brown. There was no statistically significant difference for the expression of anti-RANKL (p = 0.581) and RANKL / OPG ratio (p = 0.334) when comparing the three conditions, but the anti-OPG and anti-TNF-α showed statistically significant between the types of injury (p = 0.001 and p <0.001, respectively), showing greatest expression in periodontitis. In cases of periodontitis, the variable clinical attachment loss (PIC) was statistically significant and positive correlation, respectively, with immunostaining of anti-RANKL (p = 0.002, p = 0.001 and r = 0.642), anti-OPG (p = 0.018, p = 0.014 and r = 0.451), anti-TNF-α (p = 0.032, p = 0.014 and r = 0.453) and the percentage ratio of RANKL / OPG (p = 0.018, p = 0.002 and r = 0.544). The tooth mobility (MB) showed a statistically significant difference only with immunohistochemical anti-RANKL (p = 0.026), and probing depth (PD) was positively correlated with anti-RANKL (p = 0.028 and r = 0.409), both in cases of periodontitis. Only in cases of gingivitis TNF-α was positively correlated with RANKL (p = 0.012 and r = 0.384) and the RANKL / OPG ratio (p = 0.027 and r = 0.341). Given these results, we conclude that the greatest expression of TNF-α in periodontitis demonstrates a relationship with the progression and severity of periodontal disease and the correlation between all antibodies and clinical attachment loss demonstrates their involvement in periodontal bone resorption
The aim of this study was determine whether an association exists in the gum tissue between the expression of markers of tissue hypoxia (HIF-1α and GLUT-1) with a marker of inflammatory activity (COX-2) and a marker of collagen degradation (EMMPRIN). Was performed immunohistochemistry with antibodies specific for these markers on 60 samples of gingival tissue divided into two groups: gums (n = 26) and gingivitis (n = 34) and expression was analyzed in the epithelial tissue and connective tissue . The reactivity epithelial for COX-2 was observed in only two cases as the HIF-1α, GLUT-1 and EMMPRIN was strongly expressed in the epithelial basal layer and the immunostaining was gradually decreased as the cells away from this layer, and negative in the region suprabasal in most specimens. In connective tissue, and HIF-1α EMMPRIN were strongly positive for most cases analyzed as GLUT-1 was negative in most cases. Immunostaining for COX-2 showed an association with gingival inflammatory infiltrate. The expression of EMMPRIN, HIF-1α and GLUT-1 in normal gums confirms the physiological role of these markers, however there was no association with tissue inflammation. Given the findings we can conclude that the inflammatory changes installed in frames of chronic gingivitis may not be sufficient to activate the factors of hypoxia to levels that can be quantified by immunohistochemical analysis, in addition, the findings are not conclusive in relationship to involvement of EMMPRIN in the secretion of MMPs to degrade collagen in the frames of gingivitis. We suggest the use of technical analysis and quantification of RNA of EMMPRIN and MMPs in order to determine whether collagen degradation observed in gingivitis suffers or not, significant influence of EMMPRIN for secretion and activation of MMPs
Squamous cell carcinoma of the lower lip is among the most common malignant tumors of the oral and maxillofacial region, with good prognosis in more than 90% of patients with 5-year survival. In these carcinomas, the development of lymph node metastasis decreases the prognosis and it has been associated with the formation of new lymphatic vessels. It has been suggested the important role of vascular endothelial growth factor-C (VEGF-C), the receptor type 3 VEGF (VEGFR-3) and hypoxia-induced factor 1 (HIF-1) in this process. The aim of this study was to evaluate the immunoexpression of VEGF-C, VEGFR-3 and HIF-1α and correlate with intra and peritumoral lymphatic density in squamous cell carcinomas of the lower lip metastatic and non-metastatic. The sample consisted of 50 cases of squamous cell carcinoma of lower lip, of which 25 had regional lymph node metastasis and 25, absence of metastasis. The percentages of cells immunostained for VEGF-C, VEGFR-3 and HIF-1α in front of tumor invasion and in the center of tumor were evaluated. Microvessel density lymphatic (MDL) was determined by the counting of lymph microvessels immunostained by the anti-D2-40 in five fields (200×), in an area of evaluation with 0.7386 mm2. The invasion of the lymph vessels by malignant cells was also evaluated. Immunostaining was correlated with the presence and absence of metastasis, TNM clinical stage, local recurrence, disease outcome (remission of injury or patient death) and histological grading. The analysis of intra and peritumoral lymphatic density showed no significant association with clinicopathological parameters and immunoexpressions of VEGF-C, VEGFR-3 and HIF-1α (p > 0,05). There was a weak positive correlation, significant, between intra and peritumoral lymphatic density (r = 0,405; p = 0,004). VEGF-C showed no significant association with clinicopathological and prognosis parameters (p > 0,05). For VEGFR-3, there was scarce membrane staining and intense and homogenous cytoplasmic staining in neoplastic cells. Percentage of positive cytoplasmic VEGFR-3 in center of tumor, exhibited a statistically significant association with metastasis (p = 0,009), patient death (p = 0,008) and histological grades of malignancy proposed by Bryne et al. (1992) (p = 0,002) and World Health Organization (p = 0,003). A low positive correlation was statistically significant between the immunoreactivity of VEGFC and VEGFR-3 cytoplasmic (r = 0,358; p = 0,011) and between the percentage of positive cytoplasmic VEGFR-3 in front of tumor invasion and in the center of the tumor (r = 0,387; p = 0,005) was also demonstrated. There was no association between HIF-1α, clinicopathological and prognosis parameters, and VEGF-C and VEGFR-3. The percentage of nuclear positivity for HIF-1α was significantly higher in cases without invasion of peritumoral lymphatic (p = 0,040). Based on the results we can conclude that most cytoplasmic expression of VEGFR-3 in center of tumor in metastatic cases, high degree of malignancy and poorly differentiated, contributes to poor outcome of squamous cell carcinoma of the lower lip, including patient death. Intra and peritumoral lymphatic density seems to be not associated with lymph node metastasis in these carcinomas
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common malignancy in oral cavity and human papillomavirus (HPV) may have an important role in its development. The aim of this experiment was to investigate the HPV DNA and viral types in 90 cases of OSCC. Moreover, a comparative analysis between the cases of OSSC with and without HPV DNA was performed by using cell cycle markers p21 and pRb in order to detect a possible correlation of these proteins and HPV infection. DNA was extracted from paraffin embedded tissue and amplified by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) with primers PCO3+ e PCO4+ for a fragment of human β-globin gene. After this procedure, PCR for HPV DNA detection was realized using a pair of generic primers GP5+ e GP6+. Immunohistochemical study was performed by streptoavidin-biotin technique and antibodies against p21 and pRb proteins were employed. Eighty-eight cases were positive for human β-globin gene and HPV DNA was found in 26 (29.5%) of then. It could not be detected significant correlation between HPV and age, sex and anatomical sites of the lesion. The most prevalent viral type was HPV 18 (80.8%). Regarding the immunohistochemical analysis, it was detected significant association between HPV presence and pRb immunoexpression (p=0,044), nevertheless, the same was not observed in relation to p21 protein (p =0,416). It can be concluded that the low detection of HPV DNA in OSCC by the present experiment suggests a possible role of the virus in the development and progression in just a subset of this disease
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
The progression of the oral squamous cells carcinomas (OSCCs) seems to suffer influence from related factors to the host, as local and systemic immunologic response, which are essential to the antineoplasic defenses. The purpose of this study was evaluate the local immunity in 30 tongue and 20 lower lip SCC by immunohistochemistry method, utilizing antibodies anti-CD3, CD4, -CD8, -CD25 e -ζ(zeta), which immunoexpressions were compared considering the anatomical localization, the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate into the front of invasion and metastases. The CD4/CD8+ ratio was calculated for each case and associate with the mentioned variable, being the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrated also compared with the anatomical localization and metastase and for this the cases had been grouped in two categories: (n = 10) absent/scarce inflammatory infiltrate; and (n = 40) moderate/intense infiltrate. Fisher´s exact test was performed (α= 0.05) and it was not observed any significant correlation between these groups with anatomical sites and metastases. With regard to the immunoexpression, the CD3+, CD4+, CD8+ and CD25+ cells count was higher in the lower lip SCCs while the anti-ζimmunomarcation was more evident in the non metastatic cases. Through the statistical analyses, it was verified that the CD3 exhibited positive-significant correlation with the inflammatory infiltrate (p = 0.023). Furthermore, antibodies against CD8 and CD25 cells were also significantly correlated with the inflammatory infiltrate (p = 0.002 and 0.030, respectively) and with the anatomical site (p = 0.004 and p = 0.004) mainly in the lower lip SCCs. CD4/CD8 ratio did not show significant association with metastase nor with anatomical localization. We conclude that the inflammatory infiltrated of the Bryne s (1998) system did not constitute an indicator of aggressiveness in the tongue and lower lip SCCs analyzed and that clinical behavior of the SCCs studied was related in part to the immunohistochemical profile of infiltrated the inflammatory present in tumoral invasion front
Foi verificada pelo teste de ELISA indireto a resposta humoral contra os toxoides botulínicos C e D em bovinos de diferentes idades. O estudo envolveu 90 animais, que foram divididos em três grupos (n = 30), de acordo com a sua faixa etária; inferior a 2 anos de idade (G1), entre 2 e 5 anos (G2) e superior a 5 anos (G3). Os grupos experimentais foram vacinados com duas doses de vacina antibotulínica bivalente (C e D) comercial, nos dias 0 e 42 após a primo-vacinação (booster). Na avaliação, quando realizada 30 dias após o booster, os animais do G3 apresentaram maior produção de anticorpos (p < 0,05) em relação aos demais grupos. Entre o G1 e G2 não houve diferença significativa na resposta humoral contra a toxina C, no entanto, contra a toxina D, os animais do G1 apresentaram maior produção de anticorpos. Todos os grupos produziram uma resposta significativa de anticorpos contra as toxinas botulínicas após a 2ª dose da vacina bivalente comercial, principalmente contra o tipo D.
Baixas doses de irradiação associadas à infusão de células da medula óssea não previnem a ocorrência da reação do enxerto versus hospedeiro após o transplante intestinal. OBJETIVO: Neste estudo foi avaliado a potencial vantagem em estender o regime imunossupressor associado a infusão de células de medula óssea do doador depletadas de células T na prevenção da reação do enxerto versus hospedeiro após o transplante intestinal. MÉTODOS: Transplante heterotópico de intestino delgado foi realizado em ratos Lewis como receptores e da como doadores, distribuídos em cinco grupos de acordo com a duração da imunossupressão, irradiação e do uso de medula óssea normal ou depletada: G1 (n=6), sem irradiação e G2 (n=9), G3 (n=4), G4 (n=5) e G5 (n=6) foram irradiados com 250 rd. Grupos1, 2, 4 e G3 e 5 foram infundidos com 100 x 10(6) células da medula normal e depletada respectivamente. Animais no G1,2,3 foram imunossuprimidos com 1mg/kg/FK506/ IM por cinco dias e G4 e cinco por 15 dias. Anticorpos monoclonais contra células CD3 e colunas magnéticas foram utilizadas para a depleção da medula óssea. Os animais foram examinados para a presença de rejeição, reação do enxerto versus hospedeiro, chimerismo e biópsias intestinais e da pele. RESULTADOS: Rejeição mínima foi observada em todos os grupos; entretanto, a reação do enxerto versus hospedeiro somente nos animais irradiados. Extensão da imunossupressão alterou a gravidade da reação nos animais dos G4 e 5. Rejeição foi a causa mortis no G1 e a reação do enxerto versus hospedeiro nos Grupos 2,3,4 e 5, não controlada com a infusão de medula óssea depletada. O chimerismo total e de células T do doador foi estatisticamente maior nos grupos irradiados em comparação ao G1. CONCLUSÃO: A extensão do regime de imunossupressão associado a baixas doses de irradiação diminui a gravidade da reação do enxerto versus hospedeiro, não abolida pelo uso de medula óssea depletada.
Avaliaram-se as alterações clínico-laboratoriais de seis bezerros Nelore, de ambos os sexos, inoculados experimentalmente com 10(7) organismos viáveis de Trypanosoma vivax, isolados de bovinos da região de Poconé, Estado de Mato Grosso. Os animais foram observados diariamente, durante 30 dias, quanto aos parâmetros de temperatura retal, volume globular (VG), parasitemia, produção de anticorpos, coloração de mucosas, comportamento e apetite. Determinaram-se os níveis séricos de aspartato aminotransferase (AST), fosfatase alcalina (FA), gama glutamiltransferase (GGT), creatina kinase (CK), colesterol, uréia, creatinina, cálcio, fósforo e o perfil eletroforético das proteínas séricas aos 4, 8, 12, 16, 23 e 30 dias pós-inoculação (DPI). Durante os 6 meses seguintes, os animais foram observados semanalmente, avaliando-se a temperatura retal, o VG e a parasitemia. T. vivax foi evidenciado a partir do terceiro e quarto DPI em todos os bezerros e persistiu até o 30° DPI em cinco dos seis animais em estudo. Ocorreu um decréscimo significativo (p<0,05) do valor médio do VG (25%) aos dez DPI. Os animais não apresentaram qualquer alteração no quadro clínico, bem como na avaliação da bioquímica sérica durante o período experimental. A soroconversão ocorreu aos 6 e 8 DPI, permanecendo todos os animais soropositivos nos 30 dias experimentais. Bovinos nelores jovens, infectados experimentalmente com T. vivax, foram capazes de estabelecer um equilíbrio na relação hospedeiro-parasita.
Confeccionou-se um microarranjo de tecido (TMA) com 146 amostras de lesões prostáticas caninas. Este continha 17,2% de hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB), 32,4% de atrofia inflamatória proliferativa (PIA), 2,6% de prostatite, 8,6% de focos de neoplasia intraepitelial prostática (PIN), 29,1% de carcinomas e 9,3% de próstatas normais. Cortes histológicos sequenciais foram feitos e utilizados para reação de imunoistoquímica com os anticorpos primários anti-p-53, anti-NOS-2 e anti-GSTP. Avaliou-se de cada core o escore de células marcadas para cada anticorpo utilizado. Os resultados foram tabulados por grupo diagnóstico e submetidos ao teste Tuckey. Os carcinomas prostáticos do cão e a PIA apresentaram maior número de amostras (41) com mais de 75% das células positivas para NOS-2, demonstrando a influência do estresse oxidativo no desenvolvimento dessas lesões. As próstatas normais e as afecções desta glândula, HPB, PIA, PIN, prostatite e carcinoma, expressaram a proteína GSTP-1, o que conferiu proteção ao tecido prostático canino a danos oxidativos. A proteína p53 estava presente em todas as amostras estudadas, incluindo o tecido prostático normal, porém as lesões prostáticas apresentaram maior número de amostras com escores mais elevados de marcação (escores três e quatro), presente em 95% dos focos de PIA e carcinoma. Concluiu-se que o aumento de expressão de óxido nítrico nas lesões prostáticas no cão e a expressão de GSTP-1 podem ter protegido o tecido prostático canino e que a expressão de p53 foi positiva e uniforme nas próstatas normais e com lesões hiperplásicas e displásicas.
Foram avaliados dezesseis doentes portadores de pênfigo foliáceo endêmico, dez com a forma localizada da doença (Grupo G1) e seis com a forma disseminada (Grupo G2), com os objetivos de correlacionar o quadro clínico e laboratorial desses pacientes com o perfil imunológico dos mesmos, e verificar a relação dos títulos dos anticorpos antiepiderme circulantes, identificados pela imunofluorescência indireta, com intensidade da lesão e com a evolução das lesões em tratamento. Foram realizados: hemograma completo, quantificação de subpopulação de células mononucleares por anticorpos monoclonais e estudo da transformação blástica de linfócitos e quantificação de anticorpos circulantes por meio da reação de imunofluorescência indireta. Observou-se leucocitose principalmente no grupo G2, diminuição dos valores relativos das subpopulações de linfócitos CD3+ e CD4+ e tendência à diminuição dos valores relativos da subpopulação CD8+ nos doentes (Grupos G1 e G2). Os índices de transformação blástica de linfócitos frente à fitohemaglutinina revelaram níveis mais elevados nos doentes (Grupos G1 + G2), que nos controles. A reação de imunofluorescência indireta foi positiva em 100% dos doentes do grupo G2 e em 80% do grupo G1 A mediana dos valores dos títulos foi maior no grupo G2, quando comparado com o grupo G1. A análise global dos resultados permite concluir que a imunidade celular está preservada, e que existe uma relação entre os títulos de anticorpos obtidos à reação de imunofluorescência indireta e extensão da lesão cutânea.